%include "inc:util.imp" {}%include "fractl:iff.inc" !Brian - JHB has been here. IFF routines are now in FRACTL:IFF.INC. !I've commented out your stuff (!!) and commented mine ({}) %begin %string(255) file,bumph,outfile %string(255) seeornot !!%recordformat strings (%short hlen,type,ht,wid, !! %shortarray(0:8) junk,%bytearray(0:15) dattim, !! %integer junk2, %byte magic1,magic2, !! %bytearray(0:254) title) !! !!%recordformat blah (%bytearray(0:16_1ff) header %or %record (strings) hed) !!%record(blah) the header {}%record (iffhdr fm) iffhdr %bytearray(0:511,0:511) image %string(255) name %short height,width %integer i,loop,sym,x,y %label close %onevent 9 %start selectoutput(1) closeoutput selectoutput(0) newline printline("What's goin' on here?!") %stop %finish file=cliparam %if file = "" %start %cycle prompt("Inputfilename: ") readline(file) %repeat %until file # "" %finish prompt("Outputfile? ") readline(outfile) prompt ("Picture width? " ) read(width) prompt ("Picture height? " ) read (height) readline(seeornot) prompt("Is this a seescan picture (Y/N)") readline(seeornot) !!%for i=0,1,16_1ff %cycle { Clear header to zeroes } !! the header_header(i) = 0 !!%repeat !!%for i=1,1,length(datetime) %cycle !! the header_hed_dattim(i-1) = charno(datetime,i) !!%repeat !!%for i=1,1,length(file) %cycle !! the header_hed_title(i-1) = charno(file,i) !!%repeat !!the header_hed_magic1 = 16_85 !!the header_hed_magic2 = 16_16 !!the header_hed_hlen = 256 !!the header_hed_type = 0 !!the header_hed_ht = height !!the header_hed_wid = width {}iffhdr = 0 {}iffhdr_title = "Microneye - ".file {}iffhdr_ht = height {}iffhdr_wid = width {}iffhdr_focus = 16 ;!16mm lens {}iffhdr_fstop = 140 ;!f/1.4 (both opticram and seescan are 16mm f/1.4 printline("Reading ".file) openinput(1,file); selectinput(1) openoutput(1,outfile); select output(1) {}iff write header(iffhdr) !!%for i=0,1,16_1ff %cycle !! printsymbol(the header_header(i)) !!%repeat %for y=0,1,height-1 %cycle %for x=0,1,width-1 %cycle readsymbol(sym) image(x,y)=sym %repeat %repeat close: closeinput selectinput(0) !Turn image upside-down i=0 selectoutput(0) printline("Writing ".outfile) selectoutput(1) %if seeornot = "N" %start %for y=height-1,-1,0 %cycle %for x=0,1,width-1 %cycle sym=image(x,y) sym=sym*8 %if i>255 %then printsymbol(sym) i=i+1 %repeat %repeat %else %for y=0,1,height-1 %cycle %for x=0,1,width-1 %cycle printsymbol(image(x,y)) %repeat %repeat %finish closeoutput selectoutput(0) %endofprogram