!*              SOAP80 - IMP80 formatter                               *
!*                                               Last altered 15/06/83 *
!*                                                                     *
!*              Created by E.N.Gregory, UKC.                           *
!*              All syntax directed sections rewritten by P.D.S., ERCC *
!*                using IMP80 syntax version 02.                       *
!*              User interface and parameters revised by J.M.M., ERCC. *
!*                                                                     *

external  routine  spec  prompt(string  (31) s)

!*                                                                     *
!*                           Record formats.                           *
!*                                                                     *

record  format  fhdr(integer  dataend, datastart, filesize, filetype)
record  format  chdr(integer  conad, filetype, datastart, dataend)
constant  integer  maxopt= 16,numopt = 3
record  format  pformat(byte  integer  array  tab(0:20),
  (byte  integer  line, icontin, poscom, movecom, uckey, sepkey, expkey,
  lcasnam, spacnam, spacass, spacop, lclist, iblock, istat, seplab,
  spcomma or  byte  integer  array  optarr(1:maxopt)) or  c 
 byte  integer  array  a(1:21+maxopt))

!*                                                                     *
!*                           System routines.                          *
!*                                                                     *

system  string  function  spec  itos(integer  i)
system  routine  spec  connect(string  (31) name, integer  mode, hole, prot,
  record  (chdr) name  rec, integer  name  eflag)
system  routine  spec  trim(string  (31) file, integer  name  eflag)
system  routine  spec  setfname(string  (31) file)
system  string  function  spec  nexttemp
system  routine  spec  sendfile(string  (31) file, device, header,
  integer  copies, form, integer  name  eflag)
system  integer  function  spec  devcode(string  (31) name)
system  routine  spec  disconnect(string  (31) filename, integer  name  eflag)
system  string  function  spec  failuremessage(integer  type)
system  routine  spec  changefilesize(string  (31) filename,
  integer  filesize, integer  name  eflag)
system  routine  spec  newgen(string  (31) filename, newfilename,
  integer  name  eflag)
system  routine  spec  outfile(string  (31) filename, integer  size, hole,
  prot, integer  name  conad, eflag)

external  routine  soap80(string  (255) s)
   integer  ptr, dataend, inptr, z, in, obp, eflag, writeaddress, wa0,
     filesize, conad, errors, line, erptr, startline, stream, filesizeptr,
     ssalt, strdelimiter, str, semicolon, colon, maxptr, maxitem, level,
     stop, increm, inlabel, charsin, ersave, inconst, bheading, inline
   string  (255) outf
   string  (31) workfile, infile
   string  (2) percentc
   record  (pformat) p
   record  (chdr) rec, rr
   record  (fhdr) name  outrec
   constant  integer  ccsize= 16384
   half  integer  array  outbuf(0:ccsize+200)
   byte  integer  array  sc(0:ccsize)

   constant  string  (7) array  optname(1:maxopt)=   "LINE","ICONTIN","POSCOM",
   constant  string  (39) array  optmess(0:1, 1:maxopt)= c 
    "Line length zero (!!!)","Maximum line length",
    "Continued lines not indented","Indentation of continued lines",
    "Right hand comments not positioned","Right hand comment position",
    "Whole line comments indented normally",
    "Whole line comments moved to POSCOM","Keywords output in lower case",
    "Keywords output in upper case","Keywords not split","Keywords split",
    "%FN, %CONST, %ELSE not expanded",
    "%FN, %CONST, (sometimes) %ELSE expanded",
    "Case of names controlled by UCKEY", "Case of names left alone",
    "Spaces removed from names","Spaces preserved within names",
    "No spaces round assignment operators",
    "Spaces added round assignment operators","No spaces round operators",
    "Spaces added round operators","Constant lists formatted",
    "Constant lists left alone","Block not indented w.r.t. block heading",
    "Block indented w.r.t. block heading",
    "Statements aligned with declarations",
    "Statements indented w.r.t. declarations",
    "Labels not on lines by themselves","Labels on lines by themselves",
    "No space character after commas","Space character after commas"

   constant  integer  charfile= 3; ! Code for a character file.
   constant  integer  underline= 128
   constant  integer  instring= 256,incurly = 512,bpoint = 1024,bpoint2 = 2048
   constant  integer  terminal= 1,file = 2,samefile = 3,device = 4
   constant  integer  true= 255,false = 0; ! Synthetic boolean values.
   constant  integer  nl= 10,dquotes = 34,squotes = 39
   constant  integer  rs= 30; ! RECORD SEPARATOR IS USED AS A DELETED(BY %c) NL
   constant  integer  rem= B'00000001'
   constant  integer  constart= B'00000010'
   constant  integer  quotes= B'00000100'
   constant  integer  endst= B'00001000'
   constant  integer  number= B'00010000'
   constant  integer  letter= B'00100000'
   constant  byte  integer  constfirst= B'01000000'
   constant  integer  constcont= B'10000000'
   constant  byte  integer  array  onecase(0:127)=
   constant  byte  integer  array  chartype(0:255)=     B'00000001',
   constant  byte  integer  array  keycom(0:7)= '%','C','O','M','M','E','N','T'
   constant  integer  array  fstable(1:3)=     4096,16384,65536
   ! Special delimiters noted by SOAP80.
   constant  integer  offile= 133,ofprogram = 123,equals = 38,comma = 10,
 if = 12,
    unless = 15,while = 22,until = 28,else = 227,then = 222,and = 158,or = 162,
    const = 204, constant = 195, fn = 96, function = 103
   constant  string  (1) snl= "
   constant  string  (60) array  fault(1:4)=
              "Statement is too long and could not be compiled.",
              "End of file reached before end of program terminator found.",
              "%END found, but could not match it to a start of routine.",
              "Disaster *** Indentation too near line length limit."
   routine  spec  fail(integer  type, action)
   routine  spec  opt(string  (255) parm, record  (pformat) name  p)
   ! Produced by oldps from impalgs_imp80ps04 on 19/01/83
   constant  byte  integer  array  clett(0:434)=   1,
{1}  43,   1,  45,   1,  40,   1,  41,   1,  42,   1,  44,   2, 201, 198,
{15}   6, 213, 206, 204, 197, 211, 211,   5, 215, 200, 201, 204, 197,   5,
{29} 213, 206, 212, 201, 204,   3, 198, 207, 210,   1,  61,   5, 193, 204,
{43} 201, 193, 211,   7, 201, 206, 212, 197, 199, 197, 210,   4, 210, 197,
{57} 193, 204,   4, 204, 207, 206, 199,   4, 194, 217, 212, 197,   6, 211,
{71} 212, 210, 201, 206, 199,   4, 200, 193, 204, 198,   6, 210, 197, 195,
{85} 207, 210, 196,   7, 210, 207, 213, 212, 201, 206, 197,   2, 198, 206,
{99}   3, 205, 193, 208,   8, 198, 213, 206, 195, 212, 201, 207, 206,   4,
{113} 206, 193, 205, 197,   5, 193, 210, 210, 193, 217,   9, 207, 198, 208,
{127} 210, 207, 199, 210, 193, 205,   6, 207, 198, 198, 201, 204, 197,   6,
{141} 207, 198, 204, 201, 211, 212,   6, 198, 207, 210, 205, 193, 212,   3,
{155} 206, 207, 212,   3, 193, 206, 196,   2, 207, 210,   1,  58,   4, 211,
{169} 208, 197, 195,   3, 207, 215, 206,   8, 197, 216, 212, 197, 210, 206,
{183} 193, 204,   9, 197, 216, 212, 210, 201, 206, 211, 201, 195,   8, 195,
{197} 207, 206, 211, 212, 193, 206, 212,   5, 195, 207, 206, 211, 212,   5,
{211} 197, 214, 197, 206, 212,   5, 211, 212, 193, 210, 212,   4, 212, 200,
{225} 197, 206,   4, 197, 204, 211, 197,   1,  95,   6, 211, 217, 211, 212,
{239} 197, 205,   7, 196, 217, 206, 193, 205, 201, 195,   4,  80,  85,  84,
{253}  95,   5,  67,  78,  79,  80,  95,   2, 204,  61,   1,  60,   1,  62,
{267}   4,  40, 196, 210,  43,   2, 196, 210,   1, 194,   3, 212, 207, 211,
{281}   3, 204, 206, 194,   3, 216, 206, 194,   2, 208, 195,   3, 195, 212,
{295} 194,   2,  45,  62,   6, 210, 197, 212, 213, 210, 206,   6, 210, 197,
{309} 211, 213, 204, 212,   7, 205, 207, 206, 201, 212, 207, 210,   4, 211,
{323} 212, 207, 208,   6, 211, 201, 199, 206, 193, 204,   4, 197, 216, 201,
{337} 212,   8, 195, 207, 206, 212, 201, 206, 213, 197,   6, 198, 201, 206,
{351} 201, 211, 200,   5, 195, 217, 195, 204, 197,   6, 210, 197, 208, 197,
{365} 193, 212,   3, 197, 206, 196,   7, 201, 206, 195, 204, 213, 196, 197,
{379}   5, 194, 197, 199, 201, 206,   2, 207, 206,   6, 211, 215, 201, 212,
{393} 195, 200,   4, 204, 201, 211, 212,  14, 212, 210, 213, 211, 212, 197,
{407} 196, 208, 210, 207, 199, 210, 193, 205,   6, 205, 193, 201, 206, 197,
{421} 208,   7, 195, 207, 206, 212, 210, 207, 204,   4,  40,  42,  41,  58

