@echo off set dolink=yes set docode=no :parseargs if "%1"=="" goto help if "%1"=="/?" goto help if "%1"=="/h" goto help if "%1"=="/H" goto help if "%1"=="-h" goto help if "%1"=="-H" goto help if "%1"=="/c" goto setlink if "%1"=="-c" goto setlink if "%1"=="/Fc" goto setcode if "%1"=="-Fc" goto setcode rem here it must be a filename goto compile :setlink set dolink=no shift goto parseargs :setcode set docode=yes shift goto parseargs :compile if not exist %1.imp goto nosource rem set up our files set codefile=NUL if "%docode%"=="yes" set codefile=%1.cod pass1 %1.imp,c:\imp\stdperm.imp/%1.icd:b,%1.lst if errorlevel 1 goto end pass2 %1.icd:b,%1.imp/%1.ibj,%codefile% del %1.icd pass3 %1.ibj %1.obj del %1.ibj if "%dolink%"=="no" goto end link /nologo /stack:40000 %1.obj,; del %1.obj goto end :nosource echo Source file not found? :help echo Usage: I77 [-c] [-Fc] basename echo where basename is the source file (without .IMP extension) echo -c inhibits the link phase echo -Fc produces a .COD file with source and assembler output :end