!! PACKAGE Updated to IMP8 27/11/81 and 01/03/83 (V3.6) !! PACKAGE program to assign elements to chips 03/10/79 !! Updated 27/11/81 - bug fix + change to IMP8 !! Some changes to the assignment algorithm !! Constraint bug fixed 14/12/81 !! Error trap put in 5/6/85 JHB. (see {jhb}) %BEGIN %CONSTSTRING(31) HEADING="PACKAGE version 3.7 (APM)" %systemstring (255) %fnspec itos(%integer v,p) !%EXTERNALROUTINESPEC RESET INPUT %EXTERNALINTEGERFNSPEC DEF STREAMS(%STRING(127) STREAMS, DEFAULTS) %INTEGER RETURN CODE %OWNSTRING(47) DEFAULTS=".FIC,.LIB,ESDL:TTL74.LIB/%I1.CIC" !!******************************************************* !! PACKAGE: Program to assign UNITS to CHIPs * !! The list of UNITs is read in from stream 1. * !! CHIPs are read in from streams 2 and 3. By * !! convention stream 3 is used for the 'system library' * !! and stream 2 for a user provided library. The user * !! library is searched first. * !! * !! ASSIGNment works by firstly doing a naive assignment * !! where UNITs are allocated to CHIPs as densely as * !! is permitted by the constraints, and then this * !! assignment is 'improved' by (a) cluster building * !! and (b) optimising the use of 'empty slots'. * !!******************************************************* !! all strings are stored in a chained hash-table so that !! commonly used strings are shared. strings may 'own' !! the object of which they are the name. %RECORDFORMAT FTAG(%RECORD(*)%NAME OWNER, %INTEGER HNEXT, %STRING(255) NAME) %CONSTINTEGER TAGLEN=2 !! description of a terminal of a chip - consists of the !! logical terminal number<<2, flags, and the pin name %RECORDFORMAT FTERMINAL(%INTEGER INFO, %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME PIN) %CONSTINTEGER TERMINALLEN=2 !! maximum number of parameters currently used by the system !! (largest value of PNO in ^P ) %CONSTINTEGER MAX PARMS=8 !! description of a chip header. also used when re-reading !! the source file to produce the updated source. %RECORDFORMAT FHEAD(%INTEGER OPTIONS, %BYTEINTEGER NIN, NOUT, NIO, NT, %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME UNAME, NAME, %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME %ARRAY PARM(1:MAX PARMS), %RECORD(FTERMINAL)%ARRAY T(1:255)) %CONSTINTEGER HEADLEN=5+MAXPARMS !! fan element. number of the subinstance and terminal of that !! subinstance which is being referenced. %RECORDFORMAT FFANEL(%INTEGER SUBNO, TNO) %CONSTINTEGER FANLEN=2 !! A net is a list of net fragments. Each net fragment may !! have its own name and an unlimited (<32767) number of !! fan elements. A net is a list of all terminals (SUBNO,TNO) !! at the same electrical potential and has multiple names. %RECORDFORMAT FFRAGMENT(%RECORD(FTAG)%NAME NAME, %INTEGER FAN, %RECORD(FFANEL)%ARRAY F(1:1023)) %CONSTINTEGER FRAGMENTLEN=2 %RECORDFORMAT FNET(%RECORD(FNET)%NAME NEXT, %BYTEINTEGER FLAGS, NF, DUMMY1, DUMMY2, %RECORD(FFRAGMENT)%NAME %ARRAY F(1:255)) %CONSTINTEGER NETLEN=2 %RECORDFORMAT FTAGLIST(%INTEGER NT, %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME %ARRAY NAME(1:32767)) %CONSTINTEGER TAGLISTLEN=1 !! Description of a subunit. Note that not all parameters are !! stored, but only AT, ON, PACKAGE, and SUBPACK !! It is assumed that SUBPACK is an integer. %RecordFormatSpec Fpackage %RECORDFORMAT FSUBUNIT(%RECORD(FTAG)%NAME UNAME, NAME, ON, AT, PACKNAME, %BYTEINTEGER NIN, NOUT, NIO, NT, %BYTEINTEGER FLAGS, SUBPACK, DUMMY1, DUMMY2, %RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME NEXT, %RECORD(FPACKAGE)%NAME PACK, %INTEGER SUBNO, %INTEGERARRAY INFO(1:255)) %CONSTINTEGER SUBUNITLEN=10 !! Reference to a chip's terminal. %RECORDFORMAT FTERMREF(%INTEGER INFO, %RECORD(FTERMINAL)%NAME T) %CONSTINTEGER TERMREFLEN=2 %RECORDFORMAT FSUBCHIP(%RECORD(FTAG)%NAME UNAME, NAME, %BYTEINTEGER NIN,NOUT,NIO,NT, %RECORD(FTERMREF)%ARRAY TREF(1:254)) %CONSTINTEGER SUBCHIPLEN=3 !! Description of a CHIP. Chips contain SUBCHIPs to which UNITs !! are assigned. %RECORDFORMAT FCHIP(%RECORD(FTAG)%NAME NAME, %RECORD(FHEAD)%NAME HEADER, %RECORD(FNET)%NAME GNETS, %BYTEINTEGER FLAGS, NSUBS, DUMMY1, DUMMY2, %RECORD(FSUBCHIP)%NAME %ARRAY SUB(1:253)) %CONSTINTEGER CHIPLEN=4 !! Packages are instances of chips, and reference the relevant !! chip, as well as recording any constraints applicable to !! the instance of the chip (such as position or unique name). %RECORDFORMAT FPACKAGE(%RECORD(FPACKAGE)%NAME NEXT, %RECORD(FCHIP)%NAME CHIP, %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME AT, ON, PACKNAME, %INTEGER PNO, %RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME %ARRAY SUB(1:252)) %CONSTINTEGER PACKLEN=6 %RECORDFORMAT FTASK(%RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME %ARRAY S(1:3987)) !! miscellaneous records used by ASSIGNment improvement !! routines. Essentially they are used to map the !! stack for these routines. %RECORDFORMAT FWORK(%RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME S, %INTEGER C) %RECORDFORMAT FWORKLIST(%RECORD(FWORK)%ARRAY W(1:3985)) %CONSTINTEGER WORKLEN=2 !! working space %CONSTINTEGER STACKLEN=50000 %INTEGERARRAY STACK(0:STACKLEN) %OWNINTEGER TOS, STACKTOP, MAXTOS !! maximum number of fragments allowed in a net %CONSTINTEGER MAX FRAGS=20 !! i/o streams and associated constants !! END OF FILE must be <0 and mask to NL. %CONSTINTEGER ENDFILE=9, CNTRL=128, END OF FILE=NL-CNTRL %CONSTINTEGER CNTRL CHAR='^' %CONSTINTEGER CONSOLE=0, MIN=1, MOUT=1, SOUT=2 %CONSTINTEGER USERLIB=2, DEFAULTLIB=3 %OWNINTEGER CH !! useful constants %CONSTINTEGER NULL=0 %CONSTINTEGER AT=1, ON=2, SUB=4, PACKNO=3 %CONSTINTEGER SELECTED=1, NOT SELECTED=2, CONSTRAINT=4 %CONSTINTEGER SUBCONSTRAINT=8 %CONSTINTEGER GLOBAL=1, YES=0, NO=-1 %CONSTINTEGER SELECT ERROR=8 %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME NULL TAG !! Constants used by the assignment improvement routines %CONSTINTEGER INFINITY=32767 %CONSTINTEGER IMPROVED=16, SWOPPED=32 %CONSTINTEGER OPTIMISED=64, CONSIDERED=128 %CONSTINTEGER FIXED=CONSTRAINT+NOT SELECTED+SELECT ERROR !! machine dependent constants %CONSTINTEGER CPW=4; !! characters per word %CONSTINTEGER BPW=32; !! bits per word %CONSTINTEGER LCPW=2; !! log characters per word %CONSTINTEGER AUPW=4; !! addressing units per word %CONSTINTEGER LAUPW=2; !! log addressing units per word !! TAG types %CONSTINTEGER GENERAL =0 %CONSTINTEGER UNITNAME =1 %CONSTINTEGER CHIPNAME =2 %CONSTINTEGER PACKNAME =3 %CONSTINTEGER NETNAME =4 %CONSTINTEGER DISCARD=-1, KEEP=0 !! Error message numbers %CONSTINTEGER NERRORS=6 %CONSTINTEGER D1=1, D2=2, D3=3, D4=4, D5=5, D6=6 !! variables used by FAIL etc. %OWNINTEGER INSTREAM=0 %STRING(63) ERROR CONTEXT !!