const char *snl; extern int rem(int p, int q); extern void readsymbol(int typeof_P, void *p); extern real float(int n); extern char * tostring(int p); extern char * substring(char *s, int f, int t); extern int freespace(); extern void svc(int n, struct (null) *r); extern int addr(int typeof_P, void *p); extern int *integer(int n); extern short *shortinteger(int n); extern char *byteinteger(int n); extern char * *string(int n); extern struct (null) record ; (/*should not get here any more*/ int n; /*or here*/) extern real *real(int n); extern long real *longreal(int n); extern char *length(char *s); extern char *charno(char *s, int n); extern int int(real x); extern int intpt(real x); extern void iocp(int n); extern int typeof(int typeof_N, void *n); extern int sizeof(int typeof_N, void *n); extern real fracpt(real x); extern void prompt(char *s); extern int nextsymbol(); extern void skipsymbol(); extern void printsymbol(int sym); extern void printstring(char *s); extern void write(int v, int p); extern void selectinput(int n); extern void selectoutput(int n); extern void openinput(int n, char *fd); extern void openoutput(int n, char *fd); extern void closeinput(); extern void closeoutput(); extern void resetinput(); extern void resetoutput(); extern char * time(); extern char * date(); extern int cputime(); extern int *comreg(int n); extern void read(int typeof_X, void *x); extern void print(real val, int before, int after); extern void printfl(real val, int places); extern void space(); extern void spaces(int n); extern void newline(); extern void newlines(int n); typedef struct FILEFM{int unit; int owner; int n1; int n2;} filefm; typedef struct EVENTFM{int event; int sub; int extra; char *message; int pc; int x;} eventfm; extern struct EVENTFM event; typedef struct IMPCOMFM{int statements; int flags; int code; int gla; int diags; int perm; char *file; char *option;} impcomfm; extern struct IMPCOMFM impcom; int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *programep; const char *systemprefix; const char *traceroutine; const char *readsymfn; // bounds [0 : 24] // do it now: const char {*,2}actual {NO INIT} // bounds [-1 : 5] // do it now: const char {*,2}breg {NO INIT} // bounds [1 : 8] // do it now: const char {*,2}genmap {NO INIT} // bounds [1 : 3] // do it now: const char {*,2}setops {NO INIT} // bounds [1 : 40] // do it now: const short {*,2}opindex {NO INIT} // bounds [1 : 124] // do it now: const short {*,2}opcode {NO INIT} // bounds [16 : 21] // do it now: const char {*,2}inverted {NO INIT} typedef struct VARFM{int disp; short format; short extra; short length; short header; ; ; short xform; ; ; char flag; char form; ; ; char base; char type;} varfm; // ON DIM DO: struct VARFM {*,0}var // bounds [0 : 800] DIM 0x0001 0x0001 struct VARFM *decvar; struct VARFM *fp; struct VARFM *ap; static struct VARFM begin; typedef struct STACKFM{int disp; short format; short extra; short length; short header; short rt; short varno; short type; ; ; short xform; ; ; char flag; char form; ; ; ; ; short xbase; ; ; char index; char base; ; ; char dim; char oper; struct STACKFM *link;} stackfm; // ON DIM DO: struct STACKFM {*,0}stak // bounds [0 : 25] DIM 0x0001 0x0001 struct STACKFM *descasl; typedef struct SPTFM{struct STACKFM *v;} sptfm; // ON DIM DO: struct SPTFM {*,0}stacked // bounds [1 : 16] DIM 0x0001 0x0001 typedef struct DFM{struct STACKFM *d; struct DFM *link;} dfm; // ON DIM DO: struct DFM {*,0}dlist // bounds [0 : 25] DIM 0x0001 0x0001 struct DFM *dasl; struct DFM using; typedef struct CYCLEFM{int cvdisp; int fvdisp; short lab; short shadow; short initial; short cvform; char reg; char cvtype; char cvbase; char fvbase; char tempbase;} cyclefm; // ON DIM DO: struct CYCLEFM {*,0}forstk // bounds [0 : 30] DIM 0x0001 0x0001 struct CYCLEFM *for; static int forstp; // ON DIM DO: short {*,0}temps // bounds [1 : 60] DIM 0x0001 0x0001 static int tempbase; static int nexttemp; static int newtemp; const struct (null) *null; typedef struct LABELFM{short id; short tag;} labelfm; // ON DIM DO: struct LABELFM {*,0}labels // bounds [1 : 80] DIM 0x0001 0x0001 // bounds [0 : 24] // do it now: static int {*,1}activity {NO INIT} static int claimed; static short control; static short diagnose; static int level; static int mainep; static int unassignedrtn; int j; int k; int len; int n; int val; int aparm; int opr; static int ca; static int ga; static int lita; static int litmax; static int diag1; static int diag2; static int ccca; static int ccreg; int sym; int next; int vlb; int vub; int allocate; int falign; static int currentline; static int lastline; static int stp; int datasize; static int frame; static int extraframe; int parms; int local; static int invert; static int swopped; static int uncondjump; static int gtype; static int gmode; int decl; static short languagemask; int cheapreg; int otype; int owntype; int ownform; int spec; int frozen; int potype; int diagtype; diagtype = 0; int diagform; diagform = 0; int diagsize; diagsize = 0; long real rvalue; static int ownval; static int mantissa; int oarea; int dim; int dv; int wdisp; int pdisp; int gdisp; static int blockno; static int defns; static int specs; static int relocations; static int vardiags; static int totalca; static int lastca; static int traceflag; int jtag; static char *externalid; static char *alias; static char *blockname; static char *internalid; static int faulty; static int nullstring; char *cslen; // ON DIM DO: char {*,0}currentstring // bounds [0 : 255] DIM 0x0001 0x0001 static int lastgpr; static int lastfpr; static int lasteo; typedef struct KFM{struct KFM *link; struct KFM *array; int disp; short reg; char type; char form; char base; char ktype;} kfm; // ON DIM DO: struct KFM {*,0}knowledge // bounds [1 : 120] DIM 0x0001 0x0001 static struct KFM *klist; static struct KFM *kasl; int knownregs; knownregs = 0; int inuse; inuse = 0; typedef struct ENVFM{int label; int inuse; int known; struct KFM *link;} envfm; // ON DIM DO: struct ENVFM {*,0}envir // bounds [1 : 5] DIM 0x0001 0x0001 static int envp; void rr(int op, int r1, int r2); void rx(int op, int r1, int base, int disp); void rxi(int op, int r1, int base, int disp); void rxd(int op, int r1, struct STACKFM *v); void setline(); goto L_0001; void show(struct STACKFM *v) { write(v->varno, 2); printsymbol(58); write(v->type, 3); write(v->form, 2); write(v->flag, 2); write(v->sptfm, 3); write(v->disp, 5); write(v->length, 3); write(v->extra, 3); write(v->format, 3); write(v->header, 3); write(v->v, 3); if (v->oper == 0) goto L_0002; write(v->oper, 2); newline(); printstring(" +"); show(v->link); goto L_0003; L_0002: newline(); L_0003: return(0); } L_0001: goto L_0004; void abort(int code) { struct DFM *dd; int j; selectoutput(0); printstring("*Compiler error '"); for (j = 24; j += (-8); j != 0) { printsymbol(((code >> j) & 255)); } L_0008: printstring("' at line"); write(currentline, 1); newline(); printstring("Please seek assistance!!"); newline(); if (stp == 0) goto L_0009; printstring("STACK:"); newline(); for (j = 1; j += 1; j != stp) { show(stacked[j].v); } L_000d: L_0009: if (& == null) goto L_000e; printstring("USING:"); newline(); dd = &; for (;;) { L_000f: show(dd->d); dd = &dd->link; if (dd != null) goto L_0010; goto L_0011; L_0010: } L_0011: L_000e: selectoutput(2); // EVENT 0x000f L_0004: goto L_0012; void warn(int n) { // bounds [1 : 8] /*todo: gcc jump table extension*/ void **w; selectoutput(0); printstring("*WARNING: line"); write(currentline, 1); printstring(": "); goto *w[n]; w_1: printstring("division by zero"); goto U_00c1; w_2: printstring("Illegal FOR"); goto U_00c1; w_3: printstring("Non-local control variable?"); goto U_00c1; w_4: printstring("Invalid parameter for READ SYMBOL"); goto U_00c1; w_5: printstring("String constant too long"); goto U_00c1; w_6: printstring("No. of shifts outwith 0..31"); goto U_00c1; w_7: printstring("Illegal constant exponent"); goto U_00c1; w_8: printstring("Numerical constant too big"); goto U_00c1; U_00c1: newline(); selectoutput(2); L_0012: goto L_0013; void monitor(struct STACKFM *v, char *text) { selectoutput(0); printstring(text); printsymbol(58); spaces((9 - *length(text))); show(*v); selectoutput(2); L_0013: goto L_0014; int floating(struct STACKFM *v) { if (v->type < 7) goto L_0015; if (v->type != 255) goto L_0016; L_0015: if (v->oper == 0) goto L_0017; if (v->link.type < 7) goto L_0017; L_0016: L_0017: if (v->oper < 16) goto L_0018; L_0018: L_0014: goto L_0019; int zero(struct STACKFM *v) { if (v->disp != 0) goto L_001a; if (v->sptfm != 0) goto L_001a; if (0 == v->form) goto L_001b; if (v->form == 5) goto L_001b; L_001a: L_001b: if (v->oper == 0) goto L_001c; L_001c: L_0019: goto L_001d; int const(struct STACKFM *v) { if (v->form != 0) goto L_001e; if (v->oper == 0) goto L_001f; L_001e: L_001f: if (v->type <= 3) goto L_0020; L_0020: L_001d: goto L_0021; int minrecordsize(struct STACKFM *a, struct STACKFM *b) { int n; int m; n = a->format; if (n == 0) goto L_0022; n = (var[n].length & 65535); L_0022: m = b->format; if (m == 0) goto L_0023; m = (var[m].length & 65535); L_0023: if (n == 0) goto L_0024; if (m == 0) goto L_0025; if (m >= n) goto L_0025; L_0024: n = m; L_0025: if (n <= 0) goto L_0026; return(n); L_0026: abort(1382376240); L_0021: goto L_0027; int power(int n) { int j; int ref; ref = 1; for (j = 1; j += 1; j != 14) { ref = (ref << 1); if (ref < n) goto L_002c; if (ref != n) goto L_002d; return(j); L_002d: return((-1)); L_002c: } L_002b: return((-1)); L_0027: goto L_002e; int same(struct STACKFM *v, struct STACKFM *w) { if (v->disp != w->disp) goto L_002f; if (v->sptfm != w->sptfm) goto L_002f; if (v->type != w->type) goto L_002f; if (v->form != w->form) goto L_002f; if (v->extra != w->extra) goto L_002f; L_002f: L_002e: goto L_0030; int infreereg(struct STACKFM *v) { if (v->form != 1) goto L_0031; if (activity[v->sptfm] <= 1) goto L_0032; L_0031: L_0032: L_0030: goto L_0033; int temp() { int t; if (nexttemp != newtemp) goto L_0034; t = ((frame + 3) & (\3)); frame = (t + 4); if (newtemp != 60) goto L_0035; return(t); L_0035: newtemp = (newtemp + 1); temps[newtemp] = t; L_0034: nexttemp = (nexttemp + 1); return((temps[nexttemp] & 65535)); L_0033: goto L_0036; int tag() { int s1; int s2; s1 = next; readsymbol(s2); readsymbol(next); return(((s1 << 8) | s2)); L_0036: goto L_0037; void getd() { long real p; int i; int n; real ten; real one; n = 10; rvalue = n; n = 1; one = n; n = tag(); readsymbol(next); U_00cf: ten = rvalue; rvalue = 0; for (;;) { L_0038: sym = next; readsymbol(next); if (sym != 46) goto L_0039; goto L_003a; L_0039: n = (n - 1); if (sym != 64) goto L_003b; goto U_00d0; L_003b: if (sym != 95) goto L_003c; goto U_00cf; L_003c: if (sym < 65) goto L_003d; sym = (((sym - 65) + 48) + 10); L_003d: rvalue = ((rvalue * ten) + (sym - 48)); if (n != 0) goto L_003e; goto U_00d1; L_003e: } L_003a: p = one; for (;;) { L_003f: n = (n - 1); if (n != 0) goto L_0040; goto U_00d1; L_0040: sym = next; readsymbol(next); if (sym != 64) goto L_0041; goto U_00d0; L_0041: if (sym < 65) goto L_0042; sym = (((sym - 65) + 48) + 10); L_0042: p = (p / ten); rvalue = (rvalue + ((sym - 48) * p)); } U_00d0: n = tag(); if ((n & 32768) == 0) goto L_0043; n = (n | -65536); L_0043: rvalue = (rvalue * imp_real_exp(ten, n)); U_00d1: if (next != 85) goto L_0044; readsymbol(next); rvalue = (-rvalue); L_0044: L_0037: goto L_0045; void release(int reg) { if (reg <= 24) goto L_0046; abort(1380273201); L_0046: if (reg == 0) goto L_0047; if (activity[reg] >= 0) goto L_0048; L_0047: return; L_0048: activity[reg] = (activity[reg] - 1); if (activity[reg] >= 0) goto L_0049; abort(1380273202); L_0049: claimed = (claimed - 1); L_0045: goto L_004a; void claim(int reg) { if (reg <= 24) goto L_004b; abort(1129073969); L_004b: if (reg == 0) goto L_004c; if (activity[reg] >= 0) goto L_004d; L_004c: return; L_004d: activity[reg] = (activity[reg] + 1); claimed = (claimed + 1); L_004a: void forgetreg(int mask); void forgetall(); void forgetvar(struct STACKFM *v); goto L_004e; void hazard(int reg) { int n; int t; int tot; struct DFM *p; struct STACKFM u; goto L_004e; void mod(struct STACKFM *v) { // bounds [0 : 9] /*todo: gcc jump table extension*/ void **sw; v->sptfm = local; n = (n - 1); goto *sw[v->form]; sw_9: sw_8: sw_7: if (tot != 1) goto L_004f; claim(reg); rx(1, reg, reg, v->extra); u.type = 1; v->extra = t; goto U_00d9; L_004f: sw_0: abort(1212242481); sw_4: if (v->disp != 0) goto L_0050; v->disp = t; v->form = 6; goto U_00da; L_0050: sw_6: sw_5: v->form = (v->form + 3); v->extra = t; goto U_00da; sw_1: v->form = 4; v->disp = t; v->type = u.type; U_00da: v->flag = (v->flag | 8); U_00d9: L_004e: n = activity[reg]; if (n > 0) goto L_0051; return; L_0051: tot = n; claimed = (claimed - n); activity[reg] = 0; t = temp(); u.type = 1; if (17 > reg) goto L_0052; if (reg > 24) goto L_0052; u.type = 7; L_0052: p = &; for (;;) { L_0053: if (p != null) goto L_0054; goto L_0055; L_0054: if (p->d.cyclefm != reg) goto L_0056; mod(p->d); L_0056: p = &p->link; } L_0055: u.closeoutput = local; u.disp = t; u.xform = (4 | (8 << 8)); rxd(2, reg, u); forgetvar(u); if (n == 0) goto L_0057; abort(1212242482); L_0057: for (;;) { L_0058: goto L_0058; void hazardall() { int j; forgetreg((-1)); if (claimed == 0) goto L_0059; for (j = 1; j += 1; j != 24) { hazard(j); } L_005d: L_0059: L_0058: goto L_005e; void resetoptimisationdata() { int j; lastgpr = 1; lastfpr = 17; lasteo = 1; envp = 0; knownregs = (-1); inuse = 0; kasl = null; klist = null; for (j = 1; j += 1; j != 120) { knowledge[j].link = kasl; kasl = &knowledge[j]; } L_0062: for (j = 1; j += 1; j != 5) { envir[j].label = 0; envir[j].link = null; } L_0066: L_005e: goto L_0067; void dumpoptlist() { struct KFM *p; selectoutput(0); p = klist; if (p != null) goto L_0068; printstring("*opt list empty"); newline(); goto L_0069; L_0068: for (;;) { L_006a: write(p->type, 1); write(p->form, 1); write(p->disp, 3); printsymbol(40); write(p->base, (-1)); printstring(") ="); write(p->reg, 1); newline(); p = &p->link; if (p == null) goto L_006b; } L_006b: L_0069: selectoutput(2); L_0067: goto L_006c; struct KFM kentry (struct STACKFM *v, int fuzz) { struct KFM *p; struct KFM *q; fuzz = (\fuzz); p = klist; q = null; for (;;) { L_006d: if (p == null) goto L_006e; if (((p->disp ^ v->disp) & fuzz) != 0) goto L_006f; if (p->base != v->sptfm) goto L_006f; goto U_00d8; L_006f: q = p; p = &p->link; } L_006e: return(null); U_00d8: if (q == null) goto L_0070; q->link = &p->link; p->link = klist; klist = p; L_0070: return(klist); L_006c: goto L_0071; struct KFM newkcell () { struct KFM *p; struct KFM *q; int n; if (kasl == null) goto L_0072; if (inuse < 20) goto