This partitioned file contains all the source required to make up an EMAS2900 Supervisor, plus the version of the IMP80 compiler and FIX utility used at Edinburgh to do so. This compiler is necessary as some advanced language features are required which are not available in the service compiler. Note that the OPTION NOBRACKETS must be in force in the process being used for the method described to work. Two "OBEY" subfiles are available: MAKECHKD and MAKEOPT. They each construct a test Supervisor which is left in file SUP27xT, where x is 'C' or 'O' respectively. Making a Supervisor thus consists of the following: a) INSERT the IMP80 compiler and FIX utility into the current directory (and then log off and log on again if IMP80 was previously used in this interactive session): Command:INSERT SUP27ISRCE_IMP8002Y Command:INSERT SUP27ISRCE_FIX14Y b) Set up the steering file CTOPT in the process. This file contains the conditional compilation options which enable the Supervisor to be tailored to Site requirements. A sample subfile "SAMPLECTOPT" is included as an illustration. This file is one used at Edinburgh to construct the 2972 Service Supervisor. The options available are intended to be self explanatory; any restrictions or limits are included in "SAMPLECTOPT" as comments.(NB the version of CTOPT used for the previous release will not work. The options have been re-arranged and extended!) Command:EDIT SUP27ISRCE_SAMPLECTOPT,CTOPT E c) OBEY the selected subfile; e.g. Command:OBEY SUP27ISRCE_MAKEOPT Some unused procedures are normally flagged by the FIX utility, the exact number depending on the options selected in CTOPT. d) Use command PRG, (requires OPTION SEARCHDIR=ENGINR.SYSLIB) to put the test Supervisor onto a disc for loading. (Your process must be privileged: ACR<10, to use PRG.) For example: Command:PRG SUP27OT,disclabel,site Sites on the system discs will have been allocated for this purpose. "disclabel" must be a 6-character label, e.g. EMAS02. "site" must be specified as a hex number, e.g. X180.