Changes introduced with version 3.1 31-AUG-84 1) IE is now terminal independent and can be used on Visual 200s, Visual 55s, VT100s and VT220s. This list can easy be extended at any time. Selection of terminal type: On VAX: On VAX normally this should be set up by default. If you are on a Visual 200 and the terminal is set to be a VT52 (use "SHOW TERMINAL" to confirm this) then all is well - if it is not, then "SET TERMINAL/DEVICE_TYPE=VT52". Similarly if you are on a VT100 check that SHOW TERMINAL reports that it is a VT100, if not "SET TERMINAL/DEVICE_TYPE=VT100". If you are on a Visual 55 then "SET TERMINAL/DEVICE_TYPE=VT52" and either use the command IE/V55 or issue the VAX command "DEFINE TT_MAP_VT52 VISUAL55". If you are on a VT220 then "SET TERMINAL/DEVICE_TYPE=VT100" and either use the command IE/VT220 or issue the VAX command "DEFINE TT_MAP_VT100 VT220". All these settings can be over ridden by the qualifiers /V200, /V55, /VT100 and /VT220. On APM: Normally Visual 200 is assumed, otherwise use the qualifiers -V200, -V55, -VT100 and -VT220. 2) In association with terminal independence is the use of a key package so that F5 on a Visual 200 corresponds to F5 on a VT220 etc. An effect of this is that macro definitions have changed. As a result: ********************* IMPORTANT CHANGE ********************************** MACROS CAN NO LONGER BE DEFINED IN PROFILE FILES - ANY DEFINITIONS MUST BE REMOVED AND STORED IN A KEYBOARD FILE GENERATED BY IE ITSELF. Now not only can control keys be defined as macros, any key (including letters) can be bound as either a Letter, a Command or a Macro using the Define Key command (bound by default on all terminals to ENTER). Keyboard definitions can be saved in files via the Interact menu (they are not in a human readable form). Personalised keyboard files can be identified to IE by: On VAX: Via the logical name IE_KEYBOARD (like IE_PROFILE). Via the qualifier /KEYBOARD=. If a file KEYBOARD.KIE exists in the current directory. On APM: Via the qualifier -KEYBOARD=. If a file KEYBOARD.KIE exists in the current directory. The binding of commands to keys on the Visual 200 is the same as always, details on Visual 55, VT100 and VT220 are available from Richard Marshall as required. You may want to use the command IE/OLD to edit your profiles with but please do not continue to use this version. TO FIND OUT WHAT KEYS ARE DEFINED TO BE: Use the D)isplay Keys command in Interact. 3) DUPLICATE LINE Most people seem to define some kind of macro which duplicates lines, usually with a good deal of jerkiness on the screen. Ctrl-T is now bound to a new command DUPLICATE LINE which COPIES the current line to above the COPY POINT and moves down to the next line. This is ideal for duplicating sections of text. 4) MARGINS The concept of MAX LENGTH has now gone - all references in profile files to this parameter should be deleted. It is replaced with LEFT and RIGHT MARGINs. The left margin is used for indentation (default 1, the leftmost point on the screen), the right margin is used for AUTO LINE BREAK (default 80, the rightmost point on the screen. In addition there is a new interact mode and profile file option JUSTIFY. If this is set to YES and AUTO LINE BREAK is also YES then lines are justified automatically on auto line breaking. It is also possible to use the JUSTIFY LINE command to justify any other line; this command is not bound to any key by default, so to use it set up a key of your choice via DEFINE KEY, bound to ENTER. 5) JOURNAL FILES Following the success of Journalising it has now been revamped and improved. To recover an edit use the command "IE/RECOVER " rather than entering INTERACT. There are now checks to see if the same keyboard file, profile file and source file are being used, as well as recording what position in the file journalising started! Recovery cannot proceed if any of the files do not match. If you specifically want to, the qualifier /IGNORE (on VAX) and -IGNORE (on APM) can be used to overrid this check. 6) HELP INFORMATION The keypad layout information via INTERACT is no longer available as its relevance has been lost. This is to be replaced with a shiny new help facility in version 3.2, out some time in October. The HELP information on VAX and APM will also be out of date until then. 7) DELETE TO START OF FILE A command is now available which deletes all the lines above the current line, leaving the cursor at the top of the file. The user is prompted for either K)eep on deletion list or T)hrow away. This command is not bound to any key, it is left to the user to decide where to put it. 8) MAXIMUM LINE The parameter MAXIMUM LINE has been removed and should be deleted from profile files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes introduced with IE V2.11 13-JUNE-84 1) BACKWARDS SEARCH Control-^ has now been defined as a Backwards Search key. I personally think this should be on backspace (BS) but user pressure has moved this to Control-^; I am in favour of defining BS (^H) in the profile file. Search Again (Convert-ST) searches again backwards as well as forwards depending what the last operation was. 3) BACK TAB This has now been brought into line with TAB and moves you back to the TAB stop to the left rather than merely moving to the left a TAB width. 4) CONTROL CHARACTERS These are now printed as ^letter in background mode. Letters with parity bits set appear as a degrees sign and DEL as a Yen sign. 5) PUT BUFFER VERIFY As some users have complained of over writing files by pressing F12 instead of F11 there is now a profile option PUT BUFFER VERIFY to enable a question when F12 is pressed. This is OFF by default and cannot be set interactively. 