Format of dictionary (LETT) array ================================= An item of length n bytes is stored as: 1 byte containing n n bytes containing the bytes of the name Format of dictionary hash table (WORD) ====================================== This is an open hash table. Each item is an integer containing the index in LETT of the actual string describing the identifier Format of the main list (ASL) ============================= This is a record array of length [asl+1]. Initially, the top 240 entries (from 'aslcurbtm' upwards) are used as the asl for the push/pop operations. If 'morespace' is called, 'aslcurbtm' is moved down by some computed amount, and the new area thus created is linked into the asl as a new set of formatted (linked) records. The lower part of the asl is used as a constant list; this extends to 'constlimit' (8 bytes below the current asl bottom), with the free pointer in 'constptr'. Values for ptype ================ 0 - nothing 1 - in main program block