   constant  integer  array  symbol(1300:2167)=  1307,
  1303,     0,  1305,     2,  1307,  1000,  1319,  1312,  1001,  1366,
  1786,  1315,  1003,  1020,  1319,     4,  1345,     6,  1329,  1323,
  1001,  1014,  1325,  1003,  1329,     4,  1329,     6,  1336,  1336,
  1010,  1028,  1319,  1011,  1359,  1345,  1343,  1010,  1028,  1319,
  1011,  1359,  1345,     8,  1352,  1352,  1010,  1028,  1307,  1011,
  1352,  1359,  1357,  1026,  1307,   999,  1359,  1000,  1366,  1364,
  1026,  1319,   999,  1366,  1000,  1374,  1372,     4,  1345,  1374,
     6,  1374,  1000,  1381,  1379,    10,  1345,   999,  1381,  1000,
  1386,  1384,    12,  1386,    15,  1410,  1393,    22,  1010,  1536,
  1556,  1011,  1399,    28,  1010,  1536,  1556,  1011,  1410,    34,
  1010,  1001,    38,  1345,    10,  1345,    10,  1345,  1011,  1416,
  1414,    40,  1013,  1416,  1000,  1423,  1421,    10,  1001,   999,
  1423,  1000,  1428,  1426,    46,  1428,  1000,  1436,  1431,    54,
  1433,    46,  1436,    59,    54,  1458,  1439,    46,  1441,    54,
  1444,    59,  1428,  1447,    64,  1423,  1450,    69,  1689,  1453,
    76,  1423,  1458,    81,     4,  1848,     6,  1465,  1461,    88,
  1465,  1004,  1436,  1465,  1472,  1468,    96,  1470,    99,  1472,
   103,  1488,  1478,  1436,  1493,  1001,  1416,  1484,  1458,  1488,
  1001,  1416,  1501,  1488,   112,  1001,  1416,  1493,  1491,   112,
  1493,  1000,  1501,  1497,   117,   112,  1499,   112,  1501,  1000,
  1511,  1509,     4,  1010,  1472,  1011,  1511,     6,  1511,  1000,
  1520,  1518,  1030,  1010,  1472,  1011,   999,  1520,  1000,  1531,
  1524,   123,  1016,  1526,   133,  1529,   140,  1018,  1531,  1016,
  1536,  1534,   147,  1536,  1000,  1550,  1542,  1345,  1032,  1345,
  1550,  1547,     4,  1536,  1556,     6,  1550,   154,  1536,  1556,
  1554,  1037,  1345,  1556,  1000,  1567,  1561,   158,  1536,  1567,
  1565,   162,  1536,  1574,  1567,  1000,  1574,  1572,   158,  1536,
   999,  1574,  1000,  1581,  1579,   162,  1536,   999,  1581,  1000,
  1589,  1585,  1033,  1345,  1587,   165,  1589,  1000,  1595,  1593,
   167,  1008,  1595,  1015,  1599,  1598,   167,  1599,  1608,  1606,
    10,  1345,   165,  1345,  1599,  1608,  1000,  1617,  1613,  1493,
  1001,  1416,  1617,   117,  1531,  1617,  1623,  1623,  1001,  1416,
  1794,  1623,  1629,  1627,    10,  1617,  1629,  1000,  1646,  1639,
  1493,  1595,  1010,  1001,  1410,  1802,  1011,  1646,  1646,   117,
  1531,  1595,  1001,  1794,  1668,  1657,  1655,    10,  1010,  1001,
  1410,  1802,  1011,  1646,  1657,  1000,  1668,  1660,   172,  1662,
   176,  1664,   185,  1666,   195,  1668,   204,  1679,  1677,    38,
  1012,  1028,  1319,  1359,  1689,  1679,  1679,  1000,  1689,  1687,
    10,  1028,  1319,  1359,  1689,   999,  1689,  1000,  1696,  1694,
     4,  1336,     6,  1696,  1000,  1703,  1701,    10,  1329,   999,
  1703,  1000,  1708,  1706,   210,  1708,  1000,  1714,  1712,    10,
  1345,  1714,  1000,  1727,  1725,    10,  1001,  1416,     4,  1345,
   165,  1345,     6,   999,  1727,  1000,  1734,  1732,    28,  1536,
  1556,  1734,  1000,  1747,  1737,  1019,  1739,  1006,  1744,  1381,
  1536,  1556,  1006,  1747,  1386,  1006,  1761,  1751,   216,  1034,
  1755,   222,   216,  1034,  1761,   222,  1010,  2008,  1011,  1767,
  1767,  1765,   158,  2008,  1767,  1000,  1773,  1771,   227,  1773,
  1773,  1000,  1786,  1777,   216,  1034,  1784,  1381,  1010,  1536,
  1556,  1011,  1747,  1786,  2008,  1794,  1792,   232,  1001,  1366,
  1786,  1794,  1000,  1802,  1802,     4,  1345,   165,  1345,  1599,
     6,  1810,  1808,    38,  1028,  1319,  1359,  1810,  1000,  1819,
  1813,   234,  1815,   176,  1817,   241,  1819,  1000,  1830,  1828,
  1001,    38,  1345,    10,  1345,    10,  1345,  1830,  1000,  1837,
  1835,    10,  1855,   999,  1837,  1000,  1848,  1841,   167,  1001,
  1848,  1001,     4,  1855,  1830,  1873,     6,  1855,  1851,  1001,
  1855,  1855,  1830,  1873,  1865,  1859,  1436,  1865,  1865,     4,
  1855,  1830,  1873,     6,  1873,  1870,  1493,  1001,  1416,  1873,
   117,  1617,  1881,  1879,   162,  1855,  1830,   999,  1881,  1000,
  1898,  1886,   249,  1002,  1006,  1890,  1022,  1898,  1006,  1896,
   254,  1009,    10,  1009,  1006,  1898,  1031,  1912,  1902,  1023,
  1912,  1907,  1024,   260,  1951,  1956,  1912,  1025,  1005,    10,
  1935,  1935,  1917,   263,  1001,   265,  1919,  1984,  1924,     4,
  1984,  1973,     6,  1928,   267,  1984,     6,  1933,     4,   272,
  1973,     6,  1935,   275,  1951,  1940,   263,  1001,   265,  1942,
  1984,  1947,     4,   272,  1973,     6,  1951,   267,  1005,     6,
  1956,  1954,   272,  1956,  1005,  1964,  1962,    10,  1005,    10,
  1005,  1964,  1000,  1973,  1968,     0,  1005,  1971,     2,  1005,
  1973,  1000,  1979,  1977,     0,   275,  1979,  1000,  1984,  1982,
    38,  1984,  1000,  1999,  1989,  1979,  1300,  1003,  1992,  1001,
  1964,  1997,     4,  1999,  1964,     6,  1999,   277,  2008,  2002,
   281,  2004,   285,  2006,   289,  2008,   292,  2041,  2017,  1010,
  1001,  1366,  1786,  1011,  1581,  1761,  2021,   296,  1001,  1366,
  2023,   299,  2027,   306,  1033,  1345,  2030,   313,  1761,  2032,
   321,  2037,   326,  1703,  1329,  1708,  2039,   333,  2041,   338,
  2168,  2048,  1027,  1010,  2008,  1011,  1734,  2050,  1007,  2058,
  1381,  1010,  1536,  1556,  1011,  1747,  1006,  2063,   347,  1035,
  1767,  1006,  2068,   354,  1029,  1819,  1006,  2073,   360,  1036,
  1727,  1006,  2078,  1386,   354,  1029,  1006,  2086,  1004,  1008,
  1010,  1436,  1011,  1608,  1006,  2090,   367,  1520,  1006,  2095,
    81,   147,  1837,  1006,  2105,  1010,  1810,  1458,  1011,  1589,
  1001,  1410,  1501,  1006,  2110,  1657,  1436,  1629,  1006,  2114,
   371,  1003,  1038,  2118,   379,  1015,  1006,  2127,   385,  1021,
  1703,  1329,  1696,   216,  1034,  1006,  2138,   388,  1001,  1416,
     4,  1345,   165,  1345,     6,  1714,  1006,  2142,   395,  1006,
  1017,  2148,   227,  1035,  1039,  1034,  1006,  2151,     8,  1881,
  2154,   400,  1006,  2158,   415,  1001,  1006,  2162,   422,  1003,
  1006,  2166,  1001,   430,  1019,  2168,  1006