L_0073; L_0072: p = klist; q = null; n = 20; for (;;) { L_0074: n = (n - 1); if (&p->link != null) goto L_0075; goto L_0076; L_0075: q = p; p = &p->link; } L_0076: if (n == 0) goto L_0077; abort(1330664497); L_0077: q->link = null; p->link = kasl; kasl = p; inuse = (inuse - 1); L_0073: p = kasl; kasl = &kasl->link; inuse = (inuse + 1); if (inuse <= 20) goto L_0078; abort(1332769843); L_0078: memset(*p,0,sizeof struct KFM); return(p); L_0071: goto L_0079; void associate(struct STACKFM *v, int reg) { struct KFM *p; if (reg == 1) goto L_007a; if (v->sptfm != reg) goto L_007b; L_007a: return; L_007b: p = &*kentry(*v, 0); if (p != null) goto L_007c; p = &*newkcell(); p->link = klist; klist = p; goto L_007d; L_007c: forgetreg((1 << p->reg)); L_007d: p->reg = reg; p->base = v->sptfm; p->disp = v->disp; p->type = v->type; p->form = v->form; p->ktype = 1; knownregs = (knownregs | (1 << reg)); if (activity[p->base] < 0) goto L_007e; knownregs = (knownregs | (1 << p->base)); L_007e: L_0079: goto L_007f; void cheapen(struct STACKFM *v, int mode) { struct KFM *p; int reg; int form; int type; form = v->form; type = v->type; p = &*kentry(*v, 0); if (p != null) goto L_0080; return; L_0080: if (p->form != 4) goto L_0081; v->flag = (v->flag | 8); L_0081: if (p->reg != 0) goto L_0082; return; L_0082: if (form == 6) goto L_0083; if (p->type != type) goto L_0083; cheapreg = p->reg; L_0083: if (mode >= 0) goto L_0084; if (form != 4) goto L_0084; return; L_0084: reg = p->reg; if (form != 6) goto L_0085; if (p->type != 1) goto L_0085; if (p->form != 4) goto L_0085; release(v->sptfm); claim(reg); v->sptfm = reg; v->disp = 0; v->xform = 4; cheapen(*v, mode); goto L_0086; L_0085: if (p->type != type) goto L_0087; if (p->form == form) goto L_0088; L_0087: return; L_0088: release(v->sptfm); claim(reg); v->sptfm = reg; v->disp = 0; v->xform = 1; L_0086: if (diagnose >= 0) goto L_0089; monitor(*v, "CHEAPENED"); if ((diagnose & 16) == 0) goto L_008a; dumpoptlist(); L_008a: L_0089: L_007f: goto L_008b; void forgetvar(struct STACKFM *v) { struct KFM *p; for (;;) { L_008c: p = &*kentry(*v, 3); if (p != null) goto L_008d; return; L_008d: p->base = (26 + 1); } L_008b: goto L_008e; void forgetreg(int regmask) { struct KFM *p; if ((knownregs & regmask) != 0) goto L_008f; return; L_008f: regmask = (regmask & (\1)); knownregs = (knownregs & (\regmask)); p = klist; if (regmask >= 0) goto L_0090; for (;;) { L_0091: if (p == null) goto L_0092; if ((regmask & (1 << p->base)) == 0) goto L_0093; p->base = (26 + 1); L_0093: p->reg = 0; p = &p->link; } L_0092: goto L_0094; L_0090: for (;;) { L_0095: if (p == null) goto L_0096; if ((regmask & (1 << p->base)) == 0) goto L_0097; p->base = (26 + 1); L_0097: if ((regmask & (1 << p->reg)) == 0) goto L_0098; p->reg = 0; L_0098: p = &p->link; } L_0096: L_0094: for (;;) { L_0099: if (klist == null) goto L_009a; if (klist->base != (26 + 1)) goto L_009a; p = klist; klist = &klist->link; p->link = kasl; kasl = p; inuse = (inuse - 1); } L_009a: if (inuse >= 0) goto L_009b; abort(1433625919); L_009b: L_008e: goto L_009c; void forgetall() { struct KFM *p; if (klist == null) goto L_009d; p = klist; for (;;) { L_009e: inuse = (inuse - 1); if (&p->link != null) goto L_009f; goto L_00a0; L_009f: p = &p->link; } L_00a0: p->link = kasl; kasl = klist; klist = null; L_009d: if (inuse == 0) goto L_00a1; abort(1180789868); L_00a1: knownregs = 0; L_009c: goto L_00a2; struct ENVFM environment (int label) { struct ENVFM *e; int j; if (label <= 0) goto L_00a3; for (j = 1; j += 1; j != 5) { e = &envir[j]; if (e->label != label) goto L_00a8; return(e); L_00a8: } L_00a7: L_00a3: return(null); L_00a2: goto L_00a9; struct ENVFM newenv (struct ENVFM *e) { struct KFM *k; if (e != null) goto L_00aa; envp = (envp + 1); if (envp <= 5) goto L_00ab; envp = 1; L_00ab: e = &envir[envp]; L_00aa: k = &e->link; if (k == null) goto L_00ac; for (;;) { L_00ad: if (&k->link == null) goto L_00ae; k = &k->link; } L_00ae: k->link = kasl; kasl = &e->link; L_00ac: e->inuse = 0; e->label = 0; e->link = null; return(e); L_00a9: goto L_00af; struct KFM ecopy (struct KFM *l) { struct KFM *k; if (l != null) goto L_00b0; return(null); L_00b0: if (kasl != null) goto L_00b1; abort(1164144496); L_00b1: k = kasl; kasl = &k->link; memcpy(*k,*l,sizeof struct KFM); k->link = &*ecopy(l->link); return(k); L_00af: goto L_00b2; void restoreenvironment(int label) { struct ENVFM *e; struct ENVFM temp; = klist; e = &*newenv(temp); e = &*environment(label); if (e != null) goto L_00b3; klist = null; knownregs = 0; inuse = 0; goto L_00b4; L_00b3: klist = &*ecopy(e->link); knownregs = e->known; inuse = e->inuse; L_00b4: L_00b2: goto L_00b5; void rememberenvironment(int label) { struct ENVFM *e; if (label > 0) goto L_00b6; return; L_00b6: e = &*environment(label); e = &*newenv(*e); e->label = label; e->known = knownregs; e->inuse = inuse; e->link = &*ecopy(*klist); L_00b5: goto L_00b7; void mergeenvironment(int label) { struct ENVFM *e; struct KFM *k; struct KFM *end; struct KFM *x; struct KFM khead; goto L_00b7; void merge(struct KFM *k) { struct KFM *p; p = klist; for (;;) { L_00b8: if (p == null) goto L_00b9; if (p->disp != k->disp) goto L_00ba; if (p->reg != k->reg) goto L_00ba; if (p->base != k->base) goto L_00ba; if (p->form != k->form) goto L_00ba; if (p->type != k->type) goto L_00ba; if (p->ktype != k->ktype) goto L_00ba; end->link = k; end = k; e->known = ((e->known | (1 << p->reg)) | (1 << p->base)); e->inuse = (e->inuse + 1); return; L_00ba: p = &p->link; } L_00b9: k->link = kasl; kasl = k; L_00b7: e = &*environment(label); if (e == null) goto L_00bb; k = &e->link; e->link = null; e->inuse = 0; e->known = 0; = null; end = &khead; for (;;) { L_00bc: if (k == null) goto L_00bd; x = &k->link; merge(*k); k = x; } L_00bd: end->link = null; e->link = &; L_00bb: for (;;) { L_00be: goto L_00be; int gpr() { // bounds [1 : 8] // do it now: const char {*,2}pref {NO INIT} int r; int j; int mask; mask = knownregs; for (;;) { L_00bf: for (j = 1; j += 1; j != 8) { lastgpr = (lastgpr - 1); if (lastgpr != 0) goto L_00c4; lastgpr = 8; L_00c4: r = pref[lastgpr]; if (activity[r] != 0) goto L_00c5; if ((mask & (1 << r)) != 0) goto L_00c5; return(r); L_00c5: } L_00c3: if (mask != 0) goto L_00c6; goto L_00c7; L_00c6: mask = 0; } L_00c7: hazard(5); return(5); L_00be: goto L_00c8; int evenoddpair() { // bounds [1 : 3] // do it now: const char {*,2}even {NO INIT} int j; int r; int mask; mask = knownregs; for (;;) { L_00c9: for (j = 1; j += 1; j != 3) { lasteo = (lasteo - 1); if (lasteo != 0) goto L_00ce; lasteo = 3; L_00ce: r = even[lasteo]; if (activity[r] != 0) goto L_00cf; if (activity[(r + 1)] != 0) goto L_00cf; if ((mask & (3 << r)) != 0) goto L_00cf; return((r + 1)); L_00cf: } L_00cd: if (mask != 0) goto L_00d0; goto L_00d1; L_00d0: mask = 0; } L_00d1: hazard(3); hazard(4); return(4); L_00c8: goto L_00d2; int fpr() { int j; int mask; mask = knownregs; for (;;) { L_00d3: for (j = 17; j += 1; j != 24) { lastfpr = (lastfpr - 1); if (lastfpr != (17 - 1)) goto L_00d8; lastfpr = 24; L_00d8: if (activity[lastfpr] != 0) goto L_00d9; return(lastfpr); L_00d9: } L_00d7: if (mask != 0) goto L_00da; goto L_00db; L_00da: mask = 0; } L_00db: hazard(17); return(17); L_00d2: goto L_00dc; void put(int n) { printsymbol((n >> 8)); printsymbol((n & 255)); L_00dc: goto L_00dd; void selectliteralarea() { int k; printsymbol(13); if (ca >= 0) goto L_00de; abort(1145917489); L_00de: k = lita; lita = ca; ca = k; L_00dd: goto L_00df; void selectcodearea() { int k; if (ca <= 0) goto L_00e0; abort(1145917490); L_00e0: k = lita; lita = ca; ca = k; printsymbol(12); L_00df: goto L_00e1; void phex(int n) { int j; int k; spaces(2); for (j = 12; j += (-4); j != 0) { k = ((n >> j) & 15); if (k > 9) goto L_00e6; k = (k + 48); goto L_00e7; L_00e6: k = ((k - 10) + 65); L_00e7: printsymbol(k); } L_00e5: L_00e1: goto L_00e8; void dumptag(int tag, int type) { // bounds [1 : 6] // do it now: const char * {*,2}s {NO INIT} selectoutput(0); printsymbol(42); write(ca, (-3)); printstring(s[type]); write(tag, 1); newline(); selectoutput(2); L_00e8: goto L_00e9; void dump(int p, int val) { int k; selectoutput(0); if (p != 17217) goto L_00ea; printstring("CA "); k = ca; goto L_00eb; L_00ea: printstring("GA "); k = ga; L_00eb: write((k - 2), (-3)); printsymbol(58); phex(val); newline(); selectoutput(2); L_00e9: goto L_00ec; void cput(int n) { printsymbol(7); printsymbol((n >> 8)); printsymbol((n & 255)); ca = (ca + 2); if (diagnose >= 0) goto L_00ed; dump(17217, n); L_00ed: L_00ec: goto L_00ee; void gput(int n) { printsymbol(8); printsymbol((n >> 8)); printsymbol((n & 255)); ga = (ga + 2); if (diagnose >= 0) goto L_00ef; dump(18241, n); L_00ef: L_00ee: goto L_00f0; void cword(int n) { cput((n >> 16)); cput(n); L_00f0: goto L_00f1; void litbyte(int n) { static int v; static int f; f = (\f); if (f != 0) goto L_00f2; ca = (ca + 1); cput(((v << 8) + (n & 255))); goto L_00f3; L_00f2: v = n; ca = (ca - 1); L_00f3: if (ca <= 0) goto L_00f4; abort(1145917491); L_00f4: L_00f1: goto L_00f5; void gword(int n) { gput((n >> 16)); gput((n & 65535)); L_00f5: goto L_00f6; void gwordrel(int n) { gput((n >> 16)); gput((n & 65535)); printsymbol(20); relocations = (relocations + 1); L_00f6: goto L_00f7; void gwordcrel(int n) { gput((n >> 16)); gput((n & 65535)); printsymbol(19); relocations = (relocations + 1); L_00f7: goto L_00f8; void gbyte(int n) { static int v; static int f; f = (\f); if (f != 0) goto L_00f9; ga = (ga - 1); gput(((v << 8) + (n & 255))); goto L_00fa; L_00f9: v = n; ga = (ga + 1); L_00fa: L_00f8: goto L_00fb; void gfix(int align) { for (;;) { L_00fc: if ((ga & align) == 0) goto L_00fd; gbyte(0); } L_00fd: L_00fb: goto L_00fe; void definetag(int ref) { int k; selectoutput(1); printsymbol(1); printsymbol((ref >> 8)); printsymbol((ref & 255)); k = (ca >> 1); printsymbol((k >> 8)); printsymbol((k & 255)); selectoutput(2); if (diagnose >= 0) goto L_00ff; dumptag(ref, 1); L_00ff: L_00fe: goto L_0100; void definereference(int ref, int type) { int k; if (currentline == lastline) goto L_0101; setline(); L_0101: selectoutput(1); printsymbol(type); printsymbol((ref >> 8)); printsymbol((ref & 255)); k = (ca >> 1); printsymbol((k >> 8)); printsymbol((k & 255)); selectoutput(2); if (diagnose >= 0) goto L_0102; dumptag(ref, type); L_0102: printsymbol(type); if (type != 2) goto L_0103; printsymbol((ref >> 8)); printsymbol((ref & 255)); L_0103: L_0100: goto L_0104; void claimliteral(int size, int align) { int k; if (ca < 0) goto L_0105; if (litmax <= 0) goto L_0106; L_0105: abort(1145917492); L_0106: if ((lita & 1) == 0) goto L_0107; selectliteralarea(); litbyte(0); selectcodearea(); L_0107: litmax = (-((((-litmax) + size) + align) & (\align))); lita = litmax; k = ((-lita) >> 1); printsymbol(14); put(k); L_0104: goto L_0108; void setline() { int flag; if (ca >= 0) goto L_0109; return; L_0109: if ((currentline - lastline) == 1) goto L_010a; flag = 10; goto L_010b; L_010a: flag = 9; L_010b: selectoutput(1); printsymbol(flag); if (flag != 10) goto L_010c; put(currentline); L_010c: if (diagnose >= 0) goto L_010d; selectoutput(0); printstring("-->line"); write(currentline, 1); newline(); L_010d: selectoutput(2); printsymbol(flag); if (flag != 10) goto L_010e; put(currentline); L_010e: lastline = currentline; lastca = ca; L_0108: goto L_010f; void describe(int base, int disp, char * *xsym) { int size; int type; int j; int k; // bounds [0 : 13] // do it now: const char {*,2}compressedtype {NO INIT} if (*length(xsym) <= 12) goto L_0110; *length(xsym) = 12; L_0110: printsymbol(*length(xsym)); for (j = 1; j += 1; j != *length(xsym)) { printsymbol(*charno(xsym, j)); } L_0114: if (base >= 0) goto L_0115; return; L_0115: size = diagsize; type = diagtype; if (diagtype >= 3) goto L_0116; if (diagform > 2) goto L_0116; if (size != 0) goto L_0117; L_0116: size = 1; L_0117: if (diagtype > 0) goto L_0118; type = 1; L_0118: k = (((size - 1) << 2) + (type - 1)); j = 0; if (otype == 0) goto L_0119; if (spec == 0) goto L_0119; j = 128; L_0119: printsymbol(otype); printsymbol((((compressedtype[k] << 4) | diagform) | j)); j = ((actual[base] << 20) + (disp & 1048575)); printsymbol((j >> 16)); printsymbol((j >> 8)); printsymbol(j); L_010f: goto L_011a; void setdiag(int base, int disp) { vardiags = (vardiags + 4); if (*length(internalid) <= 6) goto L_011b; vardiags = (vardiags + 2); L_011b: printsymbol(11); describe(base, disp, internalid); L_011a: goto L_011c; void externallink(int reftype, int datasize, int addr) { int k; if (4 > reftype) goto L_011d; if (reftype <= 7) goto L_011e; L_011d: abort(1145917493); L_011e: if ((reftype & 1) == 0) goto L_011f; defns = (defns + 1); goto L_0120; L_011f: specs = (specs + 1); L_0120: printsymbol(21); printsymbol(reftype); put((datasize / 2)); k = 14; if (reftype != 7) goto L_0121; k = 15; L_0121: describe(k, (addr / 2), externalid); if ((reftype & 1) != 0) goto L_0122; gword(0); gword(0); if (reftype != 6) goto L_0123; gword(0); goto L_0124; L_0123: gword((-1)); L_0124: L_0122: L_011c: goto L_0125; void closefiles() { selectoutput(1); printsymbol(18); put((totalca >> 1)); put(((-litmax) >> 1)); put((ga >> 1)); put(defns); put(specs); put(relocations); printsymbol(0); closeoutput(); selectoutput(2); printsymbol(18); closeoutput(); L_0125: goto L_0126; void rxd(int op, int r1, struct STACKFM *v) { int index; int mask; int code; int format; int type; int form; int base; int disp; int x; int k; int oldca; struct STACKFM u; // bounds [1 : 8] // do it now: const char {*,2}typeindex {NO INIT} oldca = ca; type = v->type; form = v->form; base = v->sptfm; disp = v->disp; x = v->rem; if (r1 < 17) goto L_0127; op = (op + 13); L_0127: mask = opindex[op]; index = (mask & 255); if (lastline == currentline) goto L_0128; setline(); L_0128: if (form == 0) goto L_0129; if (form != 5) goto L_012a; L_0129: if (x == 0) goto L_012b; abort(1381516408); L_012b: if (disp != 0) goto L_012c; if (base == 0) goto L_012c; if (11 == op) goto L_012c; if (op == 12) goto L_012c; if (op == 29) goto L_012c; if (r1 != base) goto L_012d; if (op == 1) goto L_012e; L_012d: u.closeoutput = base; u.disp = 0; u.form = 1; rxd(op, r1, u); return; L_012e: code = 16; goto L_012f; L_012c: if (op != 1) goto L_0130; if (r1 != base) goto L_0130; if (15 < disp) goto L_0130; if (disp < (-15)) goto L_0130; op = 3; if (disp >= 0) goto L_0131; op = 4; disp = (-disp); L_0131: u.form = 0; u.closeoutput = 0; u.disp = disp; rxd(op, r1, u); release(base); return; L_0130: if (op != 11) goto L_0132; if (disp != 1) goto L_0132; if (base != 0) goto L_0132; claim(r1); u.closeoutput = r1; u.disp = 0; u.form = 1; rxd(3, r1, u); return; L_0132: if ((mask & 2048) != 0) goto L_0133; if (11 == op) goto L_0133; if (op == 12) goto