************************************************************ !! Start of utility routines etc. * !!************************************************************ !! remember the selected input stream %ROUTINE SELIN(%INTEGER STREAM) SELECTINPUT(STREAM) INSTREAM=STREAM %END %ROUTINE BREAD(%BYTEINTEGERNAME B) %INTEGER I READ(I) B=I&255 %END %ROUTINESPEC FAIL(%INTEGER MSGNO) !! routine to claim NWORDS of the workspace (stack organised) !! and moan if no space is left. %ROUTINE CLAIM(%INTEGER NWORDS) TOS=TOS>>LAUPW+NWORDS FAIL(D4) %IF TOS>=STACKTOP MAXTOS=TOS %IF TOS>MAXTOS TOS=TOS<MESS(MSGNO) MESS(1): MESS(2): PRINTSTRING("Invalid I-code"); ->ENDERR MESS(3): PRINTSTRING("No subunits to ASSIGN"); ->STOP MESS(4): PRINTSTRING("Workspace full"); ->ENDERR MESS(5): PRINTSTRING("Assignment abandonned"); ->STOP MESS(6): PRINTSTRING("Too many fragments in net"); ->ENDERR ENDERR: %IF INSTREAM#CONSOLE %START PRINTSTRING(" reading stream ") WRITE(INSTREAM,0) %FINISH PRINTSTRING(" (in "); PRINTSTRING(ERROR CONTEXT); PRINTSYMBOL(')') STOP: NEWLINE %STOP %END %ROUTINESPEC SKIP TO(%INTEGER WHERE) %ROUTINE RCH %INTEGER I, LEN !! Read the next character from the input !! Ignore newlines, and build control characters !! from ^+character. !! Ignore I-code comments (^K ...) %ON %EVENT 3,ENDFILE %START CH=END OF FILE ->OUT %FINISH START: %CYCLE READSYMBOL(CH) %REPEAT %UNTIL CH#NL %IF CH=CNTRL CHAR %START READSYMBOL(CH) CH=CH+CNTRL %FINISH %IF CH=CNTRL+'K' %START !! skip an I-code comment READ(LEN); RCH RCH %FOR I=1,1,LEN ->START %FINISH OUT: %END %ROUTINE ZERO(%INTEGER NWORDS) !! ZERO the top NWORDS of the stack %INTEGER I, P P=TOS %FOR I=1,1,NWORDS %CYCLE INTEGER(P)=0 P=P+AUPW %REPEAT %END !!********************************************** !! hashtable manipulation routines * !!********************************************** !! hashtable for cross referencing UNIT names, NET names, PIN names, etc. %CONSTINTEGER HASHTABLE LEN=255; !! must be 2**N-1 %OWNINTEGERARRAY HASHTABLE(0:HASHTABLE LEN)=NULL(*) %ROUTINE CLEANUP(%INTEGER STACKTOP) !! Remove references to objects in workspace above !! STACKTOP (I.E. references to objects which will !! be overwritten). %INTEGER I %INTEGERNAME H %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME TAG STACKTOP=STACKTOP>>LAUPW %FOR I=0,1,HASHTABLE LEN %CYCLE !! for each hashtable entry H==HASHTABLE(I) %WHILE H#NULL %CYCLE !! for each TAG that hashes to the same entry TAG==RECORD(H) %IF H>>LAUPW>=STACKTOP %START H=TAG_HNEXT %ELSE H==TAG_HNEXT %FINISH %REPEAT %REPEAT TOS=STACKTOP<0 %START !! Not a null string HASH=LEN ZERO(TAGLEN) NEW==RECORD(TOS); new_name = "" %FOR I=1,1,LEN %CYCLE RCH new_name = new_name.tostring(ch) HASH=HASH+CH*i %REPEAT %FINISH !! No TAG if name is null or to be thrown away. %RESULT==RECORD(NULL) %IF LEN=0 %OR TYPE=DISCARD !! Lookup the name HASH=HASH+TYPE H==HASHTABLE(HASH & HASHTABLE LEN) %WHILE H#NULL %CYCLE !! for each name that hashes to the same entry OLD==RECORD(H) %RESULT==OLD %IF OLD_NAME=NEW_NAME H==OLD_HNEXT %REPEAT !! name not found, so enter into table and create a new TAG. H=TOS CLAIM(TAGLEN+(LEN+CPW)>>LCPW); !! Space for string %RESULT==NEW %END !!******************************************* !! more miscellaneous input and output * !! routines. Used to read I-code objects, * !! output I-code objects, and to skip past * !! chunks of I-code. * !!******************************************* %ROUTINE SKIP TAG %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME GASH GASH==READ TAG(DISCARD) %END %RECORD(FHEAD)%MAP READ CHIP HEADER !! Read an I-code header and map it. !! This is used by SELECT A CHIP to read in chips. %RECORD(FHEAD)%NAME H %RECORD(FTERMINAL)%NAME T %INTEGER I, PNO, PTYPE ZERO(HEADLEN); ! Clear the top of the stack H==RECORD(TOS); ! and map the header READ(H_OPTIONS); BREAD(H_NIN); BREAD(H_NOUT); BREAD(H_NIO); BREAD(H_NT) !! claim space for the header record CLAIM(HEADLEN+H_NT*TERMINALLEN) H_UNAME==READTAG(GENERAL); ! Read the unique name of the instance H_NAME==READ TAG(CHIPNAME) !! Read in the terminal information %FOR I=1,1,H_NT %CYCLE RCH; ! Skip ^T T==H_T(I) READ(T_INFO) T_PIN==READTAG(GENERAL); SKIP TAG %REPEAT !! Read in the parameter strings %CYCLE RCH %EXIT %UNLESS CH=CNTRL+'P' READ(PNO); SKIPSYMBOL %IF PNO=ON %THEN PTYPE=PACKNAME %ELSE PTYPE=GENERAL H_PARM(PNO)==READ TAG(PTYPE) %REPEAT RCH; !! skip ^G !! CH is set to the next control character ^H, ^J, etc. %RESULT==H %END !! length and max length of an I-code line (for output) %OWNINTEGER LINECT=0 %CONSTINTEGER LINELEN=60 %ROUTINE PCH(%INTEGER CHAR) !! put a character to the I-code. Take care of control !! characters and increment the current line length. %IF CHAR>=CNTRL %START PRINTSYMBOL(CNTRL CHAR) LINECT=LINECT+1 %FINISH PRINTSYMBOL(CHAR&16_7F) LINECT=LINECT+1 %END %ROUTINE SKIPCH !! Read and print a character. Print NL at end of file RCH PCH(CH) %END %ROUTINE SKIP TO(%INTEGER WHERE) !! Skip to the character WHERE. Don't move if already there. %CYCLE %EXIT %IF CH=WHERE %OR CH<0 %OR CH=CNTRL+'E' RCH %REPEAT %END %ROUTINE SKIP UNITS TO(%INTEGER WHERE) !! Skip past any UNITs to character WHERE. !! Don't move if already there. %CYCLE %EXIT %IF CH=WHERE %OR CH<0 RCH SKIP UNITS TO(CNTRL+'E') %IF CH=CNTRL+'U' %REPEAT %END %ROUTINE SEPARATE !! Put out a newline to the I-code if required. NEWLINE %AND LINECT=0 %IF LINECT>=LINELEN %END %ROUTINE PUT TO(%INTEGER WHERE) !! Skip past characters, putting them out to the I-code !! until we get to character WHERE. %CYCLE SEPARATE %IF CH>=CNTRL SKIPCH PUT TO(CNTRL+'E') %IF CH=CNTRL+'U' %EXIT %IF CH=WHERE %OR CH<0 %REPEAT %END %ROUTINE PDEC(%INTEGER N) !! put a decimal number to the I-code WRITE(N,0) LINECT=LINECT+2; ! approximate length SEPARATE %END %ROUTINE BLANK