PUSHS "\n" const char[2] snl { ind obj}; INIT 1 % prim int rem { ind obj}; (int p; int q;) % prim void readsymbol; (int typecode, void *p;) % prim real float { ind obj}; (int n;) % prim char[2] tostring { ind obj}; (int p;) % prim char[256] substring { ind obj}; (char[256] s; int f; int t;) % prim int freespace { ind obj}; () % prim void svc; (int n; struct /* (null) */ int typecode, void *r; ) % prim int addr { ind obj}; (int typecode, void *p;) % prim int integer; (int n;) % prim short int shortinteger; (int n;) % prim char int byteinteger; (int n;) % prim char[1] string; (int n;) % prim struct /* (null) */ record; (int n;) % prim real real; (int n;) % prim long real longreal; (int n;) % prim char int length; (char[256] s;) % prim char int charno; (char[256] s; int n;) % prim int int { ind obj}; (real x;) % prim int intpt { ind obj}; (real x;) % prim void iocp; (int n;) % prim int typeof { ind obj}; (int typecode, void *n;) % prim int sizeof { ind obj}; (int typecode, void *n;) % prim real fracpt { ind obj}; (real x;) extern void prompt; (char[16] s;) extern int nextsymbol { ind obj}; () extern void skipsymbol; () extern void printsymbol; (int sym;) extern void printstring; (char[256] s;) extern void write; (int v; int p;) extern void selectinput; (int n;) extern void selectoutput; (int n;) extern void openinput; (int n; char[32] fd;) extern void openoutput; (int n; char[32] fd;) extern void closeinput; () extern void closeoutput; () extern void resetinput; () extern void resetoutput; () extern char[9] time { ind obj}; () extern char[10] date { ind obj}; () extern int cputime { ind obj}; () extern int comreg; (int n;) extern void read; (int typecode, void *x;) extern void print; (real val; int before; int after;) extern void printfl; (real val; int places;) extern void space; () extern void spaces; (int n;) extern void newline; () extern void newlines; (int n;) struct /*FILEFM*/ %format filefm; (int unit; int owner; int n1; int n2;) struct /*EVENTFM*/ %format eventfm; (int event; int sub; int extra; char[64] message; int pc; int x;) extern struct /*EVENTFM*/ /* spec */ event; int main (int argc, char **argv) { int fred; int jim; int i; L_0001: /* LABEL (user) */ jim = 1; if (jim != 1) goto L_0002; goto L_0001 /* JUMP (user) */ ; L_0002: /* LOCATE label */ jim = 2; if (jim != 2) goto L_0003; goto L_0004 /* JUMP (user) */ ; L_0003: /* LOCATE label */ for (fred = 1; fred += 10; fred != jim) { if (i != 55) goto L_0007; goto L_0008 /* GOTO (is this always %continue or %exit?) */ ; L_0007: /* LOCATE label */ if (i != 99) goto L_0009; goto L_0006 /* GOTO (is this always %continue or %exit?) */ ; L_0009: /* LOCATE label */ i = (i + 1); L_0008: /* LOCATE label */ L_0005: /* continue address if it was a for loop, otherwise a bug to be fixed! */ } /* end loop */ L_0006: /* LOCATE label */ for (;;) { L_000a: /* LOCATE label */ if (fred >= jim) goto L_000b; if (i != 55) goto L_000c; goto L_0008 /* GOTO (is this always %continue or %exit?) */ ; L_000c: /* LOCATE label */ if (i != 99) goto L_000d; goto L_000b /* GOTO (is this always %continue or %exit?) */ ; L_000d: /* LOCATE label */ i = (i + 1); L_0008: /* LOCATE label */ L_000a: /* continue address if it was a for loop, otherwise a bug to be fixed! */ } /* end loop */ L_000b: /* LOCATE label */ for (;;) { L_000e: /* LOCATE label */ if (i != 55) goto L_000f; goto L_0008 /* GOTO (is this always %continue or %exit?) */ ; L_000f: /* LOCATE label */ if (i != 99) goto L_0010; goto L_0011 /* GOTO (is this always %continue or %exit?) */ ; L_0010: /* LOCATE label */ i = (i + 1); L_0008: /* LOCATE label */ if (fred == jim) goto L_0011; L_000e: /* continue address if it was a for loop, otherwise a bug to be fixed! */ } /* end loop */ L_0011: /* LOCATE label */ for (;;) { L_0012: /* LOCATE label */ if (i != 55) goto L_0013; goto L_0008 /* GOTO (is this always %continue or %exit?) */ ; L_0013: /* LOCATE label */ if (i != 99) goto L_0014; goto L_0011 /* GOTO (is this always %continue or %exit?) */ ; L_0014: /* LOCATE label */ i = (i + 1); L_0008: /* LOCATE label */ L_0012: /* continue address if it was a for loop, otherwise a bug to be fixed! */ } /* end loop */ L_0011: /* LOCATE label */ L_0004: /* LABEL (user) */ return (0); }