L_0133; if (op == 29) goto L_0133; abort(1381516337); L_0133: index = (index + 3); format = 0; if (15 < disp) goto L_0134; if (disp < (-15)) goto L_0134; if (base != 0) goto L_0134; if (((8192 + 16384) & mask) == 0) goto L_0134; if (disp < 0) goto L_0135; format = 2; goto L_0136; L_0135: format = 3; disp = (-disp); L_0136: goto L_0137; L_0134: if (32767 < disp) goto L_0138; if (disp < (-32768)) goto L_0138; format = 1; L_0138: L_0137: code = opcode[(index + format)]; if (format < 2) goto L_0139; cput((((code & 65280) + (actual[r1] << 4)) + disp)); goto L_013a; L_0139: cput((((code & 65280) + (actual[r1] << 4)) + actual[base])); if (format != 0) goto L_013b; cput((disp >> 16)); L_013b: cput(disp); L_013a: L_012f: goto L_013c; L_012a: if (form != 1) goto L_013d; if (r1 == 0) goto L_013e; if (base == 0) goto L_013e; if (x == 0) goto L_013f; L_013e: abort(1381516338); L_013f: code = opcode[index]; if ((code & 32) == 0) goto L_0140; k = r1; r1 = base; base = k; L_0140: cput((((code & 65280) + (actual[r1] << 4)) + actual[base])); goto L_013c; L_013d: if (r1 == 0) goto L_0141; if (base != 1) goto L_0142; L_0141: abort(1381516339); L_0142: format = typeindex[type]; if (format != 0) goto L_0143; abort(1381516340); L_0143: code = opcode[(index + format)]; if (((code & 15) & disp) == 0) goto L_0144; abort(1381516341); L_0144: cput((((code & 65280) + (actual[r1] << 4)) + actual[base])); if (0 > disp) goto L_0145; if (disp > 16383) goto L_0145; if (x == 0) goto L_0146; L_0145: cput(((16384 + (actual[x] << 8)) + ((disp >> 16) & 255))); L_0146: cput(disp); L_013c: if (base <= 0) goto L_0147; release(base); L_0147: if (x == 0) goto L_0148; release(x); L_0148: if ((code & 64) == 0) goto L_0149; ccca = ((ccca + ca) - oldca); goto L_014a; L_0149: if ((code & 16) != 0) goto L_014b; ccca = ca; ccreg = r1; L_014b: L_014a: L_0126: goto L_014c; void rr(int op, int r1, int r2) { struct STACKFM v; v.closeoutput = r2; v.disp = 0; v.type = 1; if (r1 < 17) goto L_014d; v.type = 7; L_014d: v.form = 1; rxd(op, r1, v); L_014c: goto L_014e; void rxi(int op, int r1, int base, int disp) { struct STACKFM v; v.closeoutput = base; v.disp = disp; v.type = 1; v.form = 0; rxd(op, r1, v); L_014e: goto L_014f; void rx(int op, int r1, int base, int disp) { struct STACKFM v; v.closeoutput = base; v.disp = disp; v.type = 1; if (r1 < 17) goto L_0150; v.type = 7; L_0150: v.form = 4; rxd(op, r1, v); L_014f: goto L_0151; void skip(int halfwords, int condition) { // bounds [0 : 5] // do it now: const short {*,2}jump {NO INIT} if ((condition & 16) == 0) goto L_0152; condition = inverted[condition]; L_0152: if (0 >= halfwords) goto L_0153; if (halfwords > 14) goto L_0153; if (0 > condition) goto L_0153; if (condition <= 5) goto L_0154; L_0153: abort(1397444657); L_0154: cput((jump[condition] | (halfwords + 1))); L_0151: goto L_0155; void machinecode() { // bounds [1 : 204] // do it now: const int {*,2}mcop {NO INIT} // bounds [1 : 204] // do it now: const short {*,2}opflags {NO INIT} char *opcode; struct VARFM *v; int op; int base; int disp; int index; int flags; int p; int n; int reg; goto L_0155; void mcerror(char *s) { selectoutput(0); printsymbol(42); write(currentline, 3); space(); printstring(opcode); printstring(": "); printstring(s); newline(); selectoutput(2); for (;;) { L_0156: if (sym == 59) goto L_0157; sym = next; readsymbol(next); } L_0157: L_0155: goto L_0158; void getopcode() { strncpy(opcode,"",7+1); op = 0; for (;;) { L_0159: sym = next; readsymbol(next); if (sym != 95) goto L_015a; goto L_015b; L_015a: if (*length(opcode) == 6) goto L_015c; op = ((op << 6) ^ sym); strncpy(opcode,opcode,7+1); L_015c: } L_015b: sym = next; readsymbol(next); L_0158: goto L_015d; int findopcode() { int high; int low; int p; high = 204; low = 1; for (;;) { L_015e: if (high < low) goto L_015f; p = ((high + low) >> 1); if (mcop[p] != op) goto L_0160; return(p); L_0160: if (mcop[p] <= op) goto L_0161; high = (p - 1); goto L_0162; L_0161: low = (p + 1); L_0162: } L_015f: mcerror("unknown operation"); return(0); L_015d: goto L_0163; int value(int *n) { *n = 0; if (48 > sym) goto L_0164; if (sym <= 55) goto L_0165; L_0164: L_0165: for (;;) { L_0166: *n = ((*n << 3) | (sym - 48)); sym = next; readsymbol(next); if (48 > sym) goto L_0167; if (sym <= 55) goto L_0168; L_0167: L_0168: } L_0163: goto L_0169; int register(int *r) { if (value(*r)) goto L_016a; L_016a: if (0 > *r) goto L_016b; if (*r <= 15) goto L_016c; L_016b: L_016c: L_0169: goto L_016d; int dealwithplusminus() { int sign; int n; if (sym == 43) goto L_016e; if (sym == 45) goto L_016e; L_016e: sign = sym; sym = next; readsymbol(next); if (value(n)) goto L_016f; mcerror("invalid offset"); L_016f: if (sign != 45) goto L_0170; n = (-n); L_0170: disp = (disp + n); L_016d: base = (-1); index = (-1); disp = 0; getopcode(); p = findopcode(); if (p != 0) goto L_0171; return; L_0171: flags = opflags[p]; if ((flags & 1) == 0) goto L_0172; reg = ((flags >> 4) & 15); goto L_0173; L_0172: if (register(reg)) goto L_0174; mcerror("register 1?"); return; L_0174: if (sym == 44) goto L_0175; mcerror("comma missing"); return; L_0175: sym = next; readsymbol(next); L_0173: if ((flags & 2) == 0) goto L_0176; if (register(base)) goto L_0177; mcerror("register 2?"); return; L_0177: goto L_0178; L_0176: if (sym != 32) goto L_0179; n = tag(); sym = next; readsymbol(next); v = &var[n]; disp = v->disp; if (v->form != 14) goto L_017a; definereference((disp & 4095), 2); disp = 0; base = 15; if (dealwithplusminus()) goto L_017b; return; L_017b: goto L_017c; L_017a: if (v->base == 0) goto L_017d; base = actual[v->base]; L_017d: if (dealwithplusminus()) goto L_017e; return; L_017e: if (sym != 40) goto L_017f; if (base <= 0) goto L_0180; goto U_010a; L_0180: goto U_010b; L_017f: L_017c: goto L_0178; L_0179: if (sym != 45) goto L_0181; if (!(dealwithplusminus())) goto L_0181; goto L_0182; L_0181: if (value(disp)) goto L_0183; mcerror("displacement?"); return; L_0183: L_0182: if (dealwithplusminus()) goto L_0184; return; L_0184: if (sym != 40) goto L_0185; U_010b: sym = next; readsymbol(next); if (register(base)) goto L_0186; mcerror("base register?"); return; L_0186: if (sym != 44) goto L_0187; U_010a: sym = next; readsymbol(next); if ((flags & 4) != 0) goto L_0188; mcerror("no double indexed form"); return; L_0188: if (register(index)) goto L_0189; mcerror("index register?"); return; L_0189: L_0187: if (sym == 41) goto L_018a; mcerror(") missing"); return; L_018a: sym = next; readsymbol(next); L_0185: L_0178: if (sym == 59) goto L_018b; mcerror("form?"); return; L_018b: if (base >= 0) goto L_018c; base = 0; L_018c: if (index >= 0) goto L_018d; index = 0; L_018d: if (base != 0) goto L_018e; if (index == 0) goto L_018e; base = index; index = 0; L_018e: cput((((flags & 65280) + (reg << 4)) + base)); if ((flags & 8) == 0) goto L_018f; cput((disp & 65535)); goto L_0190; L_018f: if ((flags & 16) == 0) goto L_0191; if ((flags & 1) != 0) goto L_0191; cput((disp >> 16)); cput((disp & 65535)); goto L_0190; L_0191: if ((flags & 2) != 0) goto L_0192; if ((disp >> 14) != 0) goto L_0193; if (index <= 0) goto L_0194; L_0193: if ((flags & 4) != 0) goto L_0195; mcerror("no RX3 form"); return; L_0195: cput(((16384 + (index << 8)) + ((disp >> 16) & 255))); L_0194: cput((disp & 65535)); L_0192: L_0190: for (;;) { L_0196: goto L_0196; void setdopevector() { int t; t = ((vub - vlb) + 1); claimliteral((4 * 4), 3); selectliteralarea(); dv = ca; cword(1); cword(vlb); cword(vub); cword(datasize); selectcodearea(); vub = (t * datasize); vlb = (vlb * datasize); L_0196: goto L_0197; void perm(int n) { // bounds [0 : 8] // do it now: const short {*,2}rmap {NO INIT} int k; int r; int h; // bounds [1 : 50] // do it now: const short {*,2}hazardreg {NO INIT} h = hazardreg[n]; if (claimed == 0) goto L_0198; k = (h & 32767); r = 0; for (;;) { L_0199: if (k == 0) goto L_019a; if ((k & 1) == 0) goto L_019b; hazard(rmap[r]); L_019b: k = (k >> 1); r = (r + 1); } L_019a: L_0198: r = ((((h & (128 + 256)) << (17 - 7)) | (h & 127)) << 1); forgetreg(r); if (h >= 0) goto L_019c; if (wdisp == 0) goto L_019c; rxi(3, 8, 0, wdisp); L_019c: definereference((n & 255), 3); rx(22, 16, 15, (n & 255)); if (h >= 0) goto L_019d; if (wdisp == 0) goto L_019e; rxi(4, 8, 0, wdisp); L_019e: wdisp = ((wdisp + 44) + 256); L_019d: L_0197: goto L_019f; void dumptrace() { if (currentline == lastline) goto L_01a0; traceflag = 0; perm(50); cput(currentline); L_01a0: L_019f: goto L_01a1; void assemble(int amode, int labs, int names) { // bounds [33 : 127] /*todo: gcc jump table extension*/ void **c; // bounds [65 : 90] /*todo: gcc jump table extension*/ void **pc; typedef struct EVFM{int low; int high; int events; int label;} evfm; struct EVFM event; memset(event,0,sizeof struct EVFM); struct VARFM *v; struct VARFM *gvar; struct STACKFM *lhs; struct STACKFM *rhs; struct STACKFM *x; int oldframe; int oldextraframe; int oldjump; int oldtempbase; int oldnexttemp; int trueframebase; int putativeframebase; int maxframe; int altfirst; int altalign; altalign = 0; int oldvardiags; int gstart; int labelstart; static int freetag; int maxlocal; maxlocal = 0; int maxparm; maxparm = 0; int minparm; minparm = 0; int markassigned; markassigned = 1; int closed; closed = 8; int returnlabel; returnlabel = 0; int px; px = 0; int procca; procca = ca; int swlist; swlist = 0; int lasta; lasta = (-1); int linesize; linesize = 0; int blockindex; int j; int k; int t; void compiletostring(struct STACKFM *v); void poplhs(); void lrd(struct STACKFM *v, int reg); void load(struct STACKFM *v, int reg); void assign(int assop); void arrayref(int mode); void operate(int n); void compare(struct STACKFM *l, struct STACKFM *r, int next); void testzero(struct STACKFM *v); void header(struct VARFM *v); void blockmark(int mark); int newtag(); oldjump = uncondjump; uncondjump = (-1); oldvardiags = vardiags; vardiags = 0; labelstart = labs; oldframe = frame; oldextraframe = extraframe; extraframe = 0; oldtempbase = tempbase; oldnexttemp = nexttemp; tempbase = newtemp; nexttemp = newtemp; U_0131: pdisp = 0; wdisp = 0; gdisp = (-1); = 0; if (gdisp == (-1)) goto L_01a2; abort(758194239); L_01a2: gvar = decvar; gstart = names; if (amode < 0) goto L_01a3; frame = 44; ca = 0; level = (level + 1); if (level <= 5) goto L_01a4; if (spec != 0) goto L_01a4; abort(1095577648); L_01a4: local = breg[level]; activity[local] = (-1); gdisp = ((7 - 6) * 4); if (spec != 0) goto L_01a5; resetoptimisationdata(); L_01a5: if (amode != 0) goto L_01a6; blockno = (blockno + 1); blockindex = blockno; blockmark(16); if (sym != 72) goto L_01a7; gdisp = (-1); if (level != 1) goto L_01a8; strncpy(externalid,programep,19+1); otype = 3; potype = otype; L_01a8: header(*gvar); L_01a7: L_01a6: goto L_01a9; L_01a3: if (amode != (-1)) goto L_01aa; gvar->extra = parms; frame = 0; L_01aa: trueframebase = frame; putativeframebase = ((frame + 3) & (\3)); frame = putativeframebase; maxframe = frame; altfirst = (parms - 1); L_01a9: goto L_01a1; void blockmark(int mark) { int k; int limit; k = 1; for (;;) { L_01ab: selectoutput(k); printsymbol(mark); if (mark != 16) goto L_01ac; printsymbol(blockindex); if (k != 2) goto L_01ad; put(currentline); lastline = (-15); describe((-1), 0, blockname); L_01ad: goto L_01ae; L_01ac: if (k != 1) goto L_01af; if (freetag <= 32767) goto L_01b0; abort(1413564223); L_01b0: put((ca >> 1)); put(vardiags); frame = ((frame + 3) & (\3)); k = (frame + extraframe); if ((control & 32) != 0) goto L_01b1; k = (k >> 2); limit = 65535; goto L_01b2; L_01b1: limit = 32767; L_01b2: if (0 >= k) goto L_01b3; if (k <= limit) goto L_01b4; L_01b3: abort(1179798847); L_01b4: put(k); printsymbol(actual[local]); put(; put(event.label); put(event.low); totalca = (totalca + ca); L_01af: L_01ae: if (k != 2) goto L_01b5; goto L_01b6; L_01b5: k = 2; } L_01b6: lastca = (-1); L_01a1: goto L_01b7; void setframepatch() { if (diagnose >= 0) goto L_01b8; selectoutput(0); printstring(" Block index"); write(blockindex, 1); newline(); selectoutput(2); L_01b8: printsymbol(15); L_01b7: goto L_01b9; void definevar() { int type; int form; int tf; int size; int format; int s; int new; int round; int dimension; int ignore; struct STACKFM temp; int k; // bounds [0 : 18] // do it now: const short {*,2}fmap {NO INIT} // bounds [0 : 8] // do it now: const char {*,2}vsize {NO INIT} static int primno; ignore = 0; if (amode < 0) goto L_01ba; if (amode != 1) goto L_01bb; L_01ba: ignore = 1; L_01bb: strncpy(internalid,"",19+1); new = 0; round = 3; decl = tag(); if (decl != 0) goto L_01bc; parms = (parms - 1); if (parms > names) goto L_01bd; abort(1145460273); L_01bd: decvar = &var[parms]; memset(*decvar,0,sizeof struct VARFM); goto L_01be; L_01bc: if (decl < parms) goto L_01bf; abort(1145460274); L_01bf: decvar = &var[decl]; if (decl <= names) goto L_01c0; names = decl; new = 1; memset(*decvar,0,sizeof struct VARFM); L_01c0: L_01be: for (;;) { L_01c1: sym = next; readsymbol(next); if (sym != 44) goto L_01c2; goto L_01c3; L_01c2: if (*length(internalid) == 12) goto L_01c4; strncpy(internalid,internalid,19+1); L_01c4: } L_01c3: if (internalid != "") goto L_01c5; ignore = 1; L_01c5: tf = tag(); readsymbol(next); type = (tf >> 4); form = (tf & 15); size = tag(); readsymbol(next); diagtype = type; diagform = form; diagsize = size; if (type != 1) goto L_01c6; if (size == 1) goto L_01c6; if (size != 2) goto L_01c7; type = 3; round = 0; L_01c7: if (size != 3) goto L_01c8; type = 2; round = 1; L_01c8: size = vsize[type]; goto L_01c9; L_01c6: if (type != 2) goto L_01ca; type = 7; size = vsize[type]; goto L_01c9; L_01ca: if (type != 4) goto L_01cb; type = 6; format = size; decvar->format = format; if (format > names) goto L_01cc; size = (var[format].length & 65535); L_01cc: goto L_01c9; L_01cb: if (type != 3) goto L_01cd; type = 5; round = 0; decvar->length = size; size = (size + 1); goto L_01c9; L_01cd: size = vsize[type]; L_01c9: if (type == 5) goto L_01ce; decvar->length = size; L_01ce: decvar->type = type; decvar->xform = fmap[form]; otype = tag(); spec = ((otype >> 3) & 1); dimension = ((otype >> 8) & 255); otype = (otype & 7); if (otype == 0) goto L_01cf; if (otype < 3) goto L_01d0; if (alias == "") goto L_01d1; strncpy(externalid,alias,19+1); goto L_01d2; L_01d1: if (otype != 4) goto L_01d3; strncpy(externalid,systemprefix,19+1); goto L_01d2; L_01d3: strncpy(externalid,internalid,19+1); L_01d2: if (otype > 5) goto L_01d4; otype = 3; L_01d4: L_01d0: L_01cf: strncpy(alias,"",19+1); if (7 > form) goto L_01d5; if (form > 10) goto L_01d5; gtype = spec; if (otype == 0) goto L_01d6; if (spec == 0) goto L_01d6; if (otype != 6) goto L_01d7; primno = (primno + 1); decvar->flag = (decvar->flag | 4); decvar->header = primno; if (primno == 2) goto L_01d8; return; L_01d8: otype = 3; strncpy(externalid,readsymfn,19+1); L_01d7: gfix(3); decvar->disp = ga; decvar->base = 14; externallink(6, 0, ga); return; L_01d6: if (gmode != 0) goto L_01d9; potype = otype; if (new == 0) goto L_01da; decvar->disp = newtag(); L_01da: if (spec != 0) goto L_01db; strncpy(blockname,internalid,19+1); L_01db: return; L_01d9: ignore = 1; otype = 0; size = 4; datasize = 4; goto L_01dc; L_01d5: datasize = size; if (form == 1) goto L_01dd; round = 3; if (type != 0) goto L_01de; ignore = 1; decvar->extra = gmode; type = 4; size = 8; decvar->type = 4; goto L_01df; L_01de: if (form == 11) goto L_01e0; if (form != 13) goto L_01e1; L_01e0: ignore = 1; size = 0; if (form != 13) goto L_01e2; datasize = 4; L_01e2: goto L_01df; L_01e1: if (form == 12) goto L_01e3; if (form != 14) goto L_01e4; L_01e3: ignore = 1; size = (2 * 4); round = 3; decvar->header = (-1); if (0 >= dimension) goto L_01e5; if (dimension <= 7) goto L_01e6; L_01e5: abort(1145460275); L_01e6: decvar->flag = (decvar->flag | dimension); goto L_01df; L_01e4: size = 4; L_01df: L_01dd: L_01dc: if (otype == 0) goto L_01e7; if (otype != 2) goto L_01e8; if (type != 5) goto L_01e9; if (form != 1) goto L_01e9; datasize = 0; L_01e9: if (form == 2) goto L_01ea; if (form == 12) goto L_01ea; if (form != 14) goto L_01eb; L_01ea: otype = 0; goto L_01ec; L_01eb: ignore = 1; L_01ec: goto L_01ed; L_01e8: gfix(round); if (ignore == 1) goto L_01ee; setdiag(14, ga); L_01ee: L_01ed: owntype = type; ownform = form; if (form != 2) goto L_01ef; owntype = 1; datasize = 4; L_01ef: decvar->header = (-1); if (spec != 0) goto L_01f0; if (form == 11) goto L_01f1; if (form != 13) goto L_01f2; L_01f1: ownform = 11; decvar->flag = ((decvar->flag & (\96)) | (64 | 1)); if (0 >= decvar->length) goto L_01f3; if (decvar->length > 32767) goto L_01f3; if ((-32768) > vlb) goto L_01f3; if (vub > 32767) goto L_01f3; decvar->flag = (decvar->flag | 32); L_01f3: gfix(3); setdopevector(); if (otype == 2) goto L_01f4; decvar->disp = ga; decvar->base = 14; gwordrel(((ga + 8) - vlb)); gwordcrel(dv); goto L_01f5; L_01f4: claimliteral(vub, 3); selectliteralarea(); decvar->disp = ga; decvar->base = 14; gwordcrel((ca - vlb)); gwordcrel(dv); selectcodearea(); L_01f5: if (otype != 3) goto L_01f6; externallink(5, 0, (ga - 8)); L_01f6: L_01f2: goto L_01f7; L_01f0: decvar->xform = ((decvar->xform + 3) | (8 << 8)); if (form < 11) goto L_01f8; decvar->xform = (decvar->xform | (1 << 8)); L_01f8: decvar->base = 14; decvar->disp = 0; decvar->extra = (ga + 8); externallink(4, 0, ga); L_01f7: return; L_01e7: if (form != 3) goto L_01f9; decvar->disp = newtag(); return; L_01f9: if (form != 6) goto L_01fa; decvar->extra = vlb; decvar->length = ((vub - vlb) + 1); decvar->format = (freetag + 1); claimliteral(((((vub - vlb) + 1) + 2) * 2), 1); decvar->base = 15; decvar->disp = litmax; selectliteralarea(); cput(vlb); cput(vub); for (s = vlb; s += 1; s != vub) { freetag = (freetag + 1); definereference(freetag, 4); cput(freetag); } L_01fe: selectcodearea(); return; L_01fa: if (form != 4) goto L_01ff; if (gmode == 0) goto L_0200; if (decvar->length <= frame) goto L_0201; frame = decvar->length; L_0201: goto L_0202; L_0200: gtype = (-1); spec = (-1); L_0202: return; L_01ff: decvar->base = local; if (gdisp < 0) goto L_0203; if ((decvar->flag & 96) != 0) goto L_0203; if (decvar->form != 6) goto L_0204; if (decvar->type != 4) goto L_0205; L_0204: if (decvar->form != 4) goto L_0203; if (decvar->type > 3) goto L_0203; L_0205: decvar->disp = gdisp; gdisp = (gdisp - 4); if (decvar->form != 4) goto L_0206; if (2 > decvar->type) goto L_0206; if (decvar->type > 3) goto L_0206; decvar->disp = (decvar->disp + decvar->type); L_0206: decvar->flag = (decvar->flag | 2); minparm = (minparm + 1); if ((control & 128) != 0) goto L_0207; temp.form = decvar->form; temp.type = decvar->type; temp.closeoutput = decvar->base; temp.disp = decvar->disp; if (temp.form != 6) goto L_0208; temp.form = 4; temp.type = 1; L_0208: associate(temp, (7 - (minparm - 1))); L_0207: goto L_0209; L_0203: frame = ((frame + round) & (\round)); maxlocal = frame; decvar->disp = frame; frame = (frame + size); altalign = (altalign | round); L_0209: if (ignore != 0) goto L_020a; setdiag(local, decvar->disp); L_020a: L_01b9: goto L_020b; int checkable(struct STACKFM *v) { if (v->form == 0) goto L_020c; if (v->form != 5) goto L_020d; L_020c: L_020d: if ((v->flag & 8) == 0) goto L_020e; L_020e: if (v->type == 1) goto L_020f; if (v->type == 5) goto L_020f; if (v->type < 7) goto L_0210; L_020f: L_0210: L_020b: goto L_0211; struct STACKFM descriptor () { struct DFM *d; struct STACKFM *v; stp = (stp + 1); if (stp <= 16) goto L_0212; abort(1146307377); L_0212: v = descasl; if (v != null) goto L_0213; abort(1146307378); L_0213: d = dasl; if (d != null) goto L_0214; abort(1146307379); L_0214: descasl = &v->link; memset(*v,0,sizeof struct STACKFM); dasl = &d->link; d->link = &; = d; d->d = v; return(v); L_0211: goto L_0215; void drop(struct STACKFM *descriptor) { struct DFM *p; struct DFM *q; p = &using; for (;;) { L_0216: q = &p->link; if (q != null) goto L_0217; abort(1146244944); L_0217: if (&q->d != descriptor) goto L_0218; goto L_0219; L_0218: p = q; } L_0219: p->link = &q->link; q->link = dasl; dasl = q; descriptor->link = descasl; descasl = descriptor; L_0215: goto L_021a; void vstack(int varno) { struct VARFM *w; if (0 > varno) goto L_021b; if (varno <= 800) goto L_021c; L_021b: abort(1448301643); L_021c: w = &var[varno]; lhs = &*descriptor(); stacked[stp].v = lhs; lhs->sptfm = w->base; lhs->disp = w->disp; lhs->format = w->format; lhs->extra = w->extra; lhs->type = w->type; lhs->length = w->length; lhs->header = w->header; lhs->link = null; lhs->type = w->type; lhs->xform = w->xform; lhs->v = (w->flag & 7); lhs->varno = varno; if ((diagnose & 1) == 0) goto L_021d; monitor(*lhs, "V stack"); L_021d: L_021a: goto L_021e; void sstack(struct STACKFM *v) { struct STACKFM *t; t = &*descriptor(); memcpy(*t,*v,sizeof struct STACKFM); stacked[stp].v = t; if ((diagnose & 1) == 0) goto L_021f; monitor(*t, "S STACK"); L_021f: L_021e: goto L_0220; void cstack(int n) { rhs = &*descriptor(); rhs->sptfm = 0; rhs->disp = n; rhs->type = 1; rhs->form = 0; stacked[stp].v = rhs; if ((diagnose & 1) == 0) goto L_0221; monitor(*rhs, "C stack"); L_0221: L_0220: goto L_0222; void cload(int value, int reg) { cstack(value); poplhs(); lrd(*lhs, reg); L_0222: goto L_0223; void sset(int base, int disp, int xform, int extra) { rhs = &*descriptor(); rhs->sptfm = base; rhs->disp = disp; rhs->type = 1; rhs->xform = xform; rhs->extra = extra; rhs->link = null; stacked[stp].v = rhs; if ((diagnose & 1) == 0) goto L_0224; monitor(*rhs, "SSET"); L_0224: L_0223: goto L_0225; void setlhs() { lhs = &stacked[stp].v; if ((diagnose & 1) == 0) goto L_0226; monitor(*lhs, "SET LHS"); L_0226: L_0225: goto L_0227; void setboth() { if (stp > 1) goto L_0228; abort(1397052482); L_0228: lhs = &stacked[(stp - 1)].v; rhs = &stacked[stp].v; if ((diagnose & 1) == 0) goto L_0229; monitor(*lhs, "BOTH LHS"); monitor(*rhs, "BOTH RHS"); L_0229: L_0227: goto L_022a; void poplhs() { if (stp > 0) goto L_022b; abort(1347375180); L_022b: lhs = &stacked[stp].v; stp = (stp - 1); if ((diagnose & 1) == 0) goto L_022c; monitor(*lhs, "POP LHS"); L_022c: L_022a: goto L_022d; void popdrop() { poplhs(); if ((diagnose & 1) == 0) goto L_022e; monitor(*lhs, "POP DROP"); L_022e: drop(*lhs); L_022d: goto L_022f; void dumpstring(int max) { int j; if (max != 0) goto L_0230; max = (*cslen + 1); goto L_0231; L_0230: if ((*cslen + 1) <= max) goto L_0232; if (*cslen != 128) goto L_0233; if (currentstring[1] == 128) goto L_0234; L_0233: warn(5); currentstring[0] = (max - 1); L_0234: L_0232: L_0231: if (otype != 2) goto L_0235; selectliteralarea(); for (j = 0; j += 1; j != (max - 1)) { litbyte(currentstring[j]); } L_0239: selectcodearea(); goto L_023a; L_0235: for (j = 0; j += 1; j != (max - 1)) { gbyte(currentstring[j]); } L_023e: L_023a: L_022f: goto L_023f; void getstring() { int l; l = next; *cslen = 0; for (;;) { L_0240: if (l <= 0) goto L_0241; l = (l - 1); readsymbol(next); *cslen = ((*cslen + 1) & 255); currentstring[*cslen] = next; } L_0241: readsymbol(next); if (next == 65) goto L_0242; if (next == 36) goto L_0242; if (next != 46) goto L_0243; if (*cslen != 1) goto L_0243; if ((control & (1 | 2)) != 0) goto L_0243; cstack(currentstring[1]); rhs->flag = (rhs->flag | 1); return; L_0243: cstack(0); rhs->type = 5; otype = 2; rhs->sptfm = 15; rhs->xform = (4 | (8 << 8)); rhs->format = (*cslen + 1); if (*cslen != 0) goto L_0244; if (nullstring != 0) goto L_0245; L_0244: claimliteral((*cslen + 1), 1); rhs->disp = lita; dumpstring(0); if (nullstring != 0) goto L_0246; if (0 != *cslen) goto L_0246; nullstring = rhs->disp; L_0246: goto L_0247; L_0245: rhs->disp = nullstring; L_0247: goto L_0248; L_0242: cstack(0); L_0248: L_023f: goto L_0249; int realconstant(int force) { static int last; static int next; int j; int k; // bounds [0 : 31] // do it now: static int {*,1}val {NO INIT} // bounds [0 : 31] // do it now: static short {*,1}index {NO INIT} k = *integer(addr(rvalue)); if (otype == 2) goto L_024a; gfix(3); gword(k); return((ga - 4)); L_024a: if (force != 0) goto L_024b; j = last; for (;;) { L_024c: if (val[last] != k) goto L_024d; goto U_0149; L_024d: last = ((last + 1) & 31); if (last != j) goto L_024e; goto L_024f; L_024e: } L_024f: claimliteral(4, (4 - 1)); L_024b: next = ((next + 1) & 31); last = next; selectliteralarea(); val[last] = k; index[last] = ca; cword(k); selectcodearea(); U_0149: return(index[last]); L_0249: goto L_0250; int newtag() { freetag = (freetag + 1); return(freetag); L_0250: goto L_0251; struct LABELFM newlabel () { labs = (labs + 1); if (labs <= 80) goto L_0252; abort(1313620556); L_0252: return(&labels[labs]); L_0251: goto L_0253; struct LABELFM find (int label) { int lp; struct LABELFM *l; lp = labs; for (;;) { L_0254: if (lp == labelstart) goto L_0255; l = &labels[lp]; if (l->id != label) goto L_0256; return(l); L_0256: lp = (lp - 1); } L_0255: return(null); L_0253: goto L_0257; void definelabel(int label) { int ltag; int new; struct LABELFM *l; struct ENVFM *e; ccca = 0; new = 0; if (label != 0) goto L_0258; return; L_0258: if (label >= 0) goto L_0259; ltag = (-label); new = 1; goto L_025a; L_0259: l = &*find(label); if (l != null) goto L_025b; l = &*newlabel(); l->id = label; l->tag = newtag(); new = 1; goto L_025c; L_025b: if (l->tag >= 0) goto L_025d; if (label < 0) goto L_025d; l->tag = newtag(); new = 1; L_025d: L_025c: l->tag = (l->tag | -32768); ltag = l->tag; L_025a: if (new == 0) goto L_025e; e = &*environment(label); if (e == null) goto L_025f; e->label = 0; L_025f: L_025e: definetag((ltag & 32767)); if (uncondjump == ca) goto L_0260; mergeenvironment(label); L_0260: restoreenvironment(label); if (traceflag == 0) goto L_0261; if (next == 58) goto L_0262; if (next == 76) goto L_0262; dumptrace(); L_0262: L_0261: uncondjump = 0; markassigned = 0; L_0257: goto L_0263; void jumpto(int label, int cond, int def) { struct LABELFM *lab; int ref; invert = 0; if ((cond & 16) == 0) goto L_0264; cond = inverted[cond]; L_0264: if (def < 0) goto L_0265; if (label != 0) goto L_0266; return; L_0266: if (label >= 0) goto L_0267; jtag = (-label); goto L_0268; L_0267: lab = &*find(label); if (lab != null) goto L_0269; lab = &*newlabel(); lab->id = label; lab->tag = newtag(); rememberenvironment(label); goto L_026a; L_0269: if (lab->tag >= 0) goto L_026b; if (def != 1) goto L_026b; lab->tag = newtag(); rememberenvironment(label); goto L_026a; L_026b: if (lab->tag <= 0) goto L_026c; mergeenvironment(label); L_026c: L_026a: jtag = (lab->tag & 32767); L_0268: goto L_026d; L_0265: jtag = label; L_026d: if (cond != 12) goto L_026e; ref = 5; goto L_026f; L_026e: ref = 6; L_026f: definereference(jtag, ref); cput(((jtag << 4) + (cond & 15))); ccca = (ccca + 2); if (cond != 12) goto L_0270; uncondjump = ca; if (next != 58) goto L_0271; traceflag = (control & 64); L_0271: goto L_0272; L_0270: traceflag = (control & 64); L_0272: markassigned = 0; L_0263: goto L_0273; void float(struct STACKFM *v, int r) { int k; if (r != 26) goto L_0274; r = fpr(); L_0274: if (!(const(*v))) goto L_0275; if (v->disp != 0) goto L_0276; hazard(r); claim(r); rr(4, r, r); claim(r); v->type = 7; v->form = 1; v->sptfm = r; goto L_0277; L_0276: rvalue = v->disp; otype = 2; k = realconstant(0); v->xform = ((8 << 8) | 4); v->type = 7; v->sptfm = 15; v->disp = k; L_0277: goto L_0278; L_0275: load(*v, 25); rr(13, r, v->sptfm); claim(r); v->form = 1; v->type = 7; v->sptfm = r; L_0278: L_0273: goto L_0279; void lrd(struct STACKFM *v, int reg) { load(*v, reg); release(v->sptfm); drop(*v); L_0279: goto L_027a; void quickload(int reg, int form, int base, int disp) { struct STACKFM v; memset(v,0,sizeof struct STACKFM); v.type = 1; v.form = form; v.sptfm = base; v.disp = disp; load(v, reg); L_027a: goto L_027b; void reduce(struct STACKFM *v) { int type; int xform; int disp; int base; xform = (v->xform - 3); type = v->type; disp = v->disp; base = v->sptfm; v->disp = v->extra; v->type = 1; v->form = 4; load(*v, 25); v->type = type; v->xform = (xform & (\(8 << 8))); v->disp = disp; L_027b: goto L_027c; void amap(struct STACKFM *v) { int f; // bounds [0 : 15] // do it now: const short {*,2}map {NO INIT} f = map[v->form]; if (f >= 0) goto L_027d; if (v->form == 14) goto L_027e; abort(1095582032); L_027e: f = gpr(); forgetreg((1 << f)); definereference((v->disp & 4095), 2); rx(23, f, 15, 0); v->type = 1; v->xform = 1; v->sptfm = f; v->disp = 0; claim(f); return; L_027d: if (f == 7) goto L_027f; if (f != 8) goto L_0280; L_027f: if (v->disp != 0) goto L_0280; if (f != 7) goto L_0281; f = 6; goto L_0282; L_0281: f = 4; L_0282: v->disp = v->extra; L_0280: v->type = 1; v->form = f; L_027c: goto L_0283; void amaps(struct STACKFM *v) { int t; int l; t = v->type; l = v->length; amap(*v); if (t == 5) goto L_0284; return; L_0284: if (v->form < 7) goto L_0285; reduce(*v); L_0285: if (v->form == 4) goto L_0286; if (v->form != 6) goto L_0287; L_0286: load(*v, 25); L_0287: v->disp = (v->disp + (l << 24)); v->form = 5; L_0283: goto L_0288; void vmap(struct STACKFM *v) { int mod; int f; int t; // bounds [0 : 8] // do it now: const short {*,2}map {NO INIT} mod = 0; if (v->oper == 0) goto L_0289; if (v->oper == 3) goto L_028a; if (v->oper != 4) goto L_028b; L_028a: if (!