   constant  integer  ss= 2041
   constant  integer  comment= 2; ! alt of p<SS> of %comment
   constant  integer  ownalt= 12; ! alt of p<SS> for owns
   constant  integer  eisss= X'00017F00'; ! Flag declarative ss alts
   constant  integer  array  opc(0:127)=
    0, M' JCC', M' JAT', M' JAF', 0(4),
    M' VAL', M' CYD', M'INCA', M'MODD', M'PRCL', M'   J', M' JLK', M'CALL',
    M' ADB', M' SBB', M'DEBJ', M' CPB', M' SIG', M' MYB', M' VMY', M'CPIB',
    M' LCT', M'MPSR', M'CPSR', M'STCT', M'EXIT', M'ESEX', M' OUT', M' ACT',
    M'  SL', M'SLSS', M'SLSD', M'SLSQ', M'  ST', M'STUH', M'STXN', M'IDLE',
    M' SLD', M' SLB', M'TDEC', M'INCT', M' STD', M' STB', M'STLN', M'STSF',
    M'   L', M' LSS', M' LSD', M' LSQ', M'RRTC', M' LUH', M'RALN', M' ASF',
    M'LDRL', M' LDA', M'LDTB', M' LDB', M'  LD', M'  LB', M' LLN', M' LXN',
    M' TCH', M'ANDS', M' ORS', M'NEQS', M'EXPA', M' AND', M'  OR', M' NEQ',
    M'  PK', M' INS', M'SUPK', M' EXP', M'COMA', M' DDV', M'DRDV', M'DMDV',
    M'SWEQ', M'SWNE', M' CPS', M' TTR', M' FLT', M' IDV', M'IRDV', M'IMDV',
    M' MVL', M'  MV', M'CHOV', M' COM', M' FIX', M' RDV', M'RRDV', M'RDVD',
    M' UAD', M' USB', M'URSB', M' UCP', M' USH', M' ROT', M' SHS', M' SHZ',
    M' DAD', M' DSB', M'DRSB', M' DCP', M' DSH', M' DMY', M'DMYD', M'CBIN',
    M' IAD', M' ISB', M'IRSB', M' ICP', M' ISH', M' IMY', M'IMYD', M'CDEC',
    M' RAD', M' RSB', M'RRSB', M' RCP', M' RSC', M' RMY', M'RMYD', M' PUT'

   routine  cnptf
!*    Create New Page To File :- This is called when the output file   *
!*    is full and must be extended to a new page.                      *
      if  filesizeptr<3 then  c 
       filesizeptr = filesizeptr+1 and  filesize = fstable(filesizeptr) else  c 
       filesize = filesize+fstable(3)
      changefilesize(workfile, filesize, eflag)
      if  eflag=261 start 
         ! V.M. hole is too small for the new file size.
         disconnect(workfile, eflag); if  eflag#0 then  fail(eflag, 5)
         changefilesize(workfile, filesize, eflag)
         if  eflag=0 start 
            writeaddress = writeaddress-conad
            connect(workfile, 3, 0, 0, rr, eflag)
            if  eflag#0 then  fail(eflag, 5)
            conad = rr_conad
            writeaddress = writeaddress+conad
            outrec == record(conad)
      if  eflag#0 then  fail(eflag, 5)
      outrec_filesize = filesize; ! Update file size in header.

   routine  transfer(integer  from, to)
!*    Transfer copies the contents of OUTBUF from FROM to TO into the  *
!*    output file or channel.                                          *
      integer  i, ch, last
      if  stream#terminal start 
         last = to-from+1+writeaddress-conad
         if  last>filesize then  cnptf
         outrec_dataend = last
      for  i = from, 1, to cycle 
         ch = outbuf(i)&X'7F'
         if  ch&127=rs then  continue 
         if  ch=nl start 
            charsin = 0; line = line+1
            unless  stream=terminal start 
               write address = write address-1 while  c 
                write address>wa0 and  byteinteger(write address-1)=' '
         finish  else  charsin = charsin+1
         if  stream=terminal then  printch(ch) else  c 
          byteinteger(writeaddress) = ch and  writeaddress = writeaddress+1

   routine  outstring(string  (40) text)
!*    Outstring copies TEXT to the output file or channel.             *
      integer  i, ch, last
      if  stream#terminal start 
         last = length(text)+writeaddress-conad
         if  last>filesize then  cnptf
         outrec_dataend = last
      for  i = 1, 1, length(text) cycle 
         ch = charno(text, i)
         if  ch=nl then  charsin = 0 and  line = line+1 else  c 
          charsin = charsin+1
         if  stream=terminal then  printch(ch) else  c 
          byteinteger(writeaddress) = ch and  writeaddress = writeaddress+1

   routine  dupl(integer  char, integer  times)
!*    Dupl copies CHAR, TIMES times to the output file or channel.     *
      integer  i, last
      if  times<=0 then  return 
      charsin = charsin+times
      if  stream#terminal start 
         last = times+writeaddress-conad
         if  last>filesize then  cnptf
         outrec_dataend = last
      for  i = 1, 1, times cycle 
         if  stream=terminal then  printch(char) else  c 
          byteinteger(writeaddress) = char and  writeaddress = writeaddress+1

   routine  insert(integer  chars, lsflag, rsflag)
!*   This will place upto four characters into the OUTBUF buffer this  *
!*   includes the option of have spaces around the characters.         *
      if  lsflag=true#inconst then  outbuf(obp) = ' ' and  obp = obp+1
      until  chars=0 cycle 
         outbuf(obp) = chars&X'FF'
         chars = chars>>8
         obp = obp+1
      if  rsflag=true#inconst then  outbuf(obp) = ' ' and  obp = obp+1

   routine  closedown(integer  success)
!*     Closedown is called when the program is to terminate execution  *
!*     and is to print a suitable message and to close the output file *
!*     if any.                                                         *
      if  success=true start 
         printstring(itos(line)." lines have been processed".snl)
      finish  else  start 
         printstring("Soap80 fails :- ".itos(errors))
         if  errors=1 then  printstring(" error.".snl) else  c 
          printstring(" errors.".snl)
      ! Is there a file to close?
      if  stream#terminal start 
         outrec_dataend = writeaddress-conad
         trim(workfile, eflag)
         disconnect(workfile, eflag)
         if  stream=samefile start 
            if  errors>0 then  c 
             printstring("Output stored in ".workfile.", since ".infile. c 
             " contains errors.".snl) else  start 
               newgen(workfile, outf, eflag)
               if  eflag#0 start 
                  printstring("Attempt to create ".outf." failed because ". c 
                  printstring("Output stored in ".workfile.".".snl)
         finish  else  start 
            if  stream=device start 
               if  length(infile)>8 then  length(infile) = 8
               sendfile(workfile, outf, "Soap80: ".infile, 1, 0, eflag)
               if  eflag#0 then  fail(eflag, 5)
      stop ; ! Exit from SOAP80.

