type a sentence - 'help' for help - 'bye' to exit
? help

You can give a command to MOVE or PUT a block somewhere.
E.g.    put a green block on a blue block
        move the little red block onto a big green block
        put a block on the table onto a blue block
        move the block on a block on a block onto a red block
? pick up the blue block

Trying to analyse:
pick up the blue block
** []
** cannot parse the sentence
type a sentence - 'help' for help - 'bye' to exit
? take the red block off the blue block

Trying to analyse:
take the red block off the blue block
** []
** cannot parse the sentence
type a sentence - 'help' for help - 'bye' to exit
? move the red block off the green block onto the table

Trying to analyse:
move the red block off the green block onto the table
** []
** cannot parse the sentence
type a sentence - 'help' for help - 'bye' to exit
? help

You can give a command to MOVE or PUT a block somewhere.
E.g.    put a green block on a blue block
        move the little red block onto a big green block
        put a block on the table onto a blue block
        move the block on a block on a block onto a red block

Trying to analyse:

** []
** cannot parse the sentence
type a sentence - 'help' for help - 'bye' to exit
? put the red block on the green block onto the table

Trying to analyse:
put the red block on the green block onto the table
** [[vp [v put]
        [np [det the] [snp [ap [adj red]] [noun block]]]
        [pp [prep on]
            [np [det the]
                [snp [ap [adj green]] [noun block]]
                [pp [prep onto] [np [det the] [snp [noun table]]]]]]]
    [vp [v put]
        [np [det the]
            [snp [ap [adj red]] [noun block]]
            [pp [prep on]
                [np [det the] [snp [ap [adj green]] [noun block]]]]]
        [pp [prep onto] [np [det the] [snp [noun table]]]]]]
** [[put the
         [[isa block ? A] [colour red ? A]]
         on the
         [[isa block ? A]
          [colour green ? A]
          [on ? A ? A1]
          [isa table ? A1]]]
    [put the
         [[isa block ? A]
          [colour red ? A]
          [on ? A ? A2]
          [isa block ? A2]
          [colour green ? A2]]
         on the
         [[isa table ? A]]]]
** [[put [ambgs] on boxg] [put [none] on table]]
** ambiguous or unsatisfiable reference(s)
type a sentence - 'help' for help - 'bye' to exit
? move the pink block onto the table

Trying to analyse:
move the pink block onto the table
** []
** cannot parse the sentence
type a sentence - 'help' for help - 'bye' to exit
? help

You can give a command to MOVE or PUT a block somewhere.
E.g.    put a green block on a blue block
        move the little red block onto a big green block
        put a block on the table onto a blue block
        move the block on a block on a block onto a red block
? put a green block onto the table

Trying to analyse:
put a green block onto the table
** [[vp [v put]
        [np [det a] [snp [ap [adj green]] [noun block]]]
        [pp [prep onto] [np [det the] [snp [noun table]]]]]]
** [[put a [[isa block ? A] [colour green ? A]] on the [[isa table ? A]]]]
** [[put boxG on table]]
** [put boxG on table]
** [[move boxb boxr] [move boxG table]]
** ok
type a sentence - 'help' for help - 'bye' to exit
? put the big green block onto the small green block

Trying to analyse:
put the big green block onto the small green block
** [[vp [v put]
        [np [det the] [snp [ap [adj big] [ap [adj green]]] [noun block]]]
        [pp [prep onto]
            [np [det the]
                [snp [ap [adj small] [ap [adj green]]] [noun block]]]]]]
** [[put the
         [[isa block ? A] [size large ? A] [colour green ? A]]
         on the
         [[isa block ? A] [size small ? A] [colour green ? A]]]]
** [[put boxG on boxg]]
** [put boxG on boxg]
** [[move boxG boxg]]
** ok
type a sentence - 'help' for help - 'bye' to exit
? put the small green block onto the small blue block

Trying to analyse:
put the small green block onto the small blue block
** [[vp [v put]
        [np [det the]
            [snp [ap [adj small] [ap [adj green]]] [noun block]]]
        [pp [prep onto]
            [np [det the]
                [snp [ap [adj small] [ap [adj blue]]] [noun block]]]]]]
** [[put the
         [[isa block ? A] [size small ? A] [colour green ? A]]
         on the
         [[isa block ? A] [size small ? A] [colour blue ? A]]]]
** [[put boxg on boxb]]
** [put boxg on boxb]
** [[move boxG boxR] [move boxg boxb]]
** ok
type a sentence - 'help' for help - 'bye' to exit
? put the big blue box onto the table

Trying to analyse:
put the big blue box onto the table
** [[vp [v put]
        [np [det the] [snp [ap [adj big] [ap [adj blue]]] [noun box]]]
        [pp [prep onto] [np [det the] [snp [noun table]]]]]]
** [[put the
         [[isa block ? A] [size large ? A] [colour blue ? A]]
         on the
         [[isa table ? A]]]]
** [[put boxB on table]]
** [put boxB on table]
** []
** too easy
type a sentence - 'help' for help - 'bye' to exit
? put the big blue box onto the little green box

Trying to analyse:
put the big blue box onto the little green box
** [[vp [v put]
        [np [det the] [snp [ap [adj big] [ap [adj blue]]] [noun box]]]
        [pp [prep onto]
            [np [det the]
                [snp [ap [adj little] [ap [adj green]]] [noun box]]]]]]
** [[put the
         [[isa block ? A] [size large ? A] [colour blue ? A]]
         on the
         [[isa block ? A] [size small ? A] [colour green ? A]]]]
** [[put boxB on boxg]]
** [put boxB on boxg]
** [[move boxg boxG]
    [move boxb boxg]
    [move boxr boxb]
    [move boxr table]
    [move boxb boxr]
    [move boxB boxg]]
** ok
type a sentence - 'help' for help - 'bye' to exit
? bye