PCH(' ') %END %ROUTINE PUT STR(%STRING(255)%NAME S) %INTEGER L !! print out a string in I-code format %IF S==STRING(NULL) %THEN L=0 %ELSE L=LENGTH(S) WRITE(L,0); PCH(':') PRINTSTRING(S) %UNLESS L=0 LINECT=LINECT+L+2 SEPARATE %END %ROUTINE PUT TAG(%RECORD(FTAG)%NAME T) %STRING(255)%NAME NAME !! print out a TAG's name in I-code format %IF T==RECORD(NULL) %THEN NAME==STRING(NULL) %ELSE NAME==T_NAME PUT STR(NAME) %END %ROUTINE SKIP NUM %INTEGER DISCARD READ(DISCARD) %END %ROUTINE COPY NUM %INTEGER N READ(N); PDEC(N) %END %ROUTINE PUT HEAD(%RECORD(FHEAD)%NAME H) !! output a UNIT or instance header in I-code format !! This is used to output chip descriptions, and also !! when rescanning the primary input. %INTEGER I %RECORD(FTERMINAL)%NAME T %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME P PCH(CNTRL+'H') PDEC(H_OPTIONS); BLANK PDEC(H_NIN); BLANK PDEC(H_NOUT); BLANK PDEC(H_NIO); BLANK PDEC(H_NT); BLANK PUT TAG(H_UNAME); PUT TAG(H_NAME) !! output the TERMINALs %FOR I=1,1,H_NT %CYCLE T==H_T(I) PCH(CNTRL+'T') PDEC(T_INFO); BLANK PUT TAG(T_PIN); PUT TAG(NULL TAG) %REPEAT !! output the parameters, if present %FOR I=1,1,MAX PARMS %CYCLE P==H_PARM(I) %UNLESS P==RECORD(NULL) %START PCH(CNTRL+'P') PDEC(I); BLANK PUT TAG(P) %FINISH %REPEAT PCH(CNTRL+'G') %END %INTEGERFN STOI(%STRING(255)%NAME S) !! Read a string as a (positive) integer !! Ignore characters that are not digits %INTEGER I, N, D N=0 %FOR I=1,1,LENGTH(S) %CYCLE D=CHARNO(S,I)-'0' N=N*10+D %If 0<=D<=9 %REPEAT %RESULT=N %END %RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%MAP READ SUBUNIT %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME TAG %RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME S %INTEGER PNO, OPTIONS, I %SWITCH PARM(AT:SUB) !! Read a subunit (including any enclosed subUNITs) !! from the primary input. !! Pin and terminal-name information is thrown away. !! Only AT, ON, PACKNO, and SUB parameters are retained. SKIP NUM S==RECORD(TOS); ZERO(SUBUNITLEN) BREAD(S_NIN); BREAD(S_NOUT); BREAD(S_NIO); BREAD(S_NT) CLAIM(SUBUNITLEN+S_NT) S_UNAME==READ TAG(GENERAL); TAG==READ TAG(UNITNAME) ERROR CONTEXT=TAG_NAME S_NAME==TAG; S_NEXT==TAG_OWNER; TAG_OWNER==S !! Skip terminals %FOR I=1,1,S_NT %CYCLE RCH; READ(S_INFO(I)); SKIP TAG; SKIP TAG %REPEAT !! Get parameters if any. ON, AT, PACKNO, SUBPACK RCH %WHILE CH=CNTRL+'P' %CYCLE READ(PNO) %IF PNO>SUB %START SKIP TAG; ->NEXT %FINISH %ELSE %IF PNO=ON %START OPTIONS=CHIPNAME %ELSE OPTIONS=GENERAL %FINISH TAG==READ TAG(OPTIONS) ->PARM(PNO) PARM(AT): S_AT==TAG; S_FLAGS=S_FLAGS!CONSTRAINT ->NEXT PARM(ON): S_ON==TAG ->NEXT PARM(PACKNO): S_PACKNAME==TAG; S_FLAGS=S_FLAGS!CONSTRAINT ->NEXT PARM(SUB): S_SUBPACK=STOI(TAG_NAME); S_FLAGS=CONSTRAINT+SUBCONSTRAINT ->NEXT NEXT: RCH %REPEAT RCH; !! skip ^G %RESULT==S %END %RECORD(FNET)%MAP READ NET %RECORD(FNET)%NAME NET %RECORD(FFRAGMENT)%NAME FRAG %RECORD(FFRAGMENT)%NAME %ARRAY TEMP(1:MAX FRAGS) %RECORD(FFANEL)%NAME F %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME TAG %INTEGER I, NF, GLOBALNET !! Read a NET from the I-code and map it. !! A net consists of a number of net-fragments, each of !! which has a name and a list of fan-elements. !! A net containing any fragment with a name beginning with '.' !! is deemed to be 'global' and flagged as such. All global !! fragments must be collected together before being output. NF=0; GLOBALNET=NO !! CH=^N %CYCLE RCH; %EXIT %UNLESS CH=CNTRL+'A' !! got a fragment TAG==READ TAG(NETNAME) GLOBALNET=YES %IF CHARNO(TAG_NAME,1)='.' FRAG==RECORD(TOS); FRAG_NAME==TAG; READ(FRAG_FAN) %FOR I=1,1,FRAG_FAN %CYCLE F==FRAG_F(I); READ(F_SUBNO); READ(F_TNO) %REPEAT CLAIM(FRAGMENTLEN+FRAG_FAN*FANLEN) NF=NF+1 FAIL(D6) %IF NF>MAX FRAGS TEMP(NF)==FRAG %REPEAT !! CH set to next control char (not ^A) NET==RECORD(TOS); ZERO(NETLEN) CLAIM(NETLEN+NF) %FOR I=1,1,NF %CYCLE NET_F(I)==TEMP(I) %REPEAT NET_NF=NF; NET_FLAGS=GLOBAL %IF GLOBALNET=YES %RESULT==NET %END !!************************************************** !! start of routine used to select chips from the * !! chip library. * !!************************************************** %PREDICATE SAME KIND(%RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME U, %RECORD(FSUBCHIP)%NAME S) %INTEGER I !! Decide whether or not a subUNIT and a subCHIP are of the same sort. !! They must have the same name, same number of terminals, !! and corresponding terminals must have the same type and number (INFO). %IF U_NAME==S_NAME %AND U_NT=S_NT %START %FOR I=1,1,U_NT %CYCLE ->OUT %UNLESS U_INFO(I)=S_TREF(I)_INFO %REPEAT %TRUE %FINISH OUT: %FALSE %END !! Global variables for the selection and assignment processes %INTEGER NSUBUNITS, NPACKAGES, NO TO SELECT, NO NOT SELECTED %RECORD(FTASK)%NAME TASK %RECORD(FPACKAGE)%NAME PACKAGES %RECORD(FNET)%NAME NETS %ROUTINE SELECT CHIPS %INTEGER FLAG, OLDTOS, OPTIONS, TYPE, LEN %INTEGER I, J %RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME U %RECORD(FNET)%NAME NET %RECORD(FCHIP)%NAME CHIP %RECORD(FSUBCHIP)%NAME SC %RECORD(FHEAD)%NAME H !! select chips from the I-code. A chip is selected if (a) it !! is explicitly named in an ON string or (b) there is a UNIT !! which has no ON string and which is the SAME KIND as some !! sub-element of the chip (subchip). %PREDICATE IN DICTIONARY(%RECORD(FTAG)%NAME TAG) !! decide whether TAG was already in dictionary !! before the last call of SELECT A CHIP. %TRUE %IF (ADDR(TAG)>>LAUPW) < (OLDTOS>>LAUPW) %FALSE %END %ROUTINE XREF(%RECORD(FNET)%NAME NET) %RECORD(FFANEL)%NAME F, F1 %RECORD(FFRAGMENT)%NAME FR %RECORD(FHEAD)%NAME H %RECORD(FTERMINAL)%NAME TERMINAL %INTEGER I, N !! First find whether the net references an external terminal of the chip. !! If so then make all sub-chip terminals referenced by the net !! reference this external terminal. This provides a quick mapping !! between subUNIT logical terminal numbers and chip logical terminal !! numbers for later on when nets have to be 'relocated'. %FOR N=1,1,NET_NF %CYCLE FR==NET_F(N) %FOR I=1,1,FR_FAN %CYCLE F==FR_F(I) ->GOT NET %IF F_SUBNO=0 %REPEAT %REPEAT !! net id completely internal to the chip %RETURN GOT NET: !! make subchip terminals point at the relevant chip terminal !! taking care to