   routine  punch
!*     PUNCH is  for tranferring the contents of the OUTBUF array      *
!*   to the output file or channel, using TRANSFER, OUTSTRING and DUPL.*
!*                                                                     *
!*    PUNCH decides where to break a line if it is too long.           *
      integer  lst, bk, i, ubp, lbp, bbp, tp, inn, ch, curlend
      inn = in
      inn = inn+1 if  1<<ssalt&eisss=0 and  p_istat=true
      if  ssalt#comment and  semicolon=false then  dupl(' ', p_tab(inn)-charsin)
      if  outbuf(obp-1)=';' then  semicolon = true else  semicolon = false
      if  semicolon=true and  p_line-20<charsin+obp then  c 
       semicolon = false and  outbuf(obp-1) = nl
      if  semicolon=true then  outbuf(obp) = ' ' and  obp = obp+1

      if  increm=true start 
         increm = false
         ! Is indenting value too near the line length limit?
         if  p_tab(in+1)+20>p_line then  fail(4, 2) else  in = in+1

      lst = 1

      if  ssalt=comment start 
         ! Look for RS in comment.  If found, output as more than one line.
            if  chartype(sc(1))&rem=0 or  semicolon=true start 
               ! Comment does not start in column 1.
               if  semicolon!colon=false and  p_movecom=false then  c 
                dupl(' ', p_tab(inn)-charsin) else  dupl(' ', p_poscom-charsin)
            i = lst
            i = i+1 while  i<obp and  outbuf(i)&127#rs
            ->final part if  i=obp
            transfer(lst, i-1)
            if  outbuf(i-1)&127=',' then  outstring(snl) else  c 
            i = i+1 until  i=obp or  outbuf(i)#' '
            lst = i

         ubp = p_line+lst-charsin-4; ! RHMOST BREAK POINT
         lbp = (ubp+lst)//2
         bbp = (ubp+3*lst)//4
         curlend = 0

         ! First check for nl in string const or list
         for  bk = lst, 1, ubp+3 cycle 
            exit  if  bk>=obp
            ch = outbuf(bk)
            if  ch&127=nl or  (ch&127=rs and  ssalt=ownalt and  c 
             p_lclist=true) then  ->printpart
         if  obp<ubp+3 then  exit ; ! 3 FOR " %C"
         for  bk = ubp, -1, bbp cycle ; ! CHECK FOR PRIMARY BREAK POINTS
            if  outbuf(bk)&bpoint#0 start 
               bk = bk+1 while  outbuf(bk+1)=' '
         for  bk = ubp, -1, bbp cycle ; ! CHECK FOR SECONDARY BREAK POINT
            if  outbuf(bk)&bpoint2#0 start 
               bk = bk+1 while  outbuf(bk+1)=' '
         for  bk = ubp, -1, bbp cycle 
            if  outbuf(bk)=',' then  ->printpart
         if  outbuf(ubp)&incurly#0 start ; ! IN A CURLY COMMENT
            curlend = 1
            for  bk = ubp, 1, obp-2 cycle 
               curlend = 0 and  exit  if  outbuf(bk)&incurly=0
            ! curlend indicates whether the curly comment goes to the end of the line.
            for  bk = ubp, -1, bbp cycle 
               if  outbuf(bk)&incurly=0 then  bk = bk-1 and  ->printpart
            ->final part if  curlend=1; ! Overlong curly comment.
            for  bk = ubp, 1, obp-2 cycle 
               if  outbuf(bk)&incurly=0 then  ->printpart
         for  bk = ubp+1, -1, lbp cycle 
            if  outbuf(bk)=' ' and  outbuf(bk-1)&underline#0 then  ->printpart
         if  p_spacnam=false start ; ! MUST OMIT IF NAMES ARE SPACED
            for  bk = ubp+1, -1, lbp cycle 
               if  outbuf(bk)=' ' then  ->printpart
         for  bk = ubp, -1, lbp cycle 
            if  outbuf(bk)='%' then  bk = bk-1 and  ->printpart
         for  bk = ubp, -1, lbp cycle 
            if  outbuf(bk)='.' or  outbuf(bk)=')' then  ->printpart
            if  outbuf(bk)='(' then  bk = bk-1 and  ->printpart
         if  outbuf(ubp)&instring#0 start 
            ! Break point is inside a string.
            for  bk = ubp, -1, bbp cycle 
               if  outbuf(bk)=',' or  outbuf(bk)='.' or  outbuf(bk)='=' then  c 
            for  i = ubp, -1, lst+3 cycle 
               if  outbuf(i)=dquotes then  bk = i-1 and  ->printpart
            for  i = bk, -1, lst cycle 
               if  outbuf(i)=squotes start 
                  if  chartype(outbuf(i-1))&constart=0 then  bk = i-1 else  c 
                   bk = i-2
            ! Break string.
            printstring("Line:".itos(line)." problem:")
            printsymbol(outbuf(i)) for  i = lst, 1, ubp
            tp = ubp-1
            transfer(lst, tp)
            dupl(' ', p_tab(inn)+p_icontin)
            lst = tp+1
         finish  else  bk = ubp
         printstring("Line:".itos(line)." problem:")
         printsymbol(outbuf(i)) for  i = lst, 1, ubp
         i = bk
         i = i-1 while  outbuf(i)=' ' or  outbuf(i)&127=rs
         transfer(lst, i)
         if  i<lst or  outbuf(i)&127#nl start ; ! NOT NATURAL BREAK
            if  outbuf(i)&127#',' and  outbuf(bk)#rs!128 and  curlend=0 then  c 
             outstring(" ".percentc)
            dupl(' ', p_tab(inn)+p_icontin) if  inconst=false
            outstring("%") if  c 
             outbuf(bk+1)&underline#0 and  outbuf(bk+1)#rs!128
         lst = bk+1
      transfer(lst, obp-1)
      obp = 1

   integer  function  nextnonsp(integer  print)
      ! If PRINT is True then ' ' or '%' or RS are transferred to the output
      ! buffer when encountered.
      integer  ch
         ch = sc(ptr)
         if  ch='{' start 
            outbuf(obp) = ' ' and  obp = obp+1 if  obp>1 and  print=false
            outbuf(obp) = '{'
            obp = obp+1; ptr = ptr+1
               ch = sc(ptr)
               outbuf(obp) = ch!incurly
               obp = obp+1
               ptr = ptr+1
            repeat  until  ch='}'
         exit  unless  ch=' ' or  ch='%' or  ch&127=rs
         if  print=true then  outbuf(obp) = ch and  obp = obp+1
         ptr = ptr+1
      result  = ch

   routine  getline(integer  initptr)
!*    GETLINE :- take from the input file and processes the data and   *
!*               it into the array SC.                                 *
!*                                                                     *
!*    The following processing is done:                                *
!*       1) All delimiters have 128 added to each character in the word*
!*       2) Lines are joined togther if there is a %c or ',' at the end*
!*          of the first line. The newline position is marked by RS.   *
      constant  byte  integer  array  itoi(0:255)= c 
      half  integer  array  scurl, ecurl(1:20)
      integer  in keyword, char, p, ncurl
      own  integer  strdelimiter

      if  initptr=1 then  startline = inptr
      ptr = initptr

         in keyword = false
         ncurl = 0
            if  ptr>ccsize then  fail(1, 1) and  exit 
            if  inptr>dataend then  fail(2, 1)
            char = itoi(byteinteger(inptr))
            inptr = inptr+1

            if  char=nl start 
               inline = inline+1
               sc(ptr) = nl
               ptr = ptr+1

            if  str=true start 
               sc(ptr) = char; ptr = ptr+1
               if  char=strdelimiter then  str = false

            if  chartype(char)&endst#0 then  c 
             sc(ptr) = char and  ptr = ptr+1 and  exit 