(const(v->link))) goto L_028b; mod = v->link.disp; if (v->oper != 4) goto L_028c; mod = (-mod); L_028c: v->oper = 0; drop(v->link); L_028b: load(*v, 25); goto L_028d; L_0289: if (v->form == 6) goto L_028e; if (v->form != 9) goto L_028f; L_028e: t = v->type; amap(*v); load(*v, 25); v->type = t; v->form = 4; L_028f: L_028d: f = map[v->form]; if (f >= 0) goto L_0290; abort(1447903568); L_0290: v->form = f; v->disp = (v->disp + mod); L_0288: goto L_0291; void address(struct STACKFM *v, int mode) { int type; int form; int reg; int d; int cr; static struct STACKFM *last; if ((diagnose & 2) == 0) goto L_0292; monitor(*v, "ADDRESS"); L_0292: reg = mode; if (reg > 0) goto L_0293; reg = 25; if (v->type >= 7) goto L_0294; if (v->oper == 0) goto L_0295; if (!(floating(*v))) goto L_0295; L_0294: reg = 26; L_0295: L_0293: cr = reg; if (v->oper == 0) goto L_0296; if (v->oper != 3) goto L_0297; if (!(const(v->link))) goto L_0297; if (v->type > 3) goto L_0297; d = v->link.disp; drop(v->link); v->oper = 0; load(*v, reg); v->disp = d; v->form = 5; goto L_0298; L_0297: load(*v, reg); L_0298: goto U_0155; L_0296: form = v->form; type = v->type; if (form < 7) goto L_0299; reduce(*v); form = v->form; L_0299: if ((control & 128) != 0) goto L_029a; cheapreg = cr; cheapen(*v, mode); cr = cheapreg; form = v->form; L_029a: if (form == 1) goto L_029b; if (form != 0) goto L_029c; L_029b: goto U_0155; L_029c: if (form != 5) goto L_029d; if (v->sptfm != 0) goto L_029e; v->form = 0; goto L_029f; L_029e: if (v->disp != 0) goto L_02a0; v->form = 1; L_02a0: L_029f: goto U_0155; L_029d: if (form != 6) goto L_02a1; v->form = 4; v->type = 1; load(*v, 25); v->type = type; v->xform = (((v->flag & (\8)) << 8) | 4); v->disp = 0; form = 4; L_02a1: if (last == v) goto L_02a2; last = v; if (mode < 0) goto L_02a3; if ((control & 2) == 0) goto L_02a4; if (v->type == 5) goto L_02a4; if (checkable(*v)) goto L_02a5; L_02a4: if (v->type != 3) goto L_02a3; L_02a5: load(*v, reg); L_02a3: last = null; L_02a2: U_0155: cheapreg = cr; L_0291: goto L_02a6; void load(struct STACKFM *v, int r) { struct STACKFM *w; // bounds [0 : 9] /*todo: gcc jump table extension*/ void **f; // bounds [1 : 17] /*todo: gcc jump table extension*/ void **iop; // bounds [1 : 17] /*todo: gcc jump table extension*/ void **rop; struct STACKFM z; struct STACKFM *temprhs; int op; int d; int type; int temp; int n; int uflag; // bounds [1 : 16] // do it now: const char {*,2}twin {NO INIT} goto L_02a6; void pickup(struct STACKFM *v) { int old; load(*v, r); if (r == 25) goto L_02a7; if (r != 26) goto L_02a8; L_02a7: old = r; r = v->sptfm; if (activity[r] == 1) goto L_02a9; if (activity[r] != 2) goto L_02aa; if (w->sptfm != r) goto L_02aa; L_02a9: return; L_02aa: if (old != 25) goto L_02ab; r = gpr(); goto L_02ac; L_02ab: r = fpr(); L_02ac: load(*v, r); goto L_02ad; L_02a8: if (activity[r] == 1) goto L_02ae; abort(1349084011); L_02ae: L_02ad: L_02a6: if ((diagnose & 2) == 0) goto L_02af; monitor(*v, "LOAD"); L_02af: if (floating(*v)) goto L_02b0; if (17 > r) goto L_02b1; if (r <= 24) goto L_02b0; L_02b1: if (r != 26) goto L_02b2; L_02b0: goto U_015d; L_02b2: op = v->oper; v->oper = 0; if (op == 0) goto L_02b3; w = &v->link; if (w->sptfm != r) goto L_02b4; if (r == v->sptfm) goto L_02b4; load(*w, 25); L_02b4: goto *iop[op]; L_02b3: if (v->type == 0) goto L_02b5; if (v->type == 5) goto L_02b5; if (v->type != 6) goto L_02b6; L_02b5: amap(*v); L_02b6: address(*v, r); if (r != 25) goto L_02b7; if (v->form != 1) goto L_02b8; return; L_02b8: if (v->form != 5) goto L_02b9; if (activity[v->sptfm] != 1) goto L_02b9; if ((-15) > v->disp) goto L_02b9; if (v->disp > 15) goto L_02b9; r = v->sptfm; goto L_02ba; L_02b9: r = gpr(); L_02ba: goto L_02bb; L_02b7: if (v->sptfm != r) goto L_02bc; if (activity[r] <= 1) goto L_02bd; release(r); v->sptfm = 0; hazard(r); claim(r); v->sptfm = r; L_02bd: goto L_02be; L_02bc: hazard(r); L_02be: L_02bb: goto *f[v->form]; f_8: f_9: f_7: f_6: abort(4998193); f_5: f_0: if (v->type < 7) goto L_02bf; abort(4998194); L_02bf: rxi(1, r, v->sptfm, v->disp); forgetreg((1 << r)); if (r == v->sptfm) goto L_02c0; associate(*v, r); L_02c0: U_015e: v->type = 1; U_015f: v->form = 1; v->sptfm = r; v->disp = 0; claim(r); return; f_1: if (v->sptfm != r) goto L_02c1; return; L_02c1: rr(1, r, v->sptfm); forgetreg((1 << r)); v->sptfm = r; claim(r); return; f_4: uflag = (control & 2); if (1 >= v->type) goto L_02c2; if (v->type >= 7) goto L_02c2; if (2 == v->type) goto L_02c3; if (v->type == 3) goto L_02c3; abort(4998195); L_02c3: uflag = 0; goto L_02c4; L_02c2: if ((v->flag & 8) != 0) goto L_02c5; if (!(checkable(*v))) goto L_02c5; if (v->type != 255) goto L_02c6; L_02c5: uflag = 0; L_02c6: L_02c4: if (v->type != 255) goto L_02c7; v->type = 2; rxd(37, r, *v); forgetreg((1 << r)); goto L_02c8; L_02c7: rxd(1, r, *v); forgetreg((1 << r)); associate(*v, r); L_02c8: if (uflag == 0) goto L_02c9; if (v->type >= 7) goto L_02ca; v->type = 1; if (level == 5) goto L_02cb; rr(28, r, 13); goto L_02cc; L_02cb: rx(28, r, 15, 12); L_02cc: goto L_02cd; L_02ca: v->type = 7; rx(7, r, 15, 12); L_02cd: rr(22, 16, 15); v->flag = (v->flag & (\8)); L_02c9: goto U_015f; iop_8: if ((control & 2) != 0) goto L_02ce; if (w->form != 0) goto L_02ce; address(*v, r); if (w->disp != 65535) goto L_02cf; if (v->form != 4) goto L_02d0; if (v->type == 1) goto L_02d1; if (v->type != 2) goto L_02d0; L_02d1: if (v->type != 1) goto L_02d2; v->disp = (v->disp + 2); L_02d2: U_0160: v->type = 255; drop(*w); load(*v, r); return; L_02d0: goto L_02d3; L_02cf: if (w->disp != 255) goto L_02d4; drop(*w); if (v->form != 1) goto L_02d5; if (r != 25) goto L_02d6; r = gpr(); L_02d6: rr(31, r, v->sptfm); goto U_015e; L_02d5: if (v->type != 1) goto L_02d7; v->disp = (v->disp + 3); goto L_02d8; L_02d7: if (v->type != 2) goto L_02d9; v->disp = (v->disp + 1); L_02d9: L_02d8: v->type = 3; load(*v, r); return; L_02d4: L_02d3: L_02ce: iop_3: iop_4: iop_9: iop_10: pickup(*v); address(*w, 0); rxd(op, r, *w); goto U_0161; iop_12: if ((control & 2) != 0) goto L_02da; if (w->form != 0) goto L_02da; if (w->disp != 16) goto L_02da; address(*v, r); if (v->form != 4) goto L_02db; if (v->type != 1) goto L_02db; goto U_0160; L_02db: L_02da: iop_11: if (w->form == 0) goto L_02dc; if ((control & 1) == 0) goto L_02dc; load(*w, 3); perm(29); L_02dc: pickup(*v); if (w->form != 0) goto L_02dd; if (0 > w->disp) goto L_02de; if (w->disp <= ((8 * 4) - 1)) goto L_02df; L_02de: warn(6); L_02df: goto L_02e0; L_02dd: if (w->form == 1) goto L_02e1; load(*w, 25); L_02e1: w->disp = 0; L_02e0: rxi(op, v->sptfm, w->sptfm, w->disp); goto U_0161; iop_1: iop_2: abort(4998196); iop_6: if (w->form != 0) goto L_02e2; n = power(w->disp); if (n <= 0) goto L_02e3; pickup(*v); testzero(*v); r = v->sptfm; claim(r); d = 1; if (n <= 4) goto L_02e4; d = 2; L_02e4: skip(d, 5); rxi(3, v->sptfm, 0, (\((-1) << n))); rxi(29, v->sptfm, 0, n); goto U_0161; L_02e3: L_02e2: iop_5: iop_14: if (r != 25) goto L_02e5; n = 0; if (op != 5) goto L_02e6; n = 1; L_02e6: if (!(infreereg(*v))) goto L_02e7; if ((actual[v->sptfm] & 1) != n) goto L_02e7; if (activity[twin[v->sptfm]] != 0) goto L_02e7; temp = v->sptfm; if (op == 5) goto L_02e8; temp = twin[temp]; L_02e8: goto L_02e9; L_02e7: temp = evenoddpair(); L_02e9: goto L_02ea; L_02e5: if ((actual[r] & 1) == 0) goto L_02eb; if (activity[twin[r]] != 0) goto L_02eb; temp = r; goto L_02ec; L_02eb: temp = evenoddpair(); L_02ec: L_02ea: n = twin[temp]; claim(n); load(*v, temp); release(n); hazard(n); claim(n); d = op; if (op == 5) goto L_02ed; rr(1, n, temp); claim(temp); rxi(29, n, 0, 31); d = 6; L_02ed: forgetreg(((2 + 1) << n)); address(*w, 0); if (w->form == 0) goto L_02ee; if (w->form == 5) goto L_02ee; if (w->type == 1) goto L_02ef; L_02ee: load(*w, 25); L_02ef: rxd(d, n, *w); release(n); if (op != 5) goto L_02f0; if ((control & 1) == 0) goto L_02f1; if (n == 1) goto L_02f2; claim(n); rr(1, 1, n); L_02f2: perm(21); L_02f1: goto L_02f3; L_02f0: if (op != 14) goto L_02f4; claim(n); release(temp); d = temp; temp = n; n = d; L_02f4: L_02f3: v->sptfm = temp; v->disp = 0; v->form = 1; if (temp == r) goto L_02f5; load(*v, r); L_02f5: goto U_0161; iop_13: if (r == v->sptfm) goto L_02f6; if (v->type != 3) goto L_02f7; L_02f6: load(*v, 25); goto L_02f8; L_02f7: address(*v, 0); if (v->form == 4) goto L_02f9; if (v->form == 1) goto L_02f9; if (v->form == 0) goto L_02f9; load(*v, 25); L_02f9: L_02f8: if (v->type != 1) goto L_02fa; v->disp = (v->disp + (4 / 2)); L_02fa: pickup(*w); rxd(13, r, *v); v->sptfm = r; v->disp = 0; v->xform = 1; goto U_0161; iop_15: load(*v, 4); load(*w, 3); release(4); release(3); perm(2); claim(2); v->sptfm = 2; goto U_0161; iop_7: address(*v, r); if (v->type == 0) goto L_02fb; if (pdisp != 0) goto L_02fc; pdisp = 44; L_02fc: temprhs = rhs; sset(8, pdisp, 4, 0); rhs->type = 5; rhs->length = 255; rhs = temprhs; sstack(*v); v->sptfm = 0; assign(1); claim(3); v->type = 5; v->form = 4; v->sptfm = 3; v->disp = 0; v->length = 255; pdisp = (pdisp + 256); L_02fb: if ((w->flag & 1) == 0) goto L_02fd; memcpy(z,*v,sizeof struct STACKFM); claim(z.sptfm); z.type = 3; load(z, 25); rxi(1, z.sptfm, z.sptfm, 1); claim(z.sptfm); load(*w, 25); v->rem = z.sptfm; v->type = 3; v->form = 4; rxd(2, w->sptfm, *v); release(w->sptfm); claim(v->sptfm); v->rem = 0; rxd(2, z.sptfm, *v); goto L_02fe; L_02fd: load(*v, 3); load(*w, 2); release(2); release(3); n = v->length; if (n != 0) goto L_02ff; n = 255; L_02ff: perm(6); cput(n); v->form = 4; L_02fe: claim(v->sptfm); v->type = 0; if (r == 25) goto L_0300; if (r == 0) goto L_0300; load(*v, r); v->type = 0; v->form = 4; L_0300: drop(*w); return; U_015d: if (r != 25) goto L_0301; abort(4998197); L_0301: op = v->oper; v->oper = 0; if (op == 0) goto L_0302; w = &v->link; goto *rop[op]; rop_1: rop_11: rop_12: rop_8: rop_9: rop_10: rop_7: rop_13: abort(4998198); rop_17: op = 6; rop_6: rop_3: rop_4: rop_5: if (w->type >= 7) goto L_0303; float(*w, 26); if (w->form != 1) goto L_0304; if (1 == v->form) goto L_0304; if (v->type < 7) goto L_0304; if (op == 3) goto L_0305; if (op != 5) goto L_0304; L_0305: memcpy(z,*v,sizeof struct STACKFM); memcpy(*v,*w,sizeof struct STACKFM); memcpy(*w,z,sizeof struct STACKFM); L_0304: L_0303: pickup(*v); r = v->sptfm; address(*w, 0); rxd(op, r, *w); goto U_0161; rop_2: abort(4998199); L_0302: if (v->type >= 7) goto L_0306; float(*v, r); L_0306: address(*v, r); if (v->form != 1) goto L_0307; if (r == 26) goto L_0308; if (v->sptfm != r) goto L_0309; L_0308: return; L_0309: hazard(r); rr(1, r, v->sptfm); v->sptfm = r; claim(r); return; L_0307: if (r != 26) goto L_030a; r = fpr(); goto L_030b; L_030a: if (r == v->sptfm) goto L_030c; hazard(r); L_030c: L_030b: if (17 > r) goto L_030d; if (r <= 24) goto L_030e; L_030d: abort(4998200); L_030e: goto *f[v->form]; rop_16: if (w->type < 7) goto L_030f; abort(4998201); L_030f: load(*v, 18); load(*w, 2); release(18); release(2); perm(3); claim(17); v->sptfm = 17; U_0161: if (v->type > 3) goto L_0310; v->type = 1; L_0310: forgetreg((1 << v->sptfm)); drop(*w); for (;;) { L_0311: goto L_0311; void cop(int op, struct STACKFM *lh, struct STACKFM *rh) { int l; int r; // bounds [1 : 17] /*todo: gcc jump table extension*/ void **s; goto L_0311; int p10(int n) { int value; int power; value = 1; power = 0; for (;;) { L_0312: if (value < n) goto L_0313; return(power); L_0313: value = (value * 10); power = (power + 1); if (power <= 100) goto L_0314; abort(1129271345); L_0314: } L_0311: l = lh->disp; r = rh->disp; goto *s[op]; s_2: s_1: s_7: abort(1129271346); s_3: l = (l + r); goto U_0155; s_4: l = (l - r); goto U_0155; s_9: l = (l | r); goto U_0155; s_8: l = (l & r); goto U_0155; s_10: l = (l ^ r); goto U_0155; s_11: l = (l << r); goto U_0155; s_5: l = (l * r); goto U_0155; s_13: l = (l * r); goto U_0155; s_12: l = (l >> r); goto U_0155; s_15: l = imp_int_exp(l, r); goto U_0155; s_6: if (r != 0) goto L_0315; warn(1); r = 1; L_0315: l = (l / r); goto U_0155; s_14: if (r != 0) goto L_0316; warn(1); r = 1; L_0316: l = (l - ((l / r) * r)); goto U_0155; s_16: if ((p10(abs(l)) * r) <= 70) goto L_0317; warn(7); r = 0; L_0317: rvalue = imp_real_exp(l, r); goto U_0156; s_17: if (r != 0) goto L_0318; warn(1); r = 1; L_0318: rvalue = (l / r); U_0156: otype = 2; l = realconstant(0); lh->sptfm = 15; lh->type = 7; lh->form = 4; U_0155: lh->disp = l; for (;;) { L_0319: goto L_0319; void operate(int oper) { struct STACKFM *lh; struct STACKFM *rh; struct STACKFM *with; int key; int lcon; int rcon; int wcon; int lop; // bounds [3 : 17] // do it now: const char {*,2}transitive {NO INIT} // bounds [3 : 17] // do it now: const char {*,2}commutative {NO INIT} // bounds [3 : 17] // do it now: const short {*,2}nopvalue {NO INIT} goto L_0319; void pickup(struct STACKFM *v) { if (!(floating(*v))) goto L_031a; load(*v, 26); goto L_031b; L_031a: load(*v, 25); L_031b: L_0319: stp = (stp - 1); lcon = 0; rcon = 0; wcon = 0; lh = &stacked[stp].v; if (!(const(*lh))) goto L_031c; lcon = 1; goto L_031d; L_031c: if (lh->type == 5) goto L_031e; if (lh->type == 0) goto L_031e; if (lh->oper != 0) goto L_031f; address(*lh, 0); L_031f: L_031e: L_031d: rh = &stacked[(stp + 1)].v; if (!(const(*rh))) goto L_0320; rcon = 1; if (oper != 4) goto L_0321; oper = 3; rh->disp = (-rh->disp); L_0321: L_0320: if (lh->oper == 0) goto L_0322; lop = lh->oper; with = &lh->link; if (!