point to the correct terminal in the !! presence of input-outputs H==CHIP_HEADER %FOR I=F_TNO,1,H_NT %CYCLE TERMINAL==H_T(I) %EXIT %IF TERMINAL_INFO>>2 = F_TNO %REPEAT %FOR N=1,1,NET_NF %CYCLE FR==NET_F(N) %FOR I=1,1,FR_FAN %CYCLE F1==FR_F(I) %CONTINUE %IF F1_SUBNO=0 !! got a reference to a subchip CHIP_SUB(F1_SUBNO)_TREF(F1_TNO)_T==TERMINAL %REPEAT %REPEAT %END !! start of SELECT A CHIP RCH %RETURN %IF CH=END OF FILE !! Expect ^U or ^S %IF CH=CNTRL+'S' %THEN READ(FLAG) %AND RCH FAIL(D2) %UNLESS CH=CNTRL+'U' !! read the chip header OLDTOS=TOS READ(TYPE); RCH H==READ CHIP HEADER !! ignore the chip if it is a duplicate %UNLESS H_NAME_OWNER==RECORD(NULL) %START PRINTSTRING("*Duplicate chip ") PRINTSTRING(H_NAME_NAME) PRINTSTRING(" ignored"); NEWLINE CLEANUP(OLDTOS) ->OUT %FINISH !! build the fixed part of the chip SKIP UNITS TO(CNTRL+'J') CHIP==RECORD(TOS); ZERO(CHIPLEN) BREAD(CHIP_NSUBS); CLAIM(CHIPLEN+CHIP_NSUBS) CHIP_HEADER==H; CHIP_NAME==H_NAME ERROR CONTEXT=CHIP_NAME_NAME !! Build the subchips FLAG=DISCARD %FOR I=1,1,CHIP_NSUBS %CYCLE !! get to the sub-element's header SKIP TO(CNTRL+'H'); Skip Num !! build the subchip record SC==RECORD(TOS); CLAIM(SUBCHIPLEN) !! and reference it CHIP_SUB(I)==SC BREAD(SC_NIN); BREAD(SC_NOUT); BREAD(SC_NIO); BREAD(SC_NT) !! claim and initialise space for the terminal references. LEN=SC_NT*TERMREFLEN; ZERO(LEN); CLAIM(LEN) !! read name of subchip SC_UNAME==READ TAG(GENERAL); SC_NAME==READ TAG(UNITNAME) !! read the terminal info. discard pin and terminal names %FOR J=1,1,SC_NT %CYCLE RCH; READ(SC_TREF(J)_INFO) SKIP TAG; SKIP TAG %REPEAT !! if the subchip has been referred to then possibly !! select it. select it only if the UNIT referencing !! the subchip explicitly requests this chip (ON string) !! or if the subchip is of the same kind as the UNIT. %IF IN DICTIONARY(SC_NAME) %START U==SC_NAME_OWNER !! select this chip for all UNITs of the same kind as U. %WHILE %NOT U==RECORD(NULL) %CYCLE %IF (U_ON==CHIP_NAME %OR U_ON==RECORD(NULL)) %AND %C SAME KIND(U,SC) %START %IF U_FLAGS&SELECTED=0 %START U_FLAGS=U_FLAGS!SELECTED U_ON==CHIP_NAME FLAG=KEEP; !! and keep the chip NO TO SELECT=NO TO SELECT - 1 %FINISH %FINISH U==U_NEXT %REPEAT %FINISH %REPEAT %IF FLAG=DISCARD %START !! Throw away the chip !! First see if anything was constrained to it. !! set SELECT ERROR if a UNIT was constrained to a chip !! containing no such sub-chip. %FOR I=1,1,CHIP_NSUBS %CYCLE U==CHIP_SUB(I)_NAME_OWNER %WHILE %NOT U==RECORD(NULL) %CYCLE %IF U_ON==CHIP_NAME %AND U_FLAGS&(SELECTED+SELECT ERROR)=0 %START U_FLAGS=U_FLAGS!SELECT ERROR NO TO SELECT=NO TO SELECT-1 NO NOT SELECTED=NO NOT SELECTED+1 U_ON_OWNER==RECORD(DISCARD) %FINISH U==U_NEXT %REPEAT %REPEAT !! remove dictionary entries (dangling references) CLEANUP(OLDTOS) ->OUT %FINISH !! keep the chip, so make its name own it, and !! read in all the nets local to the chip. Only !! 'global signals' (net name begins with '.') !! are kept, as these must be amalgamated with !! the other global signals at output time. CHIP_NAME_OWNER==CHIP SKIP TO(CNTRL+'N') %WHILE CH=CNTRL+'N' %CYCLE OLDTOS=TOS; NET==READ NET !! make all terminals referenced by the net reference the !! chip's terminals if this is possible. XREF(NET) %IF NET_FLAGS&GLOBAL#0 %START !! keep the net - chain it to the chip NET_NEXT==CHIP_GNETS; CHIP_GNETS==NET %ELSE !! throw away the net and remove dangling references CLEANUP(OLDTOS) %FINISH %REPEAT OUT: SKIP TO(CNTRL+'E') %END %PREDICATE SAME(%RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME U, V) %INTEGER I !! Decide whether U and V are the same kind of UNIT. !! To be the same U and V must have the same name, !! the same number of terminals, and corresponding !! terminals must have the same type and terminal number (INFO). %IF U_NAME==V_NAME %AND U_NT=V_NT %START %FOR I=1,1,U_NT %CYCLE ->OUT %UNLESS U_INFO(I)=V_INFO(I) %REPEAT %TRUE %FINISH OUT: %FALSE %END %RECORD(FTAG)%MAP UNKNOWN %OWNINTEGER P=NULL %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME TAG !! create a tag with name "UNKNOWN" if one !! hasn't already been created. Return its address %IF P=NULL %START P=TOS; TAG==RECORD(P); ZERO(TAGLEN) TAG_NAME="UNKNOWN"; CLAIM(TAGLEN+(7+CPW)>>LCPW) %ELSE TAG==RECORD(P) %FINISH %RESULT==TAG %END %RECORD(FTAG)%MAP INT TO TAG(%INTEGER N) %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME TAG !! create a tag having the character value of N as name. TAG==RECORD(TOS); ZERO(TAGLEN) TAG_NAME=ITOS(N,0) CLAIM(TAGLEN+(LENGTH(TAG_NAME)+CPW)>>LCPW) %RESULT==TAG %END %PREDICATE COMPATIBLE(%RECORD(FTAG)%NAME A, B) !! %TRUE if A=B, or A=null or B=null. %IF A==B %OR A==NULL TAG %OR B==NULL TAG %THEN %TRUE %FALSE %END !!******************************************************** !! Naive assignment. This routine assigns elements to * !! packages in the order in which the elements occur in * !! the source text. Packages are filled as fully as * !! poossible subject to constraints. Constraints may be * !! of two kinds: AT and PACKNO/SUBPACK. Two elements with* !! different constraints CANNOT be assigned to the same * !! package. Two elements with the same constaints MUST be* !! assigned to the same package. * !!******************************************************** %ROUTINE NAIVE ASSIGNMENT %INTEGER PASS, I, FLAGS %RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME SU %CONSTINTEGER CONSTRAINED=1, UNCONSTRAINED=2 %ROUTINE ALLOCATE(%RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME SU) %CONSTINTEGER OK=1, WRONG SORT=2, NO ROOM=3 %RECORD(FCHIP)%NAME CHIP %RECORD(FPACKAGE)%NAME PACK, LPACK %INTEGER RESULT, LEN %ROUTINE PLACE(%RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME U, %INTEGERNAME RESULT) %INTEGER I, R, SUBPACK !! place subunit U on the current chip if this is possible. !! RESULT takes the value NO ROOM if the chip is full, and !! the value WRONG SORT if there is no empty slot of the !! same kind as U (or no slots at all of kind U). R=NO ROOM; SUBPACK=U_SUBPACK %FOR I=1,1,CHIP_NSUBS %CYCLE %CONTINUE %IF SUBPACK#0 %AND SUBPACK#I %IF PACK_SUB(I)==RECORD(NULL) %START !! Got a free slot for the subUNIT R=WRONG SORT %IF SAME KIND(U,CHIP_SUB(I)) %START !! And the slot is of