            ! Deal with curly bracket comments noting start so as to permit
            ! continuations of the form ...,{...}.
            ! Note that any missing closing brace is replaced.
            if  char='{' start 
               ncurl = ncurl+1; scurl(ncurl) = ptr
               sc(ptr) = char; ptr = ptr+1
                  char = itoi(byteinteger(inptr))
                  if  char=nl then  char = '}' else  inptr = inptr+1
                  if  char='}' then  exit 
                  sc(ptr) = char
                  ptr = ptr+1
               ecurl(ncurl) = ptr

            if  in keyword=true start 
               if  chartype(char)&letter=0 then  in keyword = false else  c 
                sc(ptr) = onecase(char)!underline and  ptr = ptr+1 and  c 

            if  char='%' then  in keyword = true

            if  char=squotes or  char=dquotes start 
               str = true; strdelimiter = char

            sc(ptr) = char
            ptr = ptr+1

         if  char=nl start ; ! TRAILING SPACES CHECK
            ptr = ptr-1 while  ptr>2 and  sc(ptr-2)=' '
            sc(ptr-1) = nl
            if  str=false start 
               p = ptr-2
               while  ncurl>0 and  ecurl(ncurl)=p cycle 
                  ! Step past curly bracket.
                  p = scurl(ncurl)-1; ncurl = ncurl-1
                  p = p-1 while  p>0 and  sc(p)=' '
               ! Now p points at character determining continuation.
               if  p>0 start 
                  char = sc(p)
                  if  char=',' start 
                     sc(ptr-1) = rs!128
                  if  char='C'+underline start 
                     if  p>1 and  sc(p-1)='%' then  sc(p-1) = ' '
                     sc(p) = ' '
                     sc(ptr-1) = rs
                  if  char&127=rs then  sc(ptr-1) = rs!128 and  continue 
      ptr = initptr


   integer  function  compare(integer  test)
      integer  i, ch, key, j

      for  i = 1, 1, clett(test) cycle 
         ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
         if  ch#clett(i+test) then  result  = false
         ptr = ptr+1

      if  test=offile or  test=ofprogram then  stop = true

      if  test=comma then  insert(',', false, p_spcomma) and  result  = true
      if  test=equals start 
         if  ssalt=ownalt then  inconst = p_lclist
         ! If in own or const declaration and p_lclist is set, then set
         ! inconst to true.  The effect of this is leave the declaration
         ! unformatted.  Inconst is not set earlier as we do not wish the
         ! leading spaces in the statement to be preserved - i.e. the first
         ! line of the statement is indented with the rest of the program.
         insert('=', p_spacass, p_spacass)
         result  = true
      if  p_expkey=true start 
         test = function if  test=fn
         test = constant if  test=const
      if  obp=1 or  (outbuf(obp-1)&underline=0 and  c 
       outbuf(obp-1)&127#'%') then  key = false else  key = true
      ! Current state of outbuf.
      for  i = 1, 1, clett(test) cycle 
         ch = clett(test+i)
         if  ch<underline and  key=true start 
            outbuf(obp) = ' '
            obp = obp+1
            key = false
         finish  else  if  ch>underline start 
            if  key=false start 
               if  obp>1 and  '('#outbuf(obp-1)#' ' then  c 
                outbuf(obp) = ' ' and  obp = obp+1
               outbuf(obp) = '%'
               obp = obp+1
               key = true
            finish  else  if  i=1 and  p_sepkey=true then  c 
             outbuf(obp) = ' ' and  outbuf(obp+1) = '%' and  obp = obp+2

         if  ch&underline#0 and  p_uckey=false and  ch#rs!128 then  ch = ch!32
         outbuf(obp) = ch
         obp = obp+1

      if  (test=offile or  test=ofprogram) and  p_sepkey=true start 
         if  test=offile then  j = 4 else  j = 7
         obp = obp+2
         outbuf(obp-i) = outbuf(obp-i-2) for  i = 1, 1, j
         outbuf(obp-j-2) = ' '
         outbuf(obp-j-1) = '%'
      if  test=if or  test=unless or  test=while or  test=until or  c 
       test=else or  test=then then  outbuf(obp-1) = ch!bpoint
      if  test=and or  test=or then  outbuf(obp-1) = ch!bpoint2
      result  = true

   integer  function  check(integer  pos)
      integer  defend, subdefend, subdefstart, res, item, rsptr, z,
        strdelimiter, ch, rsobj, alt, i, j
      constant  string  (19) fes="FINISH %ELSE %START"
      own  integer  uci
      own  integer  depth=0
      switch  bip(999:1039); ! Built-in phrases.

      alt = 0
      depth = depth+1; ! Depth of recursion in check.
      ssalt = 0 if  depth=1; ! Initialise ssalt if in top-level call.

      rsptr = ptr; rsobj = obp
      defend = symbol(pos)
      pos = pos+1
      while  pos<defend cycle 
         alt = alt+1
         if  depth=1 start ; ! Outer level - i.e. trying ss alternatives.
            ssalt = ssalt+1
            inconst = false
         subdefend = symbol(pos)
         pos = pos+1
         res = true
         subdefstart = pos
         while  pos<subdefend cycle 
            item = symbol(pos)
            if  999<=item<1300 then  ->bip(item)
            if  item<999 then  res = compare(item)
            if  item>=1300 then  res = check(item)
            pos = pos+1

            pos = subdefstart; ! Star function.
            rsptr = ptr; rsobj = obp

            depth = depth-1; result  = true; ! Zero function.

