!Interrogate the user database ("adminfile": usually MANAGR:ADMIN.DAT) !to find the owners of one or more directories and their groups. !Parameter is a list of directory names separated by commas. !J. Butler Oct 1984 %include "inc:fs.imp" %include "inc:fsutil.imp" %include "inc:util.imp" %include "managr:addefs.inc" %include "managr:admin.inc" %begin %record (admin fm) a %ownstring (255) param,s = "" param = cli param param = current user %if param = "" param = "ANON" %if param = "" %while param # "" %cycle s = param %and param = "" %unless param -> s.(",").param %if find dir(s, a) %start show dir(a) %else to upper(s) printstring("Sorry, can't find ".s); newline %finish %repeat %endofprogram