the right sort R=OK; PACK_SUB(I)==U PACK_PACKNAME==SU_PACKNAME %IF PACK_PACKNAME==NULL TAG PACK_AT==SU_AT %IF PACK_AT==NULL TAG U_PACK==PACK; U_SUBPACK=I ->OUT %FINISH %FINISH %REPEAT OUT: RESULT=R %END !! allocate subunit SU. First try to place it on an existing !! package. This may fail if all existing packages are full, if !! the constraints for U are incompatible with those of all !! existing packages, or if there is no element of kind U !! on any of the existing packages. In this case a new !! package is constructed and added to the list of packages. PACK==PACKAGES %WHILE %NOT PACK_NEXT==RECORD(NULL) %CYCLE PACK==PACK_NEXT; CHIP==PACK_CHIP !! check that element's ON string is compatible !! with the name of the package. %CONTINUE %UNLESS COMPATIBLE(SU_ON,CHIP_NAME) !! see if element is constrained or package is constrained. %IF (%NOT PACK_AT==NULL TAG %AND %NOT SU_AT==NULL TAG) %C %OR (%NOT PACK_PACKNAME==NULL TAG %AND %NOT SU_PACKNAME==NULL TAG) %START !! both are constrained %IF SU_FLAGS&CONSTRAINT#0 %AND %C ((SU_AT==PACK_AT %AND COMPATIBLE(SU_PACKNAME,PACK_PACKNAME)) %OR %C (SU_PACKNAME==PACK_PACKNAME %AND COMPATIBLE(SU_AT,PACK_AT))) %START !! Element constrained to this pack PLACE(SU,RESULT) ->OUT %IF RESULT=OK !! can't meet the constraint. PRINTSTRING("* ") %IF RESULT=NO ROOM %START !! no room on package PRINTSTRING("Too many elements constrained ") %UNLESS SU_SUBPACK=0 %START PRINTSTRING("to subposition ") WRITE(SU_SUBPACK,0) %IF %NOT SU_PACKNAME==NULL TAG %START PRINTSTRING(" on pack ") PRINTSTRING(SU_PACKNAME_NAME) %FINISH SU_SUBPACK=0 %FINISH %IF %NOT PACK_AT==NULL TAG %START PRINTSTRING(" at ") PRINTSTRING(PACK_AT_NAME) %FINISH %ELSE !! constrained element to wrong sort of chip PRINTSTRING(SU_NAME_NAME) PRINTSTRING(" is not on ") PRINTSTRING(CHIP_NAME_NAME) %FINISH NEWLINE SU_FLAGS=SU_FLAGS&(\CONSTRAINT) ->OUT %FINISH %ELSE !! Pack unconstrained, or subunit unconstrained !! Pack may be constrained to a particular subpackage posn. PLACE(SU,RESULT) -> OUT %IF RESULT=OK %FINISH %REPEAT !! Build a new package NPACKAGES=NPACKAGES+1; PACK_NEXT==RECORD(TOS); PACK==PACK_NEXT CHIP==SU_ON_OWNER; !! Must exist as all SELECTED units have chips LEN=PACKLEN+CHIP_NSUBS; ZERO(LEN); CLAIM(LEN) PACK_CHIP==CHIP; PACK_ON==CHIP_HEADER_PARM(ON) PLACE(SU,RESULT); !! RESULT must be OK !!! PACK_ON==UNKNOWN %IF PACK_ON==RECORD(NULL) LPACK==PACK_ON_OWNER; LPACK==PACK %IF LPACK==RECORD(NULL) PACK_PNO=LPACK_PNO+1; PACK_ON_OWNER==PACK OUT: %END !! NAIVE ASSIGNMENT: Firstly assign all the constrained elements. !! then assign the unconstrained elements, packing them onto !! packages as tightly as possible. %FOR PASS=CONSTRAINED,1,UNCONSTRAINED %CYCLE %FOR I=1,1,NSUBUNITS %CYCLE SU==TASK_S(I) FLAGS=SU_FLAGS %IF FLAGS&SELECTED#0 %START %IF (PASS=CONSTRAINED %AND FLAGS&CONSTRAINT#0) %OR %C (PASS=UNCONSTRAINED %AND FLAGS&CONSTRAINT=0) %START ALLOCATE(SU) %FINISH %FINISH %REPEAT %REPEAT %END %ROUTINE COUNT PACKAGES %RECORD(FPACKAGE)%NAME PACK WRITE(NSUBUNITS-NO NOT SELECTED,0) PRINTSTRING(" subunits assigned to ") WRITE(NPACKAGES,0); PRINTSTRING(" packages"); NEWLINE %IF NPACKAGES>0 %START PRINTSTRING("Package requirements:"); NEWLINE PACK==PACKAGES_NEXT %WHILE %NOT PACK==RECORD(NULL) %CYCLE %IF PACK_ON_OWNER==PACK %START WRITE(PACK_PNO,3); SPACE PRINTSTRING(PACK_ON_NAME); NEWLINE %FINISH PACK==PACK_NEXT %REPEAT %FINISH %IF NO NOT SELECTED>0 %START PRINTSTRING("* "); WRITE(NO NOT SELECTED,0) PRINTSTRING(" elements not assigned to packages") NEWLINE %FINISH %END !!********************************************* !! ASSIGNment improvement routines * !!********************************************* !!*** ROUTINES TO BUILD AND INTERROGATE A CONNECTIVITY MATRIX *** !!*** THESE ARE HIGHLY MACHINE DEPENDENT (FOR EFFICIENCY) *** %INTEGER MATRIX %BYTEINTEGERMAP C(%INTEGER I,J) %OWNBYTEINTEGER ZERO=0 ZERO=0 %AND %RESULT==ZERO %IF I=J %IF I>J %THEN %RESULT==BYTEINTEGER(MATRIX+((I-1)*(I-2))>>1+J-1) %C %ELSE %RESULT==BYTEINTEGER(MATRIX+((J-1)*(J-2))>>1+I-1) %END %ROUTINE BUILD CONNECTIVITY MATRIX(%Integer NSUBS) %INTEGER I, J, S1, S2, F, MATRIXLEN, LEN %RECORD(FFRAGMENT)%NAME FR %RECORD(FNET)%NAME NET %BYTEINTEGERNAME CV !! build a connectivity matrix. !! this is done by scanning the nets which have been stored. !! initisalise the matrix (machine dependent) MATRIXLEN=((NSUBS-1)*NSUBS)>>1-1 MATRIX=TOS; LEN=(MATRIXLEN+AUPW)>>LAUPW ZERO(LEN); CLAIM(LEN) NET==NETS_NEXT %WHILE %NOT NET==RECORD(NULL) %CYCLE %FOR F=1,1,NET_NF %CYCLE FR==NET_F(F) %FOR I=1,1,FR_FAN %CYCLE S1=FR_F(I)_SUBNO %CONTINUE %IF S1=0 !! get the row number for the matrix entry S1=TASK_S(S1)_SUBNO %CONTINUE %IF S1=0; ! Not selected for improvement %FOR J=1,1,FR_FAN %CYCLE S2=FR_F(J)_SUBNO %CONTINUE %IF S2=0 S2=TASK_S(S2)_SUBNO ! Continue if not selected for improvement (S2=0) %CONTINUE %IF S2=0 %OR S1>=S2 CV==C(S1,S2) CV=CV+1 %REPEAT %REPEAT %REPEAT NET==NET_NEXT %REPEAT %END !!************************************************* !! routine to improve the assignment of elements * !! of one kind. The improvement is effected by * !! growing clusters of highly connected elements * !! on each package. During this process the empty * !! slots are allowed to float around. * !!************************************************* %ROUTINE IMPROVE(%RECORD(FWORKLIST)%NAME SUBTASK, %INTEGER NSUBS) %INTEGER I, J, CONN, SPJ %RECORD(FWORK)%NAME WI, WJ, W %RECORD(FWORK) TEMP %RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME SI, SJ, SLOT %RECORD(FPACKAGE)%NAME PI, PJ %BYTEINTEGERNAME CV %RECORD(FWORK)%MAP MOST CONNECTED TO(%INTEGER A) %INTEGER MCOST, COST, I, NCTA, NCTB, NCBAB, NCBAS %RECORD(FWORK)%NAME WA, WB, W !! find the element most connected to element A. !! connectivity is defined as the number of connections !! to A + number of connections to the element - twice !! the number of connections between A and the element. !! Thus the most connected element to A should share !! a package with A in order to minimise the total connectivity. W==RECORD(NULL) WA==SUBTASK_W(A) NCTA=WA_C; !! no of connections to A MCOST=INFINITY; NCBAS=0 %FOR I=A+1,1,NSUBS %CYCLE WB==SUBTASK_W(I) %CONTINUE %IF WB_S_FLAGS&SWOPPED#0 NCTB=WB_C; !! no of connections