IMP ON THE DECsystem-10/20 ___ __ ___ _______________ USERS GUIDE _____ _____ second edition: June 1978 Keith M. Farvis, Edinburgh Regional Computing Centre. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 1 CONTENTS. Page Forward 2 Section 1. Using the compiler 3 Use of COMPIL 4 Compiler messages 4 Section 2. External procedures 5 The system library 5 %INCLUDE files 6 Section 3. Input and output 7 Stream input/output 7 The stream input/output procedures 7-9 Symbol i/o 8 String i/o 8 Number i/o 8-9 Stream input/output conventions 9 Example using basic i/o procedures 9 Strings as streams 10 Direct Access and Sequential Files 11-12 File definition efficiency 13 Example using FILESPEC records 14 Internal handling of input/output 15 Section 4. Memory Management 16-17 Section 5. Calling other languages 18-20 Calling FORTRAN from IMP 18 COMMOM blocks 18-19 Calling IMP from FORTRAN 19 Calling MACRO from IMP 20 Calling IMP from MACRO 20 Section 6. Program debugging 21-25 DDT 21 /CROSS 22 ALIST 23-24 RECODE 23-25 APPENDICES A Useful constants and variables 26 B Definition of the file specification record 27 C Definition of internal input/output records 28-30 D Data storage 31 Code conventions 32-36 Register allocation 32 Procedure entry and exits 32-33 Parameters to procedures 33-35 Procedure parameters 35 Use of machine code 36 E ASCII character set 37 F Related library procedures 38-39 G System library procedures 40-43 H Runtime error codes 44-46 Index 47-48 IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 2 Forward _______ This manual describes the operation of the portable IMP language compiler on the DECsystem-10, together with the system dependent features of this implementation. It is not a description of the IMP language and it assumes the reader has previous knowledge of the TOPS-10 operating system as described in:- DECsystem-10 Operating System Commands manual. (AA-0916A-TB) companion manuals are:- The IMP-77 Language: Reference manual. Peter S. Robertson, Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh. IMP on the DEC-10: Library manual. Keith M. Farvis, Edinburgh Regional Computing Centre, Edinburgh. other manuals referred to in this document are:- DECsystem-10 Monitor Calls Manual. (AA-0974C-TB) DECsystem-10 Hardware Reference Manual. (AA-1023A-TB) Implementations of the portable IMP compiler are also available for:- PDP-11 PDP-15 Interdata 7/16 and 7/32 Nova (in a restricted form) CIL-70 Nord-10 ICL System 4 (under EMAS operating system) versions are planned for Argus 700 VAX 11/780 Because an intermediate code is used in IMP-77, it allows the compiler's first pass, which does the syntax analysis, to be replaced by one for another language. Such a portable version of Algol-60 is available and a version of Pascal is being written. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 3 Section 1: Using the compiler _____ ___ ________ The IMP compiler is run by the monitor command .R IMP to which the compiler responds with the prompt * the command string it requires is * , = or * = or * The s refer to the standard DEC-10 file specifications namely:- Device: filename . extension [directory list] The directory list specification can include sub-file-directories. The following switches to the compiler may also be included after any of the file specifications:- /CROSS - include a cross referenced listing (implies a /LIST) /LIST - include a listing file /NOCODE - syntax check only /NOLIST - do not include a listing file Thus .R IMP * FRED/CROSS/NOLIST/NOCODE will produce a listing file called FRED.LST containing only the cross reference tables and will only do syntax checking without generating any code. The defaults applied to incomplete file specifications are:- input-filespec - DSK: filename . IMP [user] rel-filespec - DSK: filename . REL [user] list-filespec - DSK: filename . LST [user] A .REL file is always produced unless suppressed by the /NOCODE switch and a listing file is only produced if asked for by the /LIST or /CROSS switches or if a listing file specification is given. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 4 Section 1: Using the compiler _____ ___ ________ Use of COMPIL ___ __ ______ The compiler is normally run by using the COMPIL class of commands, namely:- .COMPILE . . . .LOAD . . . .EXECUTE . . . .DEBUG . . . The extension .IMP is recognised by COMPIL to imply the IMP compiler and the appropriate command string is generated and sent to the compiler. For a full description of COMPIL'S facilities including the passing of switches to the compiler see the DEC-10 COMMANDS MANUAL. Compiler messages ________ ________ The compiler runs in 3 passes, the first doing the syntax analysis and the second and third producing the code. During the first pass, syntax error messages are output to the teletype and the listing file, if one is to be produced. At the end of the first pass either the message "Program contains n faults" is output and the compilation terminates, or else " n Statements compiled" is output and compilation continues into the second and third passes. On completion, the compiler outputs a message giving the sizes of the object file components. e.g. Code 78 + Gla 23 + Diags 0 = 101 Words where 'Code' is the amount of code produced, 'Gla' is the general linkage area and 'own' variables, 'Diags' the diagnostic information and then their sum. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 5 Section 2: External procedures ________ __________ The System Library ___ ______ _______ Most IMP programs require to use procedures to do input/output or perform mathematical functions. A set of such procedures is collected together in the system library. This library is automatically searched whenever an IMP program is loaded in order to link in any routines which the program may have called. The library contains three classes of procedure; implicit, external and system procedures. 1) The implicit class are those which do not require to be declared before being called and comprise all the commonly used procedures like READSYMBOL, WRITE and FRAC PT. It also includes primitive procedures such as ADDR and REM. 2) The external class do require declarations before being used and comprise the less frequently used routines like RESET INPUT and PROMPT. 3) The system class are similar to the external class but comprise procedures that are either very system dependent or require some detailed knowledge of the DEC-10 monitor, for example DDT and GETTAB. In the declaration of system routines, the word %SYSTEM is used where %EXTERNAL is used in the external class. e.g. %EXTERNALROUTINESPEC PROMPT(%STRING(255) STR) %SYSTEMROUTINESPEC DDT(%NAME X) would be the declarations required for the routines PROMPT and DDT. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 6 Section 2: External procedures ________ __________ %INCLUDE Files ________ _____ In this implementation there are no restrictions on what statements may be put in %INCLUDE files. However a common use for them is to contain the declarations of commonly used external or system procedures, or to contain global data declarations to be used by a number of program modules. To help the user who requires to use a set of related procedures of the external or system type, a number of %INCLUDE files have been assembled which contain the declarations for those procedures. The user simply uses an %INCLUDE statement for that file before they call the procedures. It should be noted that procedures which are declared but not used are not loaded unless they were compiled in the same file as one which needs to be loaded. There are also a number of include files provided which refer to procedures which are not in the system library but which require other files to be loaded, but all the %INCLUDE files have the necessary documentation in them. For a full list of the facilities offered look at the include files on the IMP: area on disk. e.g. %INCLUDE "IMP:DASQ.INC" will include the declarations for all the procedures concerned with Direct Access and Sequential Files. The following are some of the available files:- DASQ.INC - Direct Access and Sequential files routines TIME.INC - Date and Time procedures FORTRA.INC - Calling FORTRAN routines and functions IOLIB.INC - Input/Output internal record definitions IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 7 Section 3: Input and output _____ ___ ______ Stream input/output ______ ____________ The normal mode of input/output is