            ! Name
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            j = ptr; ptr = ptr+1; i = obp
            if  chartype(ch)&letter=0 then  res = false and  ->inc
            if  chartype(ch)&constart#0 and  c 
             nextnonsp(inconst!p_spacnam)=squotes then  res = false and  ->inc
            ptr = j; obp = i; ! AVOID FUNNY SPACING ON 1 LETTER NAMES
            j = outbuf(obp-1); ! LAST CHAR OUT
            if  j>128 or  chartype(j)&letter#0 or  j=')' then  c 
             outbuf(obp) = ' ' and  obp = obp+1
            while  chartype(ch)&(letter!number)#0 cycle 
               if  chartype(ch)&letter#0 and  p_lcasnam=false start 
                  ! Letter case in names to be controlled by P_UCKEY.
                  if  p_uckey=true then  ch = ch&(¬32) else  ch = ch!32
               outbuf(obp) = ch; obp = obp+1
               j = obp; ! Position after latest character of name.
               ptr = ptr+1
               ch = nextnonsp(inconst!p_spacnam)
            ! Now j gives posn in outbuf after last character of name, and obp
            ! gives next free posn in outbuf.
            if  p_spacnam=true and  inconst=false and  j<obp start 
               ! Throw away bytes after name, apart from curly comments.
               i = j
                  i = i+1 while  i<obp and  outbuf(i)&127#'{'
                  exit  if  i=obp
                  if  j<i start 
                     outbuf(j) = ' '
                        j = j+1
                        outbuf(j) = outbuf(i)
                        i = i+1
                     repeat  until  outbuf(j)&127='}'
                  finish  else  start 
                     j = j+1 until  outbuf(j)&127='}'
                     i = j+1
                  j = j+1
               obp = j
            ! N - Number.
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            if  chartype(ch)&number=0 then  res = false and  ->inc
            ! Iconst.
            ! Const.
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            ptr = ptr+1
            res = false and  ->inc unless  c 
             chartype(ch)&(quotes!constfirst)#0 or  c 
             (chartype(ch)&constart#0 and  nextnonsp(inconst)=squotes)
            if  outbuf(obp-1)>128 or  chartype(outbuf(obp-1))&letter#0 then  c 
             outbuf(obp) = ' ' and  obp = obp+1
            if  chartype(ch)&constfirst=0 start 
               if  chartype(ch)&constart#0 start 
                  outbuf(obp) = ch; obp = obp+1
                  strdelimiter = nextnonsp(inconst)
                  ptr = ptr+1
               finish  else  strdelimiter = ch
               outbuf(obp) = strdelimiter; obp = obp+1
                  if  sc(ptr)=strdelimiter start 
                     outbuf(obp) = strdelimiter!instring
                     if  sc(ptr+1)#strdelimiter then  exit 
                     outbuf(obp+1) = strdelimiter!instring
                     obp = obp+2; ptr = ptr+2
                  finish  else  start 
                     ch = sc(ptr)
                     outbuf(obp) = ch!instring
                     obp = obp+1; ptr = ptr+1
                     if  ch=nl start 
               ptr = ptr+1; obp = obp+1
            finish  else  start 
               ptr = ptr-1
                     exit  if  chartype(ch)&constcont=0
                     outbuf(obp) = ch; obp = obp+1
                     ptr = ptr+1
                     ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
                  if  '_'#ch#'@' then  exit 
                  if  ch='@' then  j = number else  j = number!letter
                  ! Second part of @ and radix consts
                  until  chartype(ch)&j=0 cycle 
                     outbuf(obp) = ch; obp = obp+1
                     ptr = ptr+1
                     ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
bip(1004):! Phrase check extended type
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            res = false unless  c 
             ch>underline and  X'80000000'>>(ch&31)&X'20C83000'#0
bip(1038):! Include
bip(1006):! S - End statement.
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            if  chartype(ch)&endst=0 then  res = false and  ->inc
            obp = obp-1 while  obp>1 and  outbuf(obp-1)=' '
            outbuf(obp) = ch; obp = obp+1
bip(1007):! Text - comment string.
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            if  chartype(ch)&rem=0 then  res = false and  ->inc
            if  ch&underline#0 and  (outbuf(obp-1)&underline=0) then  c 
             outbuf(obp) = '%' and  obp = obp+1
            outbuf(obp) = ch; obp = obp+1
            ptr = ptr+1
            if  ch='C'+underline start 
               outbuf(obp-1) = ch!32 if  p_uckey=false
               for  i = 2, 1, 7 cycle 
                  ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
                  if  ch#keycom(i)+underline then  res = false and  ->inc
                  if  p_uckey=false then  ch = ch!32
                  outbuf(obp) = ch
                  obp = obp+1
                  ptr = ptr+1
            str = false
               while  sc(ptr)#nl and  (str=true or  sc(ptr)#';') cycle 
                  ch = sc(ptr)
                  if  ch=squotes or  ch=dquotes start 
                     if  str=false then  c 
                      strdelimiter = ch and  str = true else  if  c 
                      ch=strdelimiter then  str = false
                  if  ch&underline#0 and  p_uckey=false and  ch#rs!128 then  c 
                   ch = ch!32
                  outbuf(obp) = ch; obp = obp+1
                  ptr = ptr+1
               outbuf(obp) = sc(ptr); obp = obp+1
               ptr = ptr+1
               exit  if  outbuf(obp-1)=nl
               ! Semi-colon terminated input - carry on reading.
            str = false
bip(1009):! N255 - Test string declaration length.
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            unless  '0'<=ch<='9' then  res = false and  ->inc
            z = 0
            while  '0'<=ch<='9' cycle 
               z = z*10+ch-'0'
               outbuf(obp) = ch; obp = obp+1
               ptr = ptr+1
               ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            if  z>255 then  res = false
bip(1012):! Readline?
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            ! Deal with "FRED(1:10) = <nl> .. init vals .." constructions.
            if  ch=nl start 
               outbuf(obp) = nl; obp = obp+1
               sc(ptr) = rs!128
bip(1015):! Down.
            level = level+1
            bheading = true
            if  p_iblock=true then  increm = true
bip(1016):! Up.
            level = level-1
            bheading = true
            if  p_iblock=true and  in>0 then  in = in-1
bip(1019):! Colon - Is previous character a colon ':'?
            if  sc(ptr-1)#':' then  res = false and  ->inc
            if  charsin>0 then  outstring(snl)
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            transfer(1, obp-1)
            obp = 1
            if  p_seplab=true and  ch#nl then  outstring(snl)
            inlabel = true
bip(1022):! Setnem.
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            z = M'    '
            while  chartype(ch)&letter#0 cycle 
               z = z<<8!onecase(ch)
               outbuf(obp) = ch; obp = obp+1
               ptr = ptr+1
               ch = nextnonsp(inconst)

            unless  ch='_' and  z#M'    ' then  res = false and  ->inc
            outbuf(obp) = '_'; obp = obp+1
            uci = z
            ptr = ptr+1
bip(1023):! Primform
            for  i = 7, 1, 127 cycle 
               ->pfnd if  opc(i)=uci
            res = false
pfnd:! Mnemonic found
            res = false if  8<=i>>3<=11 and  i&7<=3
bip(1024):! Sectform.
            for  i = 64, 8, 88 cycle 
               for  j = 0, 1, 3 cycle 
                  if  opc(i+j)=uci then  ->inc
            res = false
bip(1025):! Tertform.
            for  i = 3, -1, 1 cycle 
               if  opc(i)=uci then  ->inc
            res = false
bip(1026):! Op.
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            ptr = ptr+1
            unless  32<ch<127 and  X'80000000'>>(ch&31)&X'4237000A'#0 then  c 
             res = false and  ->inc

            if  ch='&' or  ch='+' or  ch='-' then  c 
             insert(ch, p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ->inc

            if  ch='*' start 
               if  ch#nextnonsp(inconst) then  c 
                insert('*', p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ->inc
               ptr = ptr+1; j = ptr
               ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
               ptr = ptr+1
               if  M'*'=ch=nextnonsp(inconst) then  c 
                insert(M'****', p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ptr = ptr+1 and  ->inc
               insert(M'**', p_spacop, p_spacop)
               ptr = j; ->inc

            if  ch='/' start 
               if  ch#nextnonsp(inconst) then  c 
                insert('/', p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ->inc
               insert(M'//', p_spacop, p_spacop)
               ptr = ptr+1; ->inc

            if  ch='!' start 
               if  ch#nextnonsp(inconst) then  c 
                insert('!', p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ->inc
               insert(M'!!', p_spacop, p_spacop)
               ptr = ptr+1; ->inc

            if  ch='.' then  outbuf(obp) = '.' and  obp = obp+1 and  ->inc
            if  ch=nextnonsp(inconst)='>' start 
               insert(M'>>', p_spacop, p_spacop)
               ptr = ptr+1

            if  ch=nextnonsp(inconst)='<' start 
               insert(M'<<', p_spacop, p_spacop)
               ptr = ptr+1

            if  ch='¬' start 
               if  ch#nextnonsp(inconst) then  c 
                insert('¬', p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ->inc
               insert(M'¬¬', p_spacop, p_spacop)
               ptr = ptr+1; ->inc

