!TITLE Efficient Loading !KEY EFFICIENCY The advice given in this section is general in nature since it is not possible to be completely categorical as to what must or must not be done in any given set of circumstances. Some of the advice is directed at you the user and other parts at you the implementer of software. You are invited to consider the various points and recommendations as they apply to your problem and make judgements accordingly. At the outset it should be pointed out that you should only be worrying about efficient loading after you are sure that the software you wish to run has passed the development phase and is ready for production running. ! ! !256K and the CODE area of one of the members crosses the segment boundary. Before such a file can be run, a temporary file has to be created and the shareable areas copied into it - both expensive operations. Note that bound object files should NEVER be collected into pd files as this negates the whole point of binding (See 'Technical Aspects' section for further explanation). Furthermore it is not possible to LINK object files which have been bound, so binding should always be one of the last operations in any collection sequence. !> ! !> ! ! ! !>