/* EPC Imp to C Translation Release 4 Version Apr 95 */ #include "imptoc.h" main() { /*************************************************************************/ /** Tests function results are not disturbed by undeclaring **/ /** dynamic arrays **/ /*************************************************************************/ static int itest(int n) { int a [n+1]; a [n]=(int)pow(n,2); return a [n]; } static double rtest(int n) { double a [n+1]; a [n]=((double)16) / ((double)3); return a [n]; } int i; double x; i=itest(100); x=rtest(1000); if (i==10000 && x==(((double)16) / ((double)3))) fprintf(out_file, "%s", "TEST OK"); else { fprintf(out_file, "%s", "FAIL"); fprintf(out_file, "%s", "\nExpected = 100000"); fprintf(out_file, " %e",((double)16) / ((double)3)); fprintf(out_file, "%s", "\nactual ="); fprintf(out_file, "%11d",i); fprintf(out_file, " %e",x); } exit(0); } /* end of automatic translation */