!TITLE %external items a) The IMP9 keyword %extrinsic is replaced by %external ... %spec . Example: %extrinsic %integer %array A(1:500) in IMP9 becomes %external %integer %array %spec A(1:500) in IMP80 External variables can be initialised, like own variables, in declaration statements, but not in specification statements. Example: %external %integer %array A(1:500) = 25(10), 14(72), 16(22),63(*) b) External variables or procedures may be given an alias. The form %alias "..." can follow the identifier name, in declaration statements or specification statements. Example: %external %real %function %spec SIN %alias "MATH$DSIN"(%real A) The string constant specifies the string to be used for external linkage (i.e. the external reference). From within the program the item is referred to by its identifier, in the usual way.