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[OT][LBC] Working From Home

[OT][LBC] Working From Home

Thu, 13 Sep 2001 07:08:22 +0100 (BST)

Hello Donald Meston. It was Today when you wrote:

| type a bit hard. Always fancied learning LaTex - in another job I

| spend a lot of time sorting out Macs for printing firms - typesetting

| is a sort of hobby.

If you still use a typewriter, I don't recommend LaTeX, since I don't

think there's a typewriter-compatible output driver for it yet :-)

| Mine is, in a sense about fiction being about personal myths in

| people with dementia primarily.

My final thing was a job recritment website. If I had any sense I should

have failed the previous year. They then stick you on the BSc Computer

Science course, not the BSc Software Engineering. The only difference is

that as a CS student you don't do a group project - you do an individual

one instead. One of the individual projects was to create an 8086 emulator,

another was to write virtual-memory code for Minix.

Writing Perl and HTML was the best they could come up with for group


| Well, it looks lieke the above resolution only just made the day out.

| The last time I wrote any code and waited for it to compile was in

| 1979. That could be "interesting" given that EMAS (Then running on a

I was 'compiled' that year :-)

| pair of ICL 4/75's so obsolete by then that ICL folk had never heard

| of them - they were 1966 vintage and even in 1979 that was way

| obsolete) was wildly unreliable and fell over at the most inopportune

| moments, usually when you had been coding for hours and hadn't quite

| got around to saving it on something that wouldn't die when the

| system fell over. But the principle remains - must find some paper

| clips to straighten now. :-)


Well you'll be pleased to know not a lot has changed. Things still fall

over when you run them, and people still forget to save their work before

running them (or save broken code over working code, etc).

Yesterday I found a paperclip machine in our pigeon hole. It's got a magnet

in it, and a magnetic roller. Paperclips go inside it, under the roller, and

when you turn this roller they come out. Provides hours of fun trying to

stack the paperclips :)


"When I was a kid, my grandmother convinced me that brown eggs were tastier.

Now I just wonder what route they took through the hen" - Scott Adams

6AD6 865A BF6E 76BB 1FC2 | --

E4C4 DEEA 7D08 D511 E149 | perl -p -e "y/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/"