! ! gcferrs2.inc ! 16/06/89 - Added internal compiler error number 175 ! %conststring(25) SDUMMY = " " ! ! ! Internal compiler errors begin with the value 100 to separate them ! from the GCL environment errors 01 thru 99 ! ! The following errors are internal compiler errors. ! %constinteger STACKERR1 = 100 %constinteger STACKERR2 = 101 %constinteger STACKERR3 = 102 %constinteger STACKERR6 = 103 %constinteger STACKERR7 = 104 %constinteger STACKERR8 = 105 %constinteger FTNCODE1 = 106 %constinteger FTNCODE2 = 107 %constinteger FTNCODE3 = 108 %constinteger FTNCODE4 = 109 %constinteger FTNCODE5 = 110 %constinteger FTNCODE6 = 111 %constinteger FTNCODE7 = 112 %constinteger FTNCODE8 = 113 %constinteger FTNCODE9 = 114 %constinteger FTNCODE10 = 115 %constinteger FTNCODE11 = 116 %constinteger FTNCODE12 = 117 %constinteger FTNCODE13 = 118 %constinteger FTNCODE14 = 119 %constinteger FTNCODE15 = 120 %constinteger FTNCODE16 = 121 ! %constinteger FTNGEN1 = 122 ! %constinteger MCODE1 = 123 %constinteger MCODE2 = 124 %constinteger MCODE3 = 125 %constinteger MCODE4 = 126 %constinteger MCODE5 = 127 %constinteger MCODE6 = 128 %constinteger MCODE7 = 129 %constinteger MCODE8 = 130 %constinteger MCODE9 = 131 %constinteger MCODE10 = 132 %constinteger MCODE11 = 133 %constinteger MCODE12 = 134 %constinteger MCODE13 = 135 %constinteger MCODE14 = 136 %constinteger MCODE15 = 137 %constinteger MCODE16 = 138 %constinteger MCODE17 = 139 %constinteger MCODE18 = 140 %constinteger MCODE19 = 141 %constinteger MCODE20 = 142 %constinteger MCODE21 = 143 %constinteger MCODE22 = 144 %constinteger MCODE23 = 145 %constinteger MCODE24 = 170 %constinteger MCODE25 = 171 ! %constinteger OPT5ERR = 146 ! %constinteger FTNANAL1 = 147 %constinteger FTNANAL2 = 148 ! %constinteger FTNARITH1 = 149 %constinteger FTNARITH2 = 150 %constinteger FTNARITH3 = 151 %constinteger FTNARITH4 = 152 %constinteger FTNARITH5 = 153 %constinteger FTNARITH6 = 154 %constinteger FTNARITH7 = 155 %constinteger FTNARITH8 = 156 %constinteger FTNARITH9 = 157 %constinteger FTNARITH10 = 158 %constinteger FTNARITH11 = 159 ! %constinteger OPTCTL1 = 160 %constinteger OPTCTL2 = 161 ! %constinteger GGENU1 = 162 %constinteger GGENU2 = 163 %constinteger GGENU3 = 164 %constinteger GGENU4 = 165 %constinteger GGENU5 = 166 %constinteger GGENU6 = 172 %constinteger GGENU7 = 173 ! %constinteger GPUT1 = 167 ! %constinteger IAUXST1 = 168 %constinteger IAUXST2 = 169 ! %constinteger CIOCP1 = 174 ! %constinteger FTNALLOC1 = 175 ! !* ! %constinteger MAPRECOFLOW = 16 ! ! The following errors are table overflows in ftnroot.i. These are passed ! to the routine Abort which calls GcfAbt with the abort code ! %constinteger DICTOFLOW = 17 %constinteger NAMEOFLOW = 18 %constinteger EXTOFLOW = 19 %constinteger TRIADOFLOW = 20 %constinteger BLOCKOFLOW = 21 %constinteger LOOPOFLOW = 22 %constinteger TABOFLOW = 23 %constinteger COMOFLOW = 24 %constinteger ASAVOFLOW = 25 %constinteger UNDEFOFLOW = 26 ! ! The following errors are insufficient workspace in ftnroot.i. These ! are selected in the routine Createareafailure which calls GcfAbt ! with the abort code ! %constinteger DICTWSPACE = 27 %constinteger NAMEWSPACE = 28 %constinteger TRIADWSPACE = 29 %constinteger BLOCKWSPACE = 30 %constinteger TABWSPACE = 31 %constinteger LOOPWSPACE = 32 %constinteger COMSAVWSPACE = 33 %constinteger OBJWSPACE = 34 %constinteger UNDEFWSPACE = 35 %constinteger SRCOPENERR = 10 %constinteger NUSOPENERR = 11 %constinteger NUSREADERR = 12 %constinteger OPTOPENERR = 13 %constinteger OPTREADERR = 14 %constinteger OBJFILERR = 15 %constinteger SYNTAXERR = 97 %constinteger INTERNALERR = 98 %constinteger UNKNOWNERR = 99