via character or binary streams. There are sixteen streams for input and sixteen independent streams for output, numbered 0 to 15, however a maximum of 15 streams or DA/SQ channels (excluding stream 0) may be open at any one time. Before one can do either input or output a stream has to be associated with a file and then selected to be the current input or output stream; all subsequent input or output is directed to or from that stream until another one is selected. When all the desired input or output has been done, the stream may be closed, an action which is taken automatically for all open streams when a program completes execution normally (i.e. when a %STOP or %END %OF %PROGRAM statement is executed). When a program begins execution both input and output stream 0 are automatically associated with the users console and selected as the current streams. The rest of the streams are associated with the 'nul:' device, i.e. any input results in an 'end-of-file' condition (%SIGNAL %EVENT 9) and any output is thrown away. Stream 0 cannot be redefined and when any other stream is closed it defaults back to being associated with the 'nul:' device. The stream input/output procedures ___ ______ ____________ __________ Below are the basic procedures for input and output, all of which are implicitly defined. %ROUTINE DEFINE INPUT (%INTEGER STREAM %STRING(255) FILE) %ROUTINE DEFINE OUTPUT(%INTEGER STREAM %STRING(255) FILE) These routines associate files with streams. The first parameter is a stream number in the range 1-15, The second is a string which contains a DEC-10 style file specification allowing for full sub-file-directory and switch specifications. Character streams are the default, binary streams are defined using the /MODE:#10 switch in the file specification. (See Appendix B for a list of permitted switches.) e.g. DEFINE INPUT(1,"fred.bin[110,110,data]/mode:#10") DEFINE OUTPUT(12,"joe.lst") When a device name is omitted 'DSK' is assumed and when a directory is omitted the users own area is assumed. %ROUTINE SELECT INPUT (%INTEGER STREAM) %ROUTINE SELECT OUTPUT(%INTEGER STREAM) These are used to select the current input and output streams to be used from then on. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 8 Section 3: Input and output _____ ___ ______ %ROUTINE CLOSE INPUT %ROUTINE CLOSE OUTPUT These routines close the currently selected input or output streams which become attached again to the NUL stream. symbol I/O ______ ___ The four procedures below operate on ASCII or binary symbols, depending on the mode of the currently selected stream. %ROUTINE READ SYMBOL(%INTEGER SYM) inputs the next symbol on the current input stream. %INTEGERFN NEXT SYMBOL returns the next symbol but does not advance the buffer pointer, so that a subsequent call of any of the input routines will read it again. %ROUTINE SKIP SYMBOL throws away the next symbol on the current input stream. %ROUTINE PRINT SYMBOL(%INTEGER SYM) outputs the given symbol on the current output stream. String I/O ______ ___ %ROUTINE READ ITEM(%STRING(1)%NAME STR) reads the next symbol from the current input stream and returns it as a string of length one in the given variable. %STRING(1)%FN NEXT ITEM returns the next symbol from the current input stream, as a string of length one, but does not advance the buffer pointer, so that a subsequent call of any input routine will read it again. %ROUTINE READ STRING(%STRING%NAME STR) reads a series of ASCII characters enclosed within double quotes, into an IMP string variable. %ROUTINE READ TEXT(%STRING%NAME STR, %INTEGER TERMIN) reads a series of ASCII characters up till a given terminator, into an IMP string variable. %ROUTINE PRINT STRING(%STRING(255) STR) writes out the given IMP string. Number I/O ______ ___ %ROUTINE READ(%NAME X) reads a number into the given variable, the type of number read depends on the type of variable given (%INTEGER or %REAL - or also %STRING). IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 9 Section 3: Input and output _____ ___ ______ %ROUTINE WRITE(%INTEGER N,PLACES) outputs an integer in a given number of printing positions. %ROUTINE PRINT(%REAL R, %INTEGER B,A) outputs a real number with a given number of printing positions before