            res = false; ->inc

bip(1027):! Chui.
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            if  chartype(ch)&letter=0 and  ch#'-' and  c 
             X'80000000'>>(ch&31)&X'14043000'=0 then  res = false
bip(1028):! +'.
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            if  ch='+' or  ch='-' or  ch='¬' or  ch=X'7E' then  c 
             insert(ch, p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ptr = ptr+1
bip(1031):! Ucwrong (unknown user code format - allow it through).
               ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
               outbuf(obp) = ch; obp = obp+1
               ->inc if  chartype(ch)&endst#0
               ptr = ptr+1
bip(1030):! ,'.
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            res = false if  ch=')'
            if  res=true then  insert(',', false, p_spcomma)
            if  ch=',' then  ptr = ptr+1
bip(1032):! Chcomp.
bip(1037):! Comp2
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            ptr = ptr+1
            unless  32<ch<=92 and  X'80000000'>>(ch&31)&X'1004000E'#0 then  c 
             res = false and  ->inc
            if  ch='=' start 
               if  nextnonsp(inconst)=ch then  c 
                ptr = ptr+1 and  insert(M'==', p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ->inc
               insert('=', p_spacop, p_spacop)
            if  ch='#' start 
               if  nextnonsp(inconst)=ch then  c 
                ptr = ptr+1 and  insert(M'##', p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ->inc
               insert('#', p_spacop, p_spacop)
            if  ch='¬' and  nextnonsp(inconst)='=' start 
               ptr = ptr+1
               if  nextnonsp(inconst)='=' then  c 
                ptr = ptr+1 and  insert(M'==¬', p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ->inc
               insert(M'=¬', p_spacop, p_spacop)
            if  ch='>' start 
               if  nextnonsp(inconst)='=' then  c 
                ptr = ptr+1 and  insert(M'=>', p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ->inc
               insert('>', p_spacop, p_spacop)
            if  ch='<' start 
               if  nextnonsp(inconst)='=' then  c 
                ptr = ptr+1 and  insert(M'=<', p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ->inc
               if  nextnonsp(inconst)='>' then  c 
                ptr = ptr+1 and  insert(M'><', p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ->inc
               insert('<', p_spacop, p_spacop)
            if  ch='-' and  nextnonsp(inconst)='>' then  c 
             ptr = ptr+1 and  insert(M'>-', p_spacop, p_spacop) and  ->inc
            res = false
bip(1033):! Assop.
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            ptr = ptr+1
            if  ch='=' start 
               if  nextnonsp(inconst)='=' then  c 
                ptr = ptr+1 and  insert(M'==', p_spacass, p_spacass) and  ->inc
               insert('=', p_spacass, p_spacass)
            if  ch='<' and  nextnonsp(inconst)='-' then  c 
             ptr = ptr+1 and  insert(M'-<', p_spacass, p_spacass) and  ->inc
            if  ch='-' and  nextnonsp(inconst)='>' then  c 
             ptr = ptr+1 and  insert(M'>-', p_spacass, p_spacass) and  ->inc
            res = false
bip(1008):! Bighole.
bip(1010):! Hole.
bip(1011):! Mark.
bip(1013):! Alias.
            ch = nextnonsp(inconst)
            ptr = ptr+1
            if  ch#'"' then  res = false and  ->inc
            outbuf(obp) = ' '; obp = obp+1
            outbuf(obp) = '"'; obp = obp+1
               if  sc(ptr)='"' start 
                  outbuf(obp) = '"'!instring
                  if  sc(ptr+1)#'"' then  exit 
                  outbuf(obp+1) = '"'!instring
                  obp = obp+2; ptr = ptr+2
               finish  else  start 
                  ch = sc(ptr)
                  outbuf(obp) = ch!instring
                  obp = obp+1; ptr = ptr+1
                  getline(ptr) if  ch=nl
            ptr = ptr+1; obp = obp+1
bip(1014):! Dummyapp.
bip(1017):! Liston.
bip(1018):! List off.
bip(1020):! Note const.
bip(1021):! Trace.
bip(1039):! Dummy start
            if  p_expkey=true start ; ! Expand %else to %finish %else %start
               obp = obp-4
               for  i = 1, 1, 19 cycle 
                  j = charno(fes, i)
                  continue  if  p_sepkey=false and  (j=' ' or  j='%')
                  j = j!32 if  p_uckey=false and  'A'<=j<='Z'
                  outbuf(obp) = j; obp = obp+1
bip(1029):! Note cycle
bip(1034):! Note start
            increm = true; ->inc
bip(1035):! Note finish
bip(1036):! Note repeat
            if  in>0 then  in = in-1; ->inc
            pos = pos+1
            if  res=false start 
               pos = subdefend
               obp = rsobj
               if  ptr>maxptr then  maxptr = ptr and  maxitem = item
               ptr = rsptr
         if  res=true then  depth = depth-1 and  result  = true
      ptr = rsptr; obp = rsobj
      depth = depth-1
      result  = false

!*                                                                     *
!*                Main calling routine.                                *
!*                                                                     *
   opt(s, p); ! Call option setting routine to set parameters.
   connect(infile, 0, 0, 0, rec, eflag); ! Open input file.
   if  eflag#0 then  fail(eflag, 5)
   if  rec_filetype#charfile then  setfname(infile) and  fail(267, 5)
   inptr = rec_conad+rec_datastart; ! Start of data.
   dataend = rec_conad+rec_dataend; ! End of data.

   ! Set output stream, possibilities are:
   ! Terminal, file, same file or output device.
   if  outf=".OUT" then  stream = terminal else  start 
      if  infile=outf then  stream = samefile else  start 
         if  charno(outf, 1)='.' start 
            if  devcode(outf)<=0 start 
               ! Invalid output device.
               fail(264, 5)
            finish  else  stream = device
         finish  else  stream = file

   ! Create tempory output file?
   if  stream=samefile or  stream=device then  workfile = "T#".nexttemp else  c 
    workfile = outf
   if  stream#terminal start 
      filesizeptr = 1
      filesize = fstable(filesizeptr)
      outfile(workfile, filesize, 0, 0, conad, eflag)
      if  eflag#0 then  fail(eflag, 5)
      outrec == record(conad)
      writeaddress = conad+outrec_datastart; wa0 = write address
      outrec_filetype = charfile
      ! Rest of record elements to be fill in at end of indentation.

   outbuf(0) = 0; sc(0) = 0
   level = 0; obp = 1; in = 0
   inline = 1; line = 0 {output line}
   errors = 0; erptr = 0; charsin = 0
   str = false
   stop = false; semicolon = false; increm = false; inlabel = false
   ersave = false
   if  p_uckey=true then  percentc = "%C" else  percentc = "%c"
      bheading = false
      maxptr = 0
      ! Is there more to analyse in this statement.
      colon = inlabel
      if  inlabel=false then  getline(1) else  inlabel = false
      if  check(ss)=false start 
         printstring(snl."Syntax analysis fails on input line ".itos(inline-1))
         printstring(" (output line ".itos(line+1).")".snl)
         z = 1
         while  chartype(sc(z))&endst=0 cycle 
            if  sc(z)&127=rs then  newline else  printch(sc(z)&127)
            z = z+1
         if  sc(z)=';' then  printch(';')
         spaces(maxptr-1); printch('!'); newline
         startline = startline+1 while  byteinteger(startline)=' '
         if  stream#terminal start 
            obp = 1
            ! Line failed - Input line to output routine.
            z = byteinteger(startline)
            while  chartype(z)&endst=0 cycle 
               if  chartype(z)&quotes#0 start 
                  strdelimiter = z
                  outbuf(obp) = strdelimiter; obp = obp+1
                  startline = startline+1
                  z = byteinteger(startline)
                  while  z#strdelimiter cycle 
                     outbuf(obp) = z
                     obp = obp+1; startline = startline+1
                     z = byteinteger(startline)
               outbuf(obp) = z
               obp = obp+1; startline = startline+1
               z = byteinteger(startline)
            outbuf(obp) = z; obp = obp+1
         str = false
         errors = errors+1
      finish  else  start 
         if  inlabel=false then  punch

      if  stop=true start 
         if  errors=0 then  closedown(true) else  closedown(false)

   routine  fail(integer  type, action)
      if  action#5 start 
         if  action&2=0 then  c 
          printstring(snl."*** Error: ") and  errors = errors+1 else  c 
          printstring(snl."*** Warning: ")

      if  action&4=0 start 
         printstring("*** In input line ".itos(inline)." (output line ".itos c 
      finish  else  printstring("*** Soap80 fails -".failuremessage(type)) c 
       and  stop 

      if  action&1=1 then  closedown(false)

   routine  opt(string  (255) parm, record  (pformat) name  p)
      routine  spec  readline
      routine  spec  setline
      integer  function  spec  stoi(string  name  snum)
      routine  spec  ask(integer  optno)
      integer  i, j, temp, flag, prof vsn
      string  (80) line, option, value, filename
      constant  integer  prog vsn= 3
      switch  prof(0:prog vsn)
      external  routine  spec  read profile(string  (11) key, name  info,
        integer  name  version, uflag)
      external  routine  spec  write profile(string  (11) key, name  info,
        integer  name  version, uflag)

      read profile("Soap80key", p, prof vsn, flag)
      if  flag>4 start 
         printstring( c 
          "Failed to read file SS#PROFILE.  Defaults options assumed.".snl)

      ->prof(prof vsn)

      ! In the following profile-handling code, we work with array p_a
      ! (alternative format) rather than the actual option names (p_sepkey
      ! etc.).  This is because the p_a operations remain valid even if the
      ! record format is subsequently changed.