to B NCBAB=C(WA_S_SUBNO,WB_S_SUBNO); !! no of connections between A and B COST=NCTA+NCTB-NCBAB-NCBAB; !! cost of swop %IF COSTNCBAS) %START MCOST=COST; NCBAS=NCBAB W==WB %FINISH %REPEAT %RESULT==W %END !! firstly set up the total number of connections (star connectivity) !! to each element in the list (SUBTASK). %FOR I=1,1,NSUBS %CYCLE CONN=0 %FOR J=1,1,NSUBS %CYCLE CONN=CONN+C(I,J) %REPEAT SUBTASK_W(I)_C=CONN %REPEAT !! sort this list into order of descending connectivity !! for convenience of later processing. %FOR I=1,1,NSUBS %CYCLE WI==SUBTASK_W(I) W==WI %FOR J=1,1,NSUBS %CYCLE WJ==SUBTASK_W(J) W==WJ %IF WJ_C>W_C %REPEAT TEMP=WI; WI=W; W=TEMP %REPEAT !! for each element in turn that hasn't yet been swopped, !! locate the package on which that element resides. !! For each location on the package find the most connected !! element (if there is one) and swop it with the slot. %FOR I=1,1,NSUBS %CYCLE WI==SUBTASK_W(I) SI==WI_S !! continue if already swopped or constrained to this sub-posn %CONTINUE %IF SI_FLAGS&(SWOPPED+SUBCONSTRAINT)#0 PI==SI_PACK !! for each slot on the pack %FOR J=1,1,PI_CHIP_NSUBS %CYCLE SLOT==PI_SUB(J) %CONTINUE %IF SLOT==SI %OR %NOT SAME KIND(SI,PI_CHIP_SUB(J)) %CONTINUE %UNLESS SLOT==RECORD(NULL) %OR SLOT_FLAGS&CONSTRAINT=0 !! got a slot that is swoppable and not constrained WJ==MOST CONNECTED TO(I) %CONTINUE %IF WJ==RECORD(NULL) SJ==WJ_S; PJ==SJ_PACK; SPJ=SJ_SUBPACK %IF PI==PJ %THEN {same package - no point in swop} %START SJ_FLAGS=SJ_FLAGS!SWOPPED %CONTINUE %FINISH !! different packages - swop unless constrained %CONTINUE %UNLESS SJ_FLAGS&CONSTRAINT=0 !! swop SJ with SLOT PI_SUB(J)==SJ; PJ_SUB(SPJ)==SLOT SJ_PACK==PI; SJ_SUBPACK=J %IF %NOT SLOT==RECORD(NULL) %START SLOT_PACK==PJ; SLOT_SUBPACK=SPJ %FINISH SJ_FLAGS=SJ_FLAGS!SWOPPED %REPEAT %REPEAT %END !!********************************************************* !! optimise the use of empty slots. swop elements to empty* !! slots if there is an overall reduction in connectivity * !! as a result. * !!********************************************************* %ROUTINE OPTIMISE(%RECORD(FWORKLIST)%NAME SUBTASK, %INTEGER NSUBS) %INTEGER I, J, K, MGAIN, GAIN %RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME SU, SA, SB %RECORD(FPACKAGE)%NAME PACK %RECORD(FCHIP)%NAME CHIP %INTEGERFN CONNECTIONS(%RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME S, %RECORD(FPACKAGE)%NAME P) %INTEGER NC, I, J %RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME SU !! calculate the number of connections between the element S !! and the elements of the package P. I=S_SUBNO NC=0 %FOR J=1,1,P_CHIP_NSUBS %CYCLE SU==P_SUB(J) %CONTINUE %IF SU==RECORD(NULL) NC=NC+C(I,SU_SUBNO) %REPEAT %RESULT=NC %END !! search for an empty slot. Then search for the !! best element to fill it. Swop the element and !! the empty slot if an overall reduction in !! connectivity results. %FOR I=1,1,NSUBS %CYCLE SU==SUBTASK_W(I)_S PACK==SU_PACK; CHIP==PACK_CHIP %FOR J=1,1,CHIP_NSUBS %CYCLE SA==PACK_SUB(J) %UNLESS SA==RECORD(NULL) %START SA_FLAGS=SA_FLAGS!CONSIDERED %CONTINUE %FINISH %CONTINUE %UNLESS SAME KIND(SU,CHIP_SUB(J)) !! Got an empty slot of the correct kind MGAIN=-1 %FOR K=1,1,NSUBS %CYCLE SA==SUBTASK_W(K)_S %CONTINUE %UNLESS SA_FLAGS&FIXED=0 %AND SAME(SA,SU) GAIN=CONNECTIONS(SA,PACK)-CONNECTIONS(SA,SA_PACK) %IF GAIN>MGAIN %START SB==SA; MGAIN=GAIN %FINISH %REPEAT %IF MGAIN>0 %START !! benefit from a swop SB_PACK_SUB(SB_SUBPACK)==RECORD(NULL) SB_PACK==PACK; SB_SUBPACK=J PACK_SUB(J)==SB SB_FLAGS=SB_FLAGS!CONSIDERED %FINISH %REPEAT %REPEAT %END %ROUTINE IMPROVE KIND(%INTEGER INDEX, FLAG) %RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME SU, SA %INTEGER I, OLDTOS, NSUBS, LEN %RECORD(FWORKLIST)%NAME SUBTASK !! if FLAG is IMPROVED then improve the assignment of elements !! of kind INDEX. Otherwise optimise the use of empty slots !! on packages containing elements of kind INDEX. SU==TASK_S(INDEX) OLDTOS=TOS; SUBTASK==RECORD(TOS) NSUBS=0 %FOR I=INDEX,1,NSUBUNITS %CYCLE !! select subunits for improvement SA==TASK_S(I) !! Ignore if fixed or on wrong sort of chip %CONTINUE %IF SA_FLAGS&FIXED#0 %OR %NOT SA_ON==SU_ON !! Ignore if element is of wrong kind (can only happen !! if more than one kind of element on a package) %CONTINUE %UNLESS SAME(SA,SU) NSUBS=NSUBS+1 SUBTASK_W(NSUBS)_S==SA SA_SUBNO=NSUBS SA_FLAGS=SA_FLAGS!FLAG CLAIM(WORKLEN) %REPEAT BUILD CONNECTIVITY MATRIX(NSUBS) %IF FLAG=IMPROVED %THEN IMPROVE(SUBTASK,NSUBS) %C %ELSE OPTIMISE(SUBTASK,NSUBS) SUBTASK_W(I)_S_SUBNO=0 %FOR I=1,1,NSUBS TOS=OLDTOS %END %ROUTINE IMPROVE ASSIGNMENT %INTEGER I, FLAG, PASS %RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME SU FLAG=IMPROVED %FOR PASS=1,1,2 %CYCLE !! on the first pass we improve the assignment of !! particular kinds of subunits. On the second !! pass we optimise the use of empty slots on !! particular kinds of chip. %FOR I=1,1,NSUBUNITS %CYCLE SU==TASK_S(I) %IF SU_FLAGS&(FIXED+FLAG)=0 %AND SU_PACK_CHIP_NSUBS>=2 %START !! element is free to move, has not had its placement improved, !! and lives on a package with at least 2 subpackages. IMPROVE KIND(I,FLAG) %FINISH %REPEAT FLAG=OPTIMISED %REPEAT %END !!********************************************** !! Output Routines * !! These must cope with outputting subUNITs, * !! net fragments, and with outputting global * !! nets. Global nets must have all fragments * !! of the same name amalgamated before they are* !! output. This is a transitive closure * !! operation. !!