and after the decimal point. %ROUTINE PRINT FL(%REAL R, %INTEGER A) outputs a real number in floating point format with the given number of digits after the decimal point. Stream input/output conventions ______ ____________ ___________ In normal ASCII mode the end of a line is terminated by a newline character, which is defined as ASCII LF, carriage return characters being ignored on input and inserted on output. Null characters are also ignored. If one wishes to see every character and not have them edited in this way, the streams should be set up with the switches "/MODE:#10/BYTE:7" in the file specification. Example program using basic I/O procedures _______ _______ _____ _____ ___ __________ Below is a sample program using the basic input/output routines described above. %BEGIN; !A PROGRAM TO COPY A FILE ONTO THE TERMINAL !AND ONTO A LINE-PRINTER %CONSTINTEGER IN=1, OUT=1; !STREAM NUMBERS %INTEGER SYM; !AN INTEGER TO READ CHARACTERS INTO %ON %EVENT 9 %START; !TRAP WHEN END-OF-FILE ENCOUNTERED ON INPUT CLOSE INPUT; !CLOSE THE INPUT FILE SELECT OUTPUT(OUT); !SELECT THE LINE-PRINTER CLOSE OUTPUT; !AND CLOSE IT %STOP; !AND FINISH PROGRAM EXECUTION %FINISH DEFINE INPUT(IN,"MESSAG.TXT"); !OPEN INPUT FILE DEFINE OUTPUT(OUT,"LPT:"); !OPEN LINE-PRINTER SELECT INPUT(IN); !SET TO READ FROM FILE %CYCLE; !MAIN PROGRAM LOOP READ SYMBOL(SYM); !READ A CHARACTER FROM THE FILE PRINT SYMBOL(SYM); !OUTPUT CHARACTER TO TERMINAL SELECT OUTPUT(OUT); !SELECT LINE-PRINTER PRINT SYMBOL(SYM); !AND OUTPUT CHARACTER TO THAT AS WELL SELECT OUTPUT(0); !RE-SELECT TERMINAL %REPEAT; !CONTINUE UNTIL END-OF-FILE EVENT %ENDOFPROGRAM IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 10 Section 3: Input and output _____ ___ ______ Strings as streams _______ __ _______ It is possible to have string variables as the source and destination of the above stream input and output. It is necessary to define streams to be associated with string variables by using the two external routines %EXTERNALROUTINE SDEF INPUT(%INTEGER N, %STRINGNAME STRING) %EXTERNALROUTINE SDEF OUTPUT(%INTEGER N, %STRINGNAME STRING) the routines SELECT INPUT/OUTPUT, CLOSE INPUT/OUTPUT and RESET INPUT/OUTPUT operate as for normal input/output. Note that an End-of-file condition is signalled when the end of a string is reached on input, and an output stream needs to be closed before the final string length is written. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 11 Section 3: Input and output _____ ___ ______ Direct Access and Sequential Files ______ ______ ___ __________ _____ It is often useful to read or write a large section of data or records directly to or from a file, without having to treat each item individually. This is accomplished by Direct Access (DA) and Sequential (SQ) files. The difference between them is that with Direct Access one can read from and write to any desired block in a file, whereas with Sequential Files one can only read or write (but not both) in a sequential order as the name indicates. The DA/SQ system uses data channels in the range 1 to 15 which work independently of the normal input/output streams described above. However one can only have a combined maximum of 15 streams and channels open simultaneously. Channels, like streams, must be associated with files, before being used, but there is no concept of a current channel and the channel number must be given whenever reading, writing or closing a DA/SQ channel. DA channels allow both reads and writes to them, but with SQ files, the first read or write sets the type of access from then on and the file can only be read from or written to until the file is re-opened. Data is stored in the files differently for DA and SQ files. In DA files data is written starting at the beginning of a block and any space left at the end of that or subseqent blocks on a WRITE DA statement is zero filled. In SQ files, data is read and written sequentially, without intervening padding, and without data or record separators. If for example one were to write 3 records of length 150 words each, using a DA file and an SQ file, the resulting files (block size 128) would look as follows:- ____________________________________________________ DA file | RECORD 1 | | RECORD 2 | | RECORD 3 | ____________________________________________________ disk | BLOCK 1 | BLOCK 2 | BLOCK 3 | BLOCK 4 | BLOCK 5 | ____________________________________________________ SQ file | RECORD 1 | RECORD 2 | RECORD 3 | ____________________________________________________ IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 12 Section 3: Input and output _____ ___ ______ The routines which operate on DA/SQ files are described briefly below %ROUTINE OPEN DA(%INTEGER CHAN, %STRING(255) FILE) %ROUTINE OPEN SQ(%INTEGER CHAN, %STRING(255) FILE) The routines OPEN DA and OPEN SQ are used to associate files to channel numbers. The channel number must be in the range 1-15 and the string can contain a full DECsystem-10 file specification. %ROUTINE READ DA(%INTEGER CHAN, %INTEGERNAME BLOCK, %NAME FIRST, LAST) %ROUTINE WRITE DA(%INTEGER CHAN, %INTEGERNAME BLOCK, %NAME FIRST, LAST) %ROUTINE READ SQ(%INTEGER CHAN, %NAME FIRST, LAST) %ROUTINE WRITE SQ(%INTEGER CHAN, %NAME FIRST, LAST) The reading and writing routines have to specify the channel number and the DA routines must give the block number from which reading or writing is to take place. The number of the last block read from or written to is returned in the same variable. The two %NAME type parameters define the first and last consecutive items to be transfered and these may be of any type, including records. There exists a limitation, because of the fact that data is being transferred directly to the file, without buffering, that the data must exist in the low segment i.e. either in %OWN or %EXTERNAL variables, or the data stack must be declared by the user (see Memory Management section). %ROUTINE CLOSE DA(%INTEGER CHAN) %ROUTINE CLOSE SQ(%INTEGER CHAN) These routines close the files associated with the given channel number and release the channel for re-use. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 13 Section 3: Input and output _____ ___ ______ File definition efficiency ____ __________ __________ Whilst the above method of specifying files using strings gives the most general file handling facility, users may require more flexibility in manipulation of the file definitions or may wish to save some of the overhead neccesarily involved in having to parse the given string into its component parts. To this end there is an implicit %RECORD %FORMAT called FILESPEC. All file specification strings are internally parsed into these records which are described in Appendix B together with a list of the switches recognised by the runtime system. There are an equivalent set of routines for defining streams and channels which take these records as the second parameter, namely XDEFINE INPUT, XDEFINE OUTPUT, XOPEN DA and OPEN SQ. There is also an external routine called READFS which will read in a FILESPEC format record directly from the current input stream. (See the example below.) All these routines are described in detail in the IMP DEC-10 Library Manual. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 14 Section 3: Input and output _____ ___ ______ Example program using FILESPEC records. _______ _______ _____ ________ ________ %BEGIN; !A PROGRAM TO COPY A FILE ONTO THE USERS CONSOLE %EXTERNALROUTINESPEC PROMPT(%STRING(255) S) %EXTERNALROUTINESPEC READFS(%RECORD(FILESPEC)%NAME FS) %RECORD(FILESPEC) INPUT FS %INTEGER SYM %CONSTINTEGER IN=1; !INPUT STREAM NUMBER %ON %EVENT 9 %START; !ON END-OF-FILE %STOP %FINISH PROMPT("INPUT FILE:- "); !PROMPT USER READFS(INPUT FS); !READ THE FILE NAME !NOW ADD AN EXTENSION IF ONE IS NOT GIVEN INPUT FS_EXT="IMP" %IF INPUT FS_EXT="" XDEFINE INPUT(IN,INPUT FS); !OPEN THE FILE SELECT INPUT(IN); !SELECT IT !NOW COPY THE FILE UNTIL AN END-OF-FILE TRAP %CYCLE READSYMBOL(SYM) PRINTSYMBOL(SYM) %REPEAT %ENDOFPROGRAM IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 15 Section 3: Input and output _____ ___ ______ Internal handling of input/output ________ ________ __ ____________ All streams and DA/SQ channels use internally defined records called Stream Control Blocks (SCBs) which contain all the necessary information for the runtime system for that stream or channel. Normally these SCBs are completely hidden from the user, but they may be used to obtain information about files, or to alter the way