Script started on Sun Apr 7 03:52:40 2002 backup:/usr/local/src/imptoc # p5impcompiler pass3.i pass3.i ERCC. Portable Imp80 Compiler Release 4 Version 13 Aug 96 1023 3069 1145 LINES ANALYSED SIZE= 39592 ** Address error ** Entered from line 2170 of routine/fn/map crname starting at line 2150 Local variables z = 2 mode = 2 bs = 2 dp = 0 namep = 233 depth = 0 fname = 2882 (X'00000B42') emname = 233 hdopnd = Record(x'00000000 00000000 00000000 000000E9 00000B42 00000000') Diagnostics Entered from line 6199 of routine/fn/map cname starting at line 6119 Local variables z = 2 jj = 0 kk =-2122219135 (X'81818181') levelp = 2 dispp = 0 namep = 233 pp = 17437 (X'0000441D') savesl = 12 fname = 233 topnd = Record(x'81818181 81818181 81818181 000000E9 0000000C 0000441D') Entered from line 4665 of routine/fn/map expop starting at line 4566 Local variables head = 2559 (X'000009FF') bot = 2551 (X'000009F7') nops = 262148 (X'00040004') mode = 81 list = Invalid Address 4018BFD8 opnd1 = Invalid Address 4018BFF8 opnd2 = Invalid Address 4018BFE8 opnd = Invalid Address 81818181 currt = Invalid Address 81818181 c = 511 (X'000001FF') d = 2557 (X'000009FD') kk = 2 jj = 128 comm = 1 xtra = 0 inhead = 2556 (X'000009FC') currtrip =-2122219135 (X'81818181') stptr = 0 constform = 0 condform = 0 savep = 17454 (X'0000442E') inittrip = 2 Entered from line 6111 of routine/fn/map caname starting at line 5996 Local variables z = 2 arrp = 3 hdopnd = Record(x'05000061 0000026B 0000007C 81818181 81818181 81818181') head1 = 2559 (X'000009FF') bot1 = 2551 (X'000009F7') nops = 262148 (X'00040004') elsize = 1 ptypep = 1329 (X'00000531') jj = 1 soldi = 1 kk = 1 pp = 17429 (X'00004415') typep = 1 arrname = 632 (X'00000278') q = 1 precp = 3 naminf =-2 dvd = 0 privops = 262145 (X'00040001') vmyop = Record(x'05000061 0000026B 0000007C 00040001 00000000 FFFFFFFE') rpop = Record(x'93000000 00100000 00000000 05000061 0000026B 0000007C') lcell = Invalid Address 81818181 Entered from line 2283 of routine/fn/map cename starting at line 2180 Local variables mode = 2 fname = 2840 (X'00000B18') bs = 0 dp = 88 xd = 124 q = 124 qq = 0 d = 0 c = 1 tr =-2122219135 (X'81818181') ename = 632 (X'00000278') rptype = 50227 (X'0000C433') eptype = 1329 (X'00000531') radopnd = Record(x'81818181 81818181 81818181 00000531 0000C433 00000278') opnd1 = Record(x'05000061 0000026B 0000007C 81818181 81818181 81818181') lcell = Invalid Address 4018CE88 Entered from line 2170 of routine/fn/map crname starting at line 2150 Local variables z = 2 mode = 2 bs = 0 dp = 88 namep = 41419371 (X'0278026B') depth = 1 fname = 2840 (X'00000B18') emname = 619 (X'0000026B') hdopnd = Record(x'00000000 00000000 00000000 0000026B 00000B18 00000001') Entered from line 6199 of routine/fn/map cname starting at line 6119 Local variables z = 2 jj = 0 kk =-2122219135 (X'81818181') levelp = 0 dispp = 88 namep = 41419371 (X'0278026B') pp = 17425 (X'00004411') savesl = 436 (X'000001B4') fname = 619 (X'0000026B') topnd = Record(x'81818181 81818181 81818181 0000026B 000001B4 00004411') Entered from line 4670 of routine/fn/map expop starting at line 4566 Local variables head = 2565 (X'00000A05') bot = 2571 (X'00000A0B') nops = 262145 (X'00040001') mode = 305 (X'00000131') list = Invalid Address 4018C0B8 opnd1 = Invalid Address 4018C058 opnd2 = Invalid Address 4018C018 opnd = Invalid Address 81818181 currt = Invalid Address 81818181 c = 20 d = 2571 (X'00000A0B') kk = 1 jj = 143 comm = 1 xtra = 10682417 (X'00A30031') inhead = 0 currtrip =-2122219135 (X'81818181') stptr = 0 constform = 0 condform = 256 (X'00000100') savep = 17456 (X'00004430') inittrip = 2 Entered from line 4280 of routine/fn/map assign starting at line 4226 Local variables assop = 2 p1 = 17392 (X'000043F0') q =-2122219135 (X'81818181') kk = 45 typep = 1 precp = 3 ptypep = 49 jjj =-2122219135 (X'81818181') p2 = 17420 (X'0000440C') jj = 0 b =-2122219135 (X'81818181') d =-2122219135 (X'81818181') head2 = 0 bot2 = 2571 (X'00000A0B') accp = 1 ii = 0 head1 = 2565 (X'00000A05') nops = 262145 (X'00040001') tpcell = 3023 (X'00000BCF') lvl = 0 bot1 = 2571 (X'00000A0B') lhname = 163 rhname =-2122219135 (X'81818181') a1 =-2122219135 (X'81818181') a2 =-2122219135 (X'81818181') lhcell = Invalid Address 4018DCF8 opnd1 = Record(x'03000031 00000000 00000000 4018DCF8 81818181 81818181') opnd2 = Record(x'8F000000 00000000 00000000 03000031 00000000 00000000') Entered from line 3631 of routine/fn/map cui starting at line 3614 Local variables code = 0 pt =-2122219135 (X'81818181') marker = 17418 (X'0000440A') j = 17392 (X'000043F0') lname =-2122219135 (X'81818181') typep =-2122219135 (X'81818181') precp =-2122219135 (X'81818181') alt = 1 kk =-2122219135 (X'81818181') opnd1 = Record(x'81818181 81818181 81818181 81818181 00000001 81818181') head1 =-2122219135 (X'81818181') bot1 =-2122219135 (X'81818181') nops =-2122219135 (X'81818181') rpop = Record(x'81818181 81818181 81818181 81818181 81818181 81818181') Entered from line 789 of routine/fn/map css starting at line 698 Local variables pinit = 17386 (X'000043EA') p = 17440 (X'00004420') sndisp = 0 acc = 12 k = 0 kform = 2882 (X'00000B42') stname =-2122219135 (X'81818181') midcell = 786432 (X'000C0000') tcell = 2569 (X'00000A09') jj =-2122219135 (X'81818181') jjj =-2122219135 (X'81818181') kk =-2122219135 (X'81818181') qq =-2122219135 (X'81818181') marker = 17457 (X'00004431') reportui = 0 xdisp = 124 mask =-2122219135 (X'81818181') base = 0 area =-2122219135 (X'81818181') access = 6 disp = 88 extrn =-2122219135 (X'81818181') currinst = 0 value =-2122219135 (X'81818181') stringl =-2122219135 (X'81818181') ptype = 1075 (X'00000433') i = 2 j = 0 oldi = 3 usebits = 2 strfnres =-2122219135 (X'81818181') markiu =-2122219135 (X'81818181') markui =-2122219135 (X'81818181') markc =-2122219135 (X'81818181') marke =-2122219135 (X'81818181') markr =-2122219135 (X'81818181') inaformat = 0 litl = 0 rout = 0 nam = 1 arr = 0 prec = 3 type = 3 expopnd = Record(x'00000000 00000000 00000000 00000003 00000003 00000000') nameopnd = Record(x'05000051 0000026B 0000007C 00000000 00000000 00000000') mlopnd = Record(x'00000000 00000000 00000000 05000051 0000026B 0000007C') Entered from line 693 of routine/fn/map compileastm starting at line 685 Local variables i = 17381 (X'000043E5') Entered from line 3948 of routine/fn/map ccycbody starting at line 3934 Local variables ua = 0 elab = 20989 (X'000051FD') clab = 20987 (X'000051FB') finishar = 17458 (X'00004432') oldline = 599 (X'00000257') savee = 0 savec = 0 Entered from line 4134 of routine/fn/map cloop starting at line 3956 Local variables alt = 6 markc = 17343 (X'000043BF') markui = 17377 (X'000043E1') l1 = 20988 (X'000051FC') l2 = 20989 (X'000051FD') l3 = 20987 (X'000051FB') l4 = 20986 (X'000051FA') ccres =-2122219135 (X'81818181') elres = 1 fline =-2122219135 (X'81818181') trip =-2122219135 (X'81818181') fot = 2 pp =-2122219135 (X'81818181') debj = 0 jj = 3145975 (X'003000F7') fstrip = 3 forname = 177 initp = 17345 (X'000043C1') stepp = 17354 (X'000043CA') repmask = 10 forpt = 81 forwords = 2 forbits = 134742022 (X'08080006') initopnd = Record(x'00000051 00000001 00000000 08080006 00000002 00000051') stepopnd = Record(x'00000051 00000001 00000000 00000051 00000001 00000000') finalopnd = Record(x'08000051 00000001 00000030 00000051 00000001 00000000') diffopnd = Record(x'08000051 00000005 00000000 08000051 00000001 00000030') zopnd = Record(x'02000051 000000B1 80000000 08000051 00000005 00000000') opnd = Record(x'08000051 00000008 00000000 02000051 000000B1 80000000') currt = Invalid Address 40141190 Entered from line 886 of routine/fn/map css starting at line 698 Local variables pinit = 17339 (X'000043BB') p = 17377 (X'000043E1') sndisp = 0 acc = 4 k = 8 kform = 0 stname =-2122219135 (X'81818181') midcell = 786432 (X'000C0000') tcell = 2962 (X'00000B92') jj =-2122219135 (X'81818181') jjj =-2122219135 (X'81818181') kk =-2122219135 (X'81818181') qq =-2122219135 (X'81818181') marker =-2122219135 (X'81818181') reportui =-2122219135 (X'81818181') xdisp = 8 mask =-2122219135 (X'81818181') base = 2 area =-2122219135 (X'81818181') access = 6 disp = 0 extrn =-2122219135 (X'81818181') currinst = 0 value =-2122219135 (X'81818181') stringl =-2122219135 (X'81818181') ptype = 81 i = 2 j = 0 oldi = 3 usebits = 2 strfnres =-2122219135 (X'81818181') markiu = 17340 (X'000043BC') markui =-2122219135 (X'81818181') markc = 17343 (X'000043BF') marke =-2122219135 (X'81818181') markr =-2122219135 (X'81818181') inaformat = 0 litl = 0 rout = 0 nam = 0 arr = 0 prec = 5 type = 1 expopnd = Record(x'00000051 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000005 00000000') nameopnd = Record(x'05000051 000000E9 00000008 00000051 00000001 00000000') mlopnd = Record(x'00000000 00000000 00000000 05000051 000000E9 00000008') Entered from line 693 of routine/fn/map compileastm starting at line 685 Local variables i = 17334 (X'000043B6') Entered from line 3923 of routine/fn/map cstart starting at line 3903 Local variables ccres = 0 code = 1 skipcode = 0 finishar = 17465 (X'00004439') oldnextp = 17334 (X'000043B6') oldline = 597 (X'00000255') Entered from line 3833 of routine/fn/map cifthen starting at line 3763 Local variables markiu = 1 markc = 17247 (X'0000435F') markui = 0 marke = 0 markr = 17270 (X'00004376') skip = 0 altui = 0 ccres = 0 elres =-2122219135 (X'81818181') thenlab = 29906 (X'000074D2') elselab = 0 userlab =-1 report = 0 start = 1 elsealt =-2122219135 (X'81818181') k =-2122219135 (X'81818181') j =-2122219135 (X'81818181') cs = 0 linetrip = 1 Entered from line 839 of routine/fn/map css starting at line 698 Local variables pinit = 17243 (X'0000435B') p = 17271 (X'00004377') sndisp = 0 acc = 4 k = 32 kform = 0 stname =-2122219135 (X'81818181') midcell = 262144 (X'00040000') tcell = 2562 (X'00000A02') jj =-2122219135 (X'81818181') jjj =-2122219135 (X'81818181') kk =-2122219135 (X'81818181') qq =-2122219135 (X'81818181') marker =-2122219135 (X'81818181') reportui =-2122219135 (X'81818181') xdisp =-2147483648 (X'80000000') mask = 135 base = 2 area =-2122219135 (X'81818181') access = 0 disp = 32 extrn =-2122219135 (X'81818181') currinst = 0 value =-2122219135 (X'81818181') stringl =-2122219135 (X'81818181') ptype = 81 i = 2 j = 0 oldi = 3 usebits = 2 strfnres =-2122219135 (X'81818181') markiu = 17244 (X'0000435C') markui = 0 markc = 17247 (X'0000435F') marke = 0 markr = 17270 (X'00004376') inaformat = 0 litl = 0 rout = 0 nam = 0 arr = 0 prec = 5 type = 1 expopnd = Record(x'08000051 00000002 80000000 00000001 00000005 00000000') nameopnd = Record(x'02000051 00000103 80000000 08000051 00000002 80000000') mlopnd = Record(x'00000000 00000000 00000000 02000051 00000103 80000000') Entered from line 693 of routine/fn/map compileastm starting at line 685 Local variables i = 17238 (X'00004356') Entered from line 655 of Block starting at line 594 Local variables currinf = Invalid Address 40190190 twsphead = 0 forcnt = 3 fordpth = 1 forcecnt = 248 Entered from line 655 of routine/fn/map icl9cezdrsi starting at line 10 Local variables i = 31 k = 256 (X'00000100') dummyformat= 3069 (X'00000BFD') p1size = 39592 (X'00009AA8') starsize = 77 asl = 2550 (X'000009F6') arsize = 196308 (X'0002FED4') oldline = 0 nextp = 17458 (X'00004432') snum = 0 rlevel = 2 nmax = 32 plabel = 29906 (X'000074D2') level = 3 profaad =-2122219135 (X'81818181') lastinst = 0 line = 600 (X'00000258') n = 56 bfflag = 0 rbase = 2 q = 17006 (X'0000426E') r = 39592 (X'00009AA8') fname = 796 (X'0000031C') stmts = 469 (X'000001D5') filesize = 54253 (X'0000D3ED') bimstr = 0 maxulab = 17407 (X'000043FF') sflabel = 20986 (X'000051FA') nexttrip = 2 sstl = 160 ustptr = 0 mainep = "s#go" parm = Record(x'01080002 00000000 FFFFFFFF 01010000 01010001 02000001') worka = Record(x'000003FF 0000FF00 00000000 00000BFD 0000098D 00000014') No Global variables Entered from line 2554 of routine/fn/map compile starting at line 2519 Local variables argc = 2 argv =-1073744028 (X'BFFFF764') s = CONTAINS UNPRINTABLE CHARS i =-2122219135 (X'81818181') Global variables rcsid = "$What: <@(#) ftncomp.i,v 63.0> $" copyright = " Copyright (c) 1987, 1989 Edinburgh Portable Compilers Ltd. All Rights Reserved." dwarfversio= "EPC Fortran77 (88000) 2.6.6" xoptimiseop= 0 poptimiseop= 0 unasscheck = 0 srclink = 135444552 (X'0812B848') workad = 1075056648 (X'40141008') srcid = 4 srcsize = 54221 (X'0000D3CD') targetvaria= 0 cgoptions = 9175040 (X'008C0000') botraceopti= 0 boinhibopti= 0 gisproc = 0 gisfraglow = 0 gisfraghigh= 0 gisbuffzone= 0 gisfullopt = 0 gistrace = 0 gisinhib = 0 rangeregion=-1 syntaxcheck= 0 monopt = 0 mmon = 0 adcstr = 135424816 (X'08126B30') includedir = "" includepath= "" f77parm =-2147482857 (X'80000317') control = 2 options1 = 0 options2 = 0 srcflags = 0 optflags = 0 liststream = 1 diagstream = 2 consolestre= 0 End of diagnostics Program stopped backup:/usr/local/src/imptoc # exit Script done on Sun Apr 7 03:52:53 2002