********************************************** !! variables used by output global nets routines %RECORD(FTAGLIST)%NAME GTAGS, WORKLIST %ROUTINE LOOKUP(%RECORD(FTAG)%NAME NAME, %RECORD(FTAGLIST)%NAME DICT) %INTEGER I, NT !! Assume that DICT is on the top of teh stack. !! Lookup NAME in DICT and if not found the add NAME to DICT. !! This is used to form the list of names of all global fragments, !! and to form the list of names of all global fragments in a given !! net. NT=DICT_NT %FOR I=1,1,NT %CYCLE %RETURN %IF DICT_NAME(I)==NAME %REPEAT NT=NT+1 CLAIM(1) DICT_NAME(NT)==NAME DICT_NT=NT %END %ROUTINE GET GLOBAL NAMES %RECORD(FPACKAGE)%NAME PACK %RECORD(FCHIP)%NAME CHIP %RECORD(FFRAGMENT)%NAME FR %RECORD(FNET)%NAME NET %INTEGER I !! form the list of all global fragment names in the record GTAGS. !! This is done by searching the list of CHIPs, and searching the !! list of global nets hung off each CHIP. !! Multiple PACKs may point at one CHIP, so the CHIP is flagged !! once it has been CONSIDERED. GTAGS==RECORD(TOS); GTAGS_NT=0; CLAIM(TAGLISTLEN) PACK==PACKAGES_NEXT %WHILE %NOT PACK==RECORD(NULL) %CYCLE PACK_PNO=0; !! for later CHIP==PACK_CHIP PACK==PACK_NEXT %CONTINUE %IF CHIP_FLAGS&CONSIDERED#0 CHIP_FLAGS=CONSIDERED NET==CHIP_GNETS %WHILE %NOT NET==RECORD(NULL) %CYCLE %FOR I=1,1,NET_NF %CYCLE FR==NET_F(I) LOOKUP(FR_NAME,GTAGS) %REPEAT NET==NET_NEXT %REPEAT %REPEAT %END %ROUTINE REMOVE NAME(%RECORD(FTAGLIST)%NAME LIST, %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME NAME) %INTEGER I !! Remove the name NAME from the list of tags LIST %FOR I=1,1,LIST_NT %CYCLE %IF LIST_NAME(I)==NAME %START LIST_NAME(I)==LIST_NAME(LIST_NT) LIST_NT=LIST_NT-1 %RETURN %FINISH %REPEAT %END %ROUTINE REMOVE(%RECORD(FTAGLIST)%NAME A, B) %INTEGER I !! remove the list of global fragment names B from the list !! of global fragment names A. This is used to remove the !! contents of WORKLIST from GTAGS. Eventually GTAGS becomes !! empty and there is no more work to do. %FOR I=1,1,B_NT %CYCLE REMOVE NAME(A,B_NAME(I)) %REPEAT %END %INTEGERFN COUNT GLOBAL FAN(%RECORD(FTAG)%NAME NAME) %INTEGER COUNT, I, J %RECORD(FNET)%NAME NET %RECORD(FFRAGMENT)%NAME FR %RECORD(FPACKAGE)%NAME PACK !! count the total number of terminals referenced from global !! net fragments of name NAME. Only CHIP terminals are counted !! (I.E. connections internal to a chip are ignored). COUNT=0; PACK==PACKAGES_NEXT %WHILE %NOT PACK==RECORD(NULL) %CYCLE NET==PACK_CHIP_GNETS %WHILE %NOT NET==RECORD(NULL) %CYCLE %FOR I=1,1,NET_NF %CYCLE FR==NET_F(I) %CONTINUE %UNLESS FR_NAME==NAME %FOR J=1,1,FR_FAN %CYCLE COUNT=COUNT+1 %IF FR_F(J)_SUBNO=0 %REPEAT ->NEXT PACK %REPEAT NET==NET_NEXT %REPEAT NEXT PACK: PACK==PACK_NEXT %REPEAT %RESULT=COUNT %END %ROUTINE PUT GLOBAL FAN(%RECORD(FTAG)%NAME NAME) %RECORD(FNET)%NAME NET %RECORD(FFRAGMENT)%NAME FR %RECORD(FFANEL)%NAME F %RECORD(FPACKAGE)%NAME PACK %INTEGER I, J !! output the list of terminals referenced by global net fragments !! of name NAME. Only CHIP terminals are output. (references to !! terminals internal to the chip are ignored). !! At the same time the transitive closure of the net is formed !! by adding all fragment names to WORKLIST if they are not !! already there. In this way WORKLIST comes to hold the names !! of all global net fragments that are at the same electrical !! potential as the fragment called NAME. PACK==PACKAGES_NEXT %WHILE %NOT PACK==RECORD(NULL) %CYCLE NET==PACK_CHIP_GNETS %WHILE %NOT NET==RECORD(NULL) %CYCLE %FOR I=1,1,NET_NF %CYCLE FR==NET_F(I) %CONTINUE %UNLESS FR_NAME==NAME %FOR J=1,1,FR_FAN %CYCLE F==FR_F(J) %CONTINUE %UNLESS F_SUBNO=0 BLANK; PDEC(PACK_PNO) BLANK; PDEC(F_TNO) %REPEAT !! form closure of set of names %FOR J=1,1,NET_NF %CYCLE %CONTINUE %IF J=I LOOKUP(NET_F(J)_NAME,WORKLIST) %REPEAT ->NEXT PACK %REPEAT NET==NET_NEXT %REPEAT NEXT PACK: PACK==PACK_NEXT %REPEAT %END %ROUTINE PUT GNET(%RECORD(FTAGLIST)%NAME LIST) %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME NAME %INTEGER I !! output a global net consisting of the set of fragments !! named in WORKLIST. As each fragment is output by PUT GLOBAL FAN, !! so new names (of fragments at the same electrical potential as !! the fragment called NAME) may be added to the end of WORKLIST. !! Eventually the transitive closure will have been formed, and from !! this point onwards the values of I and WORKLIST_NT must converge. !! (thus the process terminates). I=0 %WHILE I0 %CYCLE PCH(CNTRL+'N') OLDTOS=TOS WORKLIST==RECORD(TOS) WORKLIST_NT=1; CLAIM(TAGLISTLEN+1) WORKLIST_NAME(1)==GTAGS_NAME(1) PUT GNET(WORKLIST) REMOVE(GTAGS,WORKLIST) TOS=OLDTOS %REPEAT %END %ROUTINE PUT FRAGMENT(%RECORD(FFRAGMENT)%NAME FR) %INTEGER TNO, SUBNO, I %RECORD(FFANEL)%NAME F %RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME SU,ssu !! output a non-global net fragment. !! this is easy, except that if a fan-element (SUBNO,TNO) !! references a subUNIT, then it must be translated so that !! it references the appropriate package and pin numbers. !! Logical pin numbers are obtained by following the chain from !! PACKage to CHIP to SUBCHIP to SUBCHIP TERMINAL REFERENCE, !! to CHIP TERMINAL. %FOR I=1,1,FR_FAN %CYCLE F==FR_F(I) SUBNO=F_SUBNO; TNO=F_TNO %IF SUBNO>0 %START !! reference to an element !! must relocate the subinstance number. SU==TASK_S(SUBNO) %IF SU_FLAGS=NOT SELECTED %START !! element no assigned to a package SUBNO=SU_SUBNO %ELSE !! element is assigned - relocate the terminal number too SUBNO=SU_PACK_PNO {jhb} %if subno>=1000 %or tno>=1000 %start {jhb} printstring("Pin reference out of range, Subno = "); write(subno,-1) {jhb} printstring(", tno = "); write(tno, -1); newline {jhb} %stop {jhb} %finish TNO=SU_PACK_CHIP_SUB(SU_SUBPACK)_TREF(TNO)_T_INFO>>2 %FINISH %FINISH BLANK; PDEC(SUBNO) BLANK; PDEC(TNO) %REPEAT %END !!********************************************** !!* MAINLINE * !!********************************************** %INTEGER OLDTOS, I, SUBNO, J, PNO %RECORD(FFRAGMENT)%NAME FR %RECORD(FNET)%NAME NET %RECORD(FSUBUNIT)%NAME SU, U %RECORD(FTAG)%NAME TAG %RECORD(FHEAD)%NAME H %RECORD(FPACKAGE)%NAME PACK RETURN CODE=DEF STREAMS(CLIPARAM,DEFAULTS) ->OUT %UNLESS RETURN CODE=1 !! initialisation of variables MAXTOS=0; NULL TAG==RECORD(NULL) TOS=ADDR(STACK(0)); STACKTOP=ADDR(STACK(STACKLEN))>>LAUPW ERROR CONTEXT="?" SELECTOUTPUT(CONSOLE); PRINTSTRING(HEADING); NEWLINE !!************************************************** !! Firstly read in the list of UNITs to be assigned* !! to chips. * !!