6) JOURNALISING There is now a feature in IE such that it records all the editing operations in a file. This file will survive machine/editor crashes and can be replayed to recover an edit. By default this feature is off -- that is the frequency of journalising is 0. Turning this to 1 results in every keystoke being written to disk. This is obviously very costly and slows editing down no end! Setting the value to 50 is probably quite a good - this means that you will not actually notice the slight pause after every fiftieth key, but it means that only between none and fifty operations need to be repeated. The JOURNAL FREQUENCY may be set in the profile file or interactively. When the editor is entered and there is an existing Journal File a message will be displayed. This file may be rerun using the R option in interact mode (after '-' on the keypad). The editing operations are seen on the screen as if they were typed. Control-C stops reading the journal file. Normally the journal is scrapped when the edit is closed or aborted, but by setting KEEP JOURNAL to YES in the profile file then the journal of an ABORTED edit will be kept. The journal of a succesful edit is never kept. On APM: The journal file is written into a file called IE_JOURNAL in the current directory. This cannot be changed. During rerunning files a file called $IE_OLD_J is also used. On VAX: Journal files are stored via the logical name IE_JOURNAL. This is SYS$LOGIN:JOURNAL.IE by default, but may be changed by the user to any file and directory specification. Versions ;1 and ;2 only will be used of the file spec. Any user-specified version numbers will be ignored. If one user is logged in many times it is vitally important that each incarnation has their own setting of IE_JOURNAL or else only one person will actually have their journal saved at a time. 7) PRELOADING BUFFERS It is possible now to have buffers preloaded with useful files at the start of every edit. This is done by placing the following style of command in the PROFILE file: % Ascii = Imp_Include:ASCII.Inc The first name is the name of the buffer and the second is the name of the file. The editor enters the MAIN buffer normally, and the buffers are only evry seen by explicitly asking for them. 8) A number of bugs introduced in V2.10 have been fixed. To this end a debugging facility has been added which works in conjunction with the journal file. If you crash the editor (ha!) then recreate the problem please save the file as a Journal File and keep it for me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes introduced with IE V2.10 31-MAY-84 1) **************************** VARIABLE LENGTH RECORDS *************************** * * * At long last IE now has variable length records!!! This is mainly an * * implementation thing and is normally invisible to users with the following * * exceptions: * * * * Line lengths up to 64K bytes (allows editing of object files and * * Sanders files amongst other things) * * On APM: * * Much larger files may be edited than previously. * * On VAX: * * The effect on paging is greatly reduced. * * * ******************************************************************************** 2) SEARCH This may now be interrupted by pressing any printing key on the APMs and Control-C on VAX. 3) REPEAT COMMANDS Change from 2.9 in that Control-C on the VAX now stops repeat commands. 4) FREE SPACE On the APM the amount of free store (in bytes) is printed under the Version number on the Interaction menu page. 5) FILES On the APM this now prompts for a directory name. If none is given the current directory is assumed. 6) TABs AGAIN The RETURN key auto-indentation facility now copies TAB characters onto the new line so that code may be repeatedly indented with TABs. If no TABs are present then there is no change. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes introduced with IE V2.9 21-MAY-84 1) On APMs the Write Back problem has been cured. 2) Write Back now prompts with the default file name for output. 3) RESTORE ALL: Convert-IL restores all previously deleted lines above the current line. 4) DELETE TO END OF FILE: Convert-EF deletes all lines from the current line until the end of the file. When the key is pressed three options are presented: K for keep the deleted lines on the deletion list, T for throw away the deleted lines and everything else, which implies do nothing at all. (3 and 4 have been arround in shadow form for some time - they are now released commands!) 5) UNDELETE CHARACTER: The Control-U key now has a (limited) undo-character-deletion capability. Characters are undeleted in "Parcels". When a major deletion operation is performed (for example Erase Word, Erase to End of Line etc) the entire deletion is stored as a parcel and will be undeleted in one go with ^U. Succesive Delete Character operations are stored as one parcel - sealed up by cursor movements etc. The deleted characters are stored in a circular buffer and will therefore disappear after a while. On the APMs this buffer is 256 bytes long, on VAX it is 1024. 6) TABs: IE has always displayed TAB characters in the correct (DEC, UNIX etc) fashion, but vertical cursor movement through TABs has always been rather odd to say the least. This has now been fixed and the operation is like that of EMACS or EDT - the cursor jumps to the next sensible character position when moved onto a TAB line, and returns to where it should be when it can. 7) WIGGLE: The profile/set mode option WIGGLE is now available. This enables a vertical cursor movement control whereby the cursor is constrained to stay within the text - ie moves to the end of the line when moving onto a shorter line, but jumps back out when it is possible. This is similar to what many editors (such as EDT) do. By default this is OFF. 8) FORBID EXIT: Those of you who like to be able to throw away edits unhindered will be glad to here that by setting the profile/set mode option FORBID EXIT to No they will not be constrained to return to the main buffer when closing or aborting edits. FORBID EXIT is ON by default. 9) REPEATED COMMANDS: It is now possible to have commands automatically repeated. Control N (for numerous) prompts "Repeat: ", in response to this type a command as you would a macro, when RETURN is pressed the prompt "Times: " appears. Type a number, *, or nothing to this prompt. Nothing (as usual) means do nothing, * means do it until it fails, and the number means do it that many times unless it fails first. On APM pressing a key will stop this command, on VAX this is not yet available.