! IE

! A keypad editor

! RMM October 1982

constant  integer  abort = 15
constant  string  (15) IE Version = "4.1"

{options for the editor}
constant  integer  silent             = 2_00000001,     {print no file messages}
                   confirm            = 2_00000010,
                   deaf               = 2_00000100,
                   Reset Heap         = 2_00001000,
                   Recover Edit       = 2_00010000,
                   Ignore Differences = 2_00100000,
                   Adopt Defaults     = 2_01000000

external  routine  spec  IE editor alias  "IE_EDITOR" c 
                                   (string  (255) in file, out file,
                                    integer  window top, window bottom,
                                    integer  name  start line, start pos,
                                    string  (255) profile,
                                    integer  options)

external  routine  spec  Receive Broadcast alias  "IE_BROADCAST" c 
                                           (string  (255) Message)
external  integer  spec  Main Buffer Changed alias  "IE_CHANGED_FLAG"

external  string  (255) function  spec  Default Profile alias  "IE_DEF_PRO"
external  string  (255) function  spec  Default Keyboard alias  "IE_DEF_KEY"
external  string  (31) spec  Journal File alias  "IE_J_FILE"
external  string  (255) function  spec  Default Journal alias  "IE_DEF_JOU"

{Stuff for preloading buffers}

record  format  Preload fm (string  (32) Buffer Name,
                            string  (255) File Name,
                            record  (Preload fm) name  Next)
external  record  (Preload fm) name  spec  Preloads alias  "IE_PRELOADS"

{Terminal model stuff}

external  routine  spec  set up terminal alias  "IE_SET_UP_TERMINAL"
external  routine  spec  reset terminal  alias  "IE_RESET_TERMINAL"
external  integer  function  spec  Default Terminal alias  "IE_DEF_TER"
external  byte  spec  Terminal Model alias  "IE_TT_MODEL"

constant  integer  Visual 200  = 0,
                   Visual 55   = 1,
                   VT100       = 2,
                   VT220       = 3,
                   Freedom 100 = 4,
                   WY 50       = 5,
                   WY 75       = 6

end  of  file