/* EPC Imp to C Translation Release 4 Version Apr 95 */ #include "imptoc.h" main() { static void a() { unsigned char byte=99; int nuts=100; int word=101; float riee=(double)2; double liee=(double)3; long double qiee=(double)4; char * str="AABBCCDDEEFF"; } static void b() { extern unsigned char byte; extern int nuts; extern int word; extern float riee; extern double liee; extern long double qiee; extern char * str; if (byte==99 && nuts==100 && word==101 && riee==2 && liee==3 && qiee==4 && strcmp(str,"AABBCCDDEEFF") ==0) fprintf(out_file, "%s", "TEST OK"); else { fprintf(out_file, "%s", "WRONG ANSWERS"); fprintf(out_file, "%6d",byte); fprintf(out_file, "%6d",nuts); fprintf(out_file, "%6d",word); fprintf(out_file, "%s", "\n"); fprintf(out_file, " %e",riee); fprintf(out_file, " %e",liee); fprintf(out_file, " %e",qiee); fprintf(out_file, "%s", " "); fprintf(out_file, "%s", str); } } b(); exit(0); } /* end of automatic translation */