The APM News System by Richard M. Marshall and Frank D. Cringle News is a means of distributing information to as many people as possible, and still only sending it to those that want it. The concepts used in this News System are borrowed heavily from USENET, a collection of cooperating UN*X systems. USENET is intercontinental in its scale; APM News is more restricted, being local to the APMs and the Filestores. ! ! ! ! ! is being used at the moment, retrying.... printed out. This means that someone else is using the topic file and the news system cannot write to it. There are ten retries spaced at 6 seconds each. If this fails the article you were going to post is filed for you and can be submitted with PostNews at a later date. !> !> ! ! ! ! ! - This moves to the last article in the current topic. !> ! ", or ">> " for multiple levels. The user name, date, and location are prepended to the message automatically and cannot be changed. If a file NEWS.SIG exists in your directory then this is added after the article. This is very useful and could contain a message like: Cheers, Alex and saves typing it every time you post an article. A small separator (----) is placed between the article and the signature, so you do not need one in the signature file. !> ! !> ! ! !> ! ! - This means read only the specified topic. The default is the special topic ALL which matches every topic. For UN*X freakies it is possible to say "-n " with the same effect as without the "-n"! -Ignore - This means ignore the Seen File, and make all previously read articles visible again. For UN*X compatibility there is also the qualifier "-x" which is the same as "-Ignore". -Reverse - This means start at the end of the topics and work backwards through the articles. -User= - This specifies the real user whose Seen File is to be used. This is very useful for people who are frequently logged in under different identities. !> !> ! !> !> !/ should be the name of an existing topic. The match all topic ALL is not allowed in this program. is the name of the file to put the Layout into. If this parameter is ommitted the output goes to .LAY. The following qualifiers are available: -LASER specifies that Layout 1.5 is to be generated -CONTENTS specifies that a contents page is to be generated -CONFIRM means that the user is shown the number, from and subject of every article in the topic and is asked whether to include it or not. -PAGE results in a fresh page being taken for each article -First The number of the first article to be printed, defaults to 1 -Last The number of the last article to be printed, defaults to the last message in the topic The output file is eminently suited to editing. !> ! ! ! !>