************************************************** !! Read and output the header for the 'board' SELIN(MIN); SELECTOUTPUT(MOUT) SKIPCH %IF CH=CNTRL+'S' %START READ(I); PDEC(2) SKIPCH %FINISH FAIL(D1) %UNLESS CH=CNTRL+'U' PUT TO(CNTRL+'J'); NEWLINE; LINECT=0 FAIL(D1) %UNLESS CH=CNTRL+'J' READ(NSUBUNITS) FAIL(D3) %UNLESS NSUBUNITS>0 !! read in the list of elements to be assigned to packages TASK==RECORD(TOS) ZERO(NSUBUNITS) CLAIM(NSUBUNITS) RCH TASK_S(I)==READ SUBUNIT %FOR I=1,1,NSUBUNITS !! read in the nets for the UNIT being assigned NETS==RECORD(TOS); ZERO(NETLEN); CLAIM(NETLEN) ERROR CONTEXT="Nets" NET==NETS %WHILE CH=CNTRL+'N' %CYCLE NET_NEXT==READ NET NET==NET_NEXT %REPEAT !! check that all of input file has been used SKIP TO(CNTRL+'E') RCH SELECTOUTPUT(CONSOLE) %UNLESS CH=END OF FILE %START PRINTSTRING("* Only part of input(1) used") NEWLINE %FINISH !!*************************************************** !! now read in the chips needed. Firstly from the * !! user's own library, then from the system library.* !!*************************************************** NO TO SELECT=NSUBUNITS; NO NOT SELECTED=0 SELIN(USERLIB) ERROR CONTEXT="Userlib" SELECT CHIPS %UNTIL NO TO SELECT=0 %OR CH=END OF FILE %IF NO TO SELECT>0 %START ERROR CONTEXT="Defaultlib" SELIN(DEFAULTLIB) SELECT CHIPS %UNTIL NO TO SELECT=0 %OR CH=END OF FILE %FINISH !!************************************************** !! Check that all elements have a chip to live on * !! and moan if this is not the case. * !!************************************************** SELIN(CONSOLE); !! reset stream no for error routine FAIL NO TO SELECT=NO TO SELECT+NO NOT SELECTED %FOR I=1,1,NSUBUNITS %CYCLE %EXIT %IF NO TO SELECT=0 SU==TASK_S(I) ->NEXT %IF SU_FLAGS&(SELECTED+NOT SELECTED)#0 PRINTSTRING("* ") %IF SU_ON==RECORD(NULL) %START PRINTSTRING(SU_NAME_NAME) PRINTSTRING(" is not on any chip") %ELSE %IF SU_ON_OWNER==RECORD(NULL) %START PRINTSTRING(SU_ON_NAME) PRINTSTRING(" is not in library") %ELSE PRINTSTRING(SU_NAME_NAME) PRINTSTRING(" is not on ") PRINTSTRING(SU_ON_NAME) %FINISH %FINISH NEWLINE U==SU_NAME_OWNER %WHILE %NOT U==RECORD(NULL) %CYCLE %IF U_FLAGS&SELECTED=0 %AND SAME(U,SU) %START U_FLAGS=NOT SELECTED NO TO SELECT=NO TO SELECT - 1 NO NOT SELECTED=NO NOT SELECTED+1 %FINISH U==U_NEXT %REPEAT NEXT: %REPEAT FAIL(D5) %IF NO NOT SELECTED>=NSUBUNITS !!***************************************************** !! Now assign elements to packages. Firstly do a * !! Naive Assignment - pack them on to chips as tightly* !! as the constraints allow. Then improve the assignment !! by cluster-building and optimisation of the use of * !! empty slots on the packages. Output a list of * !! package requirements after the Naive Assignment. * !!***************************************************** NPACKAGES=0 PACKAGES==RECORD(TOS) ZERO(PACKLEN); CLAIM(PACKLEN) ERROR CONTEXT="Assignment" NAIVE ASSIGNMENT COUNT PACKAGES IMPROVE ASSIGNMENT !!************************************************ !! Output any UNITs that couldn't be assigned * !! to packages (if there are such UNITs). * !!************************************************ SELECTOUTPUT(MOUT) WRITE(NPACKAGES+NO NOT SELECTED,0) SUBNO=0 %IF NO NOT SELECTED>0 %START SELIN(MIN); RESET INPUT; RCH SKIP TO(CNTRL+'J') %FOR I=1,1,NSUBUNITS %CYCLE SU==TASK_S(I) SKIP TO(CNTRL+'H') %IF SU_FLAGS=NOT SELECTED %START SUBNO=SUBNO+1; SU_SUBNO=SUBNO PCH(CNTRL+'H') COPY NUM %AND BLANK %FOR J=1,1,5 SKIP TAG %IF SU_UNAME==RECORD(NULL) %START PUT TAG(INT TO TAG(SUBNO)) %ELSE PUT TAG(SU_UNAME) %FINISH PUT TO(CNTRL+'G') %FINISH CH=NULL; !! to fool SKIP TO, if necessary %REPEAT %FINISH !!************************************************ !! Output the assigned UNIT in terms of chips * !! Then output the list of nets, relocating the * !! terminal references appropriately so they refer !! to chip logical terminal numbers and not to * !! UNIT logical terminal numbers. * !!************************************************ ERROR CONTEXT="Output" !! set all pack numbers to zero for the output code GET GLOBAL NAMES %FOR I=1,1,NSUBUNITS %CYCLE PACK==TASK_S(I)_PACK %CONTINUE %IF PACK==RECORD(NULL) %CONTINUE %UNLESS PACK_PNO<=0 !! pack hasn't yet been output SUBNO=SUBNO+1 PACK_PNO=SUBNO H==PACK_CHIP_HEADER H_PARM(AT)==PACK_AT PACK_PACKNAME==INT TO TAG(SUBNO) %IF PACK_PACKNAME==NULL TAG H_UNAME==PACK_PACKNAME PUT HEAD(H) %REPEAT !! and output all nets of the UNIT, appropriately relocated NET==NETS_NEXT; OLDTOS=TOS %WHILE %NOT NET==RECORD(NULL) %CYCLE PCH(CNTRL+'N') WORKLIST==RECORD(TOS); CLAIM(TAGLISTLEN) WORKLIST_NT=0 %FOR I=1,1,NET_NF %CYCLE FR==NET_F(I) PCH(CNTRL+'A') PUT TAG(FR_NAME) %IF NET_FLAGS&GLOBAL=0 %START PDEC(FR_FAN) %ELSE TAG==FR_NAME PDEC(FR_FAN+COUNT GLOBAL FAN(TAG)) PUT GLOBAL FAN(TAG) REMOVE NAME(GTAGS,TAG) %FINISH PUT FRAGMENT(FR) %REPEAT %IF NET_FLAGS&GLOBAL#0 %START PUT GNET(WORKLIST) REMOVE(GTAGS,WORKLIST) %FINISH TOS=OLDTOS NET==NET_NEXT %REPEAT !! and output the global nets (names begin with '.') PUT GLOBAL NETS PCH(CNTRL+'E'); NEWLINE !!***************************************************** !! re-read the primary input file and produce the * !! updated input. This consists of the original input * !! with ON strings, PACKAGE names, and SUBPACK numbers* !! added. This can then be fed back into ASSIGN to * !! produce the identical CHIP and UPDATED outputs. * !!***************************************************** ERROR CONTEXT="Update" SELIN(MIN); SELECTOUTPUT(SOUT) RESETINPUT; LINECT=0 SKIPCH %IF CH=CNTRL+'S' %START COPY NUM SKIPCH %FINISH PUT TO(CNTRL+'J') COPY NUM OLDTOS=TOS %FOR I=1,1,NSUBUNITS %CYCLE H==RECORD(TOS); ZERO(HEADLEN); CLAIM(HEADLEN) %CYCLE RCH %EXIT %IF CH=CNTRL+'P' %OR CH=CNTRL+'G' SEPARATE %IF CH>=CNTRL PCH(CH) %REPEAT %WHILE CH=CNTRL+'P' %CYCLE READ(PNO) H_PARM(PNO)==READ TAG(GENERAL) RCH %REPEAT SU==TASK_S(I) %IF SU_FLAGS&NOT SELECTED=0 %START !! unit has been assigned to a chip H_PARM(ON)==SU_ON H_PARM(SUB)==INT TO TAG(SU_SUBPACK) %IF SU_PACK_CHIP_NSUBS>1 H_PARM(PACKNO)==SU_PACK_PACKNAME %FINISH %FOR PNO=1,1,MAX PARMS %CYCLE TAG==H_PARM(PNO) %unless tag==record(null) %start{*compiler bug*%CONTINUE %IF TAG==RECORD(NULL) PCH(CNTRL+'P') PDEC(PNO); BLANK PUT TAG(TAG) %finish{} %REPEAT PCH(CNTRL+'G'); SKIP TO(CNTRL+'G') CLEANUP(OLDTOS) %REPEAT PUT TO(END OF FILE) !!****************************************** !! report on usage of space * !!****************************************** SELECTOUTPUT(CONSOLE) MAXTOS=MAXTOS-ADDR(STACK(0))>>LAUPW PRINTSTRING("Used "); WRITE(MAXTOS,0) PRINTSTRING(" out of ");WRITE(STACKLEN,0) PRINTSTRING(" words."); NEWLINE OUT: %ENDOFPROGRAM