(const(*with))) goto L_0323; wcon = 1; L_0323: if ((wcon & rcon) == 0) goto L_0324; key = (transitive[oper] | transitive[lop]); if (key == 0) goto L_0325; if (key != 1) goto L_0326; if (oper != lop) goto L_0326; L_0325: if (lop != 4) goto L_0327; with->disp = (-with->disp); lop = 3; L_0327: cop(oper, *rh, *with); drop(*with); lh->link = rh; lh->oper = lop; goto U_015b; L_0326: L_0324: pickup(*lh); L_0322: if (rcon == 0) goto L_0328; if (lcon != 0) goto L_0329; if (oper != 3) goto L_032a; if (lh->type != 1) goto L_032a; if (lh->form == 1) goto L_0329; if (lh->form != 5) goto L_032a; L_0329: if (lh->form != 1) goto L_032b; lh->form = 5; L_032b: cop(oper, *lh, *rh); drop(*rh); return; L_032a: L_0328: if (rh->oper == 0) goto L_032c; pickup(*rh); goto L_032d; L_032c: if (rcon == 0) goto L_032e; if (rh->disp != 2) goto L_032e; if (oper == 5) goto L_032f; if (oper == 15) goto L_032f; if (oper != 16) goto L_0330; L_032f: if (oper != 5) goto L_0331; oper = 3; goto L_0332; L_0331: oper = 5; L_0332: memcpy(*rh,*lh,sizeof struct STACKFM); rcon = 0; claim(rh->sptfm); L_0330: L_032e: L_032d: if (commutative[oper] == 0) goto L_0333; if (lcon != 0) goto L_0334; if (lh->form == 1) goto L_0333; if (rh->form != 1) goto L_0333; if (activity[rh->sptfm] < 0) goto L_0333; L_0334: rh->link = lh; stacked[stp].v = rh; rh->oper = oper; with = rh; rh = lh; lh = with; rcon = lcon; goto L_0335; L_0333: lh->oper = oper; lh->link = rh; L_0335: U_015b: if (rcon == 0) goto L_0336; if (rh->disp != nopvalue[oper]) goto L_0337; lh->oper = 0; drop(*rh); goto L_0338; L_0337: if (oper != 5) goto L_0339; if ((control & 1) != 0) goto L_0339; key = power(rh->disp); if (key <= 0) goto L_033a; lh->oper = 11; rh->disp = key; L_033a: L_0339: L_0338: L_0336: for (;;) { L_033b: goto L_033b; void assign(int assop) { // bounds [-1 : 3] // do it now: const char {*,2}stringmove {NO INIT} struct STACKFM *lh; struct STACKFM *rh; struct STACKFM *x; struct STACKFM temp; int n; int p; int t; int op; int insert; int form; int lhdisp; insert = 0; if (stp >= 2) goto L_033c; abort(1095979825); L_033c: rh = &stacked[stp].v; lh = &stacked[(stp - 1)].v; form = lh->form; if ((diagnose & 4) == 0) goto L_033d; monitor(*lh, "ASS LH"); monitor(*rh, "ASS RH"); L_033d: if (assop >= 0) goto L_033e; if ((lh->flag & 4) == 0) goto L_033f; memcpy(temp,*lh,sizeof struct STACKFM); memcpy(*lh,*rh,sizeof struct STACKFM); memcpy(*rh,temp,sizeof struct STACKFM); pdisp = 0; return; L_033f: lh->extra = (lh->extra - 1); vstack(lh->extra); lh = &stacked[stp].v; form = lh->form; lhdisp = lh->disp; if (lh->form == 4) goto L_0340; assop = 0; L_0340: if ((lh->flag & 2) != 0) goto L_0341; pdisp = (lh->disp + lh->length); if (lh->type != 5) goto L_0342; if (form != 4) goto L_0342; pdisp = (pdisp + 1); L_0342: lh->disp = (lh->disp + wdisp); L_0341: if ((lh->flag & 16) == 0) goto L_0343; assop = 1; lh->type = 1; lh->form = 4; rh->type = 1; rh->form = 5; if (rh->sptfm == 0) goto L_0344; if (rh->sptfm == 14) goto L_0344; rh->form = 4; goto L_0345; L_0344: if (rh->sptfm != 14) goto L_0346; rh->disp = (rh->disp - (5 * 4)); goto L_0345; L_0346: p = ((frame + 3) & (\3)); frame = (p + (8 * 4)); t = rh->disp; rh->disp = p; rh->sptfm = local; definereference(t, 2); rx(23, 16, 15, 0); rx(25, 9, local, p); L_0345: L_0343: L_033e: stp = (stp - 2); if ((rh->flag & 96) == 0) goto L_0347; pdisp = (lh->disp + (2 * 4)); hazard(1); address(*lh, (-1)); address(*rh, (-1)); if (rh->header != (-1)) goto L_0348; rx(1, 1, rh->sptfm, rh->disp); goto L_0349; L_0348: rxi(1, 1, rh->sptfm, rh->disp); rx(3, 1, 14, rh->header); rh->disp = rh->header; rh->sptfm = 14; L_0349: if (lh->type != 5) goto L_034a; if (lh->length != 0) goto L_034a; rxi(3, 1, 0, (rh->length << 24)); L_034a: forgetreg((1 << 1)); rx(2, 1, lh->sptfm, lh->disp); claim(rh->sptfm); rx(1, 1, rh->sptfm, (rh->disp + 4)); claim(lh->sptfm); rx(2, 1, lh->sptfm, (lh->disp + 4)); drop(*lh); drop(*rh); return; L_0347: if (lh->type != 4) goto L_034b; if (assop == 0) goto L_034c; abort(1095979826); L_034c: if (rh->type != 4) goto L_034d; amap(*lh); address(*lh, (-1)); amap(*rh); address(*rh, (-1)); hazard(1); rx(1, 1, rh->sptfm, rh->disp); rx(2, 1, lh->sptfm, lh->disp); claim(lh->sptfm); claim(rh->sptfm); rx(1, 1, rh->sptfm, (rh->disp + 4)); rx(2, 1, lh->sptfm, (lh->disp + 4)); drop(*lh); drop(*rh); return; L_034d: t = rh->type; rh->flag = (rh->flag | 8); n = rh->length; if (t != 5) goto L_034e; n = (n + 1); L_034e: amaps(*rh); lrd(*rh, 25); p = rh->sptfm; rx(2, p, lh->sptfm, lh->disp); claim(lh->sptfm); cload(((n << 4) + genmap[t]), p); rx(2, p, lh->sptfm, (lh->disp + 4)); drop(*lh); return; L_034b: if (assop != 0) goto L_034f; amap(*lh); if (lh->length != 0) goto L_0350; amaps(*rh); goto L_0351; L_0350: amap(*rh); L_0351: L_034f: if (lh->type != 6) goto L_0352; n = minrecordsize(*lh, *rh); if (rh->form == 0) goto L_0353; lrd(*rh, 2); op = 27; goto L_0354; L_0353: drop(*rh); op = 28; L_0354: lrd(*lh, 3); cload((n >> 2), 4); perm(op); return; L_0352: if (lh->type != 5) goto L_0355; if ((lh->flag & 2) != 0) goto L_0355; if (assop <= 0) goto L_0356; if (rh->format != 1) goto L_0356; drop(*rh); lh->type = 3; sstack(*lh); drop(*lh); cstack(0); assign(assop); return; L_0356: p = lh->length; if (assop == 2) goto L_0357; if (!(same(*lh, *rh))) goto L_0357; if (rh->oper != 0) goto L_0358; drop(*lh); drop(*rh); goto L_0359; L_0358: rh->length = p; release(lh->sptfm); drop(*lh); rh->type = 0; lrd(*rh, 0); L_0359: goto L_035a; L_0357: if ((control & 32) == 0) goto L_035b; if (assop == 2) goto L_035b; if (rh->oper == 0) goto L_035b; if (same(*lh, *rh)) goto L_035b; if (same(*lh, rh->link)) goto L_035b; x = &rh->link; rh->oper = 0; load(*lh, 3); lrd(*rh, 2); perm(stringmove[3]); lh->form = 4; lh->type = 0; lh->oper = 7; lh->link = x; lrd(*lh, 0); goto L_035a; L_035b: rh->flag = (rh->flag & (\1)); if (assop == 2) goto L_035c; if ((control & 32) != 0) goto L_035d; if (p < rh->length) goto L_035e; if ((control & 2) == 0) goto L_035d; if (checkable(*rh)) goto L_035e; L_035d: assop = 3; L_035e: L_035c: if (rh->oper != 0) goto L_035f; lrd(*lh, 3); lrd(*rh, 2); goto L_0360; L_035f: lrd(*rh, 2); lrd(*lh, 3); L_0360: perm(stringmove[assop]); if (assop == 3) goto L_0361; cput(p); L_0361: L_035a: return; L_0355: if ((lh->flag & 2) == 0) goto L_0362; p = 7; if (lhdisp >= 4) goto L_0363; p = 6; L_0363: if (lh->type != 5) goto L_0364; p = 2; L_0364: if (rh->oper == 0) goto L_0365; load(*rh, p); L_0365: drop(*lh); lh = &stacked[stp].v; rh->oper = p; rh->link = &lh->link; lh->link = rh; address(*lh, (-1)); goto L_0366; L_0362: address(*lh, (-1)); if ((control & 23) != 0) goto L_0367; if (rh->type > 2) goto L_0367; if (rh->oper == 0) goto L_0368; if (rh->oper != 3) goto L_0367; L_0368: if (!(same(*lh, *rh))) goto L_0367; if (rh->oper != 0) goto L_0369; release(rh->sptfm); drop(*rh); release(lh->sptfm); drop(*lh); return; L_0369: x = rh; rh = &rh->link; release(x->sptfm); drop(*x); load(*rh, 25); address(*lh, (-1)); rxd(38, rh->sptfm, *lh); forgetvar(*lh); release(rh->sptfm); drop(*rh); drop(*lh); return; L_0367: t = rh->type; if (rh->sptfm != 0) goto L_036a; if (rh->form != 0) goto L_036a; if (rh->oper != 0) goto L_036a; if ((-32768) > rh->disp) goto L_036b; if (rh->disp > 32767) goto L_036b; if ((rh->disp & (\255)) != 0) goto L_036c; t = 3; goto L_036d; L_036c: t = 2; L_036d: L_036b: L_036a: n = assop; if (lh->type > 3) goto L_036e; if (lh->type > t) goto L_036f; L_036e: assop = 2; L_036f: if (lh->form != 1) goto L_0370; load(*rh, lh->sptfm); assop = 2; goto L_0371; L_0370: p = cheapreg; if (lh->type < 7) goto L_0372; if (floating(*rh)) goto L_0372; float(*rh, p); L_0372: address(*rh, p); if (rh->form == 1) goto L_0373; load(*rh, p); L_0373: p = rh->sptfm; if (lh->form == 4) goto L_0374; address(*lh, (-1)); L_0374: rxd(2, p, *lh); if ((control & 128) != 0) goto L_0375; t = activity[lh->sptfm]; if (t < 0) goto L_0376; if ((control & 32) == 0) goto L_0377; L_0376: forgetvar(*lh); if (markassigned == 0) goto L_0378; if (lh->sptfm != local) goto L_0378; var[lh->varno].flag = (var[lh->varno].flag | 8); L_0378: goto L_0379; L_0377: forgetall(); L_0379: lh->flag = (lh->flag | (rh->flag & 8)); if (n == 2) goto L_037a; associate(*lh, p); L_037a: L_0375: release(p); L_0371: drop(*lh); drop(*rh); L_0366: if (assop != 1) goto L_037b; if ((control & 1) == 0) goto L_037b; if (lh->type != 2) goto L_037c; claim(p); rr(30, p, p); perm(22); goto L_037d; L_037c: rxi(36, p, 0, (\255)); perm(23); L_037d: L_037b: L_033b: goto L_037e; void loadparams(struct STACKFM *v) { int reg; struct STACKFM *next; if (v != null) goto L_037f; return; L_037f: reg = v->oper; v->oper = 0; next = &v->link; load(*v, reg); loadparams(*next); release(reg); drop(*v); L_037e: goto L_0380; void arrayref(int mode) { int flags; int p; int type; int base; int assbit; int mult; int shift; struct STACKFM *temp; goto L_0380; int specialcase() { shift = power(mult); if (shift >= 0) goto L_0381; if ((flags & 32) != 0) goto L_0381; if (base != 0) goto L_0382; L_0381: L_0382: L_0380: goto L_0383; void uncheckedref() { int header; int length; int format; int extra; header = lhs->header; length = lhs->length; format = lhs->format; extra = 0; if (rhs->oper == 3) goto L_0384; if (rhs->oper != 0) goto L_0385; if (rhs->form == 5) goto L_0384; if (rhs->form != 0) goto L_0385; L_0384: if (rhs->oper != 3) goto L_0386; if (rhs->link.form == 0) goto L_0387; if (rhs->link.form != 5) goto L_0388; L_0387: extra = rhs->link.disp; if (rhs->link.form != 5) goto L_0389; rhs->link.form = 1; rhs->link.disp = 0; goto L_038a; L_0389: rhs->oper = 0; drop(rhs->link); L_038a: L_0388: goto L_038b; L_0386: extra = rhs->disp; rhs->disp = 0; if (rhs->form != 5) goto L_038c; rhs->form = 1; L_038c: L_038b: extra = (extra * mult); L_0385: if (shift < 0) goto L_038d; cstack(shift); operate(11); goto L_038e; L_038d: cstack(mult); operate(13); L_038e: lhs->type = 1; if (lhs->header < 0) goto L_038f; amap(*lhs); sset(14, lhs->header, 4, 0); operate(3); L_038f: operate(3); setlhs(); if (extra == 0) goto L_0390; cstack(extra); operate(3); setlhs(); L_0390: vmap(*lhs); if ((flags & 128) == 0) goto L_0391; vmap(*lhs); L_0391: lhs->type = type; lhs->format = format; lhs->length = length; lhs->xform = (lhs->form | assbit); L_0383: if (mode == 0) goto L_0392; setboth(); stp = (stp - 1); if (rhs->oper == 0) goto L_0393; load(*rhs, 25); L_0393: rhs->link = &lhs->link; lhs->link = rhs; lhs->oper = (lhs->oper + 1); return; L_0392: setboth(); if ((lhs->oper + 1) == lhs->v) goto L_0394; abort(1095910961); L_0394: flags = lhs->flag; lhs->flag = (lhs->flag & (\(128 + 96))); base = lhs->sptfm; type = lhs->type; assbit = (lhs->xform & (8 << 8)); if ((control & 4) != 0) goto L_0395; if (lhs->oper == 0) goto L_0396; L_0395: if (base != 0) goto L_0397; L_0396: mult = lhs->length; if (lhs->type != 5) goto L_0398; mult = (mult + 1); L_0398: if ((flags & 128) == 0) goto L_0399; mult = 4; L_0399: if (!(specialcase())) goto L_039a; uncheckedref(); return; L_039a: L_0397: stp = (stp - 1); if (lhs->oper != 0) goto L_039b; load(*rhs, 2); drop(*rhs); p = 13; goto L_039c; L_039b: if (lhs->oper != 1) goto L_039d; load(lhs->link, 2); drop(lhs->link); load(*rhs, 3); drop(*rhs); p = 14; if ((control & 4) != 0) goto L_039e; p = 16; L_039e: goto L_039c; L_039d: if (rhs->oper == 0) goto L_039f; load(*rhs, 25); L_039f: rhs->link = &lhs->link; for (p = pdisp; p += 4; p != (pdisp + ((lhs->oper - 1) * 4))) { temp = &rhs->link; lrd(*rhs, 25); rx(2, rhs->sptfm, 8, p); rhs = temp; } L_03a3: load(*rhs, 2); rhs->form = 5; rhs->sptfm = 8; rhs->disp = pdisp; load(*rhs, 3); drop(*rhs); p = 15; L_039c: lhs->oper = 0; amap(*lhs); if (lhs->header < 0) goto L_03a4; sset(14, lhs->header, 5, 0); load(*rhs, 4); drop(*rhs); stp = (stp - 1); goto L_03a5; L_03a4: load(*lhs, 4); L_03a5: release(2); release(4); if (p == 13) goto L_03a6; release(3); L_03a6: perm(p); claim(2); if (lhs->header < 0) goto L_03a7; sset(lhs->sptfm, lhs->disp, lhs->form, lhs->extra); lhs->sptfm = 2; lhs->disp = 0; lhs->form = 1; lhs->type = 1; operate(3); goto L_03a8; L_03a7: lhs->sptfm = 2; lhs->disp = 0; L_03a8: vmap(*lhs); lhs->type = type; lhs->xform = (assbit | 4); if ((flags & 128) == 0) goto L_03a9; lhs->form = 6; L_03a9: for (;;) { L_03aa: goto L_03aa; void testzero(struct STACKFM *v) { struct STACKFM *w; int cr; cr = 25; if (!(floating(*v))) goto L_03ab; cr = 26; L_03ab: if (v->oper != 8) goto L_03ac; if (sym != 63) goto L_03ac; if (!(const(v->link))) goto L_03ac; w = &v->link; v->oper = 0; load(*v, cr); rxd(36, v->sptfm, *w); drop(*w); release(v->sptfm); goto L_03ad; L_03ac: load(*v, cr); if (ca != ccca) goto L_03ae; if (ccreg == v->sptfm) goto L_03af; L_03ae: rr(1, v->sptfm, v->sptfm); goto L_03b0; L_03af: release(v->sptfm); L_03b0: L_03ad: L_03aa: goto L_03b1; void comparerecords(struct STACKFM *l, struct STACKFM *r, int n) { amap(*l); load(*l, 2); amap(*r); load(*r, 3); cload(n, 4); setboth(); release(2); release(3); perm(34); L_03b1: goto L_03b2; void comparereals(struct STACKFM *l, struct STACKFM *r) { load(*l, 26); address(*r, 0); if (floating(*r)) goto L_03b3; float(*r, 26); L_03b3: rxd(7, l->sptfm, *r); release(l->sptfm); L_03b2: goto L_03b4; void comparestrings(struct STACKFM *l, struct STACKFM *r) { struct STACKFM *temp; if (l->sptfm != 15) goto L_03b5; if (l->disp != nullstring) goto L_03b5; temp = r; r = l; l = temp; invert = (invert ^ 16); L_03b5: if (r->sptfm != 15) goto L_03b6; if (r->disp != nullstring) goto L_03b6; if (l->oper == 0) goto L_03b7; load(*l, 25); L_03b7: l->type = 3; testzero(*l); goto L_03b8; L_03b6: if (r->oper == 0) goto L_03b9; load(*r, 3); L_03b9: load(*l, 2); load(*r, 3); release(2); release(3); perm(9); L_03b8: l->type = 5; l->form = 4; pdisp = 0; L_03b4: goto L_03ba; void compare(struct STACKFM *l, struct STACKFM *r, int next) { swopped = 0; if (l->type == 0) goto L_03bb; if (l->type != 5) goto L_03bc; L_03bb: comparestrings(*l, *r); return; L_03bc: if (!(zero(*r))) goto L_03bd; testzero(*l); return; L_03bd: if (!(zero(*l))) goto L_03be; testzero(*r); invert = (invert ^ 16); return; L_03be: if (floating(*l)) goto L_03bf; if (!(floating(*r))) goto L_03c0; L_03bf: comparereals(*l, *r); return; L_03c0: if (l->type != 6) goto L_03c1; comparerecords(*l, *r, minrecordsize(*l, *r)); return; L_03c1: address(*l, 0); load(*l, 25); address(*r, 0); if (61 == next) goto L_03c2; if (next == 35) goto L_03c2; rxd(7, l->sptfm, *r); goto L_03c3; L_03c2: rxd(28, l->sptfm, *r); L_03c3: release(l->sptfm); L_03ba: goto L_03c4; void resolve(int flag) { struct STACKFM *s; struct STACKFM *a; struct STACKFM *b; struct STACKFM *c; int p; int q; if ((flag & 1) != 0) goto L_03c5; cstack(0); L_03c5: poplhs(); c = lhs; poplhs(); b = lhs; if ((flag & 2) != 0) goto L_03c6; cstack(0); L_03c6: poplhs(); a = lhs; poplhs(); s = lhs; load(*s, 4); load(*a, 3); load(*b, 2); load(*c, 5); p = a->length; q = c->length; release(4); drop(*s); release(3); drop(*a); release(2); drop(*b); release(5); drop(*c); perm(7); cput(((p << 8) + (q & 255))); if ((flag & 4) != 0) goto L_03c7; perm(8); L_03c7: L_03c4: goto L_03c8; void header(struct VARFM *v) { if (frame >= 44) goto L_03c9; frame = 44; L_03c9: definetag((v->disp & 4095)); rx(25, ((6 + 2) - minparm), 8, ((2 - minparm) * 4)); if (potype < 3) goto L_03ca; externallink(7, 0, 0); rx(2, 16, 8, ((16 - 6) * 4)); if ((control & 12) == 0) goto L_03cb; if (unassignedrtn != 0) goto L_03cb; unassignedrtn = 1; selectoutput(1); printsymbol(3); put(1); put(0); selectoutput(2); L_03cb: L_03ca: rr(1, local, 8); if (v->header == 0) goto L_03cc; if (v != &begin) goto L_03cd; abort(1212437041); L_03cd: sset(local, v->header, 4, 0); rhs->type = 5; sset(2, 0, 1, 0); claim(2); assign(3); if ((control & 32) == 0) goto L_03ce; v->header = 0; goto L_03cf; L_03ce: cput(2066); L_03cf: L_03cc: frame = ((frame + 3) & (\3)); if ((control & 32) != 0) goto L_03d0; perm(26); cput(frame); cput(0); goto L_03d1; L_03d0: rxi(3, 8, 0, 44); L_03d1: setframepatch(); if (level == 5) goto L_03d2; if ((control & 2) == 0) goto L_03d2; rx(1, 13, 15, 12); activity[13] = (-1); L_03d2: if (v->header == 0) goto L_03d3; cput(2081); perm(4); cput(ap->length); v->header = 0; L_03d3: if ((control & 64) == 0) goto L_03d4; if (v != &begin) goto L_03d5; if (potype < 3) goto L_03d5; strncpy(externalid,traceroutine,19+1); externallink(6, 0, ga); perm(50); cput(0); L_03d5: traceflag = (control & 64); L_03d4: memset(event,0,sizeof struct EVFM); L_03c8: goto L_03d6; void return() { if (uncondjump != ca) goto L_03d7; return; L_03d7: if (returnlabel == 0) goto L_03d8; jumpto(returnlabel, 12, 0); goto L_03d9; L_03d8: returnlabel = 28673; definelabel(returnlabel); rx(24, 8, local, ((8 - 6) * 4)); rr(21, 1, 16); L_03d9: uncondjump = ca; closed = 0; L_03d6: goto L_03da; void compiletostring(struct STACKFM *v) { if (next != 46) goto L_03db; if ((control & (1 | 2)) != 0) goto L_03db; v->flag = (v->flag | 1); return; L_03db: if (!