      ! Code to set up profile vsn 1 data:
      ! This consists of 14 options followed by 21 tab values.

      p_a(1) = 80; ! line - lines are broken into two if length is greater than 80.
      p_a(2) = 3; ! icontin - continuation of line have an addition indentation of 3.
      p_a(3) = 41; ! poscom - position for right hand comments.
      p_a(4) = true; ! movecom - main comment are indented to POSCOM.
      p_a(5) = true; ! uckey - keywords output in upper case.
      p_a(6) = false; ! sepkey - adjacent keywords are compounded.
      p_a(7) = true; ! lcasnam - case of names left alone.
      p_a(8) = true; ! spacnam - spaces are left within names.
      p_a(9) = true; ! spacass - spaces are added round assignment operators.
      p_a(10) = false; ! spacop - spaces are not added round other operators.
      p_a(11) = true; ! lclist - const lists to be left alone.
      p_a(12) = true; ! iblock - block contents are indented w.r.t. block heading.
      p_a(13) = false; ! istat - statements are aligned with declarations.
      p_a(14) = false; ! seplab -  Labels and statements may occupy the same line.
      ! Set default indentation values.
      p_a(i+15) = 3*i for  i = 0, 1, 10
      p_a(i+15) = 5*i-20 for  i = 11, 1, 20

      ! Code to set up profile vsn 2 data:
      ! This consists of 15 options followed by 21 tab values.
      p_a(i) = p_a(i-1) for  i = 36, -1, 16; ! Move tab values down to make room.
      printstring("**New parameter available: SPCOMMA".snl)
      printstring("      Y : One space character inserted after commas.".snl)
      printstring( c 
       "      N : No space character inserted after commas (default).".snl.snl)
      p_a(15) = false; ! spcomma - default false.
      ! Code to set up profile vsn 3 data:
      ! This consists of 21 tab values followed by 16 options.
         byte  integer  array  tab(0:20)
         tab(i) = p_a(i+16) for  i = 0, 1, 20; ! Copy tab values out.
         p_a(i+21) = p_a(i) for  i = 1, 1, 6; ! Move options down.
         ! Item _a(28) will be the new parameter (expkey).
         p_a(i+22) = p_a(i) for  i = 7, 1, 15; ! Move options down.
         p_a(i+1) = tab(i) for  i = 0, 1, 20; ! Copy tab values back.
      printstring("**New parameter available: EXPKEY".snl)
      printstring( c 
       "      Y : Keywords %FN, %CONST and (sometimes) %ELSE expanded.".snl)
      printstring("      N : %FN, %CONST and %ELSE left alone (default).". c 
      p_a(28) = false; ! expkey default - false.

      ! The following two lines should always be just before the final 'prof'
      ! switch label.
      prof vsn = prog vsn
      write profile("Soap80key", p, prof vsn, flag)

      ! Split up parameters and change default values.
      if  parm->filename.(",").outf start 
         unless  outf->outf.(",").parm then  parm = ""
      finish  else  filename = parm and  outf = parm and  parm = ""
      infile = filename
      if  outf="" then  outf = filename
      if  parm="" then  return 

      temp = charno(parm, length(parm))
      if  temp#'*' and  temp#'?' then  parm = parm.",END"
      prompt("Soap80: ")
         if  parm="" then  readline else  setline
         if  line="END" or  line=".END" then  return 
         ! End of parameter settings.
         if  line="GO" or  line=".GO" then  return 
         ! End of parameter settings.
         if  line="STOP" or  line=".STOP" then  stop ; ! Abandon Soap80.

         if  line="SAVE" or  line=".SAVE" start 
            write profile("Soap80key", p, prof vsn, flag)
            printstring("Profile file SS#PROFILE created and cherished.".snl) c 
              if  flag=1
         finish  else  if  line="?" start 
            ! Print options so far.
            printstring( c 
             "Option name:{current setting}Meaning of current setting".snl)
            for  i = 1, 1, maxopt cycle 
               j = p_optarr(i)
               if  j=false then  printsymbol('N') else  if  j=true then  c 
                printsymbol('Y') else  printstring(itos(j))
               j = 1 if  j>0
               printstring("}".optmess(j, i).snl)
            printstring("TAB    :{")
            for  i = 1, 1, 20 cycle 
               printsymbol(':') unless  i=20
            printstring("        Indenting values".snl)
            printstring( c 
             "SAVE     : Save current option settings, for defaults henceforth.
GO or END: Cause SOAP80 to start processing the input.
STOP     : Cause SOAP80 to stop immediately.")
         finish  else  start 
            if  line->option.("=").value and  value#"" start 
               flag = 0
               for  i = 1, 1, maxopt cycle 
                  continue  unless  option=optname(i)
                  flag = 1; ! Option identified.
                  if  value="?" start 
                     printstring(optname(i)); spaces(7-length(optname(i)))
                     j = p_optarr(i)
                     if  j=false then  printsymbol('N') else  if  c 
                      j=true then  printsymbol('Y') else  printstring(itos(j))
                     j = 1 if  j>0
                     printstring("}".optmess(j, i).snl)
                  finish  else  start 
                     if  i<=numopt start ; ! Numerical value.
                        temp = stoi(value)
                        if  option="LINE" and  (temp<30 or  temp>160) start 
                           printstring( c 
                            "Bad line length - Only from 30 to 160".snl)
                        temp = -1 if  temp>255
                        if  temp=-1 then  c 
                         printstring(value." - ".failure message(320)) else  c 
                         p_optarr(i) = temp
                     finish  else  ask(i)
               continue  if  flag=1; ! Cycle found option name.
               if  option="TAB" start 
                  ! Set indenting value.
                  if  value="?" start 
                     printstring("TAB    :{")
                     for  i = 1, 1, 20 cycle 
                        printsymbol(':') unless  i=20
                     printstring("        Indenting values".snl)
                  finish  else  start 
                     i = 1
                     while  i<=20 and  value#"" cycle 
                        temp = stoi(value)
                        if  temp=-1 then  c 
                         printstring(value." - ".failuremessage(320)) and  c 
                        p_tab(i) = temp
                        if  length(value)=0 then  i = i+1 and  exit 
                        if  charno(value, 1)#':' start 
                           printstring(value." - ".failuremessage(320))
                           i = 21
                        finish  else  value = substring(value, 2,
                        i = i+1
                     ! End of indenting value, make up the rest
                     for  j = i, 1, 20 cycle 
                        p_tab(j) = 2*p_tab(j-1)-p_tab(j-2)
                        if  p_tab(j)>p_line then  p_tab(j) = p_line
               printstring(option." - ".failuremessage(322))
               ! Keyword not recognised.
            finish  else  start 
               printstring(line." -  invalid: format should be
      'keyword = value'      or     'keyword = ?'     or    '?'    or
      'SAVE'    or    'END'     or    'GO'     or     'STOP'".snl)

      routine  readline
!*    READLINE creates a line from the input device, converting all    *
!*    lower case characters to upper case.                             *
         integer  ch
            line = ""
               readsymbol(ch); if  ch=nl then  exit 
               if  ch=' ' then  continue 
               ! Convert lower to upper.
               line = line.tostring(onecase(ch))
            ! Return only if the line has some thing on it.
            if  length(line)>0 then  return 

      routine  setline
!*    SETLINE breaks the parameter list into single commands.          *
         unless  parm->line.(",").parm start 
            ! Last command in parameter.
            if  charno(parm, length(parm))='*' then  readline else  line = parm
            parm = ""

      routine  ask(integer  i)
!*    ASK checks that value starts with Y or N and                     *
!*    assigns True or False accordingly to P_OPTARR(I).                *
         integer  s
         s = charno(value, 1)
         if  s='Y' then  p_optarr(i) = true else  if  s='N' then  c 
          p_optarr(i) = false else  printstring("Answer Yes or No or ?".snl)

      integer  function  stoi(string  name  snum)
!*    STOI builts up an integer in INUM from the string SNUM, in       *
!*    doing so characters are deleted from this string.                *
!*    It is an error if the first character of the string is not a     *
!*    number.  This is signalled by returning -1.                      *
         integer  i, inum
         unless  '0'<=charno(snum, 1)<='9' then  result  = -1
         i = 1; inum = 0
         while  '0'<=charno(snum, i)<='9' cycle 
            inum = inum*10+charno(snum, i)-'0'
            i = i+1
            if  i>length(snum) then  exit 
         if  i>=length(snum) then  snum = "" else  c 
          snum = substring(snum, i, length(snum))
         result  = inum
end  of  file