// File BCPLX_BCPLXHDR // Header file for cross-reference utility for BCPL programs // Adapted from University of Cambridge program // R.D. Eager UKC MCMLXXXIV GET "LIBHDR" // Parameter decoder error codes MANIFEST $( par.ok = 0 // No errors par.err = -1 // Format error in parameter string par.amb = -2 // Ambiguous keyword par.unk = -3 // Unknown keyword par.xs = -4 // Too many parameters par.dup = -5 // Duplicated parameter par.mis = -6 // Missing keyword $) // AE operators and symbols MANIFEST $( s.null=0; s.let=1; s.proc=2; s.lab=3 s.global=4; s.manifest=5; s.static=6; s.for=7 s.external=8; s.be=9; s.and=10; s.name=11 s.get=12; s.string=13; s.colon=14; s.lparen=15 s.case=16; s.end=17; s.semicol=18; s.rsect=19 s.eq=20 $) // Tunable MANIFESTs MANIFEST $( linesize = 132 // Width of page for output getsize = 4 // Number of GET files which may be open at once fsize = 8 // Number of words needed to hold a filename $) GLOBAL $( // Routines and functions nextsymb:100; rch:101; rdtag:102; performget:103 readnumb:104; ioerror:105; rdstrch:106; newvec:107 strtonum:108; addref:109; prtree:110; matchstrings:111 error:112; match:113; paramdecode:114; cmpstr:115 // Variables warnings_:124 symb:125; ch:126; wordv:127; wordsize:128 charv:129; ptr:130; treevec:131; treep:132 getv:133; getp:134; gett:135; sourcestream:136 linecount:137; nametree:138; wordnode:139; word:140 pattern:141; fileno:142; nextfile:143; matchall_:144 oldtype:145; nlpending_:146; all_refs_:147; getfiles:148 sourceconad:149; source_ptr:150; getnamev:151; getfile_max_reached_:152 real_rdch:153; con_rdch:154; libuser:155; errorstream:156 e_wrch:157; compiler_:158 $) MANIFEST $( // Subsystem error codes e.fnf = 218 // File not found e.ift = 267 // Invalid file type $) // End of file BCPLX_BCPLXHDR