(const(*v))) goto L_03dc; currentstring[0] = 1; currentstring[1] = (v->disp & 255); claimliteral(2, 0); otype = 2; dumpstring(0); v->sptfm = 15; v->disp = litmax; goto L_03dd; L_03dc: load(*v, 25); frame = ((frame + 1) & (\1)); rr(31, 1, v->sptfm); rxi(3, 1, 0, (1 << 8)); rx(32, 1, local, frame); v->sptfm = local; v->disp = frame; frame = (frame + 2); L_03dd: v->type = 5; v->xform = (4 | (8 << 8)); v->length = 1; L_03da: goto L_03de; void call(struct STACKFM *v) { // bounds [1 : 23] /*todo: gcc jump table extension*/ void **b; // bounds [9 : 17] // do it now: const char {*,2}newtype {NO INIT} // bounds [1 : 7] // do it now: const char {*,2}newsize {NO INIT} int t; int l; int p; if ((v->flag & 4) == 0) goto L_03df; l = 0; t = v->header; sym = 0; if (t != 2) goto L_03e0; v->flag = (v->flag & (\4)); v->header = 0; goto L_03e1; L_03e0: drop(*v); L_03e1: setlhs(); goto *b[t]; b_1: operate(14); return; b_2: call(*v); sset(2, 0, 1, 0); if (lhs->type == 6) goto L_03e2; if (lhs->type != 4) goto L_03e3; L_03e2: warn(4); cload(5, 1); cload(5, 2); perm(20); setlhs(); lhs->type = 3; L_03e3: claim(rhs->sptfm); if (lhs->type != 5) goto L_03e4; compiletostring(*rhs); L_03e4: assign(1); return; b_3: float(*lhs, 26); return; b_4: compiletostring(*lhs); return; b_8: t = lhs->type; amap(*lhs); if (t != 5) goto L_03e5; if (lhs->form == 5) goto L_03e5; if (lhs->form == 8) goto L_03e5; load(*lhs, 25); lhs->form = 4; forgetreg((1 << lhs->sptfm)); rxd(23, lhs->sptfm, *lhs); claim(lhs->sptfm); lhs->form = 1; L_03e5: return; b_16: cstack(0); b_17: setboth(); amap(*lhs); if ((control & 4) == 0) goto L_03e6; if (!(const(*rhs))) goto L_03e7; if ((t - 16) > rhs->disp) goto L_03e7; if (rhs->disp > lhs->length) goto L_03e7; L_03e6: operate(3); setlhs(); goto L_03e8; L_03e7: load(*lhs, 2); load(*rhs, 3); drop(*rhs); stp = (stp - 1); release(2); release(3); perm(31); cput((lhs->length & 255)); claim(2); setlhs(); lhs->sptfm = 2; lhs->disp = 0; lhs->xform = 1; L_03e8: goto U_015c; b_12: b_9: b_10: b_11: b_13: b_14: b_15: U_015c: vmap(*lhs); lhs->type = newtype[t]; lhs->length = newsize[lhs->type]; return; b_19: load(*lhs, 26); p = gpr(); hazard(p); rr(27, p, lhs->sptfm); claim(p); lhs->sptfm = p; lhs->type = 1; lhs->xform = 1; return; b_18: p = 33; t = 1; l = 2; goto U_015d; b_23: p = 10; t = 7; l = 18; U_015d: load(*lhs, 18); release(18); perm(p); claim(l); setlhs(); lhs->sptfm = l; lhs->xform = 1; lhs->type = t; return; b_5: load(*lhs, 4); drop(*lhs); stp = (stp - 1); setboth(); stp = (stp - 2); load(*lhs, 2); load(*rhs, 3); drop(*lhs); drop(*rhs); release(2); release(3); release(4); perm(12); claim(2); sset(2, 0, 4, 0); rhs->type = 5; return; b_21: b_22: if (lhs->type == 4) goto L_03e9; if (t != 21) goto L_03ea; p = genmap[lhs->type]; goto L_03eb; L_03ea: p = lhs->length; if (lhs->type != 5) goto L_03ec; p = (p + 1); L_03ec: L_03eb: release(lhs->sptfm); lhs->type = 1; lhs->form = 0; lhs->sptfm = 0; lhs->disp = p; goto L_03ed; L_03e9: lhs->disp = (lhs->disp + 4); lhs->xform = ((8 << 8) | 4); lhs->type = 1; if (t != 21) goto L_03ee; cstack(15); operate(8); goto L_03ef; L_03ee: cstack(4); operate(12); L_03ef: L_03ed: return; b_6: perm(32); claim(2); sset(2, 0, 1, 0); return; b_7: for (p = 17; p += 1; p != 24) { hazard(p); } L_03f3: setboth(); stp = (stp - 2); if (const(*lhs)) goto L_03f4; load(*lhs, 25); L_03f4: address(*rhs, (-1)); rx(21, 17, rhs->sptfm, rhs->disp); claim(rhs->sptfm); rx(33, 1, lhs->sptfm, lhs->disp); rx(22, 17, rhs->sptfm, rhs->disp); drop(*lhs); drop(*rhs); forgetreg((-1)); return; b_20: load(*lhs, 5); release(5); drop(*lhs); stp = (stp - 1); perm(49); return; L_03df: wdisp = ((wdisp + 3) & (\3)); if ((v->flag & 8) != 0) goto L_03f5; hazardall(); L_03f5: if (v->sptfm == 0) goto L_03f6; if (v->sptfm == 14) goto L_03f7; t = newtag(); definereference(t, 2); rx(23, 16, 15, 0); L_03f7: rx(25, 6, 8, wdisp); if (wdisp == 0) goto L_03f8; rxi(3, 8, 0, wdisp); L_03f8: if (v->sptfm != 14) goto L_03f9; rx(24, 14, 14, v->disp); rr(22, 16, 16); goto L_03fa; L_03f9: quickload(3, 4, v->sptfm, v->disp); forgetreg((1 << 3)); rx(24, 9, 3, 0); rx(22, 16, 16, 4); definetag(t); L_03fa: goto L_03fb; L_03f6: if (wdisp == 0) goto L_03fc; rxi(3, 8, 0, wdisp); L_03fc: definereference((v->disp & 4095), 2); rx(22, 16, 15, 0); if (wdisp == 0) goto L_03fd; rxi(4, 8, 0, wdisp); L_03fd: if ((v->flag & 8) == 0) goto L_03fe; uncondjump = ca; L_03fe: L_03fb: wdisp = v->header; pdisp = v->rt; if (v->type != 0) goto L_03ff; drop(*v); L_03ff: L_03de: goto L_0400; void compilerop(int n) { struct STACKFM *p; p = &*descriptor(); stp = (stp - 1); p->flag = 4; p->header = n; if (0 >= n) goto L_0401; if (n <= 23) goto L_0402; L_0401: abort(1129140048); L_0402: call(*p); L_0400: goto L_0403; void compilefor() { struct STACKFM *cv; struct STACKFM *iv; struct STACKFM *inc; struct STACKFM *fv; int lab; int safe; int n; int reg; int shadow; goto L_0403; void stab(struct STACKFM *v, int type) { int t; int r; if (!(const(*v))) goto L_0404; return; L_0404: load(*v, 25); r = v->sptfm; t = temp(); v->sptfm = local; v->disp = t; v->type = type; v->xform = ((8 << 8) | 4); rx(2, r, local, t); release(r); if ((control & 128) != 0) goto L_0405; associate(*v, r); L_0405: L_0403: goto L_0406; void set(struct STACKFM *v, int reg) { struct STACKFM *r; sstack(*v); r = &stacked[stp].v; lrd(*r, reg); stp = (stp - 1); L_0406: cv = &stacked[(stp - 3)].v; inc = &stacked[(stp - 2)].v; fv = &stacked[(stp - 1)].v; lab = tag(); if (forstp != 30) goto L_0407; abort(1179603505); L_0407: forstp = (forstp + 1); for = &forstk[forstp]; n = nexttemp; shadow = (-1); if ((control & 4) == 0) goto L_0408; shadow = temp(); L_0408: stab(*fv, 1); stab(*inc, 1); for->tempbase = tempbase; if (n == nexttemp) goto L_0409; tempbase = newtemp; L_0409: safe = 0; sstack(*inc); operate(4); iv = &stacked[stp].v; if (cv->form != 4) goto L_040a; if (activity[cv->sptfm] < 0) goto L_040b; L_040a: n = cv->type; amap(*cv); stab(*cv, n); cv->form = 6; L_040b: stp = (stp - 4); if (!(const(*fv))) goto L_040c; if (!(const(*iv))) goto L_040c; if (!(const(*inc))) goto L_040c; if (inc->disp == 0) goto L_040d; n = (fv->disp - iv->disp); if ((n ^ inc->disp) < 0) goto L_040e; if (((n / inc->disp) * inc->disp) != n) goto L_040e; safe = 1; L_040e: L_040d: if (safe != 0) goto L_040f; warn(2); goto L_0410; L_040f: safe = (fv->disp - iv->disp); L_0410: L_040c: reg = iv->sptfm; if (reg > 3) goto L_0411; reg = gpr(); goto L_0412; L_0411: reg = 25; L_0412: load(*iv, reg); reg = iv->sptfm; if (safe != 0) goto L_0413; if ((control & 4) == 0) goto L_0413; set(*iv, 1); claim(reg); set(*fv, 2); set(*inc, 3); perm(24); L_0413: if (safe != 0) goto L_0414; sstack(*cv); sstack(*iv); assign(1); claim(reg); for->initial = (8000 + forstp); jumpto(for->initial, 12, 1); L_0414: definelabel(lab); traceflag = (control & 64); sstack(*cv); sstack(*iv); sstack(*inc); operate(3); drop(*iv); drop(*inc); setlhs(); load(*lhs, reg); assign(1); if (shadow < 0) goto L_0415; rx(2, reg, local, shadow); L_0415: for->lab = lab; for->reg = reg; for->shadow = shadow; for->cvbase = cv->sptfm; for->cvdisp = cv->disp; for->cvtype = cv->type; for->cvform = cv->xform; for->fvbase = fv->sptfm; for->fvdisp = fv->disp; drop(*cv); drop(*fv); for (;;) { L_0416: for (;;) { L_0417: sym = next; readsymbol(next); goto *c[sym]; c_108: languagemask = tag(); goto L_0418; c_79: if (stp == 0) goto L_0419; abort(1398033215); L_0419: if (& == null) goto L_041a; abort(1431522887); L_041a: if (claimed == 0) goto L_041b; abort(1129073988); L_041b: if (ca >= 0) goto L_041c; abort(1279874111); L_041c: wdisp = 0; pdisp = 0; nexttemp = tempbase; currentline = tag(); if ((control & 64) == 0) goto L_041d; if (next == 58) goto L_041e; if (next != 76) goto L_041f; L_041e: traceflag = 1; goto L_0420; L_041f: if (traceflag == 0) goto L_0421; dumptrace(); L_0421: L_0420: L_041d: goto L_0418; c_36: definevar(); goto L_0418; c_98: popdrop(); vub = lhs->disp; popdrop(); vlb = lhs->disp; goto L_0418; goto L_0416; void adump() { // bounds [1 : 8] /*todo: gcc jump table extension*/ void **c; // bounds [1 : 8] /*todo: gcc jump table extension*/ void **g; // bounds [1 : 8] // do it now: const int {*,2}low {NO INIT} // bounds [1 : 8] // do it now: const int {*,2}high {NO INIT} int j; if (high[owntype] == 0) goto L_0422; if ((control & 1) == 0) goto L_0422; if (low[owntype] > ownval) goto L_0423; if (ownval <= high[owntype]) goto L_0424; L_0423: warn(8); L_0424: L_0422: if (otype == 2) goto L_0425; goto *g[owntype]; L_0425: if (5 == owntype) goto L_0426; if (owntype >= 7) goto L_0426; selectliteralarea(); L_0426: goto *c[owntype]; g_1: gword(ownval); return; c_1: cword(ownval); goto U_015d; c_7: c_8: g_7: g_8: j = realconstant(1); return; g_3: gbyte(ownval); return; c_3: litbyte(ownval); goto U_015d; g_2: gput(ownval); return; c_2: cput(ownval); goto U_015d; c_5: g_5: dumpstring(datasize); return; g_6: for (j = 1; j += 1; j != (datasize >> 1)) { gput(0); } L_042a: return; c_6: abort(1094995280); U_015d: selectcodearea(); L_0416: c_65: aparm = tag(); if (stp == 0) goto L_042b; decvar->flag = (decvar->flag | 8); popdrop(); if (owntype < 7) goto L_042c; if (lhs->type >= 7) goto L_042d; rvalue = lhs->disp; L_042d: ownval = *integer(addr(rvalue)); mantissa = *integer((addr(rvalue) + 4)); goto L_042e; L_042c: ownval = lhs->disp; L_042e: goto L_042f; L_042b: if (owntype != 3) goto L_0430; ownval = 128; goto L_0431; L_0430: if (owntype != 2) goto L_0432; ownval = -32640; goto L_0431; L_0432: if (owntype == 5) goto L_0433; ownval = -2139062144; mantissa = -2139062144; goto L_0431; L_0433: *cslen = 128; currentstring[1] = 128; L_0431: L_042f: if (ownform == 11) goto L_0434; if (ownform != 13) goto L_0435; L_0434: for (j = 1; j += 1; j != aparm) { adump(); } L_0439: goto L_043a; L_0435: if (otype != 0) goto L_043b; decvar->flag = (decvar->flag & (\8)); decvar->disp = ownval; decvar->base = 0; if (decvar->form != 4) goto L_043c; decvar->form = 0; goto L_043d; L_043c: if (decvar->form != 6) goto L_043e; setdiag(0, ownval); L_043e: decvar->form = (decvar->form + (4 - 6)); L_043d: goto L_043f; L_043b: decvar->base = 14; decvar->disp = ga; if (otype < 3) goto L_0440; decvar->flag = (decvar->flag & (\8)); externallink(5, datasize, ga); goto L_0441; L_0440: if (otype != 2) goto L_0442; if (decvar->type != 5) goto L_0443; claimliteral((*cslen + 1), 1); j = litmax; dumpstring(0); goto L_0444; L_0443: if (decvar->type < 7) goto L_0445; j = realconstant(0); goto L_0444; L_0445: abort(1095577649); L_0444: decvar->base = 15; decvar->disp = j; goto L_0418; L_0442: L_0441: adump(); L_043f: L_043a: goto L_0418; c_39: getstring(); goto L_0418; c_71: getstring(); strncpy(alias,"",19+1); for (j = 1; j += 1; j != *cslen) { strncpy(alias,alias,19+1); } L_0449: popdrop(); goto L_0418; c_78: cstack(((tag() << 16) | tag())); goto L_0418; c_68: getd(); if (rvalue != 0) goto L_044a; cstack(0); goto L_0418; L_044a: if (next != 65) goto L_044b; goto L_0418; L_044b: otype = 2; j = realconstant(0); sset(15, j, 4, 0); rhs->type = 7; goto L_0418; c_110: j = tag(); setlhs(); vstack((var[lhs->format].extra - j)); setboth(); stp = (stp - 1); if (rhs->form == 15) goto L_044c; if (lhs->form == 4) goto L_044d; if (lhs->form != 7) goto L_044e; L_044d: rhs->disp = (lhs->disp + rhs->disp); lhs->xform = ((lhs->form - 4) + rhs->xform); goto L_044f; L_044e: if (lhs->form != 9) goto L_0450; lhs->form = 7; lhs->type = 1; load(*lhs, 25); lhs->xform = rhs->xform; goto L_0451; L_0450: if (lhs->form > 1) goto L_0452; lhs->xform = rhs->xform; goto L_0453; L_0452: lhs->extra = lhs->disp; lhs->xform = (rhs->xform + 3); L_0453: L_0451: L_044f: lhs->disp = rhs->disp; lhs->type = rhs->type; lhs->rt = rhs->rt; lhs->header = rhs->header; L_044c: lhs->length = rhs->length; lhs->format = rhs->format; lhs->v = rhs->v; drop(*rhs); goto L_0418; c_64: vstack(tag()); if ((lhs->flag & 16) == 0) goto L_0454; if (next == 112) goto L_0454; if ((lhs->flag & 4) != 0) goto L_0454; lhs->rt = pdisp; lhs->header = wdisp; wdisp = ((pdisp + 3) & (\3)); pdisp = 0; L_0454: goto L_0418; c_69: poplhs(); x = lhs; loadparams(x->link); call(*x); if (x->type == 0) goto L_0455; if (sym == 0) goto L_0455; sstack(*x); drop(*x); setlhs(); if (lhs->type < 7) goto L_0456; opr = 17; goto L_0457; L_0456: opr = 2; L_0457: lhs->sptfm = opr; lhs->disp = 0; claim(opr); if (lhs->form != 1) goto L_0458; if (lhs->type == 5) goto L_0459; if (lhs->type != 6) goto L_0458; L_0459: lhs->sptfm = 2; lhs->form = 4; if (next == 83) goto L_045a; if (next == 112) goto L_045a; if (next == 63) goto L_045a; if (lhs->type != 5) goto L_045b; n = 256; lhs->length = 255; goto L_045c; L_045b: n = var[lhs->format].length; L_045c: if (pdisp != 0) goto L_045d; pdisp = 44; L_045d: lhs->sptfm = 8; lhs->disp = pdisp; sstack(*lhs); sset(2, 0, 4, 0); if (lhs->type != 5) goto L_045e; rhs->type = 5; goto L_045f; L_045e: rhs->type = 6; rhs->format = lhs->format; L_045f: assign(1); pdisp = (pdisp + n); if (lhs->type != 5) goto L_0460; lhs->type = 0; L_0460: L_045a: L_0458: L_0455: goto L_0418; c_77: c_86: setlhs(); opr = 2; if (sym != 86) goto L_0461; if (gvar->type < 7) goto L_0462; opr = 17; goto L_0463; L_0462: if (gvar->type != 6) goto L_0464; if (!(zero(*lhs))) goto L_0464; lhs->type = 6; lhs->form = 4; lhs->sptfm = 8; lhs->disp = 0; lhs->format = gvar->format; sstack(*lhs); cstack(0); assign(1); setlhs(); L_0464: L_0463: goto L_0465; L_0461: amaps(*lhs); L_0465: lrd(*lhs, opr); stp = (stp - 1); if (sym != 86) goto L_0466; if (gvar->type != 5) goto L_0467; if (gvar->length <= 0) goto L_0467; cload(gvar->length, 1); perm(11); goto L_0468; L_0467: if ((control & 1) == 0) goto L_0469; if (gvar->type != 2) goto L_046a; claim(opr); rr(30, opr, opr); perm(22); goto L_046b; L_046a: if (gvar->type != 3) goto L_046c; rxi(36, opr, 0, (\255)); perm(23); L_046c: L_046b: L_0469: L_0468: L_0466: c_82: return(); goto L_0418; c_75: k = 0; goto U_0158; c_84: k = (-1); U_0158: cload(k, 2); return(); goto L_0418; c_97: arrayref(0); goto L_0418; c_105: arrayref(1); goto L_0418; c_46: operate(7); goto L_0418; c_43: operate(3); goto L_0418; c_92: k = (-1); goto U_0159; c_85: k = 0; U_0159: poplhs(); cstack(k); sstack(*lhs); drop(*lhs); c_45: operate(4); goto L_0418; c_33: operate(9); goto L_0418; c_37: operate(10); goto L_0418; c_38: operate(8); goto L_0418; c_91: operate(11); goto L_0418; c_93: operate(12); goto L_0418; c_42: operate(5); goto L_0418; c_47: operate(6); goto L_0418; c_81: operate(17); goto L_0418; c_88: operate(15); goto L_0418; c_120: operate(16); goto L_0418; c_118: setlhs(); if (!