This partitioned file contains all the source required to make up a version 25I Supervisor, plus the version of the IMP compiler used at Edinburgh to do so. This compiler is necessary as some advanced compiler features are required which are not available in the service compiler. Note that the OPTION NOBRACKETS must be in force in the process being used for the method described to work. Three "OBEY" subfiles are available: MAKECHKD, MAKEOPT and MAKERACER. They each construct a test Supervisor which is left in file SUP25xT, where x is 'C', 'O' or 'R' respectively. The fixing utility is in CONLIB.GENERAL, which must be in the user's "SEARCHDIR" list. A COPY IS INCLUDED IN THIS FILE IN CASE OF PROBLEMS. Making a Supervisor thus consists of the following: a) INSERT the IMP compiler into the current directory (and then log off and log on again if IMP was previously used in this interactive session): Command:INSERT SUP25ISRCE_NRIMP08Y b) OBEY the selected subfile; e.g. Command:OBEY SUP25ISRCE_MAKEOPT c) Use command PRG, from MANAGR.PRGY or from ERCC10.PRGY, to put the test Supervisor onto a disc for loading. (Your process must be privileged: ACR<=5, to use PRG.) For example: Command:PRG SUP25CT,disclabel,site Sites on the system discs will have been allocated for this purpose. "disclabel" must be a 6-character label, e.g. EMAS02. "site" must be specified as a hex number, e.g. X180. The following site optimisations may be carried out by altering the Source provided with the Editor before compiling. It is advisable to ensure the unaltered Source works before tampering! 1) Sites with no card punch can delete the body of routine CP ADAPTOR in the "COMMS" file just leaving the %ROUTINE and %END statements. 2a)Sites without any SFCs ca similarly delete the body of routine DRUM in the "FAST" file. 2b)Sites without any SFCs and with nerves of iron can alter routine PAGETURN in the "SUP" file to remove the paths for pages on the drum. This involves deleting activity 6 and altering the entry sequence and activities 1&2 so that the DTX<0(ie page not on drum) paths are taken without any testing. This produces a worthwhile shortening of a very critical path