This document is a transcription of these scans.

         The production of Optimised Machine-Code

              for High-Level Languages using

          Machine-Independent Intermediate Codes.

                 Peter Salkeld Robertson

                         Ph. D.

                University of Edinburgh


               (Graduation date July 1981)
   The aim of this work  was  to  investigate  the  problems
associated with using machine-independent intermediate codes
in  the  translation from a high-level language into machine
code, with emphasis on minimising code  size  and  providing
good run-time diagnostic capabilities.
   The  main  result  was a machine-independent intermediate
code, I-code, which has been used  successfully  to  develop
optimising  and  diagnostic compilers for the IMP77 language
on  a  large  number  of  different  computer  systems.   In
addition,  the work has been used to lay the foundations for
a project to  develop  an  intermediate  code  for  portable
SIMULA compilers.
   The major conclusions of the research were that carefully
designed  machine-independent intermediate codes can be used
to generate viable optimising and diagnostic compilers,  and
that   the   commonality   introduced  into  different  code
generators  processing  the  code  for  different   machines
simplifies   the   tasks   of  creating  new  compilers  and
maintaining old ones.

1  Introduction

2  Intermediate codes

   2.1  Uncol
   2.2  Janus
   2.3  OCODE
   2.4  P-code
   2.5  Z-code
   2.6  Summary and conclusions
        2.6.1  Error checking and reporting
        2.6.2  Efficiency
        2.6.3  Assumptions
        2.6.4  Interpretation

3  Optimisations
   3.1  Classification of optimisations
        3.1.1  Universal optimisations
        3.1.2  Local optimisations
       Inaccessable code removal
       Peephole optimisation
       Special cases
       Algebraic manipulation
        3.1.3  Global optimisations
               Forward merging
               Backward merging
       Loop optimisations
               Removal of invariants
       Addressing optimisations
        3.1.4  Source optimisations
   3.2  Combination of optimisations

4  The design of the compiler
      4.1  General structure
      4.2  The intermediate code
           4.2.1  Objectives
          Information preservation
          Target machine independence
          Decision binding
          Ease of use
      4.3  Code layout and addressing
           4.3.1  Nested procedure definitions
           4.3.2  Paged machines
           4.3.3  Events
      4.4  Data layout and addressing
      4.5  Procedure entry and exit
           4.5.1  User-defined procedures
           4.5.2  External procedures
           4.5.3  Permanent procedures
           4.5.4  Primitive procedures
      4.6  Language-specified and compiler-generated objects
           4.6.1  Internal labels
           4.6.2  Temporary objects
      4.7  Object-file generation
           4.7.1  Reordering
           4.7.2  Jumps and branches
           4.7.3  Procedures
           4.7.4  External linkage
           4.7.5  In-line constants
           4.7.6  Object-file format
      4.8  Summary

5  Review of the overall structure
      5.1  Division of function
      5.2  Testing and development
      5.3  Diagnostics
           5.3.1 Line numbers
           5.3.2 Diagnostic tables
           5.3.3 Run-time checks
6  Observations
      6.1  Suitability of I-code for optimisation
      6.2  Performance
      6.3  Cost of optimisation
           6.3.1  Compile time
           6.3.2  Space requirement
           6.3.3  Logical complexity
      6.4  Comments on the results
           6.4.1  Register remembering
           6.4.2  Remembering environments
           6.4.4  Array allocation and use
           6.4.5  Parameters in registers
           6.4.6  Condition-code remembering
           6.4.7  Merging
      6.5  Criticisms and benefits of the technique
           6.5.1  Complexity
           6.5.2  I/O overhead
           6.5.3  Lack of gains
           6.5.4  Flexibility
      6.6  Comments on Instruction sets and Optimisation

7 Conclusions
      7.1  Viability of the technique
      7.2  Ease of portability
      7.3  Nature of optimisations

Appendix  A1   Simplified I-code definition
          A2   I-code internal representation
          A3   Results

                      1. Introduction

   Compilers for high-level  languages  form  a  significant
part  of  most computer systems, and with an ever increasing
number and variety of machine architectures  on  the  market
the   problems   of   compiler   development,  testing,  and
maintenance consume more  and  more  manpower  and  computer
time.   Moreover,  as  computer  technology is improving and
changing rapidly it is becoming evident that software  costs
will  increasingly  dominate  the  total  cost  of a system.
Indeed, it may not be long before the lifetime  of  software
regularly  exceeds  that  of  the  hardware  on which it was
originally implemented, a state of affairs  quite  different
from  that  envisaged by Halpern when he concluded that "the
importance of the entire question of machine-independence is
diminishing .." [Halpern, 1965].   In addition, there  is  a
need  to  encourage the slowly-developing trend to write the
majority of software in high-level languages.   Even  though
the  advantages of such an approach are many, a large number
of users still have a love of machine-code, usually fostered
by thoughts of "machine  efficiency".   Clearly,  techniques
must  be  developed  to  simplify  the  production of usable
compilers  which  can  "optimise"  the  match  between   the
executing  program  and the user's requirements, be they for
fast execution, small  program  size,  reasonable  execution
time but with good run-time diagnostics, or whatever.
   One  popular  method  for  reducing  the  complexity of a
compiler is to partition  it  into  two  major  phases:  one
language-dependent  and  the  other machine-dependent.   The
idea is that the language-dependent phase inputs the  source
program  and  deals  with  all the syntactic niceties of the
language, finally generating a  new  representation  of  the
program,  an  intermediate  code.   This  is then input by a
second phase which uses it to generate machine-code for  the
target  computer.   In  this  way  it  should be possible to
produce a compiler to generate code for a different  machine
by  taking the existing first phase and writing a new second
phase.  This ability to move a large portion of the compiler
from machine to machine has  led  to  such  compilers  being
referred  to as "portable compilers" even though the term is
perhaps misleading, as only part of  the  complete  compiler
can  be  moved  without  change.   In practice many existing
compilers  generate  intermediate  representations  of   the
program  which  are  passed  around within the compiler, for
example the "analysis records"  produced  by  the  syntactic
phase  of  compilation, but for the purposes of this work it
is only when these representations  are  machine-independent
and  are  made available outwith the compiler that they will
be termed intermediate codes.

   Much of the emphasis in designing intermediate codes  has
been  on enabling a compiler to be bootstrapped quickly onto
a new machine -  either  by  interpreting  the  intermediate
code,  or  by  using  a  macro  generator  to expand it into
machine-code [Brown, 1977].   Once this has  been  done  the
intention is that the quality of the code so produced can be
improved  at  leisure.   While  this  approach has been very
successful  and  relatively  error-free,  it  has  been  the
experience  of  several implementors that it is difficult to
adapt the scheme to produce highly optimised code  [Russell,
1974];   apparently   considerations   of   portability  and
machine-independence   have   caused   the    problems    of
optimisation    to    be   overlooked.    The    aspect   of
intermediate-code design  which  has  received  most  debate
concerns  the  level  of  the  code: low-level with a fairly
simple code-generator, or high-level  with  a  more  complex
code-generator [Brown, 1972].

   This  thesis  attempts  to  put  machine-independence and
optimisation on an equal footing, and describes the  use  of
an  intermediate  code  which  takes  a  novel  view  of the
process.   Instead of the intermediate code  describing  the
computation to be performed, it describes the operation of a
code-generator  which  will produce a program to perform the
required computation.   This effectively adds an extra level
of  indirection  into the compilation, weakening any linkage
between the form of the intermediate  code  and  the  object
code required for a particular implementation.
In  essence I-code attempts to describe the results required
in a way which does not constrain the  method  of  achieving
those results.
In  particular  it  should be noted that the code described,
I-code, was designed specifically for the language IMP-77, a
systems implementation language which contains many  of  the
constructions   which   pose   problems   for   optimisation
[Robertson,  1979].    It  in  no  way  attempts  to  be   a
"universal"  intermediate code.   Notwithstanding, the code,
with a small number of minor  extensions  to  cover  non-IMP
features, has been used successfully in an ALGOL 60 compiler
and  is  currently  proving  viable  in projects for writing
Pascal and Fortran 77 compilers.

   The intermediate code as finally designed  is  completely
machine  independent,  except inasmuch as the source program
it describes is machine dependent,  demonstrating  that  the
problems  may  not be as intractable as thought by Branquart
et al. who state that "clearly complete machine independency
is never reached" [Branquart, 1973].

   In addition to the problems of machine independence there
is also the question of operating  system  independence,  as
nowadays  it  is common for machines to have several systems
available.  For this reason the task of producing a compiler
is far from finished  when  it  can  generate  machine  code
[Richards, 1977].  To simplify the generation of versions of
a  compiler for different operating systems a third phase of
compilation was added, although it soon  became  clear  that
the extra phase could be used for other purposes as well, as
will be shown later (section 4).
   Throughout  the  text  examples  are  given  of  the code
produced by compilers written to demonstrate  the  power  of
the  intermediate  code.   The  examples of the intermediate
code are couched in terms of mnemonics for the various  code
items,  although  the  production  compilers use a compacted
representation.    The  code  and  its  representations  are
described in Appendix A1 and Appendix A2.

   In   the   examples   of   code   generated  for  various
constructions  it  should  be  appreciated  that  the  exact
instructions and machine features used will depend very much
on  the  context  in which the code is produced, and so only
typical code sequences can be given.

   The machines for which code is demonstrated are indicated
by the following abbreviations in parentheses:
(Nova)       Data General NOVA
(PDP10)      Digital Equipment Corporation PDP10
(PDP11)      Digital Equipment Corporation PDP11
(VAX)        Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 11/780
(GEC4080)    General Electric Company 4080
(ICL2900)    International Computers Limited 2900
(4/75)       International Computers Limited 4/75
(7/16)       Interdata    7/16
(7/32)       Interdata 7/32
(PE3200)     Perkin Elmer 3200

                    2 Intermediate codes
   This section gives a brief account of the more  important
intermediate codes which have been discussed and have had an
influence on the design of I-code.

2.1 Uncol

   UNCOL,  UNiversal  Computer  Orientated  Language, [Mock,
1958], was an early attempt to specify a means  for  solving
the  M*N  problem  of producing compilers for M languages to
run on N machines.   It was proposed  that  an  intermediate
language,  UNCOL,  be defined which would be able to express
the constructs from any language, and which could itself  be
translated  into code for any machine, resulting in the need
for only M+N compilers.   Indeed it was even suggested  that
programs  would  be written directly in UNCOL rather than in
machine code.
These ideas were very ambitious, but were presented  without
any  concrete  examples  of  what  UNCOL  might  look  like.
Proposals were made for an UNCOL in [Steel,  1961]  but  the
work   was   abandoned   before  anything  like  a  complete
specification had been produced.
   An UNCOL-like technique which has been  used  extensively
is  to  compile for a known type of machine, such as the IBM
360, and then emulate that machine on  the  target  machine.
Unfortunately,  to  give this any chance of being efficient,
microcode support will be  necessary,  and  this  is  rarely
available to compiler writers.
2.2 Janus

   The  first  attempt at generating an UNCOL which seems to
have been at least partially successful was JANUS  [Coleman,
1974].   The  approach  was effectively to enumerate all the
mechanisms found in current programming  languages  and  the
techniques used to implement them.  From this large list was
defined  a  set  of primitive data-types and operations upon
them.   These primitives were then put together to model the
objects  in  the source language.   Once JANUS code had been
produced  the  intention  was  that  it  would   either   be
interpreted  or  compiled  into  machine  code  by  a  macro

   Of all the languages which claim to be portable,  perhaps
the  most  successful  has been BCPL [Richards, 1971].   The
BCPL compiler generates the intermediate  code  OCODE  which
can  either  be  interpreted or translated into machine code
for  direct  execution.   As  BCPL  is  a  fairly  low-level
language  with  only  one  data  type, the word, many of the
difficulties in designing intermediate codes do  not  arise.
This  means  that the code can be pitched at a low level and
be "semantically weak" without compromising  the  efficiency
of the compiled code to any great extent.
The  OCODE machine works by manipulating single-word objects
held on a stack, into which there are several pointers.
                   e.g.  R(1, 2, 3)
STACK 3            adjust the top  of  stack  to  leave  two
                   cells free for linkage information. 
LN 1               stack the constant 1.
LN 2               stack the constant 2.
LN 3               stack the constant 3.
LL L6              stack  the address of label L6 (the entry
                   to the routine).
RTAP 5             enter the procedure adjusting  the  stack
                   frame pointer by 5 locations.
ENTRY 1 L6 'R'
                   entry point for the routine R.
SAVE 5             set  the  top  of  stack  pointer to be 5
                   locations from the stack frame pointer.
RTRN               return.

2.4 P-code

   P-code is the intermediate code  used  by  the  PASCAL<P>
compiler  [Nori,  1976;  Jensen, 1976] and was designed with
the  aim  of  porting  PASCAL  quickly  by   means   of   an
interpreter.   In  this respect it has been very successful,
especially on microprocessor-based  systems.   The  code  is
similar  to OCODE but has a greater range of instructions to
handle objects of differing types.

   procedure ERROR(VAL:INTEGER);  begin
                     0:   ENT   4
      TOTAL := TOTAL+1;
                     1:   LDO   138
                     2:   LDCI  1
                     3:   ADDI
                     4:   SRO   138
      if INDEX >= 9 then begin
                     5:   LDO   139
                     6:   LDCI 9
                     7:   GEQI
                     8:   FJP   17
         LIST[10].NUM := 255
                     9:   LAO   140
                    10:   LDCI  10
                    11:   DEC   1
                    12:   IXA   2
                    13:   INC   1
                    14:   LDCI 255
                    15:   STO
      end else begin
                    16:   UJP   28
         INDEX := INDEX+1;
                    17:   LDO   139
                    18:   LDCI  1
                    19:   ADDI
                    20:   SRO   139
         LIST[INDEX].NUM := VAL
                    21:   LAO   140
                    22:   LDO   139
                    23:   DEC   1
                    24:   IXA   2
                    25:   INC   1
                    26:   LOD   0, 4
                    27:   STO
                    28:   RETP
2.5 Z-code

   Z-code [Bourne, 1975] is the intermediate  code  produced
by  the  ALGOL68C compiler, the main feature of which is the
ability for the user to  parameterise  the  first  phase  to
modify  the  Z-code  to  suit  the  target  machine, an idea
previously investigated in SLANG [Sibley, 1961].   A set  of
eight  registers  is  assumed  by the code and others may be
specified explicitly for each  transfer.   The  memory  with
which  the  code works is assumed to be "a linear data store
that is addressed by consecutive integers", addresses taking
the form of base+displacement pairs.   Intermingled with the
instructions are directives which control the translation of
the  code into machine orders.   Two of these directives are
used  to  divide   the   code   into   "basic   blocks"   or
"straight-line   segments",   and   describe  the  usage  of
registers on entry to and exit  from  the  blocks,  although
little use seems to be made of them at present.
As  an  example  here  is  the Z-code generated by the PDP10
version of the compiler [Gardner, 1977]:

int X := 2, Y := 3, Z := 2
                  1:    F000 10 0 +2    load 2
                        F040 10 6 +144  store in X
                        F000 10 0 +3    load 3
                        F040 10 6 +145  store in Y
                 5:     F000 10 0 +2    load 2
                        F040 10 6 +146  store in Z
proc P = (int A, B) int: begin
                 7:     S715 p*Z
                        T246 677 712
   if A > B
             9:     R0
               10:      F020 10 5 +4    load A
               11:      F022 10 5 +5    subtract B
               12:      F113 10 0 P713  ->L713 if <=

   then A
               13:      F020 10 5 +4    load A
   else B
               14:      H116 0 p7l4     ->L714
               15:      L713
               16:      F020 10 5 +5    load B
               17:      L714
               18:      R1 10 1
               19:      R1 10 1
               20:      T247 667 712     end of P
2.6 Summary and conclusions

2.6.1 Error checking and reporting

   The UNCOL approach of having one code for  all  languages
and  machines  may well simplify the generation of some sort
of  compiler,  but  has  the  major  disadvantage  that  the
optimisation of error checking and reporting run-time errors
cannot  be  left  to  the  code  generator - many errors are
language-dependent and the code generator cannot know how to
handle all of them.   Instead the checks must be  programmed
into the intermediate representation explicitly.  As will be
shown later (5.3) this can inhibit several very powerful and
effective optimisations.   Sadly, this problem can result in
the absence of all but the most trivial of  run-time  checks
in the compiled code.
   Even  when checking is provided in the intermediate code,
as in the case of P-code with its CHK instruction for  range
testing,   it  is  rare  for  the  code  to  contain  enough
information to permit the error to  be  reported  in  source
program terms; line numbers, procedure names, variable names
and  values  etc.   As  an example, many P-code interpreters
locate run-time  errors  in  terms  of  'P-code  instruction
addresses' which are of negligible benefit to most users.
2.6.2 Efficiency

   Commonly,  little  attention  is  paid  to  questions  of
run-time efficiency in the generation of intermediate  code.
An  exception  to  this  is Z-code which is parameterised in
order that the match between the code and the target machine
can be improved.   In  particular,  the  machine-independent
phase  is  intended to perform simple register optimisation,
although as the example in  2.5  shows,  the  insistence  on
using  the  same  register  will  minimise  any  gains  from
remembering register contents.   However, this  is  probably
just  a  failure  on  the  part of the current compilers and
could be corrected at a later date.  Unfortunately, the fact
that the compiler purports to optimise the intermediate code
inhibits the code generator from attempting any but the most
trivial peephole optimisations.   This may be  seen  in  the
example  by  considering  instructions  10  -  12.   On many
machines the  subtract  operation  is  not  good  for  value
comparison  as  firstly  it  may  fail  with  overflow,  and
secondly it corrupts a register.   A  better  implementation
would  be  to  replace the subtract with a suitable COMPARE,
leaving the values untouched and available  for  later  use.
This  cannot be done by the code generator as it cannot know
that the intermediate code does not go on to use the  result
of  the subtraction later.   Similarly, if Z-code had chosen
to use a COMPARE instruction in the first place,  a  machine
without  a  compare would have to work hard to make sure all
registers involved in the necessary subtract  were  restored
to their initial values before the intermediate code goes on
to use them.

2.6.3 Assumptions

   Most  machine-independent  intermediate  codes  have been
designed, at least initially, assuming a linear  store  with
one address increment corresponding to one basic object.  In
the  case  of O-code this is a direct result of the language
definition, but in languages such as PASCAL it has led to  a
great  loss  of  information,  as the rich information about
data types cannot be expressed in the  code.   The  problems
associated   with   putting  languages  onto  machines  with
different  addressing   schemes   has   resulted   in   some
intermediate codes being updated to accept a limited form of
parameterisation  to  define  the  gross  appearance  of the
target machine.   Typical of the limitations of these  codes
is  P-code where although the basic types of object can have
differing sizes  of  machine  representation,  objects  with
enumerated  types  will  always  be  given a 'fullword' even
though the host machine could easily support a smaller item.
   A typical  assumption  is  that  the  difference  between
objects  explicitly  specified  in  the  original source and
those created by the intermediate code generator for its own
purposes is insignificant.   As will be shown  later  (4.6),
this is not necessarily the case.
2.6.4 Interpretation

   The  vast  majority  of  machine-independent intermediate
codes in current use have been designed in such a way as |to
permit   execution  by  interpretation.    This  immediately
imposes constraints  on  the  form  of  the  code,  as,  for
example, it will need to be possible to pre-process the code
into  some  consistent  and  managable internal form for the
benefit of the interpreter.   In order to give some sort  of
efficiency  to  the  interpretation process the intermediate
code of necessity must become  like  the  order  code  of  a
'real' machine.   This results in code-generation being seen
as fitting the target  machine  to  the  intermediate  code,
rather  than  fitting  the  intermediate  code to the target
machine  which  is   clearly   the   better   strategy   for
                    3 Optimisations
   The task of any compiler for a high-level language is  to
fit  programs  written  in  that  language  onto  a specific
computer system so that the  required  computations  may  be
Optimisation  may  be  described as the process by which the
fit is improved.  Usually the quality of the optimisation is
measured in terms of two parameters: the size of the running
program, and, more commonly, the speed at which it executes.
While it is possible in some cases to make a program smaller
and increase its speed of execution, it is  well-known  that
in  general speed and size are complementary.   For example,
the following code fragments have the same effect,  but  the
first  will  probably be smaller than the second, which will
execute faster than the first:
  -------------------------- -----------------------
 |                          |    A(1) = K           |
 |                          |    A(2) = K           |
 |   for J = 1,1,8 cycle    |    A(3) = K           |
 |      A(J) = K            |    A(4) s K           |
 |   repeat                 |    A(5) = K           |
 |                          |    A(6) = K           |
 |                          |    A(7) = K           |
 |                          |    A(8) = K           |
 |                          |    J = 8              |
  -------------------------- -----------------------

3.1 Classification of optimisations

   With a subject as complex as optimisation it is difficult
to give  a  useful  and  definitive  classification  of  the
various  possibilities for improving programs.   In addition
different authors have used many different terms to describe
optimisations which have been attempted [Aho,  1974;  Lowry,
1969; Wichmann, 1977].  However most optimisations fall into
one  of  the following four groups: Universal, Local, Global
and Source.

3.1.1   Universal Optimisations

           These   are   those   optimisations   which   are
        independent  of  any  particular  program, but which
        depend on the  complete  environment  in  which  the
        program is to be compiled or executed.  They are the
        policy decisions taken by the compiler writer during
        the initial design of the compiler, and include such
        things   as   the  fixed  use  of  registers  (stack
        pointers, code pointers, link  registers  etc),  the
        representations of language-defined objects (arrays,
        records,   strings   etc),  and  the  standards  for
        communication with external objects.
           In addition,  universal  optimisation  must  take
        into account such questions as:
        i       Compilation speed or execution speed?
                If   the  compiler  is  to  be  used  in  an
                environment  where  programs  are   compiled
                roughly  as often as they are executed, such
                as  in  a  teaching  environment,  execution
                speed  can  be sacrificed for an increase in
                compilation speed.
        ii      Diagnostics?
                If the compiler is  to  produce  code  which
                will  provide  extensive  checking  and will
                give diagnostic information in the event  of
                program  failure, allowance must be made for
                the  efficient  checking  of  the  program's
                behaviour   and   the   maintenance  of  the
                recovery    information    used    by    the
                diagnostics.   If  highly  optimised code is
                required these constraints may not apply.
        In  the  current  state   of   the   art   universal
        optimisation  is  done  by experience and guesswork;
        attempts at producing compiler-compilers  which  can
        approach  the  quality of hand-constructed compilers
        have not met  with  great  success  [Brooker,  1967;
        Feldman, 1966; Trout, 1967].  As will be shown later
        (4.5),  minor  changes in the universal optimisation
        can result in major changes in  the  performance  of
        the  generated code, and so rules made at this stage
        should be as flexible as possible to permit  changes
        to be made in the light of experience.
           From  the  point of view of measurement universal
        optimisation provides  the  base  level  from  which
        other optimisations are investigated.   Roughly, the
        better the universal optimisation the less effective
        the other optimisations appear to be.
3.1.2 Local optimisations
           Local  optimisations  may  be  defined  as  those
        optimisations   which  may  be  performed  during  a
        sequential scan of the program using only  knowledge
        of statements already processed.  Not only are these
        optimisations  reasonably simple to perform but they
        can have a  major  effect  on  the  generated  code.
        Indeed Wulf et al. state that "In the final analysis
        the  quality  of the local code has a greater impact
        on both the size and speed of the final program than
        any other optimisation" [Wulf, 1975]. Remembering
           Remembering optimisations are those optimisations
        which can be applied to  single  statements  in  the
        light of information gathered during the compilation
        of previous statements.   These optimisations depend
        on remembering the current state of the machine  and
        applying  this  knowledge  to subsequent statements.
        Their chief characteristic is that they are  applied
        during a sequential scan of the program, and as such
        are reasonably cheap to implement and execute.
        For example:
           |  X = Y          |
           |  if X = 0 start |
           on the PDP11 would generate:
           |  MOV  Y,X  |
           |  BNE $1    |  remembering that the previous
           |            |  line sets the condition code.
           The    most    powerful    of   the   remembering
        optimisations is  that  whereby  the  correspondence
        between  values  in registers and values in store is
        remembered and references to  the  store  value  are
        replaced  by  references  to  the  register's value,
        register operations usually being smaller and faster
        than their store equivalents.   Unfortunately  there
        are  several  cases  where  this leads to worse code
        than the "obvious" version.   For  example,  on  the
        (PE3200)  the code on the right is larger and slower
        than that on the left:

                  |  X = 2    |
                  |  P = P<<2 |
             ----------- --------------
            | LIS  3,2  |   LIS 3,2    |  pick up 2
            | ST   3,X  |   ST  3,X    |  store it in X
            | L    1,P  |   L   1,P    |  pick up P
            | SLLS 1,2  |   SLL 1,0(3) |  shift it by 2
            | ST   1,P  |   ST  1,P    |  store it in P
             ----------- --------------
           In addition to keeping track of  the  changes  in
        the state of the machine from the compilation of one
        statement  to  another,  remembering  also  includes
        preserving this state or environment for  later  use
        when  a  label is encountered, either by merging the
        current environment with the  environment  saved  at
        the  jump  to the label, or simply by restoring that
        latter environment  when  it  is  not  possible  for
        control   to  "fall  through"  from  the  statements
        immediately preceding the label.
           In all forms of remembering it  is  vital  to  be
        able    to    keep   the   information   up-to-date,
        invalidating knowledge  when  it  becomes  false,  a
        process which is exacerbated when it is possible for
        an  object  to  be  known  by two or more apparently
        different descriptions as in the following code:

            |   integer J, K            |
            |   integerarray A(1:12)    |
            |   integername P           |
            |   P == J                  |
            |   J = 1;  K = 1           |

        At this point P and J refer to the same location  as
        do A(J) and A(K).
        Except  in  the most simple of cases all that can be
        done is to assume  the  worst  and  forget  anything
        potentially   dangerous  after  writing  to  unknown
        addresses. Delaying

           Delaying   is   the   process    of    generating
        instructions  but  not  planting  them  in  the code
        sequence until it is absolutely necessary.   This is
        of advantage if it is discovered that such "pending"
        instructions are not needed, or can be combined with
        other instructions.
        The two common cases are illustrated below:
           |   integerfn F(integername X)     |
           |      integer T                   |
           |      T = X                       |
           |      T = 0 if T < 0              |
           |      X = 1                       |
           |      result = T                  |
           |   end                            | 

        The  obvious  code  for the body of this function is
           |      L   3,X      | address of parameter
           |      L   0,0(3)   | value of parameter
           |      ST  0,T      |
           |      BGE $1       | -> if T >= 0
           |      SR  0,0      |
           |      ST  0,T      | T = 0
           |   $1:LIS 2,1      |
           |      ST  2,0(3)   | X = 1
           |      LR  1,0      | load result
           |      {return}     |
           By delaying the first store into  T  until  after
        the  conditional  statement, and delaying the second
        store  into  T   until   after   the   label,   both
        instructions can be combined, resulting in the code:

           |      L   3,X      |
           |      L   0,0(3)   |
           |      BGE $1       |
           |      SR  0,0      |
           |   $1:ST  0,T      |
           |      LIS 2,1      |
           |      ST  2,0(3)   |
           |      LR  1,0      |
           |      {return}     |

        This  store  itself  can  now  be  delayed until the
        return from the function, at which point,  as  T  is
        local  to  the  function  and will be destroyed, the
        instruction can be deleted altogether.
        Section 3.2 gives a description of one way in  which
        this sort of optimisation has been achieved. Inaccessable code removal

           In  several  cases  compilers  can  generate code
        which will never be executed.
        The common causes of this are either  user-specified
        conditions  whose  truth is constant and are used to
        achieve some sort of "conditional  compilation",  or
        structural  statements following unconditional jumps
        as below:
           |   if X = 0 start     |
           |      ERROR(1)        |
           |      return          |
           |   else               |
           |      V = V-X         |
           |   finish             |

        Here the branch instruction usually generated at the
        end of the if clause to take control past  the  else
        clause, can never be executed.
        Such  inaccessable code can be eliminated to shorten
        the program,  but  without  directly  effecting  its
        speed of execution. Peephole optimisations

           Peephole  optimisation  [McKeeman,  1965]  is the
        technique of examining small sections  of  generated
        code   to   make   fairly   obvious,   but  ad  hoc,
        improvements.    Many  of   the   gains   from   the
        optimisation  come  from  simplifying code sequences
        created by the juxtaposition  of  code  areas  which
        were produced separately.
        For example (PE3220):
               Before              After
            ---------------- -------------------
           |   ST  4,X      |      ST  4,X      |
           |   L   4,X      |                   |
           |-              -|-                 -|
           |   AR  1,2      |                   |
           |   AHI 1,48     |      AHI 1,48(2)  |
            ---------------- -------------------
    Special cases

           Special-case  optimisations  are those which make
        use of the particular structure and features of  the
        target  machine  to control the way in which certain
        statements are implemented.
        For example:
                      Obvious          Optimised
                   ---------------- -----------
        (PDP11)   |   MOV  #0,X    |   CLR   X |   X = 0
                  |-              -|-         -|
        (PDP11)   |   ADD  #1,X    |   INC   X |   X = X+1
                  |-              -|-         -|
        (PE3220)  |   LHI  1,NULL  |   SR  0,0 |   S = ""
                  |   LHI  2,S     |   STB 0,S |
                  |   BAL  15,MOVE |           |
           These optimisations are very similar to  peephole
        optimisations  but  are  distinguished  because they
        actively control the generation of code rather  than
        passively   alter   code   which  has  already  been
        produced.   In particular  they  avoid  one  of  the
        drawbacks of peephole optimisation, namely that even
        though  it  can  reduce  fairly  complex instruction
        sequences to a simpler  form,  the  side-effects  of
        generating  the  long  form in the first place often
        degrade the code.   In  the  example  of  setting  a
        string   variable  to  the  null  string  above  the
        optimised form uses only one register, the value  of
        which  can  be  remembered.   In  the  non-optimised
        version three registers are immediately altered  and
        the   knowledge  of  the  contents  of  all  of  the
        registers may need to be forgotten unless  the  code
        generator  knows  how the MOVE routine works and can
        forget only those registers which it uses. Algebraic manipulations

           Algebraic optimisations are improvements  brought
        about by using the algebraic properties of operators
        and operands, and include:
           . Folding, or compile-time evaluation
                    1+2 is replaced by 3
           . Removal of null operations
                   A+0 is replaced by A
           . Using commutative properties
                   -B+A is replaced by A-B
3.1.3 Global optimisations

           Global  optimisation  may  be  defined  as  those
        improvements to the code which require knowledge  of
        substantial  parts  of the program.   In effect they
        are performed by examining numbers of statements  in
        parallel,   in   contrast  to  the .sequential  scan
        required by local optimisation. Restructuring

           Restructuring     optimisations     are     those
        optimisations which may be brought about by changing
        the  order  in  which the code is laid out in memory
        without otherwise changing the nature of  the  code.
        As  will  be discussed later, there are many reasons
        why programs can be improved by changing  the  order
        of chunks of the code.  A common reason is that many
        machines  have  conditional branch instructions with
        limited range while the unconditional branches  have
        a  much  larger  range.   Hence  if (A) represents a
        large number of  statements  and  (B)  represents  a
        small number of statements, the program:
           | if X = 0 start |
           |    {A}         |
           | else           |
           |    {B}         |
           | finish         |
        could  be  improved  by  reordering  as on the right
                 original           reordered
            ------------------ ----------------
           |     MOV  X,R0    |     MOV  X,R0  |
           |     BEQ  $1      |     BEQ  $1    |
           |     JMP  $2      |     {B}        |
           | $1: {A}          |     JMP  $2    |
           |     BR   $3      | $1: {A}        |
           | $2: {B}          | $2:            |
           | $3:              |                |
            ------------------ ---------------- Merging Forward merging
           Forward  merging,   also   somewhat   confusingly
        referred  to as "cross jumping" [Wulf, 1975], is the
        process whereby the point of convergence of  two  or
        more  code  sequences  is  moved  back  over  common
        sub-sequences   thus    removing    one    of    the
        sub-sequences, as in the case below.

               |    if X > Y start    |
               |       TEST(X, Y)     |
               |    else              |
               |       TEST(Y, X)     |
               |    finish            |

                      obvious code  (VAX)   after merging
                --------------------- --------------------
               |      CMPL   X,Y     |      CMPL   X,Y    |
               |      BLE    $1      |      BLE    $1     |
               |      PUSHL  X       |      PUSHL  X      |
               |      PUSHL  Y       |      PUSHL  Y      |
               |      CALLS  2,TEST  |                    |
               |      BRB    $2      |      BRB    $2     |
               |   $1:PUSHL  Y       |   $1:PUSHL  Y      |
               |      PUSHL  X       |      PUSHL  X      |
               |      CALLS  2,TEST  |   $2:CALLS  2,TEST |
               |   $2:               |                    |
                --------------------- --------------------

       The  simplest way to perform this optimisation is to
       take the code sequence about the point  of  a  label
       and a reference to that label, and set two pointers:
       one,  P.,  to  the unconditional jump and the other,
       P2, to the label.   If the instructions  immediately
       preceding  the  pointers are identical both pointers
       are moved back over that instruction.   The label is
       redefined   at  the  new  position  of  P2  and  the
       instruction passed  over  by  P1  is  deleted.   The
       process  is  repeated  until either another label is
       found or two different instructions are encountered.
       The redefinition of the label  involves  creating  a
       completely new label, leaving the old one untouched.
       This  both prevents trouble with multiple references
       to the label and  permits  the  optimisation  to  be
       attempted on them.

           As this optimisation simply causes the sharing of
        execution paths there is no direct gain in execution
        speed,  but  as the code size is reduced an indirect
        improvement may be  achieved  if  the  shorter  code
        moves  the label close enough to the reference to it
        for a shorter and usually faster jump instruction to
        be used.
        The optimisation obviously must be  performed  while
        labels  and  jumps  are  in a symbolic form, that is
        before code  addresses  have  been  resolved.   This
        permits  the  merging  of  instructions  which  will
        eventually have  program-counter  relative  operands
        and consequently be position dependent. Backward merging
           A second, but much more difficult form of merging
        involves moving instructions back over the preceding
        branch  code  which  generates  the  two paths being
                      Original  (PE3200)   Optimised
                 ------------------- -------------------
                |                   |      L   2,R      |
                |      L   1,X      |      L   1,X      |
                |      BNE $1       |      BNE $1       |
        P1 ->   |      L   2,R      |                   |
                |      LIS 3,1      |      LIS 3,1      |
                |      ST  3,A(2)   |      ST  3,A(2)   |
                |      B   $2       |      B   $2       |
        P2 ->   |   $1:L   2,R      |   $1:             |
                |      LIS 3,3      |      LIS 3,3      |
                |      ST  3,B(2)   |      ST  3,B(2)   |
                |   $2:             |   $2:             |
                 ------------------- -------------------

        The difficulty with this  optimisation  is  that  it
        requires  the  branch  and  the associated condition
        testing code to be treated as a single unit, so that
        merged instructions do not split the  test  and  the
        use  of  the result.   Also the testing instructions
        must be checked to ensure that they are not able  to
        modify  the  operands  of  the  merged instructions.
        This  information  is  easily   available   to   the
        code-generator  as in IMP77 only procedure calls and
        string resolution can have such side-effects.   In a
        way  similar  to  the  other form of merging the two
        pointers, P1 and P2 are set and adjusted;  PI  being
        moved  forward  over common code carrying the branch
        sequence with it (L & BNE), and P2  being  advanced,
        deleting the code it passes over. Advancing

           Advancing  is  the  process  of moving operations
        back in the instruction  stream  so  that  they  are
        executed  earlier  and  pave  the  way for improving
        subsequent statements.
        On many machines the statements:
           |   X = X-1     |
           |   A(X) = P    |
           |   X = X-1     |
           |   A(X) = Q    |

        could  be  compiled  to  more  efficient   code   if
           |   X = X-2     |
           |   A(X+1) = P  |
           |   A(X) = Q    |

        as  only  one  calculation  will  need to be done to
        address both A(X) and A(X+1), the constant, suitably
        scaled, being added into the displacement  field  of
        the appropriate instruction (PDP11):
           |   SUB   #2,X    |
           |   MOV   X,R1    |
           |   ADD   R1,R1   |
           |   ADD   A,R1    |
           |   MOV   P,2(R1) |
           |   MOV   Q,(R1)  |
            ----------------- Factoring
           Factoring  is  the  generalisation of merging and
        involves the removal of  common  sections  of  code.
        Included  under  this  heading is the elimination of
        common sub-expressions. At the source level this can
        be seen in changes such
            |   D = SIN(X^2) + COS(X^2)   |
            being replaced by
            |   real T                   |
            |   T = X^2                  |
            |   D = SIN(T) + COS(T)      |

        At the  machine  level  the  optimisation  is  often
        available as the result of address arithmetic in the
        case of simple arrays:
           |   A(J) = B(J)   |

               Original  (PE3200) Optimised
            ----------------- -----------------
           |   L    1,J      |    L    1,J     |
           |   SLLS 1,2      |    SLLS 1,2     |
           |   AR   1,LNB    |    AR   1,LNB   |
           |   L    3,J      |                 |
           |   SLLS 3,2      |                 |
           |   AR   3,LNB    |                 |
           |   L    0,B(3)   |    L    0,B(1)  |
           |   ST   0,A(1)   |    ST   0,A(1)  |
        In  this  case  as the code-generator is in complete
        control  the  optimisation  can  be   very   simple,
        although rather specific.
        The  techniques  for handling common sub-expressions
        have been investigated at length by several authors,
        but measurements  indicate  that  in  most  programs
        expressions  are  so  trivial the expense in finding
        common  sub-expressions  is  not   repaid   by   the
        resulting  improvement in the generated code [Knuth,
           The more general form of factoring can be seen in
        the transformation of the following statements:

           |   if X = 0 then A = 1 else B = 2      |
           |   if X = 0 then C = 3 else D = 4      |


           |   if X = 0 start      |
           |      A = 1            |
           |      C = 3            |
           |   else                |
           |      B = 2            |
           |      D = 4            |
           |   finish              |
            ----------------------- Loop optimisations Iteration

           Iteration is the process whereby  the  values  in
        variables  from  previous  iterations  of a loop are
        used to calculate the new  values  for  the  current
        iteration, rather than calculating those values from
        scratch  each  time.   One  of  the  effects of this
        optimisation can be the  reduction  in  strength  of
        operations,  such  as  changing multiplications into
        additions.  In this context the IMP77 operators "++"
        and "--" may be used to great effect.   Their action
        is to adjust the reference on the left by the number
        of items to the right, hence if X is an integer then
        X++1 is the next integer and X--2 is the integer two
        integers before X.

           |   for J = 1,1,1000 cycle      |
           |      A(J) = J                 |
           |   repeat                      |

              Can be optimised to:

           |   integername T                |
           |   T == A(J)--1                 |
           |   for J = 1,1,1000 cycle       |
           |      T == T++1                 |
           |      T = J                     |
           |   repeat                       |
            ------------------------------- Holding
           Holding  is the process of preloading values used
        in a loop into registers or other such  temporaries,
        using  those temporaries within the loop and finally
        storing the values back into the required  variables
        at  the  end  of  the  loop,  if necessary.   In the
        previous example the value in T, the current address
        of the array  element  being  considered,  could  be
        loaded into a register before the start of the loop.
        In  this  case  the final value in the register need
        not be stored once the loop terminates.
           The application of most other optimisations will,
        at worst, have little or no effect on any particular
        program, however the danger of holding  is  that  it
        assumes that the values loaded outside the loop will
        be  required  within  the  loop, and this assumption
        could well be invalid.
        For  example,  consider  the  following   equivalent
            ------------------- ---------------------
           |                   |  TEMP = P/Q         |
           | while X > 0 cycle |  while X > 0 cycle  |
           |    W(X) = P//Q    |     W(X) = TEMP     |
           |    X = X-1        |     X = X-1         |
           | repeat            |  repeat             |
            ------------------- ---------------------
        B  will  be faster than A if the loop is executed at
        least twice.   If the loop is not  executed  at  all
        (X <= 0)  B  will  be  much  slower  than  A  (by an
        alarming 80 microseconds on the 7/32).
        Removal of invariants
           This   is    the    process    whereby    complex
        sub-expressions  which do not change their values as
        the loop progresses are evaluated outside  the  loop
        and held in temporaries:

           |   for J = 1, 1, 1000 cycle     |
           |      A(J) = LIMIT-MARGIN       |
           |   repeat                       |

              Can be optimised to:
           |   TEMP = LIMIT-MARGIN         |
           |   for J = 1,1,1000 cycle      |
           |      A(J) = TEMP              |
           |   repeat                      |

        It is simply a special case of Holding. Expansion
           Expansion  is  the  process  of rewriting compact
        representations of parts of  a  program  in  a  more
        explicit form, usually resulting in faster execution
        but at the expense of more code.   The two main uses
        of expansion are to reduce  the  overheads  in  loop
        control  by  repeating (unrolling) the loop body and
        hence reducing the  number  of  iterations,  and  to
        replace  calls  on  procedures  by  the  body of the
        procedure,  with  the  necessary  substitution   for
        parameters.    Extra   gains   can   come  from  the
        interaction of the expanded code with the  enclosing
        code as in the following example:

           |   for J = 1,1,100 cycle     |
           |      A(J) = 0               |
           |   repeat                    |

           This can be expanded into:

           |   for J = 2, 2, 100 cycle     |
           |      A(J-1) = 0               |
           |      A(J) = 0                 |
           |   repeat                      |

           and can generate the following code (PDP11):

           |      CLR   J       |
           |   $1:ADD   #2,J    |
           |      MOV   J,R1    |
           |      ADD   R1,R1   |
           |      ADD   LNB,R1  |
           |      CLR   A-2(R1) |
           |      CLR   A(R1)   |
           |      CMP   J,#100. |
           |      BNE   $1      |
3.1.4 Source optimisations

           Source  optimisations  [Schneck,  1973] are those
        optimisations which can be effected  by  changes  in
        the  source  program.   They can be sub-divided into
        three categories; machine-independent [Hecht,  1973;
        Kildall,  1973],  machine-dependent,  and tentative.
        Tentative  optimisations  are  those  which,   while
        unlikely  to  make the code worse, may improve it on
        some machines.   For  example,  most  machines  will
        handle   the   comparison  "X<1"  better  if  it  is
        rewritten as "X<=0", where X is an integer variable.
3.2 Combination of optimisations

           Many of the optimisations described above  result
        in  an improvement in the generated code not only by
        their own effects by also by their interaction  with
        other   optimisations,   as  one  improvement  often
        produces the conditions needed by  another.   As  an
        example  consider  the compilation of the following,
        rather unlikely,  statements  on  the  Data  General
           |   A = (B&C)<<1      |
           |   A = D if A = 0    |

        The first statement can generate the obvious code:
           |   LDA   0,B   |
           |   LDA   1,C   |
           |   AND   0,1   |
           |   MOVZL 1,1   |
           |   STA   1,A   |

        At  this stage the value in accumulator 1 (A) can be
        remembered,  and  the  STA  instruction  marked   as
        "pending"  so  that it can be removed later if it is
        decided that deferring the store  will  improve  the
        With  this  knowledge  the  second  statement can be
        compiled to:
           |   MOV#  1,1,SZR   |
           |   JMP   $1        |
           |   LDA   1,D       |
           |   STA   1,A       |
           | $1:               |

        Immediately before the label $1  it  is  known  that
        once  again  the value of A is in accumulator 1, and
        that the STA above the label is marked as pending as
        before.   Following the definition of the label  the
        environment  before  the  jump  to that label can be
        combined with the environment just before the  label
        to  give  the  new  environment following the label.
        The information in this environment is that A is  in
        accumulator  1  and  that  the same store is pending
        from both old environments.   This  allows  the  two
        marked  store  instructions  to  be  removed and one
        store placed after the label (and once again  marked
        as being "pending").  This gives the following code:
           |      LDA   0,B      |
           |      LDA   1,C      |
           |      AND   0,1      |
           |      MOV#  1,1,SZR  |
           |      JMP   $1       |
           |      LDA   1,D      |
           |   $1:STA   1,A      |
        A  simple  jump  optimisation  notices  that the JMP
        passes over just one instruction and  can  therefore
        be  removed  by  inverting the skip condition on the
        previous MOVe, giving:
           |   LDA   0,B      |
           |   LDA   1,C      |
           |   AND   0,1      |
           |   MOVZL 1,1      |
           |   MOV#  1,1,SNR  |
           |   LDA   1,D      |
           |   STA   1,A      |

        Finally, peephole optimisation combines the AND with
        the MOVZL giving ANDZL, and then combine  this  with
        the   following  MOV#  to  give  the  complete  code
        sequence as:
           |   LDA   0,B      |
           |   LDA   1,C      |
           |   ANDZL 0,1,SNR  |
           |   LDA   1,D      |
           |   STA   1,A      |

        The most interesting  thing  to  notice  about  this
        particular  sequence  of  optimisations is that with
        the possible exception of the removal of the  marked
        STA  instructions,  the  final code can be generated
        very simply with local optimisations.
4 The design of the compiler

   This section describes the features of the compiler which
have had an influence on the form of the intermediate code.

4.1 General structure

   One of the aims of this type of compilation  strategy  is
to  simplify  the  production of compilers, and a successful
technique for simplifying programs is to  divide  them  into
several  communicating  modules, each largely independent of
the others but with well-defined interfaces between them.
At the highest level a compiler can be split up  into  three
major parts:
         1    A  language  processor,  which  deals with the
              language-dependent  parts  such  as   parsing,
              semantic checking, and error reporting.
         2    A  code  generator, which takes the decomposed
              form of the program as generated by  1  above,
              and  constructs the appropriate code sequences
              to perform the required functions.
         3    An  object-file  generator,  which  builds  an
              object-file  from  the code sequences produced
              by 2, In the form required by the system which
              is to execute the program.

   Commonly, the first two parts of this scheme are combined
into  one  program  which  generates  as   its   output   an
assembly-language  source file corresponding to the original
program.   The third part then becomes the  standard  system
assembler.   This approach clearly simplifies the production
of the compiler, as one part,  the  assembler,  is  provided
already  and  can ease the problems of checking the compiler
because the code it generates is presented in  a  well-known
form.   Despite  these  advantages  it  was rejected for the
following reasons:
         1    In  order  that  assembly  language   can   be
              generated,  the compiler must have an internal
              form of the instructions which is changed into
              text, processed by the assembler, and  finally
              converted  into  the  machine  representation.
              These transformations can be eliminated if the
              compiler  works  directly  with  the   machine
         2    In general, the system-provided assembler will
              be  expecting  to receive a much more powerful
              language  than  the  rather  stereotyped  text
              produced  by  compilers.   This will certainly
              degrade the performance of the  assembler.   A
              solution  to  this  is  to  produce a cut-down
              version of the assembler which only recognises
              those constructs generated  by  the  compiler.
              However, producing a new assembler removes one
              of   the  reasons  for  choosing  this  route,
              namely, not requiring extra  work  in  writing
              the object-file generator.
         3    As  will  be  seen  later  (section 4,7), even
              after the code sequences  have  been  produced
              there  remain  several optimisations which can
              be performed using knowledge gained during the
              production of those  sequences,  for  example,
              generating  short  forms  of jump instructions
              when the distance between  the  jump  and  its
              destination is small enough.  While in certain
              cases  these optimisations can be performed by
              a standard assembler it is unlikely  that  the
              structure  of  the  code-generator would be as
              simple as  if  a  special-purpose  object-file
              generator were available.
   The  main  interface  in  such  a  system is clearly that
between the  language  and  machine  dependencies,  as  most
languages  are  largely  machine-independent.   It  is  this
interface     between     the     language-dependent     and
machine-dependent  parts of the compiler which is termed the
INTERMEDIATE  CODE.   In  the  following  discussion  it  is
assumed  that  the  reader has a reasonable understanding of
the structure of the final form of I-code, a  definition  of
which may be found in Appendix.A2.
                  4.2 The intermediate code
   Even while remaining independent of machine architecture,
codes can be designed  at  various  levels  of  abstraction.
Roughly  the  higher  the level of the intermediate-code the
closer it is to to the source language, and  the  lower  the
level  the  closer  it  is  to  some (possibly hypothetical)
processor's instruction set.
The  choice  as  to  the  level  of  the   intermediate-code
eventually  comes  down to a question of where decisions are
to be taken.
If a low-level code is chosen, more decisions will  have  to
be  made  in  the  language-dependent  phase (making it more
complicated)  but  less  choices  are   available   to   the
code-generator  (making it simpler, but removing chances for
improving the  code  in  the  light  of  particular  machine
features).   If  a  high-level code is chosen, decisions are
left to the code-generator resulting in a  simpler  language
processor  but  a  more  complicated code-generator which is
better able to adapt to a particular processor.

   The  design  of  the  intermediate  code  can   also   be
influenced  by  its  intended role in the complete compiling
system.   If the code is to be used in  the  compilation  of
just  one  language  on  many  machines,  there  may  be  an
advantage in increasing the complexity of  the  code  if  it
results  in simpler code generators at the expense of a more
complicated, but unique, first phase.   Conversely,  if  the
code  is  to  be  generated  by  several  different language
processors, a simple intermediate  code  which  is  easy  to
produce may well be more attractive.

   As I-code was intended for optimisation a high-level code
was  chosen.   In  addition,  as  it was hoped that the code
could eventually be used in different  language  processors,
it was decided to keep the structure simple.

   The  complete  compilation process may be thought of as a
sequence of transformations working from the source  program
to  the  final  object  program via a number of intermediate
representations.   As the transformations  are  applied  the
representations become less dependent on the source language
and  more  dependent  on  the  target machine.   In order to
simplify  the  code-generator  as  much  as   possible   the
intermediate  code  must lie as far from the source language
as is possible without straying from the objectives set  out

4.2.1 Objectives

   One  of  the dangers in designing an intermediate code is
that  of  building  into  it  old  techniques  and  standard
expansions  of source constructions, which while they may be
tried and tested cannot in any way be said to be  "the  only
solutions" or even "the best solutions".
   One  of the intentions behind the design of I-code was to
permit the use of varied implementation strategies.   In the
same way  that  the  only  practical definition of a "good"
programming language is  that  it  fits  the  style  of  the
particular  programmer using it, so the measure of the power
of an intermediate code must include the ease with which  it
can  adapt  to  an existing style of code-generator writing.
Inevitably, practical constraints prevent total  generality;
the  most  general  form of a program is a canonical form of
itself, but this is little help in compiling it.
It follows that the intermediate code, while remaining  true
to  the  original  program and distant from "real" machines,
must provide enough  simplification  to  make  the  task  of
code-generation  as  easy  as  possible  without  inhibiting

   From the start it was appreciated  that  an  intermediate
code   suitable   for  use  in  optimising  compilers  would
necessarily require more processing  than  a  code  such  as
O-code  which  was  aimed  at  a quick implementation.   The
original hope was that although each machine-dependent  code
generator  would not be small, typically about 3000-4000 IMP
statements, large portions of one could be taken as a  basis
for  a new implementation.   This has proved to be the case,
and provision of an existing code-generator  as  a  template
greatly   simplifies   the   task  of  creating  a  new  one
(section 6.4.1). Scope

   The first and most fundamental objective in the design of
I-code was that it should support  the  compilation  of  one
specific  language,  IMP-77,  on  many  different  machines.
Considerations  of  using  the  code  to   implement   other
languages  were secondary to this main aim, but were used to
bias the design when a choice had to be  made  from  several
otherwise equally suitable possibilities.   In retrospect, a
few areas of the code could  have  been  made  more  general
without significant overheads in the code generators, mainly
in  the  area of data descriptor definitions, but a detailed
discussion  of  one  intermediate  code  supporting  several
languages is beyond the scope of this work.

   In direct contrast to many intermediate codes, I-code was
not  designed  with the intention of making it convenient to
interpret; the prime aim  was  to  permit  compilation  into
efficient  machine-code.   Nevertheless  it  is  possible to
"compile" I-code into threaded code [Bell, 1973] or  a  form
suitable   for   interpretation,   either  by  generating  a
conventional interpretive code or by  leaving  the  code  in
more-or-less  its  current form but with labels resolved and
descriptors expanded into a more convenient representation. Information preservation

   As  the  translation   of   the   source   program   into
intermediate-code  is  to be machine-independent it will not
be possible to know before code generation what  details  of
the  program will be of interest to the code-generator.   It
follows  that  any  loss  of  information  caused   by   the
translation  is likely to reduce the scope for optimisation.
In addition, not only must the information  present  in  the
source be available at the intermediate-code level, but also
it must be presented in a form in which it can be recognised
easily and used.
For   example,  the  following  two  program  fragments  are
semantically identical:

           A                             B
  |                           |   P = 0                |
  |                           |   cycle                |
  |  TEST for P = 1, 1, 10    |      P = P+1           |
  |                           |      TEST              |
  |                           |   repeat until P = 10  |
  |                           |                        |

However, in "B" the information that the fragment contains a
simple for construction, while not completely lost, has been
scattered through the code, and this dilution of information
will increase the complexity of any  code-generator  wishing
to handle for loops specially.

   To   leave  open  all  avenues  for  optimisation  it  is
necessary therefore, that all of the semantic information in
the source program is preserved in a  compact  form  in  the
I-code.   One  sure  way  of  achieving  this property is to
design the code in such a way as to allow  the  regeneration
of  the  source  program, or at least a canonical form of it
which is not significantly different from the original.   In
this  context  insignificant  differences are the removal of
comments  and  the  standardisation  of  variant  forms   of
statements, such as:
      NEWLINE if COUNT = 0
and: if COUNT = 0 then NEWLINE Target machine independence

   Most existing intermediate codes are built around a model
of  a  machine  which will perform the required computation,
and it is this machine which must be mapped onto the  actual
target computer.   In order to simplify this mapping certain
assumptions are made resulting in the machine being  defined
in  terms  of  fixed-sized  data  objects,  a  fixed  way of
addressing them, and a fixed  set  of  operations  on  them,
usually  involving  some kind of stack.   When compiling for
machines which are similar to the intermediate code  machine
there is little problem in obtaining a reasonable.match, but
when  there  are  major differences it becomes impossible to
convert the code into an efficient machine representation.

   For  these  reasons  it  was  decided  to   make   I-code
independent of actual machine representations; objects would
be  described  once  in  high-level  terms and then all uses
would refer to that definition.   This  immediately  removes
any assumptions about the sizes of data objects and the ways
in  which  they  are  addressed other than those assumptions
built  in  to  the  source  language.    One  of  the   main
difficulties  with  existing codes has been their insistence
on the store containing  a  linear  array  of  equally-sized
objects,  the  difference  between  one  object and the next
being one address unit.   When mapping such a structure onto
real  machines  with  (say)  byte addressed stores, problems
arise with  arithmetic  involving  addresses  as  the  codes
frequently  pun  on  addresses and integer values.   Several
later versions of the codes have attempted  to  solve  these
problems  by  parameterising the intermediate code generator
so that the characteristics of the  target  machine  may  be
used  to  modify the code which is produced.   However, they
still have built  in  to  them  assumptions  about  how  the
objects can be addressed.

   There are so many constraints which can be imposed on the
code  to be generated, such as operating system requirements
and  conventions  for  communicating   with   the   run-time
environment,  that  a parameterised first phase could not be
expected to generate code which  was  well-suited  to  every
The authors of JANUS [Coleman, 1974] write that they believe
that the approach of using a parameterised intermediate code
"...  is  a dead end, and that the adaptability must come in
the translation from the intermediate  language  to  machine
code". Simplification

   For  the  complexity  of  the machine-dependent phases of
compilation  to   be   kept   as   low   as   possible   the
machine-independent  phase  must do as much work as possible
while keeping within the constraints imposed by the previous
objectives.  One way of simplifying the intermediate code is
for certain high-level constructions  to  be  expanded  into
lower-level  constructions,  but only when there is just one
expansion possible under the rules of the language, and that
expansion does not scatter information which may be of later
The most obvious case of such expansion is in  dealing  with
complex conditional clauses such as:
   |   if (A=B and C#D) or (E<F and G>H) then X else Y   |
IMP-77  specifies  that the condition will only be evaluated
as far as is necessary to determine the inevitable truth  or
falsity  of  the  condition,  and  so,  bearing  in mind the
modifications  to  be  discussed  in  section   4.6.1,   the
statement can be represented more simply as:

   |         if A # B  then ->L1     |
   |         if C # D  then ->L2     |
   |   L1:   if E >= F then ->L3     |
   |         if G <= H then ->L3     |
   |   L2:   X                       |
   |         ->L4                    |
   |   L3:   Y                       |
   |   L4:                           |
This  expansion  is  tricky and notoriously error prone, and
therefore is best done once and for all in the common phase.
Similarly it  is  possible  to  expand  all  simple  control
structures into their equivalent labels and jumps, providing
that the structural information is not lost thereby. Decision binding

   In  any  program  there will be various options open to a
code  generator  and  at  some  stage  in  the   compilation
decisions  must  be made as to the particular code sequences
to be generated.   Inevitably these decisions will influence
the code which is produced subsequently.   On the PDP11, for
example, there are two obvious ways of assigning  the  value
in  X  to the variable Y: either MOVe the value in directly,
or move the value into a register first and then assign  the
register.   If  the latter way is chosen the value of X will
be available in the register for  subsequent  use,  although
the former way is better if the value is not required in the
near future.   In order to make use of the information which
may well be presented later it is necessary to  be  able  to
defer  taking  irrevocable decisions until the last possible
moment.   The structure of I-code permits this  delaying  in
the  binding of decisions as it only specifies what needs to
be done in abstract terms (using  descriptors  of  arbitrary
structure and complexity), and does not give instructions as
to how particular results are to be achieved. Ease of use

   Of prime importance in the design of the code is the ease
with  which  it  may  be  used to generate good object code.
Obviously a high-level code  will  by  its  nature  be  more
difficult to handle than a low-level code, but this need not
be  serious  if  the  code  is  consistent  and results in a
convenient expression of the original source.  In particular
the code should be designed to permit extensive checking  to
be  performed during the compilation process to catch errors
in both the intermediate code and the machine-code generator
before those errors are passed on to the  users.   Low-level
codes  are at a serious disadvantage in this respect as they
have lost much of the redundancy present in the source.
4.3 Code layout and addressing

4.3.1 Nested procedure definitions

   A common feature of programming languages is the  ability
to  nest  the  definition  of  a  procedure  within  another
procedure.    In  addition,  several  languages  imply   the
definition of procedures within single statements, as in the
case  of  name  parameters  in  ALGOL-60 where the parameter
which is actually passed can be a reference to a "thunk",  a
procedure to evaluate the parameter.
With  such nesting provision must be made for preventing the
flow of execution from "falling through" into the  procedure
from   the   preceding   statements,  and  this  is  usually
accomplished by planting at the start  of  the  procedure  a
jump  to  the  statement  following the end.   While this is
simple to implement it  does  introduce  extra  instructions
which are not strictly necessary.   With user-defined nested
procedures the overhead can be  minimised  if  a  number  of
procedures  is  defined, as one jump instruction can be used
to skip them all.   Unfortunately thunks will  be  generated
throughout  the  code  in  a more-or-less random way, giving
little opportunity to coalesce the jumps.

   Even if the extra execution time caused by these jumps is
insignificant (the jumps round thunks defined in  loops  get
executed  repeatedly),  the  code  which  they  are skipping
stretches the code in which they are  nested.   On  machines
with  fixed-size jump instructions which can cover the whole
machine, such as the DEC PDP 10, the  stretching  causes  no
problems,  but  if  the addressing is limited, or if several
different  sizes  of  jump  instruction  are  provided,  the
presence  of  the  nested  procedure can result in more code
being produced later in the generation of large jumps.

4.3.2 Paged machines

   On paged machines the overall performance  of  a  program
does  not  depend  solely  on  the  efficiency  of  the code
produced by the compiler but includes a factor depending  on
the  locality  of  references made by the executing program.
Traditionally this locality has been improved by  monitoring
the  execution  of the program and then re-ordering parts of
it in the light of the measurements.   Unfortunately not all
operating  systems provide the user with convenient tools to
enable the measurement to  be  done,  leaving  only  ad  hoc
methods or intuition for guidance.   Without careful control
it is  all  too  easy  to  move  one  procedure  to  improve
references  to it and thereby cause another piece of code to
cross page boundaries and counteract  any  gains  in  paging
performance.   Even  if  the  user  can obtain the necessary
information, a slight change in the program  can  invalidate
the changes.
Notwithstanding these problems it is evident that by careful
structuring   of  a  program  significant  gains  in  paging
behaviour can be obtained and so this option should  not  be
pre-empted  by  the  intermediate-code (as does Z-CODE which
automatically reorders the definitions of procedures).

   The  possibility  of  automatic  improvement  of   paging
behaviour  was  investigated  by Pavelin who showed that the
paging characteristics of a program can be  improved  by  an
automatic reordering of the code [Pavelin, 1970].
Pavelin's thesis describes the breaking-up of a program into
"chunks",  defined  by  branches  and  the  destinations  of
branches.   At each chunk boundary  extra  instructions  are
planted  to cause the updating of a "similarity array" which
records the dynamic characteristics of the  program.   After
several runs the similarity arrays are merged and the result
is  used  to specify a reordering of the chunks which should
improve  the  paging  performance.    In  test   cases   the
working-set  size of the code was reduced by as much as 40%.
The thesis also went on to say that the various  compilation
problems  associated  with  this  "...  can be alleviated by
operating  on  an  intermediate  code   which   is   machine
independent with symbolic code addresses".
4.3.3 Events

   IMP provides a mechanism for signalling the occurrence of
synchronous  "events"  during  the  execution  of a program.
These events  are  either  generated  automatically  as  the
result  of  a  program error, or are signalled explicitly by
the program.   The signalling of the event causes control to
be passed back through the dynamic chain of currently active
blocks until one is found which has specified a trap for the
particular   event  which  has  occurred.    Execution  then
continues from a point in that block determined by the trap.
In order for this to be implemented it is necessary for  the
signal  routine to be able to "unwind" the stack and recover
the environment of the block containing the trap.
If the entry and exit sequences of all blocks are identical,
as, for example, in the standard procedure  entry  mechanism
specified  for  the  DEC VAX 11/780, the unwinding is fairly
trivial.   More commonly, however, the recovery is dependent
on  factors  such  as the textual level of the procedure and
whether it has been optimised or not.   In  such  cases  the
unwinding  can  be  very expensive or even impossible unless
extra information is provided.
For example, on  the  INTERDATA  7/16  a  procedure  at  the
outermost textual level uses register 15 to access its local
stack frame, giving the exit sequence:
 |   LM    7, 4(15)  |
 |   BFCR  0, 8      |
but a procedure nested within this would use register 14
 |   LM    7, 4(14)  |
 |   BFCR  0, 8      |

   It follows that the signal routine  must  be  told  which
base regiser to use at each stage of the recovery.  This can
be  done  either  by  planting  code  in  the entry and exit
sequences of each procedure, or by keeping  a  static  table
associating  procedure  start  and finish addresses with the
appropriate base register.
The first method is poor as it imposes a  run-time  overhead
on  all  procedures,  whether they trap events or not.   The
second method is better but can be complicated if procedures
are nested as the start-finish  addresses  alone  no  longer
uniquely define the procedure.  One solution is to cause all
procedures  which  use  the  same exit sequence to be loaded
into  distinct  areas,  and  to   associate   the   recovery
information  for  the  signal routine with each area.   This
reduces the static overhead to a few words per area,  rather
than a few words per procedure.
4.4 Data addressing

   One of  the  most  important  problems  which  faces  the
compiler  is the addressing of the various data objects used
by the program.
As an example of the difficulties which can arise,  consider
the IMP declarations:
 |   integer X                         |
 |   integer array V(0:999)            |
 |   integer Y                         |
On   a  machine  such  as  the  INTERDATA  7/16  which  uses
base+displacement addressing with a 16-bit displacement, the
whole  of  the  available  storage,  (64K  bytes),  can   be
addressed with a single instruction.   In this case the most
efficient implementation of the array is as  a  row  of  one
thousand  integers  (halfwords)  addressed  directly via the
local name base (LNB):

 | LNB (Local Name Base)                                   |
 |  |                                                      |
 |  |    a   a+2    a+4                a+2000   a+2002     |
 |  v   .---.------.------.           .--------.---.       |
 |  .- -| X | V(0) | V(1) | - - - - - | V(999) | Y | - -   |
 |      .---.------.------.           .--------.---.       |
   This implementation has several points in its favour:

    i    As the size of the array is known at  compile-time,
         no  special  code  is  required  to  create  it  at
         run-time; the necessary storage can be  claimed  on
         entry  to  the  block  along  with  that for simple
         variables, return addresses etc.
    ii   Array references with constant subscripts  need  no
         address  calculations  at  run-time.   For  example
         using V as declared  above,  the  element  V(2)  is
         immediately   addressable   as  the  halfword  with
         displacement "a+2 + 2*2" from LNB.
    iii  In certain more general cases when the subscript is
         a variable, access can be simplified by remembering
         previous calculations.  For example, the address of
         the array element V(X) is
            | addr(V(0)) + X*size of each element |
         In the example above this becomes:
            | LNB+a+2    + X*size of each element |
         which can be rearranged to:
            | a+2        + (X*size of each element+LNB) |
         Hence the following code could be produced (7/16):
          |   V(X) = 0         |
          |                    |
          |   LH   1,X(LNB)    | pick up X
          |   AHR  1,1         | *2 (2 bytes per integer)
          |   AHR  1,LNB       | add in LNB
          |   SHR  0,0         | get zero
          |   STH  0,a+2(1)    | store in V(X)
         Noting  that  the   value   now   in   register   1
         (X*size+LNB)  only  depends  on  the  size  of each
         element, X, and the local name base,  it  is  clear
         that  register  1  can  be used to address the X'th
         element of any integer array of one  dimension  and
         constant  bounds  declared  at  the  current level.
         Hence  if   the   array   W(1:12)   were   declared
         immediately  after  Y  in  the example above, while
         register 1 is not changed W(X) can be addressed  as
   On  the  other  hand, a machine with limited store cover,
such as the Data General NOVA which only  has  an  eight-bit
displacement,  will  almost  certainly force the array to be
implemented as an immediately addressable pointer  which  is
initialised  at  run-time  to the address of storage claimed

 | LNB                                                    |
 |  |                                                     |
 |  |                                                     |
 |  v   .---.---.---.                                     |
 |  .- -| X | V | Y | - - -                               |
 |      .---.---.---.                                     |
 |            |                                           |
 |            |                                           |
 |            |  .------.------.         .--------.       |
 |            +->| V(0) | V(1) | - - - - | V(999) | - - - |
 |               .------.------.         .--------.       |
With this organisation the address of V(X) will be:
   | V + X*size of each element |
and there is little that can  be  done  by  rearranging  the
expression to improve on the "obvious" code (7/16):
 |   V(X) = 0     |
 |                |
 |   LH   1,X     |    pick up X
 |   AHR  1,1     |    double it
 |   AH   1,V     |    add in addr(v(0))
 |   SHR  0,0     |
 |   STH  0,0(1)  |

Not  only is this second code sequence longer than the first
by two bytes, but it will execute more slowly as the  second
addition  involves  a store reference whereas the equivalent
instruction in the first sequence uses a register.

In both cases, however, some simplification can be  done  if
the subscript is an expression of the form:
   |   X plus or minus CONSTANT   |
in which case the constant can be removed from the subscript
expression evaluation and added into the final displacement.
For example (7/16):
  |   V(X-7) = 0           |
  |                        |
  |   LH   1,X             |      pick up X
  |   AHR  1,1             |      double it
  |   AHR  1,LNB           |      and in LNB
  |   SHR  0,0             |      get zero
  |   STH  0,a+2+(-7)*2(1) |
   Unfortunately   even   this   optimisation   may  not  be
available.   For example, the ICL 2900 series performs array
accesses  through  a  DESCRIPTOR  REGISTER,  and  the  extra
displacement cannot be added  into  the  instruction.   Also
some  machines,  such  as  the IBM 360, only permit positive
displacements in instructions.

   The examples above pose the  following  problem:  If  the
intermediate-code  is  to know nothing of the target machine
it cannot know the best way to declare the  array,  nor  the
best  way  to  access  it.   Therefore  the code must always
produce the same sequences for array declarations and  array
accesses.  It follows that these sequences must remain quite
close  to  the  original source and not include any explicit
address calculations.

   As another example, the DEC PDP11 range  has  a  hardware
stack which grows with decreasing store addresses.   Because
of this it could  be  convenient  to  allocate  storage  for
variables  in  that  order,  from  large  addresses to small
addresses.  However, in several cases it may be necessary to
force objects to be created in increasing addresses, such as
when   program   structures   are   to   be   mapped    onto
hardware-defined  structures  in  memory,  resulting  in  an
implementation which requires to be able to  create  similar
objects in different ways depending on the context.
   Finally,  some machines provide instructions in which the
displacement of the operand is scaled before use,  depending
on  the  size  of  that  operand.   The  GEC  4080 is such a
machine, with instructions such as:
   LDB  1     load byte <1>
   LD   1     load halfword, bytes <2> & <3>
   LDW  1     load fullword, bytes <4>,<5>,<6> & <7>
When producing code for such machines it  is  convenient  to
allocate   all  the  local  objects  of  the  same  size  in
particular areas, and then order  the  areas  in  increasing
order of the size of the objects they contain.  This permits
fuller  use  of  the  available  displacement  field  in the
   The solution to these problems which was chosen in I-code
was  to  define  a  DESCRIPTOR  for  each   object   to   be
manipulated.  On input to the code-generator descriptors are
converted  from their machine-independent form to a new form
appropriate  to  the  target  machine.   As  all  subsequent
reference to the object will be through descriptors the code
produced  will  automatically  reflect the decisions made at
the time the descriptors were created.

   As has been discussed previously, it may be  possible  to
remove  the  overhead in setting up addressability for local
variables and parameters if the parameters can  be  held  in
registers  and  the  local  variables  are never referenced.
After examining many procedures which do use local variables
it is clear that a large number of  them  do  not  need  the
complete  overhead  in setting up a local frame base as they
could use the workspace  pointer  (stack  pointer)  instead.
The criterion is that the position of the locals relative to
the  workspace pointer must be known at compile time.   This
reduces  to  the  procedure  not  having  any  objects  with
computed  sizes  (arrays  with computed bounds, for example)
and no calls on procedures which access the locals as  their
global variables.
Consider  the  compilation of the following procedure on the
   | routine MARK(record(cellfm)name CHAIN) |
   |    integer N                           |
   |    N = 0                               |
   |    while not CHAIN == NULL cycle       |
   |       N = N+1                          |
   |       CHAIN_INDEX = N                  |
   |       CHAIN == CHAIN_LINK              |
   |    repeat                              |
   | end                                    |
The code normally produced for this routine would be:
   |      MOV   LNB,-(SP)     | remember old LNB
   |      MOV   DS,-(SP)      | remember DS
   |      MOV   R0,(DS)+      | save the parameter
   |      MOV   DS,LNB        | set up local addressing
   |      ADD   #20,DS        | reserve local space
   |      CLR   10(LNB)       | N = 0
   | $1:  MOV   -2(LNB),R1    | test CHAIN
   |      BEQ   $2            | branch if NULL
   |      INC   10(LNB)       | N = N+1
   |      MOV   10(LNB),2(R1) | CHAIN_INDEX = N
   |      MOV   (R1),-2(LNB)  | CHAIN == CHAIN_LINK
   |      BR    $1            | repeat
   | $2:  MOV   (SP)+,DS      | restore DS
   |      MOV   (SP)+,LNB     | restore LNB
   |      RTS   PC            | return
however, by using workspace pointer (DS) relative addressing
this reduces to:
   |      MOV   R0,(DS)+      |
   |      TST   (DS)+         | reserve local space
   |      CLR   -2(DS)        | N = 0
   | $1:  MOV   -4(DS),R1     | test CHAIN
   |      BEQ   $2            |
   |      INC   -2(DS)        | N = N+1
   |      MOV   -2(DS),2(R1)  | CHAIN_INDEX = N
   |      MOV   (R1),-4(DS)   | CHAIN == CHAIN_LINK
   |      BR    $1            |
   | $2:  SUB   #4,DS         | restore DS
   |      RTS   PC            | return

   This optimisation can be performed quite  simply  by  the
third phase of compilation.
In  the  interface  between  the second and third phases the
code sequences generated by the second phase are made up  of
items of the form:
   <type> <VALUE>
where  <type>  describes  where  <VALUE>  is  to be put, for
example in the code area or in the private  data  area.   To
achieve   the  workspace-pointer-relative  addressing  extra
types are introduced which specify that the associated value
is the displacement of a local  variable  from  LMB.   Other
codes  are needed to be able to modify the operation part of
the instruction which uses the displacements but these  will
be  ignored  here as they cause no difficulty and would just
obscure the discussion.   In addition, an extra  <modify DS>
item  is  output  whenever DS is explicitly altered (as when
parameters are stacked using MOV ??,(DS)+.   By default  the
third  phase  will  treat these extra types as being exactly
equivalent to <code area> types, and will generate the first
sequence of code.  However, if when the end of the procedure
is processed, the second phase  discovers  that  no  dynamic
objects  or  dangerous  procedure  calls  were generated, it
marks the end of the procedure accordingly (in the same  way
as  described  in  section 4.7.2).   This mark instructs the
third phase to relocate all values with the appropriate type
so as to make them relative to DS.   The  <modify DS>  types
are  used  to  keep  the  third  phase's idea of the current
position of DS in step with reality.
4.5 Procedure entry and exit.

   IMP is heavily based on the use of procedures, indeed the
only  method   of   communicating   with   the   controlling
environment  is  by  means  of  procedure  calls.   Also the
techniques of structured programming result in the extensive
use of procedures.  Clearly when writing a compiler for such
languages much thought must be  given  to  making  procedure
entry and exit (and the associated passing of parameters) as
efficient as possible.

4.5.1 User-defined procedures

   The  usual  technique for procedures entry and exit is to
have standard preludes and postludes  which  cover  all  the
different types of procedure.  For example the EMAS IMP code
sequences [Stephens, 1974] are (ICL4/75):
 |      STM  4,14,16(WSP)  | save the current environment
 |      BAL  15, PROC      | enter the procedure
 |      .                  |
 | PROC ST   15,60(WSP)    | save the return address
 |      LR   LNB,WSP       | set up the local stack frame
 |      LA   WSP,***(WSP)  | claim local stack space
 |      BALR 10,0          | set up code addressability
 |      .                  |
 |      .                  |
 |      LM   4,15,16(LNB)  | restore calling environment
 |      BCR  15,15         | return
   While  this  has  proved to be convenient to generate and
efficient to execute it has one major problem, part  of  the
housekeeping of the procedure entry is performed at the call
itself.  This seems undesirable for two reasons:

    i    Procedures  are  generally  called  more often than
         they are defined.   If part of the housekeeping  of
         procedure  entry is done at the call that code will
         be duplicated at each  call,  thus  increasing  the
         size of the program.   Putting that code within the
         procedure reduces the size overhead.

    ii   If the knowledge of what housekeeping needs  to  be
         done  for  procedure  entry  is  needed outside the
         procedure it becomes impossible to alter the  entry
         and  exist  sequences to suit the actual procedure.
         In particular on certain machines it is possible to
         remove the entry and exit sequences altogether when
         the procedures are simple enough.
If  the  4/75  compiler  moved  the  environment-saving  STM
instruction  into  the  body of the procedure the storing of
the return address would be performed automatically:
   |      BAL   15,PROC      |
   |-                    -   |
   | PROC STM   4,15,16(WSP) |
   |      LR    8,WSP        |
   |      ..    ..           |

This not only saves four bytes per call, very important on a
machine with a very severely  limited  immediate  addressing
range,  but  also  reduces  the  overhead  in  entering  the
procedure by one instruction.

A further modification would be to pass one or more  of  the
parameters  in  the  registers,  leaving  the  way  open for
remembering that fact inside the procedure.
Hence a call could be reduced from:
   |      L   1,X           |
   |      ST  1,64(WSP)     |
   |      L   2,Y           |
   |      ST  2,68(WSP)     |
   |      BAL 15,PROC       |   PROC(X, Y)
   |-                      -|
   | PROC STM 4,15,16(WSP)  |
   |      ..  ..            |
   |      L   0,X           |
   |      L   1,Y           |
   |      BAL 15,PROC       |
   |-                      -|
   | PROC STM 4,1,16(WSP)   |
   |      ..  ..            |

   The ability to determine exactly how parameters are to be
passed can be of crucial importance in the efficiency of the
procedure mechanism.
When compiling for the PDP11 the  obvious  calling  sequence
for a procedure with two integer value parameters would be:
   |   MOV   X,-(SP)   |
   |   MOV   Y,-(SP)   |
   |   JSR   PC,PROC   |

Unfortunately this produces problems inside the procedure as
the  return  address,  stacked  by  JSR, is too far down the
stack to permit the use of the RTS  instruction  to  return,
for  this  would  leave  on  the stack the space used by the
parameters.   Neither can the stack be adjusted  before  the
return  which  would  be  made  indirect  through a location
beyond the stack pointer as space there must  be  considered
volatile,   being   used   by  interrupt  handling.    Extra
instructions are needed either at the  call  or  inside  the
procedure  to adjust the stack; the JSR instruction may well
not be "a beauty" as claimed  by  some  implementors  [Bron,
1976].  A MARK instruction has been introduced in an attempt
to  overcome  this problem, but it is far from helpful as it
imposes an arbitrary register convention and puts all of the
overhead on the call rather than on the procedure itself.
On the other hand if all of the parameters can be passed  in
registers,  the  JSR  will put the return address on a clear
stack permitting the use of  RTS  for  the  return.   As  in
practice  most  procedures have few parameters, usually only
one or two, this can give a large saving.
As an example of the power of being able to alter entry  and
exit  sequences  consider  a recursive implementation of the
IMP routine SPACES:
   | routine SPACES(integer N)   |
   |    return if N <= 0         |
   |    SPACES(N-1)              |
   |    SPACE                    |
   | end                         |
 On the PDP10 the straightforward coding for this would be:
    |         MOVE  0, X       | pick up X
    |         MOVEM 0, 3(SP)   | assign the parameter
    |         PUSHJ SP, SPACES | call SPACES
    |-                        -|
    | SPACES: MOVEM LNB,1(SP)  | save old frame base
    |         MOVE  LNB,SP     | pick up new frame base
    |         ADDI  SP,3       | reserve new frame base
    |         SKIPLE 1,2(LNB)  | load, test & skip if X<=0
    |         JRST   LAB1      | jump to LAB1
    |         MOVE   SP,LNB    | restore stack pointer
    |         POPJ   SP        | return
    | LAB1:   SOJ    1, 0      | X-1 -> ACC1
    |         MOVEM  1,3(SP)   | assign parameter
    |         PUSHJ  SP,SPACES | call SPACES
    |         PUSHJ  SP,SPACE  | call SPACE
    |         MOVE   SP,LNB    | restore stack pointer
    |         MOVE   LNB,1(SP) | restore old frame base
    |         POPJ   SP        |
By applying the optimisations of passing the parameter in an
accumulator (called ARG) and remembering that the  parameter
is  in  this accumulator on entry to the procedure, the code
reduces to:
   |         MOVE  ARG,X       | pick up X
   |         PUSHJ SP, SPACES  | call SPACES
   |-                         -|
   | SPACES: MOVEM LNB,1(SP)   |
   |         MOVE  ARG,2(SP)   | assign the parameter
   |         ADDI  SP,3        |
   |         JUMPG ARG, LAB1   | ->LAB1 if ARG > 0
   |         MOVE  SP,LNB      | restore stack pointer
   |         MOVE  LNB, 1(SP)  |
   |         POPJ   SP         | return
   | LAB1:   SOJ    ARG, 0     | parameter = ARG-1
   |         PUSHJ  SP,SPACES  |
   |         PUSHJ  SP,SPACE   |
   |         MOVE   SP,LNB     |
   |         MOVE   LNB,1(SP)  |
   |         POPJ   SP         |
On inspection  it  is  clear  that  the  local  stack  frame
(pointed  at  by  LNB)  is  never  used within the procedure
except by the entry and exit sequences.   Hence by  reducing
those sequences to the absolute minimum the code becomes
   |         MOVE  ARG,X       |
   |         PUSHJ SP, SPACES  |
   |-                         -|
   |         POPJ   SP         |
   | LAB1:   SOJ    ARG, 0     |
   |         PUSHJ  SP,SPACES  |
   |         PUSHJ  SP,SPACE   |
   |         POPJ   SP         |

Finally,  an  opportunistic  optimisation  may  be performed
[Knuth, 1974; Spier, 1976] by noticing that  the  final  two
instructions  may  be  combined  so that the procedure SPACE
uses the return address pushed onto the stack for the return
from SPACES.  This results in the tightest form of the code:
   |         MOVE  ARG,X       |
   |         PUSHJ SP, SPACES  |
   |-                         -|
   |         POPJ   SP         |
   | LAB1:   SOJ    ARG, 0     |
   |         PUSHJ  SP,SPACES  |
   |         JRST   SPACE      |
The final steps in this optimisation can only  be  performed
once the body of the procedure has been compiled.   In order
that the correct (in this case non-existent) entry  sequence
can be used an extra pass over the object code is necessary.
This  pass  can  be  combined  with the process of adjusting
labels and jumps which is carried out in the third phase  of
compilation  described  in section 4.7.   The code generator
can mark the position where an extra  sequence  is  required
and  at  the end of the procedure can inform the third phase
of any salient features found in the body.   The third phase
can then decide on the best entry and exit sequences to use.

This   ability   to   tailor  the  "housekeeping"  parts  of
procedures can be used in many circumstances  to  limit  the
inclusion   of   code   which   is  needed  to  handle  rare
constructions to those procedures which use the feature.
As an example of this consider the ICL 2900 series.
The machines of the series are designed  around  a  hardware
stack,  which  resides  in one, and only one, segment of the
user's virtual memory, and thus limits this  data  space  to
255K  bytes.   In  order to be able to handle programs using
very large arrays  space  must  be  available  off-stack  in
another  segment  or  set  of  consecutive  segments.    The
maintenance  of  this  extra   data   space   will   require
instructions  to  be  executed  on entry to and on exit from
procedures which claim space from it,  but  not  from  those
which   only   use  space  from  the  stack.    These  extra
instructions can be added  to  the  procedure  in  a  simple
manner by the third phase as it now controls the form of the
procedure when all the necessary information is available.

For  these  optimisations  to  be performed the intermediate
code must not lay down rules for procedure entry  and  exit,
rather  it  should  simply mark the points at which suitable
code is required.

   An additional consideration in the design of  the  I-code
for  procedure' entry  and  exit  is the requirement of some
machines for a "pre-call" to be made the prepare a  hardware
stack   for   parameters   prior  to  their  evaluation  and
For example (ICL2900):
   |   PROC(1, 2, 3)   |
   |-                 -|
   |   PRCL   4        |   pre-call
   |   LSS    1        |   load 1
   |   SLSS   2        |   stack it and load 2
   |   SLSS   3        |   stack it and load 3
   |   ST     TOS      |   store it on Top Of Stack
   |   RALN   8        |   raise the Local Name Base
   |                   |   to point to the new frame
   |   CALL   PROC     |

   Following these considerations the form of procedure call
chosen for I-code was:
   |   PROC  P       |   stack procedure descriptor
   |                 |   \
   |   {stack param} |    : repeated for each parameter
   |   ASSPAR        |   /
   |   ENTER         |   enter the procedure

ASSPAR causes the value described on the top of the stack to
be  assigned  to  the  next  parameter,  identified  by  the
procedure  descriptor  second  on  the  stack,  using either
ASSVAL or ASSREF as appropriate.
In order to pass some of the  parameters  in  registers  all
that  need  be  done  is  for  the initial processing of the
descriptors for those  parameters  to  define  then  as  the
appropriate   registers.    PROC   can  then  "claim"  those
registers, the parameter  assignment  will  load  them,  and
finally  ENTER  can  release  them  for subsequent re-use on
return from the procedure.
4.5.2 External procedures

   Most useful languages provide means for  compiling  files
of procedures (and less commonly, data objects) which can be
accessed from other modules.   Also, systems usually provide
extensive libraries of procedures which users of  high-level
languages  will  want  to  access.   In  general an external
procedure is identified by a vector of quantities  including
at  least  the  entry  address  and  a  description  of  the
environment in which the procedure is to execute.  Depending
on the type of operating system in question  the  number  of
quantities  in  this  vector  will change.   When the system
requires a "store image" which has all the  addresses  fixed
before  execution only the entry address is required, as the
code of the procedure can be relocated in  order  to  define
its  environment.   As this method demotes code-sharing to a
limited facility  (making  programs  shareable  is  often  a
privileged  operation), several systems have selected a more
flexible scheme whereby executing programs have a  writeable
"linkage area"  into  which are placed the entry vectors for
procedures.   The code of these procedures may now  be  made
read-only  and  shared  with  only  the  linkage areas being
unique to each user.   These vectors are filled in with  the
references   to   the  externals  either  prior  to  program
execution,  or  dynamically  when  the  procedure  is  first
called.   Finally, it must be noted that the compiler writer
will have little or no control over the  standards  required
by  external procedures unless they have been generated with
the same compiler.   In  particular  the  parameter  passing
mechanisms  'may   be  different  from  those  used  in  the
intermediate code.
In order to cope with these  and  other  considerations  any
intermediate   code   which   permits   access  to  external
procedures  must  be  sufficiently  flexible  to  allow  the
variations to be handled efficiently.

4.5.3 Permanent procedures

   Most  languages  define a set of procedures which will be
available on any implementation without explicit  action  by
the user (such as the IMP procedures ITOS, READSYMPOL, READ,
and   REM).    Such   procedures   are   termed   "permanent
procedures"   It is common for intermediate codes to provide
specific code items to invoke permanent procedures, but this
has the problem that the code-generator must know about  all
such  procedures,  and  the language-dependent phase must be
changed   and   the   intermediate-code   extended   if   an
implementation  wishes  to  make efficient use of procedures
which can be compiled in-line on particular  machines.   For
example  many  machines  provide  an  instruction for moving
blocks of store around and it could be advantageous to  have
a procedure which invoked this instruction directly.

   Before investigating ways of improving the implementation
of  permanent  procedures  it  is  Useful to examine in some
detail the properties of  the  procedures  mentioned  above,
which  were  chosen because they typify the main problems in
this area.

   ITOS  is  a  fairly  complicated  string  function  which
returns   as   its   result  the  decimal  character  string
representation of the  integer  value  passed  to  it  as  a
parameter.   Because  of  its  complexity  this procedure is
almost always best  implemented  as  an  external  procedure
which  is  linked  into  the  program  along  with any other
external entities required.

   REM is an integer function which returns the remainder of
dividing the first integer parameter by the second,  and  on
many  machines  can be efficiently compiled in-line, as most
integer divide instructions provide both  the  quotient  and
the remainder.  However, when compiling for machines such as
the DATA GENERAL NOVA or the DEC PDP11 when they do not have
the   optional  divide  instructions,  division  has  to  be
performed by a complicated subroutine, suggesting  that  REM
itself should be an external procedure like ITOS.

   READSYMBOL   falls  somewhere  between  the  two,  mainly
because it is defined to have a general name parameter, that
is, the parameter may be a reference to any type of  entity:
integer, real, byteinteger, etc.  To implement READSYMBOL as
an external procedure it would have to be passed the general
name  parameter  (comprising  both the address of the actual
parameter and information about its type and precision), and
would have to interpret that parameter in order to  be  able
to   store   the   character,  suitably  converted,  in  the
appropriate way.
A much more  efficient  implementation  is  to  convert  the
into the equivalent form:
where F$READSYMBOL is a function which returns as its result
the  character  value that READSYMBOL would have placed into
its parameter.  Once this is done conversions and the choice
of store operation can be left to the usual assignment  part
of the compiler.

   A  further  complication  can arise if, as in the case of
the INTERDATA 7/16 operating  system,  ISYS  [Dewar,  1975],
several    permanent    procedures    map    directly   onto
system-provided facilities: the function F$READSYMBOL can be
replaced by the supervisor call "SVC 8,0",  SELECT INPUT  by
"SVC 6" etc.

   The difficulty caused by READ is mainly one of space.  As
read  can  input an integer value, a real value, or a string
value depending on the  type  of  its  (general  name  type)
argument,  it is going to be fairly large, especially if the
hardware on which it runs does  not  provide  floating-point
instructions,  forcing  those  functions  to be performed by
subroutine.   It follows that on small  systems  it  may  be
convenient  to  replace  calls  on  READ by calls on smaller
procedures, chosen at compile-time by examining the type  of
the  parameter  given  to  READ, which input solely integer,
real, or string values.

   Finally it should be noted  that  the  substitutions  and
modifications  discussed  above  may  only  be  generated as
replacements for direct  calls  on  the  procedure;  if  the
procedure  is  passed as a parameter to another procedure no
alterations are  possible  and  a  "pure"  version  must  be
available.  As passing a procedure as a parameter is totally
distinct  from  calling  the  procedure  this  case does not
prevent the improvements being carried out where possible.

   It should now be clear that the efficient  implementation
of   permanent  procedures  will  differ  greatly  from  the
implementation   of   user-defined   procedures,   and   the
implementation   of   permanent   procedures   on  different
machines.    Hence  the  intermediate-code  must   make   no
assumptions  about  either  which  permanent  procedures are
available or how they are to be implemented.
As a side-effect of removing any  built-in  properties  from
permanent  procedures  it  becomes  possible  for  a  simple
code-generator  to  ignore  any  possibility  of   producing
special code and compile them all as externals.
   These  transformations  of procedures can only be applied
when the procedures are invoked (called) directly�  In  the
case  of  procedures  passed as parameters all calls will of
necessity be the same  and  hence  either  it  will  not  be
possible to pass some permanent procedures as parameters, an
unfortunate  limitation  imposed  by  several  languages, or
there must be a "pure" form  of  the  procedures  available.
This  latter  can  be  done  very simply using I-code.   The
primitive procedure descriptors are defined  exactly  as  if
the procedures were truly external, but with an extra marker
showing  them  to  be "permanent".   The only time that this
marker is used is in the procedure call  generating  section
of  the  compiler.   If  the  procedure is being passed as a
parameter this section of the compiler is not entered and so
the procedure will be passed as an external.   All  that  is
now  necessary  is for there to be an external manifestation
available when the program executes.   This method  has  the
added  advantage  that  there  is  no compile-time overhead,
especially important considering that passing procedures  as
parameters is one of the least-used features of IMP77.

4.5.4 Primitive Procedures

   It  is  rare  for machines to provide simple instructions
which can deal directly with  all  of  the  requirements  of
high-level  languages and so several constructions will have
to be handled by subroutines.   The code generator may  then
refer  to  these  "primitive procedures" as though they were
machine instructions.   The cases in which  such  procedures
are   required   commonly   include  exponentiation,  string
manipulation, and array declaration and access.
Given these  procedures  the  code-generator  has  a  choice
between calling them as closed subroutines or expanding them
in-line.   The  former  produces dense code but will execute
more slowly than the latter (and possibly  suffer  from  not
knowing  what  is  corrupted  by  the  routine and therefore
having to forget everything it knows).   On the  other  hand
while  the  expansion  of  primitive procedures in-line will
improve the execution  speed  of  the  program,  it  becomes
necessary  for  the  code-generator to be able to create the
appropriate code sequences and thereby become more bulky.
Once again the choice must be left to the code-generator  as
the  benefits  of  a particular decision will depend on both
the target machine and the use to which the compiler  is  to
be   put.    If  the  compiler  is  to  be  used  for  large
mathematical problems it is likely that the  gains  made  by
putting    exponentiation    in-line   will   outweigh   the
disadvantage  of   the   extra   code   size,   whereas   in
operating-system  work  as  exponentiation is probably never
needed, the extra complexity of the code generator to expand
the routine would not be desirable.
Given  that  some  of  the  primitive  procedures  will   be
referenced  often  (checked array access, for example) it is
important that  entry  to  them  is  made  as  efficient  as
possible and in this area the ability to reorder code can be
used to great effect.
   In   the  original  Interdata  7/32  IMP77  compiler  the
primitive routines were gathered together at the end of  the
user's  code,  as  it  was only then that it was known which
procedures were required.
   |         | <- CODE BASE (register 15)
   |   USER  |
   |   CODE  |
   |         |
   |         |
   |   PRIM  |
   |  PROCS  |
   |         |

With this scheme programs of 16Kbytes or less can  reference
the    primitive   procedures   with   32-bit   instructions
(program-counter relative addressing).   Unfortunately  once
the  program  grew  beyond  this limit the larger and slower
48-bit form of the instructions had to be used in  order  to
achieve  addressability.   In the IMP77 code generator there
were 352 such large instructions.
In the new compiler the object code is  reordered  to  place
the  primitive  procedures  at  the  head of the user's code
where they can be addressed relative to CODE BASE.
   |         | <- CODE BASE (register 15)
   |   PRIM  |
   |  PROCS  |
   |         |
   |         |
   |   USER  |
   |   CODE  |
   |         |

The immediate disadvantage of this is that it will push  the
user's  procedures  further  away  from  CODE BASE and hence
increase the chances of a user procedure reference requiring
a long (48-bit) instruction.   However in practice  this  is
not  a problem as the total size of the primitive procedures
is usually quite small, typically less than 800 bytes on the
7/32.  The IMP77 code generator mentioned above now needs no
long references at all, saving 724 bytes  of  code,  out  of
about 40Kbytes.  The compression of the code so achieved can
be  enhanced  slightly  by bringing the destinations of more
jumps into the short-jump range, giving an extra  saving  of
20  bytes the case above.   In addition, now that a register
(CODE BASE) is pointing to the first primitive procedure the
list of procedures required can be reordered  to  place  the
most  frequently  referenced  one  first  and thereby reduce
references     to     it     to     16-bit      instructions
When  compiling  with  checks  on,  by far the most commonly
referenced primitive procedure is the routine which  checks
for  the use of an unassigned variable (over 2000 references
to it in the code generator), and this trivial  optimisation
results in a saving of more than 4000 bytes.
4.6 Language-specified and compiler-generated objects

   During compilation various objects will be manipulated in
order to generate code.  Some of these objects have a direct
representation in the source program and are referred to  as
"language-specified"  objects, whereas others are created by
the compilation  process  itself  and  are  referred  to  as
"compiler-generated"    objects.     The   fact   that   the
compiler-generated objects will be (or can be constrained to
be) used in a stereotyped and well-behaved  fashion  can  be
used  to great advantage to give simple means for optimising
parts of the program.

4.6.1 Internal labels

   Using most intermediate codes the following program parts
would translate into effectively identical sequences:
   |       ->LAB   if X = 0   |     if X # 0 start       |
   |       Y = 3              |        Y = 3             |
   | LAB:                     |     finish               |

   At first glance this is as it  should  be,  for  the  two
program  fragments  are  semantically  identical  and  could
therefore be  implemented  by  the  same  object  code,  for
example on the PERKIN-ELMER 3200:
 |    L   1,X      | pick up X and set the condition code
 |    BZ  $1       | branch equal (to zero)
 |    LIS 0,3      | pick up 3
 |    ST  0,Y      | store it in Y
 | $1:             | define label $1
However,  if it is known that the label $1 will only ever be
used once, the code-generator may remember that the  current
value  of  the  variable  X  will  still  be  in  register 1
following the label, and thus remove the need for it  to  be
loaded  again  if  it  is  required  before  register 1 gets
altered.   In the case of user-defined labels  no  statement
can be made about the number of uses of each label without a
complete  analysis  of  the  parts  of the program where the
label is in scope.
This  suggests  that  I-code   should   maintain   a   clear
distinction   between  user-defined  and  compiler-generated
labels.   Also, by making the rule  that  compiler-generated
labels  may  only be used once, the internal representations
of labels may be reused by the code-generator, removing  the
necessity  for  large  tables  of  label definitions in this
phase of compilation.
   This  now  leaves  the  question  of  how  to   represent
conditional  jumps  in  the  intermediate  code.   The first
observation is  that  user-specified  jumps  need  never  be
conditional  as they can always be surrounded by appropriate
compiler-generated conditional jumps.   This can be used  to
restrict  the  processing  of  conditions  and  tests to the
compiler-generated jumps.  The second observation is that in
IMP77 conditionals are always associated with the comparison
of two values or the testing of an implied boolean  variable
(predicates and string resolution).
There  are  currently  three  main  ways in which processors
handle this:
    1    "compare" instructions are used  to  set  flags  or
         condition-codes  which  represent  the relationship
         between two values (one of which is  frequently  an
         implied value of zero).   These condition-codes are
         later used to control the execution of  conditional
         branch  instructions.   This  method is used in the
         PDP11: COMP, BNE etc.).

    2    Instructions are provided which compare two  values
         as  above  but  instead  of setting condition-codes
         they  skip  one  or  more  subsequent  instructions
         depending on a specified relationship.  By skipping
         unconditional  branches  in  this  way  conditional
         branch sequences may be generated.   This method is
         used in the PDP10: SKIPE etc.

    3    Instructions  are provided which compare two values
         and  branch  to  a  specified  label  if  a   given
         relationship  holds.   This  method  is used in the
         PDP10: JUMPNE etc.
   P-code uses compare instructions to set the boolean value
TRUE or FALSE on the stack and then uses this  value  either
as  an  operand in an expression or to condition a branch (a
variant of technique 1 above).
Z-code tests the  value  in  a  register  against  zero  and
branches accordingly (technique 3 above).
   These  three  techniques  have  fairly  obvious  possible
representations in I-code:

      if X = Y start

      1)   PUSH   X
           PUSH   Y
           COMP            {set condition code}
           BNE    1        {branch not equal}

      2)   PUSH   X
           PUSH   Y
           SKIPE           {compare and skip if equal}
           GOTO   1

      3)   PUSH   X
           PUSH   Y
           JUMP # 1        {compare and branch if not equal}

All three  of  these  representations  have  been  tried  in
different versions of I-code.
Technique  2)  was  rejected  as  it  proved  cumbersome  to
implement effectively, especially on machines which did  not
use  skips; either the code-generator had to "look ahead" to
be able to locate the destination  of  the  skip  (which  is
dependent  on  the  instruction  being  skipped) or to check
before each instruction whether  on  not  a  skip  had  been
processed  earlier  and  its  destination  had  not yet been
Technique 1) was perfect for machines  with  condition-codes
but  required  look-ahead  over subsequent jumps on machines
which used skips.

Both 1) and 2) had the additional problem that  to  generate
conditional branches two separate I-code instructions had to
be  given.   In  the  case of 1) condition-codes are usually
altered  by  many  instructions  not  directly  involved  in
comparison  and  hence the compare and its associated branch
must be made adjacent.   With 2) there is the possibility of
generating  meaningless  constructions  such  as  skipping a
line-number definition instruction.   These difficulties add
complexity  to  the  definition of the intermediate code and
require extra checks in the code generator.

   Thus the third form was chosen as  the  most  convenient,
even  though  all  three forms can be suitable defined to be
totally  equivalent.   In  particular  the  third  technique
provides  all the relevant information to the code-generator
in  one  instruction,  and  has  proved  to  be  simple  and
effective   as   a   basis  for  generating  code  for  both
condition-code and skip sequences.
   Using these ideas the following is the expansion  of  the
statements given at the start of section 4.6.1.

     ---------------- -----------------
    |   PUSH     X   |   PUSH      X   |
    |   PUSHI    0   |   PUSHI     0   |
    |   COMP #   1   |   COMP =    1   |
    |   JUMP     LAB |                 |
    |   LOCATE   1   |                 |
    |   PUSH     Y   |   PUSH      Y   |
    |   PUSHI    3   |   PUSHI     3   |
    |   ASSVAL       |   ASSVAL        |
    |   LABEL    LAB |   LOCATE    1   |
     ---------------- -----------------

4.6.2 Temporary objects

   During  the  compilation of high-level languages it often
becomes necessary to create temporary objects which are  not
present  in  the  source program.   The most common need for
temporaries is in the evaluation of expressions.  Regardless
of the number of accumulators or registers available  it  is
always  possible  to  construct  an  expression  which  will
require one more.   To  obtain  this  register,  a  register
currently in use must be selected and the value currently in
it  must  be  saved  in a temporary location.   One apparent
exception to this is a  machine  in  which  expressions  are
evaluated  using  a stack (e.g.   ICL 2900) but in this case
the operands are always in temporaries.
Temporary  variables  may  also  be  required  to  implement
certain  high-level  constructions,  such  as  the  IMP  for
   | for V = A, B, C cycle |
which is defined so that the initial values of B and C,  and
the  initial  address  of the control variable, V, are to be
used to control the loop regardless of any assignments to V,
B and C.   While it is possible  for  a  machine-independent
optimiser  to  discover whether these variables are modified
in the  loop  or  not,  in  the  simple  case  where  little
optimisation   is  required  the  code  generator  must  use

In the case of expression evaluation, however,  the  machine
independent  phase  cannot know how many temporaries will be
required.   Even giving the first  phase  knowledge  of  the
number  of  registers  available is not adequate for several
reasons.   Firstly, the use of registers is commonly tied to
the  operations  being  performed, as in the case of integer
multiply on  several  machines  which  requires  a  pair  of
registers.  For a machine-independent first phase to be able
to  cope  with  this  sort of limitation would require great
flexibility of parameterisation.
Secondly, the first phase would have to be given details  of
the problems encountered in statements such as:
   | LEFT = REM(A,5) + REM(B,7) |

On a PDP11 equipped with the EIS option a divide instruction
is  available  which  provides  both  the  quotient  and the
remainder.  Hence the statement could be compiled into:

   |   MOV   A,R1    |
   |   SXT   R0      | propagate the sign of A
   |   DIV   R0,#5   | remainder to R1
   |   MOV   B,R3    |
   |   SXT   R2      |
   |   DIV   R2,#7   | remainder to R3
   |   ADD   R2,R0   |
   |   MOV   R0,LEFT |

In this case no  temporary  store  locations  are  required.
However, if the EIS option is not present no DIV instruction
is  present  and so a subroutine must be used instead.   The
code becomes:

   |   MOV   A,R1    |
   |   MOV   #5,R2   |
   |   JSR   PC,DIV  | result back in R1
   |   MOV   R1,T1   | preserve remainder
   |   MOV   B,R1    |
   |   MOV   #7,R2   |
   |   JSR   PC,DIV  | result in R1
   |   ADD   T1,R1   |
   |   MOV   R0,LEFT |

As the subroutine REM uses R1 (for one of its arguments  and
to  return  its  result) the result of the first call on REM
must be saved in a temporary, T1.   Of course, the  function
REM could be written so as to preserve the value in, say, R2
and  this  could  be  used  instead  of  T1,  but this would
increase the cost of REM when it is likely that the value in
R2 will not be  of  use  as  most  expressions  are  trivial
[Knuth, 1971].

Unless  the  machine-independent  phase  is  given  intimate
knowledge  of   the   target   machine   (something   of   a
contradiction)  it  cannot  know how many temporaries to use
nor when to use them.

The solution adopted by most intermediate codes is  to  base
the  code around a stack, thus providing an unlimited number
of temporaries which are handled automatically.   While this
in  itself  does  not  hinder  the compilation for a machine
without a hardware stack, as the code-generator  can  always
simulate  the  stack  internally,  its  presence  invariably
results in other parts of the code using it, for example  to
pass  parameters to procedures where the receiving procedure
contains built-in knowledge of the layout of the stack.

   As a stack does  not  require  the  explicit  mention  of
temporaries  it  has been adopted by I-code, but purely as a
descriptive mechanism.   Because I-code does not specify the
computation  but the compilation process needed to produce a
program which will perform the  computation,  this  internal
stack   need  have  no  existence  when  the  final  program
   The implementors of SIMPL-T describe an intermediate code
with  some  properties  similar  to  I-code,  but  based  on
"quadruples"  of  operators  and  operands  rather  than  an
internal stack  [Basili,  1975].   The  stack  approach  was
rejected  by  them  because "quads allow more flexibility in
the design of the code  generator  since,  for  example,  no
stack is required".   The exact meaning of this is not clear
but  it  suggests  the  misconception  that  a   stack-based
intermediate   code   forces   a   stack-based  object  code
representation.   Regardless of the exact structure  of  the
code  generator or the input it takes, some form of internal
stack  is  invariably  required  for  operations   such   as
protecting intermediate values in registers which are needed
for  other  purposes,  and  it seems reasonable to make this
stack  more  explicit  if  so  doing   will   simplify   the
intermediate code and its processing.
                 4.7 Object file generation

   Once a  program  has  been  compiled  into  sequences  of
machine  code  instructions  there still remains the task of
producing an object file in a form suitable  for  processing
by  the operating system (if any) under which the program is
to be executed.   This task was separated from the main part
of  code  generation  (the  second phase) and has become the
third phase of compilation for the following reasons:

    i    The particular format required in the final  object
         file  will vary on any particular machine depending
         on the operating system in use.   As this is  to  a
         large  extent  independent  of  the  code sequences
         needed to implement  the  program  it  was  thought
         sensible to keep the processes separate.

    ii   Even  following  the  generation of the code by the
         second phase there remain  many  opportunities  for
         further  optimisation,  both global and structural,
         which require information only available  once  the
         complete  program  has been compiled.   Rather than
         build in global  analysis  into  the  second  phase
         these optimisations were left to a third phase.
   The  third  phase  takes  as  its  input two data streams
generated by the second phase.  These streams are:

    i    The object stream, a sequence of items of the form:
         <type> <value>*   defining   the   code   sequences
         required in the object file.

    ii   the  directive stream, a sequence of items defining
         the logical structure of the object stream, that is
         a specification  of  label  definitions  and  label
         references,  and  details of various code groupings
         (blocks, procedures etc.).

The third phase starts by taking in the directive stream and
constructing a linkage map  describing  the  whole  program.
This  linkage  map is processed and then used to control the
generation of the final object file from the object  stream.
The operations performed using the map are:

4.7.1 Reordering

   As  discussed  previously,  there are several gains to be
made by having the ability  to  output  instructions  in  an
order  different from that in which they were implied by the
linear structure of the source program.   This reordering is
performed on the linkage map in a manner controlled by items
in  the  directive  stream.   In  the  most  simple  case of
exbedding  procedures  (section  4.3.1)  this  only  entails
allocating  code addresses to the items in the map each time
an "end-of-block" control item is input,  resulting  in  the
procedures being laid out in "end" order.
To  facilitate evaluating references to the reordered areas,
all references in the object stream are made relative to the
start of the appropriate area.
As this process does not cause the physical  moving  of  the
various  areas  there  is an implicit assumption that either
the subsequent processing of the object stream  can  do  the
reordering  (for  example  by writing its output to specific
sections of a direct-access file), or that the  object  file
format   can  instruct  the  loader  or  linker  to  do  the

   With the linkage map available  it  becomes  possible  to
make  a  preliminary  pass over the object stream performing
structural modifications  which  require  knowledge  of  the
generated   code  and  which  alter  its  size  and  general
appearance.   These modifications may be made by passing the
object stream through a buffer which is scanned and modified
under the control of the linkage table.  In this way merging
common code sequences and reordering the arms of conditional
sequences may be achieved quite simply.
4.7.2 Jumps and Branches
   Following  the construction of the linkage map structural
optimisations  may  be  performed  on  jumps.    The   three
optimisations which are currently applied are:

     i    Use of the smallest instruction

             A  common  feature  of machines  is  that  they
         provide a variety of  sizes  of  jump  instruction,
         depending  on  the reason for the jump (conditional
         or unconditional) and the distance to be jumped.

         e.g. PDP11
         BEQ  (2 byte instruction) conditional  jump  up  to
              256 bytes in either direction.
         JMP  (4  byte  instruction)  unconditional  jump to

              Perkin-Elmer 3200
         BFBS (2 byte instruction) conditional jump
              forward (F) or backward (B)  up  to  32  bytes
         BFC  (4   byte  instruction)  conditional  jump  to
              within 16Kbytes of the current instruction.
         BFC  (6 byte variant) conditional jump to anywhere.
            In typical programs the frequency of  occurrence
         of such jumps is:

                           PDP11    PE3200
                2 byte   |   88%      28%   |
                4 byte   |    8%      71%   |
                6 byte   |    2%      <1%   |

            It  has  been  suggested  [Brown, 1977] that the
         problem of deciding which form of jump to  use  can
         be  eased  on  certain  machines  by  specifying  a
         "distance" parameter with  the  intermediate  code,
         e.g.  "GOTO LAB,80"  informing  the  code generator
         that the label LAB is 80 instructions ahead.
         It is difficult to think of any case in which  this
         could  be  of  any  use  as  it  requires  the code
         generator to be  able  to  predict  the  amount  of
         target  machine-code  which  will  be generated for
         each intermediate code instruction.

            The solution adopted by the  IMP  compilers  has
         been  for  the  code  generator  to assume that all
         jumps are the minimum size, and to  let  the  third
         phase stretch them where necessary.
         The  Perkin-Elmer  CAL  assembler [Interdata, 1974]
         makes the opposite assumption,  namely  that  jumps
         are long until proven short.   This was rejected as
         the size of one jump is often dependent on another,
         so that one of them will be short if  and  only  if
         both  of  them  are  short.   By assuming them long
         either they will never be found to be short, or the
         process  will  have  to  examine  all   the   jumps
         repeatedly  trying  each  jump in turn to see if it
         can be "squeezed".   Commonly enabling the  "SQUEZ"
         option  in  the  CAL assembler can double or treble
         the time to assemble programs.
         With the assumption that all jumps start short  and
         then grow, all truly short jumps will be found with
         no  possibility  of  infinite loops, as the process
         must terminate, in the  worse  case  when  all  the
         jumps have been made long.

            Several  methods for achieving this optimisation
         have been  described  [Szymanski,  1978;  Williams,

         The  technique used by the third phase of the IMP77
         compilers for stretching jumps is as follows.

         Once the  linkage  map  has  been  constructed  and
         addresses  provisionally  allocated, all labels and
         references to them are  grouped  according  to  the
         block  in  which  they  occurred.   This is to take
         advantage of the fact that most references will  be
         local.   A  procedure  STRETCH is now defined which
         repeatedly  attempts  to  lengthen  each  reference
         within a particular group.  If a reference is found
         which  must  be stretched, the entry in the linkage
         map is  updated  and  all  subsequent  entries  are
         suitably  modified to take account of the increased
         size of the code.  The process is repeated until no
         alterations have been made.

         STRETCH is first called  once  for  each  group  of
         references  in  the program.   This "local stretch"
         commonly resolves up to 80% of the  references.   A
         final  call  on  STRETCH  is then made with all the
         references lumped together as one group in order to
         resolve references between blocks,  and  any  local
         references  which,  although processed by the local
         stretch, have become invalidated by changes made by
         the "global stretch".

            The use of a local and a global  stretch  has  a
         considerable  effect  on  the  performance  of  the
         compiler; If the calls on "local stretch" are taken
         out "global stretch" has to  do  all  the  work  in
         ignorance  of  the  block-structure  of the labels.
         This involves repeated searching  of  the  complete
         label  and reference lists in order that changes in
         the position of these items may  be  recorded.   On
         the  Interdata  7/32  this increases the stretching
         time for 1968 branches from 2.3 seconds  out  of  a
         total  compilation  time  of  146  seconds up to 35
         The time taken to perform the stretching using both
         local and global stretch is on average just over if
         of the total compilation time  excluding  the  time
         for input and output.

         Wulf  et  al. describe an optimisation on the PDP11
         which   attempts   to   shorten   otherwise    long
         conditional  jumps  by making them jump to suitable
         jumps to the same destination as  this  is  smaller
         and  faster  than  the  six byte instructions which
         would be generated by default [Wulf,  1975].   This
         was  tried  but  eventually  removed from the PDP11
         compiler as finding suitable jumps  was  a  tedious
         task and of the average 2% of jumps which were long
         in  compiling many programs only one case was found
         where the optimisation could be applied.  That case
         was in a program specially constructed to test  the

            At the same time that jumps and labels are being
         processed,  certain  operations which depend on the
         flow of control may be inserted into the code.

         The GEC  4080  provides  a  good  example  of  this
         problem which can be handled elegantly by the third
         The  machine provides arithmetic instructions which
         take either fixed point or floating point  operands
         depending  on  the state of a processor status bit.
         This bit must be altered by  the  instructions  SIM
         (Set  Integer  Mode)  and  SFM (Set Floating Mode).
         During code generation when a label is  encountered
         the  state of the status bit will not in general be
         known, and so a suitable mode switching instruction
         will  need  to   be   planted.;   frequently   this
         instruction will be redundant.   Given the presence
         of the third phase, the second phase  merely  needs
         to  mark  jumps  with the current state of the bit,
         and to mark labels with the required state (and the
         previous state of the  bit  if  control  can  "fall
         through"  past  the  label.   During the process of
         expanding jumps these mark bits can be checked.  If
         all references to a label have the  same  mode,  no
         action  needs  to  be taken, but if the bits differ
         the appropriate instruction must be added.   As  an
         extra  improvement  if  only one jump to a label is
         from the wrong mode, the mode switching instruction
         can be planted before that jump rather  than  after
         its  destination label, so shortening the execution
         paths when no change is required.

    ii   Conflating jumps to jumps.
         Nested   conditional   structures   in   high-level
         languages  often  generate jumps which take control
         directly to another jump.   If the second jump  can
         be  shown always to be taken whenever the first is,
         the latter can be redefined as jumping directly  to
         the destination of the former.
            e.g.   -----------------------------------
                  | while N > 0 cycle                 |
                  |    N = N-1                        |
                  |    if N > 5 then TEST1 else TEST2 |
                  | repeat                            |
         In  this  program  following  the call on TEST1 the
         else  causes  a  jump  to  be  taken  to  the  next
         statement  (repeat).   This  statement  is simply a
         jump back to the previous cycle.
         Hence the following code can be generated (3220):

                  | $1:  L   1,N      |
                  |      BLE $3       |
                  |      SIS 1,1      |
                  |      ST  1,N      |
                  |      CHI 1,5      |
                  |      BLE $2       |
                  |      BAL 15,TEST1 |
                  |      B   $1       |
                  | $3:  BAL 15,TEST2 |
                  |      B   $1       |

         The  danger  with  this  optimisation  is  that  an
         otherwise short jump can be expanded to a long jump
         as the following program demonstrates:

               |   if X = 1 start     |
               |      if Y = 1 start  |
               |         {A}          |
               |      else            |
               |         {B}          |
               |      finish          |
               |   else               |
               |      {C}             |
               |   finish             |
         The  else  following the sequence (A) causes a jump
         to the next else which jumps past the  finish.   In
         that  form  the first jump only has to skip (B) and
         is likely to be a short jump.   If it  is  made  to
         jump  directly to the second finish it has to cover
         {B} and {C}, so reducing the chances of  its  being
         Equally,  the position can be reversed resulting in
         the optimised jump being short  when  the  original
         was  long.   If  this problem is considered serious
         the third phase can check the sort  of  jump  which
         would be generated and act accordingly.

    iii  Removal of jumps round jumps.
         Statements such as:
               | ->LABEL if X = Y |

         are  common,  either  in  the explicit for as given
         above or in some higher-level  representation  such
               | exit if X = Y |
         The  simple  code sequence generated for this would
         be similar to (3220):
               |    L   1,X   |  pick up X
               |    C   1,Y   |  compare with Y
               |    BNE $1    | branch not equal
               |    B   LABEL | jump to LABEL
               | $1:          |

         by combining the  two  branches  the  code  can  be
         reduced to:
               |    L   1,X   |
               |    C   1,Y   |
               |    BE  LABEL |

         While  it  is possible for the code generator to do
         this  immediately  it  was  decided  to  leave  the
         optimisation to the third phase for four reasons:

         1    The  third phase can perform this optimisation
              simply,   almost   as   a    side-effect    of
              constructing the linkage map.

         2    The  are  several cases where the optimisation
              can be extended in ways which would be awkward
              for  the  second  phase  to  deal  with.    In
              particular, it would have either to look ahead
              or to be able to modify code sequences already
              generated.   With  a third phase, however, the
              optimisation  reduces  to  a   straightforward
              inspection of the linkage map.  For example:
                 |    exit if X = Y |
                 | repeat           |

              in  which case the optimisation may be applied
              twice to reduce the code to two instructions.

         3    Leaving the  optimisation  to  a  later  phase
              simplifies  the second phase which is the most
              complicated part of the compiler.

         4    On several machines if the destination of  the
              jump  is too far away the original "jump round
              a jump" may be the only form  available  (e.g.
              PDP11).   The  distance to be jumped will only
              be known exactly when  all  labels  have  been

4.7.5 In-line constants
   When compiling for machines such as the Data General NOVA
which   have  a  limited  direct  addressing  range  and  no
full-length immediate operands, it is  useful  if  constants
can  be  planted  in  the  code  sequence  and  addressed as
program-counter-relative operands.   The simplest  technique
for  doing, this is for the code generator to maintain a list
of required constants and to dump them in-line at a suitable
opportunity before the  limit  of  addressability  has  been
exceeded.   Such  constants  will  need to be protected from
being executed and so will need to have a jump round them or
will have to be planted in a "hole" In  the  code,  that  is
between an unconditional jump and the next label.   As holes
occur  frequently  in  high-level  languages  (for   example
following  every  else  or  repeat) and do not require extra
code to be planted round the constants,  they  must  be  the
preferred position for the constants.   In order to minimise
the number of constants planted it is necessary to delay the
dumping of them until the last possible moment, making  them
as near the forward limit of the addressability of the first
outstanding  reference.   This  increases  the  chance  on a
subsequent reference to the constant being able  to  address
the previous location.
This  poses  problems  if  the second phase is to handle the
constants as it cannot know which is  the  optimum  position
for   the   constants  in  advance  of  producing  the  code
(especially if the code is to be reordered).
A convenient solution is to utilise the linkage table in the
third phase and include in it references  to  constants  and
the  locations  of  holes and "forced" holes, that is places
where an extra jump is required.
Following the initial resolution of jumps (4.7.?)  the  list
of  constants  can  be  examined  and holes allocated.   The
labels are processed again to take account of the extra code
and any alignment limitations.  During the processing of the
object stream the constants are infiltrated into the  object
4.8 Summary

   The  major  decisions  about  the  design of the compiler

    a)   All  information  present  in  the  source  program
         should be easily visible in the intermediate code.

    b)   The     intermediate     code    should    be    as
         machine-independent as the source language.
    c)   The  code  generator  should  be  split  into   two
         distinct   phases   joined  by  a  stream  of  code
         fragments  and   a   linkage   map   defining   the
         connections between them.

    d)   The  intermediate  code  should  handle  objects in
         terms of language-dependent descriptors  which  are
         converted    into   appropriate   machine-dependent
         descriptors by the second phase.

    e)   The intermediate code  should  distinguish  clearly
         between  objects explicitly specified in the source
         program and those implied by the translation.

    f)   All decisions about code and data  addressing  must
         be left to the code-generator.
             5 Review of the overall structure
5.1 Division of function

   The division of  the  machine-dependent  phase  into  two
parts was motivated by three main considerations:

    i    to   localise  the  changes  necessary  to  produce
         different object-file formats,

    ii   to permit the reordering of sections of the code,

    iii  to enable the production of  short  jumps  whenever

In  addition  it  turns  out that on all of the machines for
which this technique has currently been applied points  (ii)
and (iii) can be handled by almost identical pieces of code,
making  this  phase  of compilation machine-independent to a
large extent and therefore easing the task of  creating  new

   Against  this  must  be  set  the  overheads  incurred by
separating the compilation into  two  parts  which  have  to
communicate.   The  interface  between  phases two and three
comprises the object file and the directive  file,  and  the
third phase needs to process the whole of the directive file
before starting to look at the object file.
The  ways  in which  these 'files' will be implemented, and
consequently the cost of the communication, will in  general
vary  from system to system.   If large virtual memories are
available the data may be held in memory as mapped files  or
arrays  and  accessed  much more efficiently than on simpler
systems using the conventional approach of 'true' files with
their more cumbersome transfer operations.

5.2 Testing and development

   Although the initial reason for  choosing  a  multi-phase
approach to compiling was that of simplifying the generation
of  new compilers, an extra advantage arose in that the task
of checking the compilers so produced and diagnosing  faults
in  them was very much simplified.   This was because of two
features of the technique.
Firstly, the programs corresponding to the  phases  were  of
managable  size,  varying from about one thousand statements
up to three thousand statements.
Secondly, the phases  communicated  with  each  other  using
well-defined  interfaces  which could be monitored to narrow
down errors to a particular phase and even to specific parts
of that phase.

In addition, as  the  structure  of  the  intermediate  code
inevitably  suggests the general techniques to apply in code
generation, many of  the  complete  compilers  on  different
machines  had  great  similarities;  usually only the lowest
levels of code production and machine-specific  optimisation
were appreciably different.
This gave rise to three convenient properties with regard to
testing and development:
    i    An  error  in  one  compiler  will  frequently give
         notice of similar faults in others.   Clearly,  any
         faults in the common first phase will be present in
         all  the  compilers and only one correction will be

    ii   An improvement in the performance of one  compiler,
         or  the  code  it  generates,  can  suggest similar
         improvements in others.

    iii  The third effect on reflection  seems  obvious  yet
         was noted with some surprise.  The systems on which
         most  of  the  investigation  was done are run with
         very  different  operating  systems  and  used   by
         different   types  of  user.    These  two  factors
         together caused  a  great  spread  in  the  demands
         placed  upon  the compiler, resulting in more parts
         of the compiler being thoroughly tested than  would
         happen when running on one particular system, where
         users  tend  to be more stereotyped.   Questions of
         "proper practice" aside, it is a fact of life  that
         all  software  gets  a  better testing in the field
         than at the hands of its creator.
5.3 Diagnostics

   As  mentioned  previously  optimisation  is  not  just  a
process of improving the storage requirements and speed of a
program but also involves fitting a program into the overall
framework of the run-time environment.  In many applications
the  provision  of extensive run-time checks and post-mortem
traces can be of great importance.   The ability to generate
such  diagnostic  code  has  certain  implications  for  the
features in the intermediate code.

5.3.1 Line numbers

   When  producing  information  about  the   state   of   a
computation,  whether  it  be  an  error  report following a
run-time fault or an execution trace [Satterthwaite,  1972],
the  data must be presented in a form which is meaningful to
the  user   in   terms   of   the   source   program.    The
commonly-provided dump of the machine state, registers, code
addresses  etc.,  is  a complete failure in this respect, as
the  correspondence  between  this  and  the  program  state
depends on the workings of the compiler and other factors of
which the user should not need to be aware.
The  simplest  way  of specifying the point of interest in a
program is to give its line number.   There are  two  common
techniques   for   providing   line  number  information  at
run-time, the choice of which depends on the uses  to  which
the compiler is to be put.
The  first is to plant instructions which dynamically update
a variable with the current line number whenever it changes.
This has the significant advantages  that  it  is  extremely
cheap to implement and the line number is always immediately
available.   Its obvious disadvantages are that it increases
the execution time for the program, and  more  significantly
it  increases the size of the program, typically by about 6K
bytes on  the  Interdata  7/32  for  a  1000  line  program,
approximately a 50% increase.

The  second  technique  is  to  build  a  table  giving  the
correspondence between line numbers and the addresses of the
associated code sequences.   While this  imposes  a  greater
burden  on  the  compiler and takes more time to extract the
line number it has the advantage that it does  not  increase
the  code  size  of  the  program,  nor  does  it  alter its
execution speed.  Indeed it may even be possible to keep the
table out of main memory until it is required.
The choice  of  technique  will  have  implications  on  the
compiled  code.   If  the line number table approach is used
error procedures must have  available  the  address  of  the
point of the error.   The effects of this can be seen in the
following  example  of  the  sort  of  code  generated   for
unassigned variable checking on the 7/32 using both methods:

   | 17  X = Y   |

    ------------- -------------
   | LHI  0,17   |             | update line no
   | ST   0,LINE |             |
   | L    1,Y    |   L    1,Y  |
   | C    1,UV   |   C    1,UV | check value
   | BE   ERROR  |             | give the error
   |             |   BAL  8,TU | test for error
   | ST   1,X    |   ST   1,X  |
   |             |   ..   ..   |
   |             |   ..   ..   |
   |             |TU:BNER 8    | return if OK
   |             |   B    ERROR| give the error
    ------------- -------------

As the generated code depends on the method in use it cannot
be specified in the intermediate code and so the latter must
simply  indicate the points in the program at which the line
number changes.
5.3.2 Diagnostic tables

   In the event  of  program  failure,  or  when  explicitly
requested  by  the  user,  a trace of the current state of a
program, including the values in active  variables  and  the
execution  history,  can  be  of immense value.   For such a
trace to be provided the intermediate code must contain  the
identifiers   used   in  the  source  program  for  all  the
variables,  and  a  source-dependent  description  of  those
variables.   This  latter  is  needed  so  that  the machine
representations may be interpreted in the correct  way  when
giving  the  values  in  variables.    In  I-code  all  this
information is presented in the definitions  of  descriptors
and may be used or discarded at will.

5.3.3 Run-time checks

   Most languages define circumstances under which a program
is  to  be considered in error and its execution terminated.
These errors include  creating  a  value  too  large  to  be
represented  (overflow),  division  by zero, use of an array
index which is outwith the declared bounds, and so on.
There is a natural division of these errors into those which
are detected automatically by the machine  and  those  which
must   be  detected  by  explicit  checks  in  the  program.
Commonly, machines catch division by zero automatically  but
do not provide such a feature for checking array subscripts.
The  "hardware-detected"  errors may be furthur divided into
those which on detection cause the normal flow of control to
be interrupted, and those which simply make the knowledge of
the occurrance of the error available to  the  program,  for
example  by setting a condition-code bit.   For the purposes
of this discussion  the  second  form  of  hardware-detected
error  may  be  considered  an  error  which is not detected
automatically as it still requires explicit instructions  to
test for the error and to transfer control accordingly.
Clearly  the  more  errors  that  fall  into  the  automatic
category the better, as they do not cause the user's program
to grow with sequences of instructions which, in  a  correct
program,  will  always be testing for conditions which never

   These differences complicate the design  of  intermediate
codes as the classification differs from machine to machine:
the  VAX  all  forms  of  overflow  can  be made to generate
automatic  interrupts,   but   the   PDP11   only   sets   a
 condition-code bit on some overflows.

There   are   two   basic  ways  of handling  this  in  the
intermediate code: firstly the  code  can  contain  explicit
requests  for  the  checks to be performed, and secondly the
code  can  be  designed  in  such  a  way  as  to  give  the
code-generator enough information to be able to decide where
checks are necessary.
   Two  specific  examples  can indicate which of these ways
should be adopted.
Testing for arithmetic  overflow  is  currently  handled  by
machines in three main ways:

    1.   An interrupt is generated whenever overflow occurs.
         This  is  by  far the best method as it requires no
         overheads in the checked code.

    2.   A bit is set on overflow and is only  cleared  when
         it is tested.  This requires explicit checks in the
         code  but  several  tests  may  be conflated into a
         single test at an appropriate  point,  for  example
         before the final result is stored.

    3.   A  bit  is  set  on overflow, but is cleared by the
         next arithmetic  operation.   This  again  requires
         explicit  checking  code  but  the  tests  must  be
         inserted after every operation.
    For the intermediate code  to  indicate  where  overflow
    testing  is  to be performed it would have to choose the
    worst case from the three above, namely  case  3.   This
    would  result  in  a  test  being  requested after every
    arithmetic instruction, which test may just as  well  be
    included   into   the  definition  of  the  instructions

    The other area of low-level testing is in  implied  type
    conversions such as storing from a 32-bit integer into a
    16-bit  integer.   The VAX provides an instruction which
    combines the test for truncation with the store (CVTLW).
    The 7/32 has an instruction (CVHR) which  can  test  the
    value   before   assignment,   and  the  4/75  can  most
    efficiently test following the assignment (CH).
    If the request for the check is a separate  intermediate
    code  item,  the  7/32  case  is  simple  but  the other
    machines will require much  more  work  to  be  able  to
    generate  the  efficient  check.   The  problem  can  be
    simplified by introducing  new  assignment  instructions
    which  also  perform  the  test,  but this adds many new
    instructions to the code  as  one  instruction  will  be
    required  for every valid combination of types and every
    sort of assignment.

    The high-level checks such as array bound  checking  are
    usually   so   complicated   that   the  most  efficient
    implementations  depend  greatly   on   the   particular
    hardware, so much so that it would be foolish to attempt
    to express them in the intermediate code.

    The simplest solution is to ensure that the intermediate
    code   provides  enough  information  to  let  the  code
    generator decide where and what checks are necessary.

       The inclusion of checks against the use of unassigned
    variables provides  a  good  example  of  the  power  of
    leaving  the  checking  to  the  code-generator.   In  a
    simple-minded approach the  code-generator  tests  every
    suitable  value loaded from store.   A minor improvement
    to this is  to  mark  the  descriptor  for  every  local
    variable   in   a  block  when  it  is  first  assigned,
    inhibiting   the   marking   after   the   first   jump.
    Subsequently, marked objects need not be checked.
    A  much  better  improvement may be obtained by making a
    trivial extension to the register remembering mechanism.
    If  an  object  is  'known'  it  must  have  been   used
    previously,  and  hence  it  will  have  been checked if
    necessary.  Even after the register which held the value
    of  the  object  has  been  altered,   and   hence   the
    association between the register and the object lost, if
    the  compiler  remembers that the value was known it can
    suppress any unassigned checks on future references.
    At this point a useful property of IMP77 may be used  to
    great  effect:  once  a  variable  has  been assigned it
    cannot become unassigned.   This is  not  true  in  many
    languages,  as  for  example,  in  ALGOL60  the  control
    variable of a for loop is undefined (unassigned) at  the
    end  of  the  loop.   This  means that in IMP77 the 'was
    known' property of variables  may  be  preserved  across
    procedure  calls,  even  though all the register content
    information must be forgotten.
    This technique when applied on the 7/32 compiler results
    in a reduction of 33% in the code required for checking.
    While it is possible for the  unassigned  checks  to  be
    placed  in the intermediate code and for the first phase
    to  remove  redundant  checks,  this  supression   would
    require  a  duplication  of  the remembering logic which
    must, in  any  case,  reside  in  the  machine-dependent
                       6 Observations

6.1 Suitability of I-code for Optimisation

   When  considering  the   use   of   I-code   for   global
optimisation there are two techniques available:

   Firstly,  the  optimisations  can  be performed using the
I-code and going straight into object code, possibly  via  a
third  phase.   In  this  case  the  only real constraint on
I-code is that it be powerful enough to be able to carry all
the information available in the source and to present it in
a compact form.

   Secondly, the optimisations can be seen as an extra phase
introduced between the first phase  (the  I-code  generator)
and  what is normally the second phase (the code generator).
The optimiser takes in I-code and produces as its  output  a
new  I-code stream which can be fed into the code generator.
In this case not only must the I-code carry all  the  source
information  but  it must be able to describe the generation
of an optimised program,   Clearly the code must be able  to
reflect  the structure of the target machine in some way and
hence must be able to lose its machine independence.

   The second technique is the more interesting as not  only
does   it  permit  the  optional  inclusion  of  the  global
optimising without affecting  the  structure  of  the  other
phases,  but it removes the optimisations from the low-level
details  of  code  production  and  provides  a  means   for
separating  the  machine-independent  and  machine-dependent
optimisations.  In particular in the same way as much of tho
code generator can be built from a standard "kit" with a few
special machine-specific parts, so the global optimiser  can
utilise code from other optimisers.

   The   way  in  which  the  optimiser  can  influence  the
operation of the code generator is by making use of the fact
that the intermediate code does not describe  a  computation
but  a  compilation process.   This compilation is driven by
the descriptors which are normally translated  by  the  code
generator  from  the  machine-independent form in the I-code
into  the  appropriate   machine-dependent   representation,
reflecting   the  target  machine  architecture:  registers,
stacks, memory etc.   By short-circuiting this translation a
global  optimiser  can  force  the  use  of specific machine
For example consider the following fragment  of  an  integer
   |   integer X       |
   |   X = A(J)        |
   |   X = 0 if X < 0  |
   |   result = X      |

The  standard  I-code  produced for this fragment would have
the form:
   |   DEF 12 "X" INTEGER   |
   |    NONE                |
   |   PUSH     12          | - X
   |   PUSH     6           | - A
   |   PUSH     7           | - J
   |   ACCESS               |
   |   ASSVAL               |
   |   PUSH     12          | - X
   |   PUSHI    0           |
   |   COMP >=  1           |
   |   BGE      1           |
   |   PUSH     12          | - X
   |   PUSHI    0           |
   |   ASSVAL               |
   |   LOC      1           |
   |   PUSH     12          | - X
   |   RESULT               |

On the PDP11 the code generated for this could be:
   |      MOV   J,R2   |
   |      ADD   R2,R2  | Scale the index
   |      ADD   A,R2   | Add in ADDR(A(0))
   |      MOV   (R2),X | A=A(J)
   |      BGE   $1     | ->$1 if X >= 0
   |      CLR   X      | X = 0
   | $1:  MOV   X,R1   | assign result register
   |      {return}     |

Here the obvious optimisation is  to  note  that  the  local
variable,  X,  is eventually to be used as the result of the
function and so needs to end in register 1.
By changing the definition of X in the I-code into:

and making no other changes, the code generator will produce
code of the form:
   |      MOV   J,R2    |
   |      ADD   R2,R2   |
   |      ADD   A,R2    |
   |      MOV   (R2),R1 |
   |      BGE   $1      |
   |      CLR   R1      |
   | $1:  {return}      |

   As this process necessitates the I-code becoming more and
more intimately involved with the structure  of  the  target
machine,  in  that it starts referring directly to registers
and the like, it is necessary that a  new  control  item  be
added  so  that  the  code  generator  may be prevented from
pre-empting resources which the optimiser  is  manipulating.
The  new  item is RELEASE and it is used in conjunction with
the definition of machine-dependent descriptors.   When such
a descriptor is introduced (using DEF) the associated target
machine component is considered to have been claimed and may
only  be  used  in  response  to explicit direction from the
I-code.    On  receipt  of  the  corresponding  RELEASE  the
component  is  once again made available for implicit use by
the code generator (for temporaries etc.).   This  mechanism
is  an  exact  parallel to the way in which memory locations
are claimed by the definition of descriptors and released by
the END of the enclosing block.

   The main assumption about this style of  optimisation  is
that  the  code  generator  has  the ability to generate any
required   instruction,   provided   that   the    pertinent
information is available at the required time.
As  an  example, the VAX 11/780 provides addressing modes in
which the value in a register may be scaled and  added  into
the  effective  operand  address before the operand is used,
hence the following code:
   |   integerarray A(1:9)  |
   |-                      -|
   |   A(J) = 0             |
   |                        |
   |   MOVL   J,R5          |  pick up J
   |   CLRL   12(R3)[R5]    |  A(J) = 0

The operand address generated by the CLRL instruction is:
   |   12+R3 + R5*4   |
as there are 4 bytes (address units) to a longword.

This instruction  can  be  generated  naturally  during  the
non-optimised  evaluation  of  array  subscripts, and so the
optimiser can assume that the index mode of operand will  be
used  whenever  a  register operand is specified as an array
The procedure has the added advantage that in the worst case
when the code generator will not  produce  the  instructions
that  the  optimiser  hoped, as long as the optimised I-code
still describes the required compilation, the code generator
will simply produce a more long-winded,  but  equally  valid
version  of  the  program.   In other words, as long as some
choice is available and some temporary objects are  left  at
the  disposal  of  the  code generator, the optimiser cannot
force it into a state where working code cannot be produced.
In the example above even if the  code  generator  does  not
produce index mode operands, it can still generate sequences
of the form:
   |   MULL3   R5,#4,R1   | R5*4  -> R1
   |   ADDL2   R3,R1      | R3+R1 -> R1
   |   CLRL    12(R1)     |     0 -> (12(R1))

6.2 Performance

   The  figures  to appendix A3 are the results of measuring
the effect of various optimisations on  the  Interdata  7/32
and the DEC PDP 11/45.
One  problem  in  choosing  programs  to be measured in that
heavy use of particular language features will increase  the
overall effect of certain optimisations.

   As  a  trivial  example  of  this  consider the following
   |   begin                        |
   |      integerarray A(1:1000)    |
   |      A(1) = 0                  |
   |   endofprogram                 |

With all array  optimisations  enabled,  on  the  7/32  this
generates 30 bytes of code, whereas without the optimisation
it  results  in  170  bytes  of  code,  largely  due  to the
procedure for declaring the array.
Clearly a reduction of 82% is not to  be  expected  on  more
typical programs.

   Similarly  the absence of features will bias the results.
In particular the smaller programs will not demonstrate  the
power  of  the  optimisations  which  only  take effect when
various size limits have been  exceeded:  the  most  obvious
such limits being addressing restrictions caused by the size
of address fields in instructions.
   The  major  difficulty  in producing results which are of
any real value is that  the  effects  of  the  optimisations
depend  on  the individual style in which the programs under
consideration were written.   Inevitably users get a  "feel"
for  the  sort of statement for which the compiler generates
good  code  and  they  modify  their  style  of  programming
accordingly.  If at some state in its development a compiler
produces  poor code for a particular construction users will
tend  to  avoid  that  construction,  even  long  after  the
compiler  has  been improved and can compile it effectively.
This well-known phenomenon [Whitfield, 1973] argues strongly
that users should never see the object code generated by the
compilers they are using.

   The effects of many optimisations are  difficult  if  not
impossible  to  measure  with any degree of accuracy as they
interact with other optimisations to a great deal.  The most
obvious  interaction  is  that  between  the  size  of  jump
instruction  required  and  most of the other optimisations.
The size of  jump  is  determined  by  the  amount  of  code
generated between the jump and the label it references.   If
any other optimisation is inhibited this volume of  code  is
likely  to increase, decreasing the chances of being able to
use the shorter forms of the jump.
Some optimisations depend almost totally on  others;  it  is
unlikely  that  the optimisation of reducing or removing the
entry and exit code  sequences  associated  with  procedures
(section  4.5.1)  would  have  much effect if the parameters
were not passed in registers and references to them  in  the
procedures were replaced by references to those registers.
In  particular,  it must be noted that it is always possible
to generate programs which will benefit greatly  from  those
optimisations which do not appear to be of much use from the
figures  given.   However,  the test programs used to derive
the figures are typical of the  programs  processed  by  the
compiler,  and  it  is hoped that they give a more realistic
and balanced view of the improvements which may be  achieved
in 'real' cases.

   Under  some circumstances it may be advantageous to apply
all optimisations even though some may appear to give little
benefit, since this 'squeezing the pips' frequently  removes
one or two instructions from critical loops in a program.
Yet  again  this  shows  the  difficulty  in quantifying the
usefullness of optimisations as they are so dependent on the
particular circumstances.
   One area of measurement  has  been  deliberately  omitted
from the figures, namely the effect on execution time of the
optimisations.  This was for several reasons:

    1.   On  the  systems  used  it  was  impossible  to get
         reliable  timing  measurements  with  any  accuracy
         greater than about plus or minus 5%.

    2.   For  the  reasons  given  previously, many programs
         could benefit from fortuitous  optimisations  which
         could not be expected every time.

    3.   Programs which would run long enough to improve the
         accuracy  of  the measurements invariably lost this
         accuracy  through  spending  much   time   in   the
         system-provided  procedures,  mainly  for input and
         output.   This point in particular suggests that as
         the  overhead  is beyond the control of the general
         user, the savings in code space may  be  much  more
         important.   Even  with  ever-growing  store sizes,
         virtual  memory  systems  will  continue  to  treat
         smaller programs better than larger ones.
    4.   Some  of  the  optimisations,  particularly passing
         parameters  in  registers,  prevent  the   compiled
         program   from   running,  unless  the  controlling
         environment is modified in a  parallel  way.   This
         would  invalidate the timings as the environment is
         not usually under the control of the compiler.
   From the crude measures which were obtained  there  is  a
suggestion  that  the  decrease  in  execution  time roughly
parallels the decrease in code size.

6.3 Cost of optimisation
   The  cost  of  an  optimisation  is,  in  general,   very
difficult  to  measure,  as  may  be seen by considering the
three relevant areas: compile time, space  requirement,  and
logical complexity.

6.3.1 Compile time
   In  order  to generate good code, the compiler must spend
time  looking  for  the  cases   which   are   amenable   to
improvement.   If  no optimisation is performed this time is
not used and so  the  compilation  should  take  less  time.
However,  the  non-optimised  version  commonly requires the
production  of  more  code  than  the   optimised   version,
frequently  over  fifty  percent  more  when comparing fully
diagnostic code with  fully  optimised  code.   On  all  the
compilers  written  so  far, the time saved by not having to
generate these extra instructions more  than  outweighs  the
time spent in deciding not to generate them.
6.3.2 Space requirement
   Several   optimisations   increase  the  requirement  for
workspace, notably all the  remembering  optimisations.   On
most  machines available at the present the number of things
which may be remembered is fairly small:  sixteen  registers
and  one  condition-code  is probably the maximum.   Even if
this number is increased by remembering several facts  about
each  thing,  the total amount of space needed will be small
when compared with the space needed to hold the  information
about  user-defined  objects,  information which is required
whether optimisation is being performed or  not.   On  large
machines  the  extra memory required will be cheap; on small
machines the need for  the  optimisation  will  have  to  be
balanced  against the size of the largest program which must
be compiled.

6.3.3 Logical complexity
   The  cost  of  providing  an  optimisation   includes   a
non-recurrent   component,   which   is  the  difficulty  of
performing the optimisation at all because  of  the  logical
complexity of discovering the necessary circumstances.  In a
system  which is aimed at portability this cost can often be
shared over a number of implementations; the techniques used
in one being  applicable  to  others,  perhaps  after  minor
6.4 Comments on the results

    6.4.1 Register remembering
            Of   all  the  optimisations  tested,  a  simple
         remembering of values in registers provided by  far
         the greatest improvement in code size.
         One  problem  in  implementing this optimisation is
         deciding  what  to  remember,  as  shown   by   the
         following code sequence:
            |   X = Y   |
            |           |
            |   L  1,Y  |
            |   ST 1,X  |
         Following  this  sequence  register  1 will contain
         both the value in X and the value in Y; should  the
         compiler remember X or Y or both?
         The  measurements show that the gain in remembering
         both (2 uses) as opposed to just one  (1  use)  are
         quite small.   The algorithm used to determine what
         to remember in the  '1  use'  case  was  simply  to
         remember a new piece of information only if nothing
         else  was  known  about  the  register in question.
         This gives the best results in cases such as:
           A = 0;  B = 0;  C = 0
         where the value '0' will be  remembered,  but  will
         perform badly with the more contorted case:
           A = 0;  B = A;  C = B
         as  again  only  the  value '0' will be remembered.
         Unless very tight code is  required,  the  cost  in
         maintaining multiple sets of information about each
         register  and  searching for particular values will
         probably  rule  out   such   extended   remembering
            Perhaps a surprising result is that the PDP11 on
         average  gains about as much from this optimisation
         as the 7/32.
         This is the result of two interacting effects.
         Firstly, the 7/32 dedicates up to five registers to
         address local variables in the last five levels  of
         procedure  nesting  and locks three for other fixed
         purposes,  leaving  about  ten   for   intermediate
         calculations.   The  PDP11, however, uses a display
         in store the access intermediate levels and has  to
         load the address of a particular level each time it
         is required.   In addition the PDP11 implementation
         fixes the use of four registers, leaving only  four
         for intermediate calculations.
         Secondly,  the  7/32  needs  to  use  at  least one
         register to move  values  around  while  the  PDP11
         often requires none.
         These  two  effects  give  a fairly large number of
         transient values in the registers of the 7/32,  and
         a  smaller  number  of  more frequently used values
         (addresses) in the  registers  of  the  PDP11.   On
         average   it  appears  that  the  number  of  times
         necessary values are found is roughly equal in  the
         two cases.
       6.4.2 Remembering environments

            An   environment   is   the  complete  knowledge
         maintained  by  the  compiler  at  any  time.    By
         remembering    and   merging   environments   while
         compiling IF-THEN-ELSE constructions the effects of
         the implied labels and  jumps  on  the  remembering
         optimisations can be minimised.
         The  measurements  show  that the gains achieved by
         remembering more and  more  environments  fall  off
         very quickly; two environments seem to be about the
         best.  However, the overhead in providing more than
         one environment is simply compiler table space, and
         so  a compiler which can handle one environment can
         easily handle more to get a very  small  but  cheap
         One  clear  result  is  the  difference between the
         effects on the two machines (sometimes an order  of
         magnitude).   This  is  almost  entirely due to the
         difference in the number of available registers.
    6.4.3 Array allocation and use

            From  monitoring   service   versions   of   the
         compilers  is  it  clear  that  in  IMP77  the vast
         majority   of   arrays   have   constant    bounds.
         Allocating these arrays on the local stack frame at
         compile  time  is a simple operation and can save a
         fair amount of code much of  which  would  only  be
         executed  once,  as most arrays are declared in the
         outermost block.
         Remembering array address calculations  can  reduce
         the code by about five percent, but it commonly has
         little effect and is quite tedious and expensive to

            The  small increase in code size for a few cases
         is  a  side-effect  of  the   register   allocation
         mechanism.  Registers are chosen by giving priority
         to  those  about which the least is known, and then
         by selecting the least recently used such register.
         Hence, which register will be used depends  on  the
         compilation  of previous statements.   When a value
         is required in a  specific  register,  for  example
         during parameter transmission, occasionally it will
         already  be  in that register purely by chance.   A
         minor change in the generated  code,  such  as  not
         requiring  a  new register for an array access, can
         result in  the  value  not  being  in  the  correct
         register  later  on.   This instability seems to be
         undesirable, but  alternative  strategies,  such  a
         biasing   the   allocation  towards  or  away  from
         particular registers, on average results  in  worse
    6.4.4 Common operands

            On  the  7/32  the only instruction which can be
         used to simplify statements of the form: X = X op Y
         is the AM  (add  to  memory)  instruction.   It  is
         therefore   somewhat   surprising   that   its  use
         frequently saves over two percent of the code.
         The two possible expansions of a suitable  addition
         statement are:
             ------------ ------------
            |            |            |
            |  L   1,Y   |  L   1,X   |
            |  AM  1,X   |  A   1,Y   |
            |            |  ST  1,X   |
             ------------ ------------
         The first saves four bytes and leaves the increment
         in the register.   Even if the incremented value is
         required immediately  the  extra  load  instruction
         will  only  increase  the  code size to that of the
         alternative sequence.

         As the PDP11 has many  instructions  which  can  be
         used  in  this  way it is hardly surprising that it
         benefits much more.
    6.4.5 Parameters in registers

            This  optimisation  gives  another   significant
         saving  in  code  at  little  cost to the compiler,
         simply  by  moving  the  store   instructions   for
         parameter  assignment  from  the  many calls to the
         unique procedure definitions.   The effect is  more
         pronounced  on  the 7/32 as all assignments require
         two instructions, a load and a store,  whereas  the
         PDP11 can usually make do with one MOV instruction.
         In  the  latter  case  the  saving  comes  from the
         ability to reduce the size of the  procedure  entry
         and  exit sequences if all of the parameters can be
         passed in registers.

    6.4.6 Condition-code remembering

            On   machines   with   condition   codes    many
         instructions  set  the  result of a comparison with
         zero as a side-effect.   Knowledge of this  can  be
         used  to  inhibit  explicit  code to compare values
         with zero.   However, the small benefit  so  gained
         suggests that it is not worth doing, even though it
         is a very cheap test.
    6.4.7 Merging

            The  large  difference  between  the  effect  of
         forward merging on the 7/32 and the PDP11 is mainly
         due  to  the  addressing  modes  available  on  the
         On  the  PDP11  statements of the form "A=B" can be
         compiled  into  a  single  instruction   "MOV_B,A",
         ignoring any extra instructions which may be needed
         to make A and B addressable.   However, on the 7/32
         all  values  must  be  moved  via  the   registers,
         resulting   in   two   instructions  for  the  same
            |   L   1,B   |
            |   ST  1,A   |

         Hence the following code:

            |   if X=0 then Y=1 else Y=12   |

                   7/32                PDP11
             ------------------- -------------------
            |      L     1,X    |      TST   X      |
            |      BNE   $1     |      BNE   $1     |
            |      LIS   2,1    |                   |
            |      ST    2,Y    |      MOV   #1,Y   |
            |      B     $2     |      BR    $2     |
            |   $1:LIS   2,12   |   $1:             |
            |      ST    2,Y    |      MOV   #12.,Y |      
            |   $2:             |   $2:             |
             ------------------- -------------------

         With the 7/32 code, merging can reduce the sequence
         by one instruction, a "STore", while with the PDP11
         no such improvement is possible.
         As the techniques  for  merging  and  delaying  are
         quite  expensive,  but  not complicated, and have a
         major influence on the design of the code-generator
         the small gains achieved are probably not worth the
         trouble, unless the  last  drop  of  efficiency  is
         required at all costs.
6.5 Criticisms and benefits of the technique

6.5.1 Complexity

   The   main   argument   against  the  use  of  high-level
intermediate codes is that they move the complexity of  code
generation  from  the  common machine independent phase into
the machine dependent phase forcing work to be repeated each
time a new compiler is required.
   While this is undoubtedly true the overheads are  not  as
great as they may first appear.
The  extra  complexity  of  the code generators may be split
into two parts: an  organisational  part  which  builds  and
maintains  the  structures  used during the compilation, and
processes the intermediate  code,  using  it  to  drive  the
second  part,  an operational part which uses the structures
to generate code as instructed by the organisational part.
The changes in the organisational part when moving to a  new
machine  as small enough to permit the use of large sections
of code from  old  compilers.   Even  when  considering  the
operational  part  much  will  be  similar  from  machine to
machine, in particular the communication between the  second
and  third  phases  and the bulk of that latter phase can be
taken without change.  From examining the compilers produced
using I-code it appears that about 60% of the source of  the
machine  dependent parts is common, 20% can be considered as
being selected from a standard "kit" of parts, and the final
20% unique to the host machine.
6.5.2 I/O overhead

   One of the disadvantages  of  dividing  a  compiler  into
several  distinct phases is that it results in an additional
cost  in  communicating  between  consecutive  phases.    As
discussed  in  section  5.1  this cost depends on the system
running the compiler.  In the worst case where communication
is achieved using conventional files the overhead may not be
too serious.
The time spent doing input and output on the Interdata  7/32
compiler is about 27% of the total compilation time, and for
the PDP11 is about 22%, breaking down as follows:

    |                                                       |
    |               ----       ----       ----              |
    |              |    |     |    |---->|    |             |
    | Source ----> | P1 |---->| P2 |     | P3 |----> Object |
    |              |    |     |    |---->|    |             |
    |               ----       ----       ----              |
    |                                                       |
    | 7/32:    7%          7%        10%         3%         |
    |         (4%)        (4%)       (5%)       (3%)        |
    |                                                       |
    | PDP11: 9.4%         11%       0.6%       0.5%         |

The figures in parentheses give the percentage of time taken
when  the input and output requests are made directly to the
file  manager  rather  than  via  the   standard   subsystem
procedures, thus reducing the internal I/O overhead to about
10% of the total compilation time.
6.5.3 Lack of Gains

   It  has  been  argued that the increases brought about by
adopting a high-level code as opposed to a low level one are
not worth the increased effort involved in processing it.

Depending on the uses to which the compiler is  to  be  put,
small increases in code efficiency can outweigh a reasonable
increase in the cost of producing the compiler and using it.
A  5%  improvement  in  the  execution speed of the compiler
itself is not insignificant when the number of times  it  is
used  is  considered.   However,  it cannot be denied that a
careful redesign of critical parts of a program can  have  a
greater  effect  on  its  performance  than  any  amount  of
automatic optimisation.       Notwithstanding,   it    seems
reasonable that programmers should be able to concentrate on
the  large-scale efficiencies of program design and have the
detailed improvements left to the compiler.
Also it should be noted that measurements indicate that  the
compilers    execute    faster   when   performing   certain
optimisations than when not  performing  them,  for  example
passing parameters in registers.
   If  low-level  codes  are  needed  for  some  reason  the
complexity saved from the machine independent phase  can  be
moved  into  a  new phase which converts the high-level code
into a low-level one.   This provides the low-level code for
those  who want it while preserving the high-level interface
for use when good code is required,
   One important gain in using such  intermediate  codes  is
that   they   can  ease  the  difficulties  associated  with
maintaining a number of compilers  for  different  machines,
when those compilers are self-compiling.
For  several reasons it may not be desirable to permit sites
to  have  the  source  of  the  machine-independent   phase:
commonly  to  give  freedom  of  choice  for the form of the
language in which that phase is written and to prevent local
"improvements" which rapidly lead to  non-standard  language
definitions.   In such cases the intermediate-code generator
can be maintained at one site and updated  versions  can  be
distributed  in  the  intermediate code form without fear of
compromising the quality of the object code  generated  from
Such  a  technique is currently being used in the production
of portable SIMULA compilers [Krogdahl, 1980].

6.5.4 Flexibility

   At some stage in producing a compiler the  needs  of  the
end  user  must be considered.   The flexibility afforded by
the high-level nature of the intermediate  code  allows  the
compiler  to  be  adapted  to  fit its environment.   If the
compiler is to be used for teaching the quality of the  code
it  produces  can  be  sacrificed  for compilation speed and
high-quality diagnostics, particularly as  compilation  time
may well be an order of magnitude greater than the execution
time,  Indeed  many of the programs will fail to compile and
never reach execution.   If the application is for compiling
programs  that  will be compiled once and then executed many
times more effort can be expended in  producing  fast  code,
although  this  is not to say that diagnostics and fast code
must be kept separate as the longer a program  runs  without
falling  the  more  trouble  will  be  caused  when it falls
without convenient diagnostics.

6.6 Comments on Instruction sets and compilation

   Following the production of  IMP  compilers  for  several
different  processors  various  features on instruction sets
have become evident which influence the generation of code.

    i    The instruction set should be  complete,  that  is,
         where an instruction in available for one data type
         it should be available for all data types for which
         it is well-defined.  Similarly, instruction formats
         used  by  one operation should be available for all
         similar operations.   The best example of  such  an
         instruction  set is that provided by the DEC PDP10.
         Unfortunately the majority of machines are  not  so
         helpful.  As example of the sorts of thing which go
         wrong consider the Perkin-Elmer 3200 series.  These
         machines provide three integer data types: fullword
         (32  bits, signed), halfword (16 bits, signed), and
         byte (8 bits, unsigned).   There are "add fullword"
         (A)  and  "add  halfword"  (AH) instructions but no
         "add byte" instruction.   There are "add  immediate
         short"  and "subtract immediate short" instructions
         but multiply, divide, and, or  etc.  can  not  have
         short immediate operands.

    ii   The  instructions  should  be  consistent, that is,
         logically similar  instructions  should  behave  in
         similar fashions.
         Again, on the Perkin-Elmer 3200:
         Load  fullword  (L)  and load halfword (LH) set the
         condition code but load byte (LP) does not.

         Most register-store instructions can be replaced by
         a load  of  the  appropriate  type  followed  by  a
         register-register instruction: e.g.
             -------------- --------------
            |   CH   1,X   |   LH   0,X   |
            |              |   CR   1,0   |
             -------------- --------------
         both  result  in  the same setting of the condition
         code, but
             -------------- --------------
            |   CLB  1,B   |   LB   0,B   |
            |              |   CLR  1,0   |
             -------------- --------------
         could result in different settings of the condition
         code as CLR compares two unsigned 32 bit quantities
         whereas CLB  compares  a  zero-extended  byte  from
         store with the zero-extended least significant byte
         of  register  1,   For  consistency  either compare
         halfword (CH) should  use  the  sign-extended  less
         significant  half  of  the register, or better, CLB
         should not tamper with the value in the register.
    iii  Complex instructions should be avoided.   There are
         two reasons for this.   Firstly, it is easier for a
         compiler  to  break  down  statements  into  simple
         operations than it is to build them up into complex
         ones  [Stockton-Gaines,  1965].   Secondly,  if the
         complex  instructions  do  not  perform  the  exact
         function required by the language more instructions
         will   be  needed  to  "prepare"  for  the  complex
         instruction and to "undo" its unwanted effects.  As
         an example, the DEC VAX11/780 is  full  of  complex
         instructions   which  seem  to  be  well-suited  to
         high-level languages at first glance but on  closer
         inspection   they  are  not  so  useful.    A  CASE
         instruction is provided which indexes into a  table
         of displacements and adds the selected value to the
         program   counter.    This  would  seem  ideal  for
         compiling  SWITCH  jumps.   Unfortunately,  as  the
         table of displacements follows the CASE instruction
         it  would  be  very expensive to use it each time a
         jump occurred using a particular  switch.   Instead
         all  references to the switch must jump to a common
         CASE instruction.   Even this does not help, as  in
         the  event  of  an attempted jump to a non-existent
         switch label the diagnostics or the event mechanism
         will see the error as having occurred at the  wrong
         place in the program.  Although this problem can be
         "programmed  around" it turns out that it is faster
         to implement switches using  sequences  of  simpler
    iv   Machine  designers should investigate carefully the
         full consequences of building-in special fixed uses
         of machine features.  One of the best examples of a
         clear oversight  which  causes  grief  to  compiler
         writers   is   found   in  the  DATA  GENERAL  NOVA
         multiplication   instruction.    This   instruction
         multiplies  the  value  in register 1 by register 2
         and places the double-length result in registers  0
         and  1.   As only registers 2 and 3 may be used for
         addressing, and as register 3 is  always  used  for
         subroutine linkage, it follows that register 2 must
         be  used  for addressing the local stack frame, but
         this  is  exactly  the  register  which   must   be
         corrupted in order to use the multiply instruction!

   Although specific machines have been used in the examples
similar problems abound in all machines.  Indeed it is clear
that  machines  are  most  commonly designed for programmers
writing in assembler or  FORTRAN,  and  furthermore  writing
their programs in a particular style.

   While it is clear that the problems could be called "mere
details" and that they are not difficult to surmount, it
remains    that   they     complicate    otherwise   simple
code-generation  algorithms making compilers larger, slower
and correspondingly more  difficult  to  write, debug,  and

   In  conclusion it appears that the machine most suited to
supporting high-level languages  should  have  a  small  but
complete  set  of very simple instructions, their simplicity
permitting rapid execution and great flexibility.
7 Conclusions

7.1 Viability of the technique

   The techniques described above have been used  to  create
several IMP77 compilers which are in regular use on a number
of  systems.   In terms of total memory space required for a
compilation, they compare favourably with  other  compilers.
The major weakness seems to be execution time which can vary
from  twice as long as other compilers in the worst case, to
half as long in the best case.   As most of  the  effort  in
writing   the  compilers  was  spent  in  investigating  the
techniques involved and not in minimising compile time,  and
as  the compilers which ran much faster were either totally,
or partially written in machine code  (the  IMP77  compilers
are  all  written  exclusively  in IMP77), it seems that the
technique  can  be  used  to  produce   acceptable   service

7.2 Ease of portability

   Although  using  I-code  does  not permit compilers to be
written in as short a time as with P-code  and  O-code,  the
large amount of code which is common to all of the compilers
written so far means that, given a working code generator as
a  template, a new optimising compiler can be written in the
space of a few months, with the final result producing  code
of high quality.
7.3 Nature of optimisations

   During  the  course  of the investigation it became clear
that one of the difficulties of optimisation is  that  gains
are  achieved  by  applying  a large number of ad hoc rules,
especially where peephole optimisations are concerned.
As instruction sets become more complicated and rich,  there
is  a  corresponding  increase  in  the  variety  of ways of
implementing high-level language features.   This  increases
the  possibilities  of  optimisation  and  subsequently  the
complexity of compilers.   By using high-level  intermediate
codes,  such as I-code, it should be possible to concentrate
on  machine-independent  optimisations  knowing   that   the
resulting   intermediate   code  can  be  used  to  generate
efficient  code  for  current  machines.   Eventually,  when
better  instruction  sets are available, hopefully with only
one way of doing things and no opportunities for non-trivial
optimisation, the same intermediate  code  can  be  used  to
drive  code  generators  which  are  much  simpler  and more
directly portable.
                        Appendix A1

                 The IMP Intermediate Code
                      A Brief Summary
   The IMP intermediate code may be considered a sequence of
instructions to a  stack-oriented  machine  which  generates
programs  for  specific computers.   It is important to note
that the intermediate code describes the compilation process
necessary to generate an executable form of  a  program;  it
does  not  directly  describe the computation defined by the

   The machine which accepts the intermediate code  has  two
main components:

1          A   Descriptor  area.    This  is  used  to  hold
           descriptors     containing      machine-dependent
           definitions  of  the  objects  the  program is to
           manipulate.    This  area  is  maintained  in   a
           block-structured fashion, that is new descriptors
           are  added to the area during the definition of a
           block and are removed from the area at the end of
           the block.

2          A Stack.   The stack holds copies of  descriptors
           taken  from  the descriptor area or the parameter
           area, or created specially.   Items on the  stack
           are  modified  by intermediate code control items
           to reflect operations  specified  in  the  source
           program.   Such  modifications  may  or  may  not
           result in code being generated.   From the  point
           of  view  of  this  definition stack elements are
           considered to have at least three components:
                   i       Type
                   ii      Value
                   iii     Access rule
           The "Access rule"  defines  how  the  "Type"  and
           "Value" attributes are to interpreted in order to
           locate the described object.
           For example, the access rule for a constant could
           be  "Value  contains  the  constant"  while for a
           variable it could be "Value contains the  address
           of the variable".   Clearly, the access rules are
           target-machine  dependent.   Descriptors  may  be
           combined  to give fairly complex access rules, as
           in the case of applying "PLUS" to the stack  when
           the  top  two  descriptors are for the variable X
           and the constant 1 resulting  in  one  descriptor
           with the access rule "take the value in X and add
           1  to it".   The complexity of these access rules
           may be restricted by a  code-generator.   In  the
           example above code could be generated to evaluate
           X+1  resulting in an access rule "the value is in
           register 1", say.
   The importance of the  code  not  describing  the  actual
computation  which  the  source  program  specified  but the
compilation process required is seen when attempting to  use
the code for statements of the form:

   A := if B = C then D else E;

This could not be encoded as:

         PUSH   A
         PUSH   B
         PUSH   C
         JUMP # L1
         PUSH   D
         BR     L2
         LOC    L1
         PUSH   E
         LOC    L2
The reason is that the items on the stack at the time of the
ASSVAL  would be (from top to bottom) [E], [D], [A], because
no items were given which would remove them from the  stack.
hence  the  ASSVAL would assign the value of E to D and then
leave A dangling on the stack.

   Unless   otherwise   stated,   all   constants   in   the
intermediate code are represented in octal.

           This item causes a new descriptor to be generated
           and placed in the descriptor area.   On creation,
           the  various  fields  of  the  DEF  are  used  to
           construct  the  machine-dependent  representation
           required for the object.
           TAG             is an identification  which  will
                           be  used subsequently to refer to
                           the descriptor.
           TEXT            is the source-language identifier
                           given  to  the  object  (a   null
                           string   if   no  identifier  was
           TYPE            is  the  type  of   the   object:
                           GENERAL,  INTEGER,  REAL, STRING,
                           RECORD, LABEL, SWITCH, FORMAT.
           FORM            is one of: SIMPLE, NAME, ROUTINE,
                           FN,  MAP,  PRED,  ARRAY,  NARRAY,
                           ARRAYN, NARRAYN.
           SIZE            is   either   the   TAG   of  the
                           appropriate     record     format
                           descriptor   for   records,   the
                           maximum  length   of   a   string
                           variable,  or  the  precision  of
                           numerical   variables:   DEFAULT,
                           BYTE, SHORT. LONG.
           SPEC            has   the   value  SPEC  or  NONE
                           depending on whether or  not  the
                           item is a specification.
           PREFIX          is  one  of:  NONE,  OWN,  CONST,
                           EXTERNAL, SYSTEM, DYNAMIC,  PRIM,
                           PERM  or SPECIAL.   If SPECIAL is
                           given  there   will   follow   an
                           specification  of  the properties
                           of the object (such as that it is
                           to be a register, for example).
Parameters and Formats

   The parameters for procedures and the elements of  record
formats  are  defined  by  a  list immediately following the
procedures or format descriptor definition:

START            Start of definition list

FINISH           End of definition list

ALTBEG           Start of alternative sequence

ALT              Alternative separator

ALTEND           End of alternative sequence.


BEGIN            Start of BEGIN block

END              End of BEGIN block or procedure
PUSH <tag>       Push a copy of the  descriptor  <tag>  onto
                 the stack.

PROC <tag>       This  is  the  same as PUSH except that the
                 descriptor  being  stacked   represents   a
                 procedure  which  is  about  to  be  called
                 (using ENTER).

PUSHI <n>        Push a descriptor for the integer  constant
                 <n> onto the stack.

PUSHR <r>        Push    a    descriptor    for   the   real
                 (floating-point)  constant  <r>  onto   the

PUSHS <s>        Push  a  descriptor for the string constant
                 <s> onto the stack.
SELECT <tag>     TOS will be  a  descriptor  for  a  record.
                 Replace this descriptor with one describing
                 the sub-element <tag> of this record.

ASSVAL           Assign  the  value  described by TOS to the
                 variable described by SOS.   Both  TOS  and
                 SOS are popped from the stack.

ASSREF           Assign  a reference to (the address of) the
                 variable described by TOS  to  the  pointer
                 variable  described  by SOS.   Both TOS and
                 SOS are popped from the stack.

JAM              This is the same as ASSVAL except that  the
                 value  being  assigned will be truncated if

ASSPAR           Assign the actual  parameter  described  by
                 TOS  to  the  formal parameter described by
                 SOS.   This is equivalent to either  ASSVAL
                 (for   value  parameters)  or  ASSREF  (for
                 reference parameters).

RESULT           TOS describes the result of  the  enclosing
                 function.   Following the processing of the
                 result code must  be  generated  to  return
                 from the function.
MAP              Similar to RESULT except that TOS describes
                 the  result of a MAP.   Again a return must
                 be generated.

INIT <n>         Create N data items, corresponding  to  the
                 last descriptor defined, and given them all
                 an initial (constant) value.   The constant
                 is popped from the stack  in  the  case  of
                 INIT      but    DEFAULT    causes      the
                 machine-dependent default value to be  used
                 (normally the UNASSIGNED pattern).
Binary operators

ADD              Addition
SUB              Subtraction
MUL              Multiplication
QUOT             Integer division
DIVIDE           Real division
IEXP             Integer exponentiation
REXP             Real exponentiation
AND              Logical AND
OR               Logical inclusive OR
XOR              Logical exclusive OR
LSH              Logical left shift
RSH              Logical right shift
CONC             String concatenate
ADDA             ++
SUBA             --

   The given operation is performed on TOS and SOS , both of
which   are   removed   from   the  stack,  and  the  result
(SOS op TOS) is pushed onto the stack.
e.g.  A = B-C

      PUSH   A
      PUSH   B
      PUSH   C
Unary Operators

NEG              Negate (unary minus)

NOT              Logical NOT (complement)

MOD              Modulus (absolute value)

The given operation is performed on TOS.

DIM <d> <n>      The  stack  will  contain  <d>   pairs   of
                 descriptors  corresponding to the lower and
                 upper   bounds   for   an   array.     This
                 information is used to construct <n> arrays
                 and any necessary accessing information for
                 use  through  the  last  <n> descriptors to
                 have   been   defined.     All   of   these
                 descriptors will be for similar arrays.

INDEX            SOS   will   be   the   descriptor   for  a
                 multi-dimensional array and TOS will be the
                 next non-terminal subscript.   The stack is

ACCESS           SOS  will be the descriptor of an array and
                 TOS will be the final/only subscript.  Both
                 descriptors are replaced  by  a  descriptor
                 for the appropriate element of the array.
                 E.g.  given  arrays A(1:5) and B(1:4, 2:6),
                 and integers J,K:

                    A(J) = 0      K = B(J, K)

                    PUSH   A      PUSH K
                    PUSH   J      PUSH B
                    ACCESS        PUSH J
                    PUSHC  0      INDEX
                    ASSVAL        PUSH K
Internal labels

                    Internal labels are those labels in  the
                 intermediate  code  which have been created
                 by the  process  of  translating  from  the
                 source   program,  and  so  do  not  appear
                 explicitly in the source program.  The main
                 property of these labels is that they  will
                 only be referred to once.  This fact can be
                 used   to  re-use  these  labels,  as,  for
                 example,   a   forward   reference   to   a
                 currently-defined   label  must  cause  its

LOCATE <1>       define internal label <1>

GOTO <1>         forward jump to internal label <1>

REPEAT <1>       backward jump to internal label <1>
Conditional branches

   These branches are always forward.

JUMPIF           <cond> <label>
JUMPIFD          <cond> <label>
JUMPIFA          <cond> <label>
                    Where:   <cond> ::= =, #,
                                        <, <=,
                                        >, >=,
                                        TRUE, FALSE

   The two items on the top of the stack are compared and  a
jump  is  taken  to  <label>  is  the condition specified by
<cond> is true.   In the case of <cond> being TRUE or  FALSE
only one item is taken from the stack, and this represents a
boolean value to be tested.

User Labels

LABEL <d>        locate label descriptor <d>

JUMP <d>         Jump to the label described by <d>

CALL <d>         Call the procedure described by <d>
Sundry Items

ON <e> <l>       Start   of   event  trap  for  events  <e>.
                 Internal label <l> defines the end  of  the
                 event block.

EVENT <e>        Signal event <e>

STOP             stop

MONITOR          monitor

RESOLVE <m>      Perform a string resolution

FOR              Start of a for loop

SLABEL <sd>      Define switch label

SJUMP <sd>       Select and jump to switch label

LINE <l>         Set the current line number to <l>
                        Appendix A2
                The IMP77 Intermediate code
                  Internal representation

   In production compilers the mnemonics used  in  the  text
are  output  in  an  abbreviated  form,  each mnemonic being
translated into a single ASCII printing character.

     !   OR            G   ALIAS         c   MCODE
     "   JUMPIFD       H   BEGIN         d   DIM
     #   BNE           I   unused        e   EVENT
     $   DEF           J   JUMP          f   FOR
     %   XOR           K   FALSE         g   unused
     &   AND           L   LABEL         h   ALTBEG
     '   PUSHS         M   MAP           i   INDEX
     (   unused        N   PUSHI         j   JAM
     )   unused        O   LINE          k   unused
     *   MUL           P   PLANT         l   LANG
     +   ADD           Q   DIVIDE        m   MONITOR
     -   SUB           R   RETURN        n   SELECT
     .   CONCAT        S   ASSVAL        o   ON
     /   QUOT          T   TRUE          p   ASSPAR
     :   LOCATE        U   NEGATE        q   ALTEND
     ;   END           V   RESULT        r   RESOLVE
     <   unused        W   SJUMP         s   STOP
     =   unused        X   IEXP          t   unused
     >   unused        Y   DEFAULT       u   ADDA
     ?   JUMPIF        Z   ASSREF        v   MOD
     @   PUSH          [   LSH           w   SUBA
     A   INIT          \   NOT           x   REXP
     B   REPEAT        ]   RSH           y   DIAG
     C   JUMPIFA       ^   PROC          z   CONTROL
     D   PUSHR         _   SLABEL        {   START
     E   CALL          a   ACCESS        |   ALT
     F   GOTO          b   BOUNDS        }   FINISH
                        Appendix A3
         Results from the INTERDATA 7/32 and PDP11
   In these results the various test programs  are  referred
to by the following codes:

PDP11    7/32    Program
-----    ----    -------

P11.1    732.1    TAKEON   The compiler's grammar processor
P11.2    732.2    EDWIN    A graphics package
P11.3    732.3    LAYOUT   A text formatting program
P11.4    732.4    ECCE     A text editor
P11.5    732.5    PILOT    A CAI interpreter
P11.6    732.6    TIMETAB  A school's timetable generator
P11.7    732.7    DRAFT    A draughts program
P11.8    732.8    SQUARE   A least-squares fitting program
P11.9    732.9    GPM      A macro processor
P11.10   732.10   OS32MT   An operating system emulator
P11.11   732.11   HAL      A high-level assembler
P11.12   732.12   DIRECT   A file and directory handler
Remembering values in registers
                        Code    Total    Incremental
                        Size  Reduction   Reduction
                        ----  ---------   ---------
P732.1   0 uses         9504       -           -
         1 use          8194    13.8%        13.8%
         2 uses         8192    13.8%         0.0%
P732.2   0 uses         6500       -           -
         1 use          6126     5.8%         5.8%
         2 uses         6126     5.8%         0.0%
P732.3   0 uses        10960       -           -
         1 use          9968     9.0%         9.0%
         2 uses         9956     9.2%         0.2%
P732.4   0 uses         5288       -           -
         1 use          4970     6.0%         6.0%
         2 uses         4958     6.2%         0.2%
P732.5   0 uses         5468       -           -
         1 use          4990     8.7%         8.7%
         2 uses         4986     8.8%         0.1%
P732.6   0 uses         3424       -           -
         1 use          3208     6.3%         6.3%
         2 uses         3208     6.3%         0.0%
P732.7   0 uses        10736       -           -
         1 use          9880     8.0%         8.0%
         2 uses         9874     8.0%         0.0%
P732.8   0 uses          824       -           -
         1 use           770     6.6%         6.6%
         2 uses          770     6.6%         0.0%
P732.9   0 uses         6448       -           -
         1 use          6148     4.6%         4.6%
         2 uses         6148     4.6%         0.0%
P732.10  0 uses        22968       -           -
         1 use         20656    10.1%        10.1%
         2 uses        20650    10.1%         0.0%
P732.11  0 uses        13996       -           -
         1 use         12470    10.9%        10.9%
         2 uses        12442    11.1%         0.2%
P732.12  0 uses        32600       -           -
         1 use         28532    12.5%        12.5%
         2 uses        28392    12.9%         0.4%
                       Code    Total    Incremental
                       Size  Reduction   Reduction
                       ----  ---------   ---------
P11.1   0 uses         9060       -           -
        1 use          7712    14.9%       14.9%
        2 uses         7660    15.4%        0.5%
P11.2   0 uses         6276       -           -
        1 use          6000     4.4%        4.4%
        2 uses         6000     4.4%        0.0%
P11.3   0 uses         9992       -           -
        1 use          9480     5.1%        5.1%
        2 uses         9444     5.5%        0.4%
P11.4   0 uses         5020       -           -
        1 use          4772     5.4%        5.4%
        2 uses         4768     5.6%        0.2%
P11.5   0 uses         5096       -           -
        1 use          4460    12.5%       12.5%
        2 uses         4452    12.6%        0.1%
P11.6   0 uses         3692       -           -
        1 use          3064    17.0%       17.0%
        2 uses         4064    17.0%        0.0%
P11.7   0 uses         7976       -           -
        1 use          7060    11.5%       11.5%
        2 uses         7030    11.8%        0.3%
P11.8   0 uses          668       -           -
        1 use           652     2.4%        2.4%
        2 uses          624     6.6%        4.2%
P11.9   0 uses         4888       -           -
        1 use          4492     8.1%        8.1%
        2 uses         4484     8.3%        0.2%
P11.10  0 uses        20318       -           -
        1 use         19120     5.9%        5.9%
        2 uses        19120     5.9%        0.0%
P11.11  0 uses        12938       -           -
        1 use         12162     6.0%        6.0%
        2 uses        12148     6.1%        0.1%
P11.12  0 uses        12068       -           -
        1 use         10594    12.2%       12.2%
        2 uses        10584    12.3%        0.0%
Remembering sets of registers (environments)
                        Code    Total    Incremental
                        Size  Reduction   Reduction
                        ----  ---------   ---------
P732.1  0 environments  8556      -           -
        1 environment   8316    2.8%         2.8%
        2 environments  8238    3.7%         0.9%
        3 environments  8232    3.8%         0.1%
        4 environments  8222    3.9%         0.1%
        5 environments  8218    4.0%         0.1%
        6 environments  8192    4.2%         0.2%
P732.2  0 environments  6202      -           -
        1 environment   6128    1.2%         1.2%
        2 environments  6130    1.2%         0.0%
        3 environments  6126    1.2%         0.0%
        4 environments  6126    1.2%         0.0%
        5 environments  6126    1.2%         0.0%
        6 environments  6126    1.2%         0.0%
P732.3  0 environments 10174      -           -
        1 environment  10062    1.1%         1.1%
        2 environments  9968    2.0%         0.9%
        3 environments  9966    2.0%         0.0%
        4 environments  9964    2.1%         0.1%
        5 environments  9956    2.1%         0.1%
        6 environments  9956    2.1%         0.1%
P732.4  0 environments  5068      -           -
        1 environment   4978    1.8%         1.8%
        2 environments  4958    2.2%         0.4%
        3 environments  4958    2.2%         0.0%
        4 environments  4958    2.2%         0.0%
        5 environments  4958    2.2%         0.0%
        6 environments  4958    2.2%         0.0%
P732.6  0 environments  3262      -           -
        1 environment   3250    0.4%         0.4%
        2 environments  3216    1.4%         1.0%
        3 environments  3208    1.7%         0.3%
        4 environments  3208    1.7%         0.0%
        5 environments  3208    1.7%         0.0%
        6 environments  3208    1.7%         0.0%
P732.7  0 environments 10062      -           -
        1 environment   9970    0.9%         0.9%
        2 environments  9894    1.7%         0.8%
        3 environments  9880    1.8%         0.1%
        4 environments  9874    1.9%         0.1%
        5 environments  9874    1.9%         0.0%
        6 environments  9874    1.9%         0.0%
P732.8  0 environments   806      -           -
        1 environment    782    3.0%         3.0%
        2 environments   782    3.0%         0.0%
        3 environments   770    4.5%         1.5%
        4 environments   770    4.5%         0.0%
        5 environments   770    4.5%         0.0%
        6 environments   770    4.5%         0.0%
P732.9  0 environments  6244      -           -
        1 environment   6202    0.7%         0.7%
        2 environments  6156    1.4%         0.7%
        3 environments  6158    1.4%         0.0%
        4 environments  6148    1.5%         0.1%
        5 environments  6148    1.5%         0.0%
        6 environments  6148    1.5%         0.0%
P732.10 0 environments 21214      -           -
        1 environment  20928    1.3%         1.3%
        2 environments 20748    2.2%         0.9%
        3 environments 20678    2.5%         0.3%
        4 environments 20678    2.5%         0.0%
        5 environments 20668    2.6%         0.1%
        6 environments 20650    2.6%         0.0%
P732.11 0 environments 12772      -           -
        1 environment  12592    1.4%         1.4%
        2 environments 12486    2.2%         0.8%
        3 environments 12472    2.3%         0.1%
        4 environments 12460    2.4%         0.1%
        5 environments 12452    2.5%         0.1%
        6 environments 12442    2.6%         0.1%
P732.12 0 environments 11522      -           -
        1 environment  11418    0.9%         0.9%
        2 environments 11342    1.6%         0.7%
        3 environments 11314    1.8%         0.2%
        4 environments 11314    1.8%         0.0%
        5 environments 11296    2.0%         0.2%
        6 environments 11296    2.0%         0.0%
P11.1   0 environments  7686      -           -
        1 environment   7670    0.2%         0.2%
        2 environments  7660    0.3%         0.1%
        3 environments  7660    0.3%         0.0%
        4 environments  7660    0.3%         0.0%
        5 environments  7660    0.3%         0.0%
        6 environments  7660    0.3%         0.0%
P11.2   0 environments  6012      -           -
        1 environment   6000    0.2%         0.2%
        2 environments  6000    0.2%         0.0%
        3 environments  6000    0.2%         0.0%
        4 environments  6000    0.2%         0.0%
        5 environments  6000    0.2%         0.0%
        6 environments  6000    0.2%         0.0%
P11.3   0 environments  9472      -           -
        1 environment   9440    0.3%         0.3%
        2 environments  9444    0.3%        -0.0%
        3 environments  9444    0.3%         0.0%
        4 environments  9444    0.3%         0.0%
        5 environments  9444    0.3%         0.0%
        6 environments  9444    0.3%         0.0%
P11.4   0 environments  4784      -           -
        1 environment   4776    0.2%         0.2%
        2 environments  4776    0.2%         0.0%
        3 environments  4776    0.2%         0.0%
        4 environments  4776    0.2%         0.0%
        5 environments  4772    0.2%         0.0%
        6 environments  4768    0.3%         0.1%
P11.5   0 environments  4512      -           -
        1 environment   4464    1.1%         1.1%
        2 environments  4456    1.2%         0.1%
        3 environments  4452    1.3%         0.1%
        4 environments  4452    1.3%         0.0%
        5 environments  4452    1.3%         0.0%
        6 environments  4452    1.3%         0.0%
P11.6   0 environments  3076      -           -
        1 environment   3070    0.2%         0.2%
        2 environments  3064    0.4%         0.2%
        3 environments  3064    0.4%         0.0%
        4 environments  3064    0.4%         0.0%
        5 environments  3064    0.4%         0.0%
        6 environments  3064    0.4%         0.0%
P11.7   0 environments  7104      -           -
        1 environment   7048    0.8%         0.8%
        2 environments  7048    0.8%         0.0%
        3 environments  7048    0.8%         0.0%
        4 environments  7048    0.8%         0.0%
        5 environments  7048    0.8%         0.0%
        6 environments  7032    1.0%         1.0%
P11.8   0 environments   640      -           -
        1 environment    624    2.5%         2.5%
        2 environments   624    2.5%         0.0%
        3 environments   624    2.5%         0.0%
        4 environments   624    2.5%         0.0%
        5 environments   624    2.5%         0.0%
        6 environments   624    2.5%         0.0%
P11.9   0 environments  4492      -           -
        1 environment   4484    0.2%         0.2%
        2 environments  4484    0.2%         0.0%
        3 environments  4484    0.2%         0.0%
        4 environments  4484    0.2%         0.0%
        5 environments  4484    0.2%         0.0%
        6 environments  4484    0.2%         0.0%
P11.10  0 environments 19332      -           -
        1 environment  19196    0.7%         0.7%
        2 environments 19158    0.9%         0.2%
        3 environments 19138    1.0%         0.1%
        4 environments 19138    1.0%         0.0%
        5 environments 19120    1.1%         0.1%
        6 environments 19120    1.1%         0.0%
P11.11  0 environments 12280      -           -
        1 environment  12200    0.6%         0.6%
        2 environments 12168    0.9%         0.3%
        3 environments 12160    1.0%         0.1%
        4 environments 12156    1.0%         0.0%
        5 environments 12148    1.1%         0.1%
        6 environments 12148    1.1%         0.0%
P11.12  0 environments 10690      -           -
        1 environment  10616    0.7%         0.7%
        2 environments 10604    0.8%         0.1%
        3 environments 10604    0.8%         0.0%
        4 environments 10594    0.9%         0.1%
        5 environments 10584    1.0%         0.1%
        6 environments 10584    1.0%         0.0%
Simple allocation of arrays and remembering subscripts

                   Allocation        Remembering
           Neither   Simple  (gain)  Subscripts  (gain)
           -------    ----   ------  ----------  ------
P732.1       8596     8476   (1.4%)     8312     (3.3%)
P732.2       6126     6126   (0.0%)     6126     (0.0%)
P732.3      10450     1014   (3.2%)    10426     (0.2%)
P732.4       5056     4958   (1.9%)     5056     (0.0%)
P732.5       5306     5054   (4.7%)     5308    -(0.0%)
P732.6       3384     3254   (3.8%)     3386    -(0.0%)
P732.7      10346    10112   (2.3%)    10344     (0.0%)
P732.8        806      806   (0.0%)      770     (4.5%)
P732.9       6138     6138   (0.0%)     6148    -(0.2%)
P732.10     20806    20684   (0.6%)    20776     (0.1%)
P732.11     12442    12442   (0.0%)    12442     (0.0%)
P732.12     11976    11946   (0.2%)    11326     (5.4%)

            Both optimisations   Total gain
            ------------------   ----------
    P732.1         8192             4.7%
    P732.2         6126             0.0%
    P732.3         9956             4.7%
    P732.4         4958             1.9%
    P732.5         4986             6.0%
    P732.6         3208             5.2%
    P732.7         9874             4.6%
    P732.8          770             4.5%
    P732.9         6148            -0.2%
    P732.10       20650             0.7%
    P732.11       12442             0.0%
    P732.12       11296             5.8%
                   Allocation        Remembering
           Neither   Simple  (gain)  Subscripts  (gain)
           -------    ----   ------  ----------  ------
P11.1        8572     8188   (4.5%)     7704    (10.1%)
P11.2        6000     6000   (0.0%)     6000     (0.0%)
P11.3        9764     9556   (2.1%)     9644     (1.2%)
P11.4        4848     4776   (1.5%)     4848     (0.0%)
P11.5        4656     4568   (1.9%)     4452     (4.4%)
P11.6        3356     3202   (4.6%)     3218     (4.1%)
P11.7        7844     7728   (1.4%)     7204     (8.2%)
P11.8         644      624   (3.1%)      644     (0.0%)
P11.9        4796     4796   (0.0%)     4484     (6.5%)
P11.10      19236    19140   (0.5%)    19216     (0.1%)
P11.11      12148    12148   (0.0%)    12148     (0.0%)
P11.12      11094    11060   (0.3%)    10616     (4.3%)

            Both optimisations   Total gain
            ------------------   ----------
    P11.1          7660            10.6%
    P11.2          6000             0.0%
    P11.3          9444             3.3%
    P11.4          4768             1.6%
    P11.5          4452             4.4%
    P11.6          3064             8.7%
    P11.7          7032            10.4%
    P11.8           624             3.1%
    P11.9          4484             6.5%
    P11.10        19120             0.6%
    P11.11        12148             0.0%
    P11.12        10584             4.6%
Simplifying: X = X op Y
                        Code      Code
                      Without     With      Gain
                      -------     ----      ----
P732.1                  8292      8192      1.2%
P732.2                  6156      6126      0.5%
P732.3                 10068      9956      1.1%
P732.4                  5088      4958      2.6%
P732.5                  5180      4986      3.7%
P732.6                  3368      3208      4.8%
P732.7                 11438     11296      1.2%
P732.8                   772       770      0.2%
P732.9                  6214      6148      1.1%
P732.10                21086     20650      2.1%
P732.11                12590     12442      1.2%
P732.12                11438     11296      1.2%

P11.1                   8284      7660      7.5%
P11.2                   6220      6000      3.5%
P11.3                  10040      9444      5.9%
P11.4                   5136      4768      7.2%
P11.5                   4800      4452      7.2%
P11.6                   3342      3064      8.3%
P11.7                   7596      7032      7.4%
P11.8                    668       624      6.6%
P11.9                   4724      4484      5.1%
P11.10                 20634     19128      7.3%
P11.11                 12894     12148      5.8%
P11.12                 11492     10584      7.9%
Passing some parameters in registers

                        Code    Total    Incremental
                        Size  Reduction   Reduction
                        ----  ---------   ---------
P732.1   0 registers    8862       -           -
         1 register     8360     5.7%         5.7%
         2 registers    8192     7.6%         1.9%
P732.2   0 registers    7196       -           -
         1 register     6544     9.1%         9.1%
         2 registers    6126    14.9%         5.8%
P732.3   0 registers   10586       -           -
         1 register     9976     5.8%         5.8%
         2 registers    9956     6.0%         0.2%
P732.4   0 registers    5126       -           -
         1 register     4958     3.3%         3.3%
         2 registers    4958     3.3%         0.0%
P732.5   0 registers    5198       -           -
         1 register     5022     3.4%         3.5%
         2 registers    4986     4.1%         0.7%
P732.6   0 registers    3402       -           -
         1 register     3222     5.3%         5.3%
         2 registers    3208     5.7%         0.4%
P732.7   0 registers   10400       -           -
         1 register    10048     3.4%         3.4%
         2 registers    9874     5.0%         1.6%
P732.8   0 registers     840       -           -
         1 register      810     3.6%         3.6%
         2 registers     770     8.3%         4.7%
P732.9   0 registers    6404       -           -
         1 register     6172     3.6%         3.6%
         2 registers    6148     4.0%         0.4%
P732.10  0 registers   21650       -           -
         1 register    20826     3.8%         3.8%
         2 registers   20650     4.6%         0.8%
P732.11  0 registers   13476       -           -
         1 register    12442     7.7%         7.7%
         2 registers   12442     7.7%         0.0%
P732.12  0 registers   11916       -           -
         1 register    11452     3.9%         3.9%
         2 registers   11296     5.2%         1.3%
                        Code    Total    Incremental
                        Size  Reduction   Reduction
                        ----  ---------   ---------
P11.1    0 registers    7796       -           -
         1 register     7756     0.5%         0.5%
         2 registers    7660     1.7%         1.2%
P11.2    0 registers    6192       -           -
         1 register     6072     1.9%         1.9%
         2 registers    6000     3.1%         1.2%
P11.3    0 registers    9564       -           -
         1 register     9448     1.2%         1.2%
         2 registers    9444     1.2%         0.0%
P11.4    0 registers    4776       -           -
         1 register     4768     0.2%         0.2%
         2 registers    4768     0.2%         0.0%
P11.5    0 registers    4508       -           -
         1 register     4452     1.2%         1.2%
         2 registers    4452     1.2%         0.0%
P11.6    0 registers    3098       -           -
         1 register     3064     1.1%         1.1%
         2 registers    3064     1.1%         0.0%
P11.7    0 registers    7124       -           -
         1 register     7096     0.4%         0.4%
         2 registers    7032     1.3%         0.9%
P11.8    0 registers     624       -           -
         1 register      624     0.0%         0.0%
         2 registers     624     0.0%         0.0%
P11.9    0 registers    4520       -           -
         1 register     4488     0.7%         0.7%
         2 registers    4484     0.8%         0.1%
P11.10   0 registers   19302       -           -
         1 register    19166     0.7%         0.7%
         2 registers   19128     0.9%         0.2%
P11.11   0 registers   12364       -           -
         1 register    12152     1.7%         1.7%
         2 registers   12148     1.7%         0.0%
P11.12   0 registers   10734       -           -
         1 register    10648     0.8%         0.8%
         2 registers   10584     1.4%         0.6%
Remembering condition-codes

                  Unknown      Remembered     Gain
                  -------      ----------     ----
P732.1              8820          8192        0.3%
P732.2              6134          6126        0.1%
P732.3              9976          9956        0.2%
P732.4              4968          4958        0.2%
P732.5              4988          4986        0.0%
P732.6              3212          3208        0.1%
P732.7              9880          9874        0.1%
P732.8               770           770        0.0%
P732.9              6150          6148        0.0%
P732.10            20684         20650        0.2%
P732.11            12474         12442        0.2%
P732.12            11318         11296        0.2%

P11.1               7732          7660        0.9%
P11.2               6012          6000        0.3%
P11.3               9516          9444        0.8%
P11.4               4792          4768        0.5%
P11.5               4452          4452        0.0%
P11.6               3076          3064        0.4%
P11.7               7064          7032        0.4%
P11.8                624           624        0.0%
P11.9               4496          4484        0.3%
P11.10             19204         19128        0.4%
P11.11             12192         12148        0.4%
P11.12             10626         10584        0.4%
Forward merging and delaying

         Neither     Merge       Delaying    Merge & Delay
         -------     -----       --------    -------------
P732.1    8192    8172 (0.2%)   8160 (0.4%)   8136 (0.7%)
P732.2    6126    6110 (0.3%)   6054 (1.2%)   6044 (1.3%)
P732.3    9956    9948 (0.2%)   9872 (0.8%)   9864 (0.9%)
P732.4    4958    4950 (0.2%)   4942 (0.3%)   4942 (0.3%)
P732.5    4986    4970 (0.3%)   4982 (0.1%)   4966 (0.4%)
P732.6    3208    3194 (0.4%)   3140 (2.1%)   3122 (2.7%)
P732.7    9874    9752 (1.2%)   9834 (0.4%)   9812 (1.6%)
P732.8     770     764 (0.5%)    738 (4.2%)    728 (5.4%)
P732.9    6148    6136 (0.2%)   6132 (0.3%)   6120 (0.4%)
P732.10  20650   20586 (0.3%)  20558 (0.4%)  20490 (0.8%)
P732.11  12442   12406 (0.3%)  12342 (0.8%)  12306 (1.1%)
P732.12  11296   11280 (0.1%)  11272 (0.2%)  11256 (0.4%)

P11.1     7660    7660 (0.0%)   7660 (0.0%)   7660 (0.0%)
P11.2     6000    6000 (0.0%)   5988 (0.2%)   5988 (0.2%)
P11.3     9444    9444 (0.0%)   9434 (0.1%)   9434 (0.1%)
P11.4     4768    4768 (0.0%)   4768 (0.0%)   4768 (0.0%)
P11.5     4452    4448 (0.1%)   4452 (0.0%)   4448 (0.1%)
P11.6     3064    3064 (0.0%)   3060 (0.1%)   3060 (0.1%)
P11.7     7032    7004 (0.4%)   7032 (0.0%)   7004 (0.4%)
P11.8      624     620 (0.6%)    620 (0.6%)    616 (1.3%)
P11.9     4484    4484 (0.0%)   4484 (0.0%)   4484 (0.0%)
P11.10   19128   19128 (0.0%)  19128 (0.0%)  19128 (0.0%)
P11.11   12148   12136 (0.1%)  12136 (0.1%)  12124 (0.2%)
P11.12   10584   10584 (0.0%)  10584 (0.0%)  10584 (0.0%)
All optimisations

                     None     All      Gain
                     ----     ---      ----
P732.1              11300     8136     28.0%
P732.2               7520     6044     19.6%
P732.3              12286     9864     19.7%
P732.4               5782     4942     14.5%
P732.5               6204     4966     19.9%
P732.6               4004     3122     22.0%
P732.7              11750     9812     16.5%
P732.8                988      728     26.3%
P732.9               6848     6120     10.6%
P732.10             24722    20490     17.1%
P732.11             14618    12306     15.8%
P732.12             14064    11256     20.0%

P11.1                9664     7660     20.7%
P11.2                6588     5988      9.1%
P11.3               11092     9434     14.9%
P11.4                5540     4768     13.9%
P11.5                5572     4448     20.2%
P11.6                3666     3060     16.5%
P11.7                8632     7004     18.7%
P11.8                 752      616     18.1%
P11.9                5256     4484     14.7%
P11.10              23940    19128     20.1%
P11.11              14328    12124     15.4%
P11.12              12816    10584     17.8%
Total CPU time and CPU time in input/output

Internal I/O: communication from phase 1 to phase 3.
External I/O: input of the source and the output of the object files.

          Phase 1      Phase 2       Phase 3           Overall
        -----------   ----------    ----------    ------------------
        Total    %    Total   %     Total   %     Internal  External
         CPU    I/O    CPU   I/O     CPU   I/O      I/O       I/O

All optimisations:

P732.1:   53%    8%    32%    6%     14%    5%      13%        7%
P732.2:   53%    8%    35%    8%     12%    5%      16%        7%
P732.3:   51%    7%    34%    7%     15%    5%      13%        6%
P732.4:   54%    8%    32%    6%     14%    5%      13%        7%
P732.5:   49%   12%    36%    5%     14%    5%      12%        6%
P732.6:   50%    7%    37%    7%     12%    6%      14%        7%
P732.7:   48%    7%    39%    7%     13%    7%      15%        6%
P732.8:   54%    7%    36%    7%     10%    5%      16%        4%
P732.9:   50%    8%    36%    8%     14%    6%      15%        7%
P732.10:  54%    6%    29%    5%     17%    4%      11%        6%
P732.11:  52%    7%    32%    6%     16%    5%      11%        6%
P732.12:  52%    8%    32%    8%     17%    7%      15%        7%

No optimisation:

P732.1:   50%    7%    30%    7%     19%    8%      16%        7%
P732.2:   55%    8%    31%    9%     14%    8%      16%        8%
P732.3:   54%    8%    28%    8%     18%    6%      15%        7%
P732.4:   57%    8%    26%    7%     16%    6%      14%        7%
P732.5:   52%    8%    30%    8%     17%    7%      16%        7%
P732.6:   53%    8%    32%    9%     15%    8%      17%        8%
P732.7:   49%    7%    31%    8%     19%    8%      17%        6%
P732.8:   56%    7%    32%    9%     12%    6%      18%        5%
P732.9:   55%    9%    29%    8%     16%    7%      16%        8%
P732.10:  55%    6%    23%    6%     21%    5%      13%        6%
P732.11:  55%    8%    26%    6%     20%    6%      12%        6%
P732.12:  54%    8%    27%    8%     19%    8%      16%        8%
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