/* infer Inference package for focus program Alan Bundy 7.7.82 */ infer(Concept) :- /* to forward infer from current defn */ rule(Rule), /* find a rule */ eval(Concept,Rule,Conc), /* evaluate rule in current defn */ simp(Conc,New), /* simplify conclusion */ insert(Concept,New), /* insert new conclusion in defn */ infer_mess(New), /* announce inference */ fail. /* force backtracking */ infer(_). /* until no new inferences remain */ eval(Concept,record(Args,Tree,Posn),Ans) :- /* to evaluate record */ definition(Concept,CObjs,CDefn), /* get concept defn */ member(define(Args,Tree,UpPosn,LowPosn),CDefn), /* match define and record */ get_tv(Args,Tree,Posn,UpPosn,Ans). /* get truth value */ /* to evaluate record in definition */ get_tv(_,_,Posn,UpPosn,t) :- /* return true if */ append(Posn,_,UpPosn), !. /* Posn is above upper mark */ get_tv(_,_,Posn,UpPosn,f) :- /* return false if */ common(Posn,UpPosn,Comm), /* shared part of positions */ Comm \== Posn, /* is equal to neither */ Comm \== UpPosn, !. get_tv(Args,Tree,Posn,_,record(Args,Tree,Posn)). /* otherwise return input */ eval(Concept,Formula,Formula1) :- /* to evaluate anything else */ Formula =.. [Func|Args], /* break it apart */ Func \== record, /* check it is not a record */ maplist(eval(Concept),Args,Args1), /* recurse on its args */ Formula1 =.. [Func|Args1]. /* and put answer together */ /* to simplify formula */ simp(t,t) :- !. /* do nothing if formula is t */ simp(f,f) :- !. /* do nothing if formula is f */ simp(record(Args,Tree,Posn),record(Args,Tree,Posn)) :- !. /* do nothing if formula is record */ simp(P,Q) :- !, /* to simplify complex formula */ P =.. [Func|Args], /* break it apart */ maplist(simp,Args,Args1), /* recurse on its args */ P1 =.. [Func|Args1], /* put it together again */ simp1(P1,Q). /* and perform simplification to it */ simp1(P,Q) :- /* to simplify at top level */ simp2(P,Q), !. /* apply rules if possible */ simp1(P,P). /* otherwise do nothing */ /* simplification rules */ simp2(P v t, t). simp2(P v f, P). simp2(t v P, t). simp2(f v P, P). simp2(P & t, P). simp2(P & f, f). simp2(t & P, P). simp2(f & P, f). simp2(P <-> t, P). simp2(P <-> f, NP) :- simp1(~P,NP). simp2(t <-> P, P). simp2(f <-> P, NP) :- simp1(~P,NP). simp2(P -> t, t). simp2(P -> f, NP) :- simp1(~P,NP). simp2(t -> P, P). simp2(f -> P, t). simp2(~t, f). simp2(~f, t). insert(Concept,record(Args,Tree,Posn)) :- /* to use inferred record */ make_tv(Concept,t,record(Args,Tree,Posn)). /* make it true */ insert(Concept,~record(Args,Tree,Posn)) :- /* to use inferred negation */ make_tv(Concept,f,record(Args,Tree,Posn)). /* make it false */ make_tv(Concept,TV,Record) :- /* to make record have truth value TV */ definition(Concept,CObjs,CDefn), /* get old definition */ one_of(make_tv1(TV,Record),CDefn,New), /* alter it */ assert(definition(Concept,CObjs,New)), /* assert new version */ retract(definition(Concept,CObjs,CDefn)). /* remove old definition */ make_tv1(t,record(Args,Tree,Posn), /* to make a record true */ define(Args,Tree,UpPosn,LowPosn), /* get current tree */ define(Args,Tree,Posn,LowPosn)) :- /* and replace upper mark with record position */ discriminate_mess(Args,Tree,UpPosn,Posn). /* print message */ make_tv1(f,record(Args,Tree,Posn), /* to make a record false */ define(Args,Tree,UpPosn,LowPosn), /* get current tree */ define(Args,Tree,New,LowPosn)) :- /* and replace upper mark with */ common(Posn,LowPosn,Comm), /* common part of record posn and lower mark */ append(Comm,[ N|_],LowPosn), /* with one more step */ append(Comm,[N],New), /* towards lower mark */ discriminate_mess(Args,Tree,UpPosn,New). /* print message */ /* Announce Inference */ infer_mess(record(Args,Name,Posn)) :- /* to announce positive deduction */ tree(Name,_,Tree), /* work out what relation is infered */ position(Pred,Tree,Posn), Reln =.. [Pred|Args], writef('I infer that %t is true. \n', [Reln]). /* and print message */ infer_mess(~record(Args,Name,Posn)) :- /* to announce negative deduction */ tree(Name,_,Tree), /* work out what relation is infered */ position(Pred,Tree,Posn), Reln =.. [Pred|Args], writef('I infer that %t is false. \n', [Reln]). /* and print message */