(floating(*lhs))) goto L_046d; load(*lhs, 26); opr = fpr(); goto L_046e; L_046d: load(*lhs, 25); opr = gpr(); L_046e: poplhs(); k = lhs->sptfm; load(*lhs, opr); n = newtag(); jumpto(n, 5, -1); cstack(0); sstack(*lhs); drop(*lhs); operate(4); setlhs(); load(*lhs, k); definetag(n); goto L_0418; c_106: assign(2); goto L_0418; c_83: assign(1); goto L_0418; c_90: assign(0); goto L_0418; c_112: assign((-1)); goto L_0418; c_117: c_113: if (sym != 117) goto L_046f; k = 3; goto L_0470; L_046f: k = 4; L_0470: setboth(); t = lhs->type; j = lhs->length; if (t != 5) goto L_0471; j = (j + 1); L_0471: amap(*lhs); if (j != 0) goto L_0472; abort(1095577653); L_0472: if (j != 2) goto L_0473; cstack(1); j = 11; goto L_0474; L_0473: if (j != 4) goto L_0475; cstack(2); j = 11; goto L_0474; L_0475: cstack(j); j = 5; L_0474: operate(j); operate(k); setlhs(); vmap(*lhs); lhs->type = t; goto L_0418; c_61: c_107: opr = 0; goto U_015a; c_35: c_116: opr = 1; goto U_015a; c_60: opr = 2; goto U_015a; c_62: opr = 3; goto U_015a; c_40: opr = 4; goto U_015a; c_41: opr = 5; goto U_015a; U_015a: val = tag(); jumpto(val, (opr + invert), 1); invert = 0; goto L_0418; c_67: setboth(); t = lhs->type; amap(*lhs); amap(*rhs); if (t != 5) goto L_0476; if (lhs->form == 4) goto L_0477; if (lhs->form == 7) goto L_0477; if (rhs->form == 4) goto L_0477; if (rhs->form != 7) goto L_0476; L_0477: operate(10); cstack(8); operate(11); cstack(0); L_0476: c_63: setboth(); compare(*lhs, *rhs, next); stp = (stp - 2); drop(*lhs); drop(*rhs); goto L_0418; c_34: setboth(); invert = 16; compare(*rhs, *lhs, next); stp = (stp - 1); memcpy(*lhs,*rhs,sizeof struct STACKFM); drop(*rhs); claim(lhs->sptfm); goto L_0418; c_114: resolve(tag()); goto L_0418; c_95: uncondjump = 0; markassigned = 0; forgetall(); v = &var[tag()]; popdrop(); j = (lhs->disp - v->extra); if (0 > j) goto L_0478; if (j < v->length) goto L_0479; L_0478: abort(1095577904); L_0479: definetag(((v->format + j) | 32768)); goto L_0418; c_87: v = &var[tag()]; if ((control & 32) != 0) goto L_047a; poplhs(); lrd(*lhs, 2); rxi(1, 3, 15, v->disp); perm(19); goto L_047b; L_047a: cstack(1); operate(11); poplhs(); k = ((v->disp + (2 * 2)) - (v->extra * 2)); if (!(const(*lhs))) goto L_047c; k = (k + lhs->disp); j = 0; goto L_047d; L_047c: load(*lhs, 25); j = lhs->sptfm; L_047d: lhs->sptfm = 15; lhs->rem = j; lhs->disp = k; lhs->type = 2; lhs->form = 4; rxd(37, 2, *lhs); claim(2); drop(*lhs); rr(3, 2, 2); claim(2); rr(3, 2, 15); rr(21, 1, 2); L_047b: uncondjump = ca; goto L_0418; c_66: val = tag(); if (val == for->lab) goto L_047e; jumpto(val, 12, 0); goto L_047f; L_047e: sset(for->cvbase, for->cvdisp, for->cvform, 0); hazard(for->reg); poplhs(); lhs->type = for->cvtype; lhs->flag = (lhs->flag | 8); lrd(*lhs, for->reg); if (for->shadow < 0) goto L_0480; rx(28, for->reg, local, for->shadow); perm(25); L_0480: if (for->initial == 0) goto L_0481; definelabel(for->initial); for->initial = 0; L_0481: if (for->fvbase != 0) goto L_0482; if (for->fvdisp != 0) goto L_0483; claim(for->reg); rr(1, for->reg, for->reg); goto L_0484; L_0483: rxi(28, for->reg, for->fvbase, for->fvdisp); L_0484: goto L_0485; L_0482: rx(28, for->reg, for->fvbase, for->fvdisp); L_0485: jumpto(val, 1, 0); if (next == 58) goto L_0486; abort(1095577909); L_0486: readsymbol(next); definelabel(tag()); if (for->shadow < 0) goto L_0487; if (level == 5) goto L_0488; rx(2, 13, local, for->shadow); goto L_0489; L_0488: rx(1, for->reg, 15, 12); rx(2, for->reg, local, for->shadow); forgetreg((1 << for->reg)); L_0489: L_0487: tempbase = for->tempbase; forstp = (forstp - 1); if (forstp >= 0) goto L_048a; abort(1095578160); L_048a: for = &forstk[forstp]; L_047f: goto L_0418; c_70: val = tag(); if (val < 8000) goto L_048b; abort(1095578165); L_048b: jumpto(val, 12, 1); goto L_0418; goto L_048c; int userlabel(int lab) { struct VARFM *v; if (lab <= names) goto L_048d; names = lab; v = &var[lab]; memset(*v,0,sizeof struct VARFM); v->form = 14; v->disp = newtag(); return((-v->disp)); L_048d: return((-var[lab].disp)); L_048c: c_74: jumpto(userlabel(tag()), 12, 0); goto L_0418; c_76: definelabel(userlabel(tag())); goto L_0418; c_58: j = tag(); if (j < 8000) goto L_048e; abort(1095578416); L_048e: definelabel(j); goto L_0418; c_102: compilefor(); goto L_0418; c_119: markassigned = 0; machinecode(); forgetreg((-1)); goto L_0418; c_80: popdrop(); cput(lhs->disp); forgetreg((-1)); goto L_0418; c_121: j = tag(); diagnose = 0; if (((j >> 14) & 3) != 2) goto L_048f; diagnose = (j & 16383); if ((diagnose & 4) == 0) goto L_0490; diagnose = (diagnose | ((-1) << 15)); L_0490: goto L_0491; L_048f: L_0491: goto L_0418; c_122: control = tag(); goto L_0418; c_109: j = (-1); goto U_015c; c_115: if ((control & 64) == 0) goto L_0492; perm(50); cput(0); L_0492: j = 0; goto U_015c; c_101: j = tag(); U_015c: for (;;) { L_0493: if (stp >= 2) goto L_0494; cstack(0); } L_0494: poplhs(); lrd(*lhs, 3); poplhs(); lrd(*lhs, 2); cload(j, 1); perm(20); uncondjump = ca; goto L_0418; c_111: = tag(); readsymbol(next); k = tag(); j = ((frame + 3) & (\3)); frame = (j + 4); rx(2, 8, local, j); jumpto(k, 12, 1); event.low = jtag; forgetall(); event.label = newtag(); definetag(event.label); rx(1, 8, local, j); goto L_0418; c_104: compilerop(tag()); goto L_0418; c_103: c_100: allocate = (sym - 103); dim = tag(); if (0 >= dim) goto L_0495; if (dim <= 7) goto L_0496; L_0495: abort(1095578421); L_0496: readsymbol(next); n = tag(); if (gmode != 0) goto L_0497; names = (names - n); goto L_0498; L_0497: parms = (parms + n); L_0498: setboth(); dv = 0; t = (-1); if ((control & 23) != 0) goto L_0499; if (dim != 1) goto L_0499; if (lhs->disp > (rhs->disp + 1)) goto L_0499; if (!(const(*rhs))) goto L_049a; if (!(const(*lhs))) goto L_049a; t = 0; if (0 >= datasize) goto L_049b; if (datasize > 32767) goto L_049b; if ((-32768) > lhs->disp) goto L_049b; if (lhs->disp > 32767) goto L_049b; if ((-32768) > rhs->disp) goto L_049b; if (rhs->disp > 32767) goto L_049b; dim = (dim | 32); L_049b: L_049a: L_0499: if (gmode != 0) goto L_049c; if (t < 0) goto L_049d; L_049c: vlb = lhs->disp; vub = rhs->disp; if (vlb <= (vub + 1)) goto L_049e; abort(1095578672); L_049e: setdopevector(); stp = (stp - 2); drop(*lhs); drop(*rhs); if (gmode != 0) goto L_049f; quickload(5, 5, 15, dv); release(5); vub = ((vub + 3) & (\3)); L_049f: goto L_04a0; L_049d: frame = ((frame + 3) & (\3)); k = frame; frame = (frame + 4); quickload(5, 5, local, k); release(5); stp = 0; for (j = 1; j += 1; j != (dim << 1)) { stp = (stp + 1); setlhs(); claim(5); lrd(*lhs, 25); rx(2, lhs->sptfm, 5, (frame - k)); frame = (frame + 4); if ((j & 1) != 0) goto L_04a5; frame = (frame + 4); L_04a5: } L_04a4: perm(17); cput(dim); cput(datasize); stp = 0; L_04a0: if (dv != 0) goto L_04a6; quickload(3, 5, local, frame); release(3); forgetreg((1 << 3)); L_04a6: for (j = 1; j += 1; j != n) { if (gmode != 0) goto L_04ab; names = (names + 1); decvar = &var[names]; goto L_04ac; L_04ab: parms = (parms - 1); decvar = &var[parms]; L_04ac: decvar->disp = frame; decvar->flag = (decvar->flag | dim); if (gmode != 0) goto L_04ad; decvar->header = (-1); decvar->base = local; decvar->flag = (decvar->flag | 64); if (dv != 0) goto L_04ae; if (allocate == 0) goto L_04af; perm(18); goto L_04b0; L_04af: rx(2, 5, local, (frame + 4)); rx(2, 2, local, (frame + 0)); L_04b0: goto L_04b1; L_04ae: rx(2, 5, local, (frame + 4)); if (allocate == 0) goto L_04b2; rxi(1, 1, 8, (-vlb)); rxi(3, 8, 0, vub); goto L_04b3; L_04b2: rxi(1, 1, 0, (-vlb)); L_04b3: rx(2, 1, local, (frame + 0)); L_04b1: frame = (frame + (2 * 4)); goto L_04b4; L_04ad: gfix(3); decvar->header = ga; decvar->base = 0; gword((-vlb)); gwordcrel(dv); if (allocate == 0) goto L_04b5; frame = (frame + vub); L_04b5: L_04b4: } L_04aa: goto L_0418; c_94: setlhs(); lhs->type = 6; lhs->format = tag(); goto L_0418; goto L_04b6; void tempset() { frame = ((frame + 3) & (\3)); sset(local, frame, 4, 0); rhs->type = 6; rhs->format = 800; frame = (frame + 32); L_04b6: c_73: sym = next; readsymbol(next); if (65 > sym) goto L_04b7; if (sym > 90) goto L_04b7; goto *pc[sym]; L_04b7: abort(((1226842175 - (32 << 8)) + (sym << 8))); pc_65: pc_68: pc_75: cload(0, 7); claim(7); setboth(); j = next; readsymbol(next); if (sym != 65) goto L_04b8; if (j > 1) goto L_04b9; k = 61; goto L_04ba; L_04b9: k = 60; L_04ba: compare(*lhs, *rhs, k); goto L_04bb; L_04b8: if (sym != 75) goto L_04bc; load(*lhs, 25); address(*rhs, (-1)); rhs->type = 1; rxd(39, lhs->sptfm, *rhs); release(lhs->sptfm); goto L_04bb; L_04bc: k = next; readsymbol(next); comparerecords(*lhs, *rhs, k); L_04bb: stp = (stp - 2); drop(*lhs); drop(*rhs); skip(1, (j + invert)); invert = 0; rxi(3, 7, 0, 1); forgetreg((1 << 7)); ccca = 0; sset(7, 0, 1, 0); goto L_0418; pc_66: sym = next; readsymbol(next); ownform = 11; owntype = 3; claimliteral(sym, 3); selectliteralarea(); decvar->disp = ca; decvar->base = 15; selectcodearea(); goto L_0418; pc_67: setlhs(); if (lhs->form != 4) goto L_04bd; if (lhs->oper == 0) goto L_04be; L_04bd: t = 25; if (!(floating(*lhs))) goto L_04bf; t = 26; L_04bf: load(*lhs, t); hazard(lhs->sptfm); L_04be: goto L_0418; pc_73: setboth(); lrd(*rhs, 25); address(*lhs, (-1)); lhs->type = 1; rxd(40, rhs->sptfm, *lhs); claim(lhs->sptfm); lhs->type = 6; stp = (stp - 1); goto L_0418; pc_71: pc_72: if (sym != 72) goto L_04c0; k = tag(); L_04c0: if (next == 83) goto L_04c1; tempset(); sstack(*rhs); rhs->type = 0; goto L_04c2; L_04c1: readsymbol(next); L_04c2: if (sym != 71) goto L_04c3; cstack(0); goto L_04c4; L_04c3: vstack(k); L_04c4: assign(1); goto L_0418; pc_74: setboth(); lrd(*lhs, 2); lrd(*rhs, 3); perm(35); if (next > 1) goto L_04c5; cput(0); goto L_04c6; L_04c5: if (next != 3) goto L_04c7; cput(2); goto L_04c6; L_04c7: cput(1); L_04c6: stp = (stp - 2); sset(7, 0, 1, 0); claim(7); if (next != 0) goto L_04c8; rxi(10, 7, 0, 1); L_04c8: readsymbol(next); goto L_0418; pc_76: poplhs(); x = lhs; setlhs(); if (lhs->type == 0) goto L_04c9; poplhs(); tempset(); sstack(*lhs); drop(*lhs); assign(1); sset(local, (frame - 32), 4, 0); rhs->type = 0; setlhs(); L_04c9: load(*lhs, 2); lrd(*x, 3); perm(setops[next]); readsymbol(next); goto L_0418; pc_83: setboth(); stacked[(stp - 1)].v = rhs; stacked[stp].v = lhs; goto L_0418; pc_78: if ((control & 2) == 0) goto L_04ca; setlhs(); testzero(*lhs); claim(lhs->sptfm); rr(22, 16, 15); L_04ca: goto L_0418; pc_87: cstack(0); rhs->form = 1; rhs->sptfm = 8; goto L_0418; c_126: sym = next; readsymbol(next); if (sym != 65) goto L_04cb; decvar = gvar; assemble((-2), labs, names); altalign = (altalign | falign); goto L_04cc; L_04cb: if (sym != 66) goto L_04cd; goto U_015e; L_04cd: if (sym == 67) goto L_04ce; abort(1095578677); L_04ce: if (frame <= maxframe) goto L_04cf; maxframe = frame; L_04cf: frame = putativeframebase; L_04cc: goto L_0418; c_123: gmode = (-1); assemble(gtype, labs, names); goto L_0418; c_125: gmode = 0; if (amode >= 0) goto L_04d0; goto U_015e; L_04d0: if ((gvar->flag & 4) == 0) goto L_04d1; goto U_015e; L_04d1: if (names <= gstart) goto L_04d2; gvar->extra = parms; for (j = (gstart + 1); j += 1; j != names) { ap = &var[j]; parms = (parms - 1); fp = &var[parms]; memcpy(*fp,*ap,sizeof struct VARFM); fp->base = 8; if ((ap->flag & 96) != 0) goto L_04d7; ap->flag = ((ap->flag & (\2)) | 8); L_04d7: } L_04d6: if (parms >= names) goto L_04d8; abort(1095578928); L_04d8: if (ap->type != 5) goto L_04d9; if ((ap->xform & ((96 << 8) + 255)) != 4) goto L_04d9; if (ap->base == 0) goto L_04d9; gvar->header = ap->disp; fp->flag = (fp->flag | 2); L_04d9: L_04d2: gdisp = (-1); maxparm = frame; if (amode == 0) goto L_04da; goto U_015e; L_04da: header(*gvar); goto L_0418; c_72: decvar = &begin; decvar->disp = newtag(); otype = 0; spec = 0; potype = 0; if (level == 0) goto L_04db; cstack(decvar->disp); poplhs(); lhs->type = 0; call(*lhs); L_04db: strncpy(blockname,"BLOCK",19+1); assemble(0, labs, names); goto L_0418; L_0418: } c_44: c_48: c_49: c_50: c_51: c_52: c_53: c_54: c_55: c_56: c_57: c_59: c_89: c_96: c_99: c_124: c_127: abort(((4144928 << 8) | sym)); goto L_04dc; void alignalternatives() { int n; int mod; int j; struct VARFM *v; falign = altalign; n = (putativeframebase - trueframebase); if (n == 0) goto L_04dd; if (altalign != 3) goto L_04de; L_04dd: return; L_04de: if (altalign != 0) goto L_04df; mod = n; goto L_04e0; L_04df: if (n != 1) goto L_04e1; return; L_04e1: mod = 2; L_04e0: for (j = parms; j += 1; j != altfirst) { v = &var[j]; v->disp = (v->disp - mod); } L_04e5: maxframe = (maxframe - mod); L_04dc: c_59: if (level == 0) goto L_04e6; if (uncondjump != ca) goto L_04e7; if (gvar->type != 0) goto L_04e8; if ((control & 32) != 0) goto L_04e8; L_04e7: if ((control & 64) == 0) goto L_04e9; if (level != 1) goto L_04e9; perm(50); cput(0); L_04e9: return(); L_04e8: goto L_04ea; L_04e6: if ((ga & 1) == 0) goto L_04eb; gbyte(0); L_04eb: if ((lita & 1) == 0) goto L_04ec; claimliteral(0, 0); L_04ec: L_04ea: gvar->flag = (gvar->flag | closed); blockmark(17); resetoptimisationdata(); U_015e: if (amode < 0) goto L_04ed; if (local == 13) goto L_04ee; activity[local] = 0; L_04ee: level = (level - 1); local = breg[level]; goto L_04ef; L_04ed: alignalternatives(); if (maxframe <= frame) goto L_04f0; frame = maxframe; L_04f0: if (amode != (-2)) goto L_04f1; oldframe = frame; goto L_04f2; L_04f1: frame = ((frame + 3) & (\3)); if ((frame >> 16) == 0) goto L_04f3; abort(1095578933); L_04f3: gvar->length = frame; L_04f2: L_04ef: frame = oldframe; extraframe = oldextraframe; uncondjump = oldjump; ca = procca; vardiags = oldvardiags; newtemp = tempbase; nexttemp = oldnexttemp; tempbase = oldtempbase; lastline = (-15); for (;;) { L_04f4: control = (impcom.flags & 255); if ((control & 32) == 0) goto L_04f5; control = (control & (\23)); L_04f5: selectinput(1); selectoutput(2); printsymbol((12 >> 1)); printsymbol((8 >> 1)); claimliteral(8, 3); var[0] = 0; var[800].length = 32; parms = 800; cslen = ¤tstring[0]; activity[8] = (-1); activity[15] = (-1); activity[0] = (-1); activity[14] = (-1); activity[16] = (-1); for (j = 0; j += 1; j != (25 - 1)) { stak[j].link = &stak[(j + 1)]; dlist[j].link = &dlist[(j + 1)]; } L_04f9: stak[25].link = null; dlist[25].link = null; descasl = &stak[0]; dasl = &dlist[0]; = null; for (j = 0; j += 1; j != 30) { forstk[j] = 0; } L_04fd: forstp = 0; for = &forstk[0]; readsymbol(next); spec = 0; decvar = &begin; assemble(2, 0, 0); closefiles(); if (faulty == 0) goto L_04fe; // EVENT 0x000f L_04fe: