!!This version of ECCE, derived from a paper copy believed to !!date from 1975, removes PDP9/15 machine code, and other !!IMP9/15 system dependencies, and I'm hopeful that as a result !!it might well work if compiled with a generic Imp compiler. !!RWT Feb 2002 !!Code slightly rearranged to fit the model of Peter Stephen's Imp to C !!translator. This now compiles and runs exactly as on the pdp9/15 !!Remember to run it with redirected input, eg ecce < file.txt > file2.txt !!The I/O library currently assumes you are running on Unix. !!NOTE: There IS a bug in this implementation. Lines of more !!than 120 characters have a newline inserted at the 120th character !!on output. This *may* be an original bug rather than an artifact !!of the translation or run-time library.. !!GT 02 Mar 2002 %begin %owninteger in=1; !current input stream %constinteger min=1; !main input stream %constinteger mout=1; !main output stream %constinteger sin=2; !secondary input stream %constinteger sextra=122; !extra buff for sin %constinteger size=30000; !of edit buffer (bytes) %owninteger mon=0; !monitor indic %owninteger print1=0,print2=0; !print indicators %constinteger stop=-5000; !loop stop (const) %integer i,j,k,pp1,sym %integer code; !command code letter %integer text; !text pointer %integer num; !repetition number %integername mainfp; ! == fp or mfp (for sin) %constinteger cbase=1,tbase=120 %ownintegerarray c(cbase:tbase); !command -> <- text ! each command unit -- letter, parenthesis or comma -- is ! represented by a trio: code(+lim) text num ! in the case of parentheses and commas 'text' is a pointer ! to another command unit (not to a text string) %integer ci; !command index (ad) %integer ti; !text index (ad) %owninteger cmax=0; !command max (ad) %integerarray stored(1:192); !defs of x,y,z %owninteger pos1=0, pos2=0, pos3=0 %byteintegerarray byte(1:size) %owninteger top = 2; !top of buff (index) %owninteger bot = size-sextra; !bottom of buff (index) %integer lbeg; !line start (index) %integer pp; !previous pointer (index) %owninteger fp=0; !file pointer (index) %integer lend; !line end (index) %owninteger fend; !end of file in buff (index) %owninteger ms=0; !match start (index) %owninteger ml=0; !match limit (index) ! significance of file pointers: ! [nl] o n e nl t w . . . o nl n e x t nl . . nl l a s t nl [nl] ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! t l p f l f ! o b p p e e ! p e n n ! g d d %integer type,chain; !command input vars %owninteger pend=0; !ditto %routine prompt(%string(1) s); ! Emulating pdp9/15 routine %integer oldstream, c c = charno(s, 1) %if c # 0 %then %start ; ! c = 0 is supposed to flush output on the 9/15 print symbol(c) %finish %end %routine load pp(%integer k); !!!also increments pp byte(pp) = k; pp = pp+1 %end %routine load fp(%integer k) byte(fp) = k %end %routine left star %cycle %return %if pp = lbeg fp = fp-1; pp = pp-1 load fp(byte(pp)) %repeat %end %routine right star %cycle %return %if fp = lend load pp(byte(fp)) fp = fp+1 %repeat %end %ownintegerarray symtype(33:95) = %c 64, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3,11, 9,64, 3,12, 2, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3,64, 3, 2,10,18, 5, 8,52,10, 2, 6,10,10,10,56, 2, 2, 10,50,10,22, 5, 5, 6, 2,32,32,32, 3,10, 3, 3, 3 ! ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / ! 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : < = > ? ! @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O ! P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ %routine read sym %if pend # 0 %then sym=pend %and pend=0 %else %start %while pos3 # 0 %cycle sym = stored(pos3); pos3 = pos3+1 %return %unless sym = nl pos3 = pos2; pos2 = pos1; pos1 = 0 %repeat read symbol(sym) %finish %end %routine read item type = 1 %cycle read sym %until sym # ' ' %return %if sym < 32; !nl sym = sym-32 %if sym >= 96; !ensure upper case type = symtype(sym) %return %unless type&15 = 0 %exit %unless type=32 pos1 = pos2; pos2 = pos3 pos3 = (sym-'X')<<6+1 %repeat %if type = 0 %start num = sym-'0' %cycle read symbol(pend) %exit %unless '0' <= pend <= '9' num = (num<<2+num)<<1-'0'+pend %repeat %finish %else %start type = 0 num = 0; %return %if sym = '*' num = stop+1; %return %if sym = '?' num = stop; ! '!' %finish %end %routine unchain %cycle text = chain; %return %if text = 0 chain = c(text+1); c(text+1) = ci %repeat %until c(text) = 'X' %end %routine stack(%integer v) c(ci) = v; ci = ci+1 %end %routine make space %integer k,p1,p2 %return %if mainfp-pp-240 > 0 select output(mout) p1 = top; p2 = (p1+lbeg)>>1; !output about half p2 = lbeg %if code = 'C'; !but all if closing %monitor %and %stop %if p2 = top; !!!logical error %cycle k = byte(p1); print symbol(k); p1 = p1+1 %repeat %until k = nl %and p1-p2 >= 0 select output(0) lbeg = top+lbeg-p1; p2 = pp; pp = top %cycle %return %if p1 = p2 load pp(byte(p1)); p1 = p1+1 %repeat %end %routine read line %integer k ! %on %event 9 %start ! ->eof ! %finish %if fp # fend %start lend = fp lend = lend+1 %while byte(lend) # nl %return %finish ms = 0; print1 = 0; print2 = 0 select input(in) fp = bot-sextra+1 %cycle %if fp # bot %then read symbol(k) %else k = nl ->eof %if k<0 load fp(k); fp = fp+1 %repeat %until k = nl fend = fp; lend = fend-1 fp = bot-sextra+1 select input(0) %return eof:fp = bot; lend = fp; fend = lend load fp(nl) select input(0) %end %routine switch inputs %owninteger mfp,mlend,mend,sfp,send %if in = min %start left star in = sin mfp = fp; mlend = lend; mend = fend mainfp == mfp bot = bot+sextra; fp = sfp; fend = send read line %finish %else %start pp = lbeg in = min bot = bot-sextra; sfp = fp; send = fend fp = mfp; lend = mlend; fend = mend mainfp == fp %finish %end %routine print line %integer p print1 = lend; print2 = fp+pp p = lbeg %cycle %if p = pp %start print symbol('^') %if p # lbeg %and num = 0 p = fp %finish %exit %if p = lend print symbol(byte(p)) p = p+1 %repeat print string("**END**") %if p = fend newline %end %integerfn matched %integer i,j,k,l,t1,fp1,lim lim = c(ci-3)&(\127); t1 = c(text) L1: pp1 = pp; fp1 = fp ->L3 %unless fp = ms %and (code='F' %or code='U') k = byte(fp) L2: load pp(k); fp = fp+1 L3: ->L10 %if fp = lend k = byte(fp) ->L2 %unless k = t1 i = fp; j = text L6: i = i+1; j = j-1 l = c(j) ->L6 %if byte(i) = l ->L2 %if l # 0 ms = fp; ml = i %result = 1 L10: lim = lim-128 %if lim # 0 %and fp # fend %start %if code # 'U' %start load pp(nl); lbeg = pp %finish %else pp = pp1 fp = fp+1; make space; read line ->L1 %finish pp = pp1; fp = fp1 %result = 0 %end !edit15: ecce for pdp9/15 !initialise %switch t(0:12) %switch s('A':'\') !%on %event 9 %start ! printstring("Caught event"); newline ! ->eof !%finish select input(0) pp = top-1; load pp(nl); !for bouncing off lbeg = pp; mainfp == fp stored(1) = nl; stored(65) = nl; stored(129) = nl select output(0); print string("EDIT ") read line !read command line L1: prompt(">") read item; ->eof %if sym<0; ->L1 %if type = 1 ci = cbase; ti = tbase; chain = 0 %if type = 0 %and cmax # 0 %start c(cmax+2) = num read item; ->er2 %if type # 1 ->go %finish %if sym = '%' %start read sym; sym = sym-32 %if sym >= 96 code = sym; ->er5 %if code<=32 read item ->t(symtype(code)>>4) %finish L2: i = type&15; ->er2 %if i < 4 code = sym; text = 0; num = 1; !default values read item ->t(i) t(2): !%x, %y, %z ->er1 %if sym # '=' i = (code-'X')<<6 %cycle read sym i = i+1; stored(i) = sym ->L1 %if sym = nl %repeat t(3): !%m, %f, %q mon = 'M'-code ->L1 t(4): !find num = 0 %unless type = 0 t(5): !+del,trav,uncover code = num<<7+code; num = 1 read item %if type = 0 t(6): !+insert,subst,verify ->er4 %if type # 3 text = ti; i = sym L61: read sym %if sym # nl %start %if sym # i %start ->er6 %if ti <= ci c(ti) = sym; ti = ti-1 ->L61 %finish %finish %else %start pend = sym ->er4 %unless code = 'S' %or code = 'I' %finish ->er4 %if ti = text %and code # 'S' c(ti) = 0; ti = ti-1 ->L81 t(8): !move,erase ->L100 %unless sym = '-' code = code+10 L81: read item ->L101 t(9): !close bracket unchain; ->er3 %if text = 0 code = 'Z'; c(text+2) = num text = text+3 t(10): !+get,kill,etc. L100:->er1 %if type = 3 L101:read item %if type = 0 ->put t(11): !open bracket code = 'X' ->L121 t(12): !comma code = 'Y' read item %if type = 1 L121:text = chain; chain = ci num = 0 put:stack(code); stack(text); stack(num) ->er6 %if ci+4 >= ti ->L2 %unless type = 1 unchain; ->er3 %if text # 0 cmax = ci stack('Z'); stack(cbase); stack(1); !extra close b stack(0) ->go !command input error reports er1:space; print symbol(code) er2:code = sym ->er5 er3:print string(" ()") ->er7 er4:print string(" TEXT FOR") t(0): er5:space; print symbol(code&127) ->er7 er6:print string(" SIZE") er7:print symbol('?') newline; cmax = 0 %if ci # cbase L10: ->L1 %if sym<32 read sym ->L10 !execute command line go: ci = cbase get:code = c(ci)&127; ->L99 %if code = 0 text = c(ci+1) num = c(ci+2) ci = ci+3 rep:num = num-1 ->s(code) ok: ->rep %unless num = 0 %or num = stop ->get s('\'): !invert no: ->get %if num < 0 ci = ci+3 %and ->get %if c(ci) = '\' skp:i = c(ci); ci = c(ci+1) %if i = 'X' ci = ci+3 num = c(ci-1)-1 %and ->no %if i > 'X' ->skp %if i # 0 !execution error report print string("FAILURE: ") %if code='O' %or code='W' %start print symbol(code-10); code = '-' %finish print symbol(code) %if text # 0 %start print symbol('''') %while c(text) # 0 %cycle print symbol(c(text)) text = text-1 %repeat print symbol('''') %finish newline print1 = 0 !end of command line L99: ->L1 %if sym # nl ->L1 %unless (mon>=0 %and print1#lend) %or (mon>0 %and print2#fp+pp) num = 0; print line ->L1 !individual commands s('X'): !open bracket c(text+2) = num+1 ->get s('Z'): !close bracket ->get %if num = 0 %or num = stop c(ci-1) = num s('Y'): !+comma ci = text ->get s('R'): !right shift ->no %if fp = lend load pp(byte(fp)); fp = fp+1 ->ok s('L'): !left shift ->no %if in = sin %or pp = lbeg fp = fp-1; pp = pp-1; load fp(byte(pp)) ms = 0 ->ok s('E'): !erase ->no %if fp = lend fp = fp+1 ->ok s('O'): !erase back ->no %if pp = lbeg pp = pp-1 ->ok s('V'): !verify i = fp-1; j = text+1 v1: i = i+1; j = j-1 k = c(j) ->v1 %if byte(i) = k ->no %if k # 0 ms = fp; ml = i ->ok s('F'): !find ->no %if matched = 0 ->ok s('U'): !uncover ->no %if matched = 0; pp = pp1 ->ok s('D'): !delete ->no %if matched = 0; fp = ml ->ok s('T'): !traverse ->no %if matched = 0 s('S'): !+substitute fp = ml %if fp = ms s('I'): !+insert make space !! ->no %if pp-lbeg+lend-fp > 80 i = text i1: ->ok %if c(i) = 0 load pp(c(i)); i = i-1 ->i1 s('G'): !get (line from tt) prompt(":") !! make space read symbol(i) ->no %if i = ':' left star %while i # nl %cycle load pp(i) read symbol(i) %repeat s('B'): !+break (insert newline) make space load pp(nl); lbeg = pp ->ok s('P'): !print print line ->get %if num = 0 s('M'): !+move right star ->no %if fp = fend load pp(nl); lbeg = pp m1: fp = fp+1; make space; read line ->ok s('K'): !kill (line) pp = lbeg; fp = lend k1: ->no %if fp = fend ->m1 s('J'): !join (delete newline) right star !! ->no %if pp-lbeg > 80 ->k1 s('W'): !move back ->no %if in = sin make space ->no %if lbeg = top lend = fp-pp+lbeg-1 w1: k = byte(pp-1) ->w2 %if k = nl %and pp # lbeg fp = fp-1; pp = pp-1; load fp(k) ->w1 w2: lbeg = pp; ms = 0 ->ok t(1): !%s, %c ... ->eof %if code = 'C' switch inputs ->L99 eof:code = 'C'; !+eof on command stream switch inputs %if in = sin %cycle right star %exit %if fp = fend load pp(nl); lbeg = pp fp = fp+1; make space; read line %repeat select output(mout) %while top # pp %cycle print symbol(byte(top)); top = top+1 %repeat select output(0) %if code # 'C' %then %monitor %endofprogram