that i/o is handled. Streams have two record arrays associated with them, one array for input and the other for output. These contain pointers to the SCBs or TTSCBs (special case for Teletypes) for each stream. %EXTERNALRECORD(SCBNAME)%ARRAY INVEC(-1:15) %EXTERNALRECORD(SCBNAME)%ARRAY OUTVEC(-1:15) where the SCBNAME record is defined as:- %RECORDFORMAT SCBNAME(%RECORD(SCB)%NAME NAME) In addition the currently selected streams are pointed to by two %RECORD %NAME variables, namely:- %RECORD(SCB)%NAME INSCB %RECORD(SCB)%NAME OUTSCB Thus by providing %SPEC statements for the above and by %INCLUDEing the file IMP:IOLIB.INC (where the SCB is defined), the user has complete access to all the streams. It should be noted that the users Teletype (e.g. stream 0) has a special short SCB associated with it. Similarly the unassigned stream numbers have short SCBs associated with the 'nul:' device. The DA/SQ system has a single array:- %EXTERNALRECORD(SCBNAME)%ARRAY DASQVEC(1:15) which contains pointers to the SCBs associated with each channel, unassigned channels having an address of zero. The SCB record and it's sub-records are described in the file IMP:IOLIB.INC and in Appendix C. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 16 Section 4: Memory Management ______ __________ The runtime system for IMP on the DECsystem-10/20 needs both a stack and a buffer area for the I/O subsytem. The stack contains the return addresses, from procedures, the previous stack base-address and storage for all the local arrays and variables which are dynamically allocated upon entry to blocks and procedures. It is a dynamic stack and grows upwards from the top of the users high segment. The heap is a managed data area which supplies vectors of any length at any contextual level in the user program. For example the Input/Output system uses the heap to get space for it's buffers. It is also dynamic and grows upward from the top of the users low segment. _________________ | | | | |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| | ^ | | | | | STACK | | |_________________| | HIGH SEGMENT | | CODE | |_________________| 400000 | | | | | | |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| | ^ | | HEAP | | | | | |_________________| | | | GLA | |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| | | | LOW SEGMENT | |_________________| 0 IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 17 Section 4: Memory Management ______ __________ Normally these data areas are allocated and managed without the user needing to know of their whereabouts. But the user who wants control over them may assign fixed lengths for either or both areas by declaring the following variables, together with their size (at compile time), in any of the program modules to be loaded:- %EXTERNALINTEGER STACK SIZE = n %EXTERNALINTEGER HEAP SIZE = m The data areas themselves can also be defined and thereby included in the general linkage area (GLA) thus:- %EXTERNALINTEGERARRAY STACK(0:STACKSIZE) %EXTERNALINTEGERARRAY HEAP(0:HEAPSIZE) It should be noted that when one of the above data area declarations is used, the corresponding size variable must also have been declared, together with its size given at compile time. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 18 Section 5: Calling other languages _______ _____ _________ Calling FORTRAN from IMP _______ _______ ____ ___ In order to call FORTRAN from IMP it is necessary to simulate FORTRAN's calling conventions. This is done by having a set of jacket procedures. The file IMP:FORTRA.INC contains the specifications for such routines and integer and real functions the names of which are CALL0-CALL9, ICALL0-ICALL9 and RCALL0-RCALL9 respectively. The number in the name refers to the number of %NAME type parameters being passed to FORTRAN. Each procedure actually has n+1 %NAME type parameters, the first is the name of the FORTRAN procedure being called. This has to be declared as an external and for ease of processing, it should be declared as an %EXTERNAL %INTEGER. The example below shows a FORTRAN integer function called MIXUP with four parameters, being called from IMP. %INCLUDE "IMP:FORTRA.INC" %BEGIN %EXTERNALINTEGERSPEC MIXUP %INTEGER A,B,C,D,N ........ N = ICALL4(MIXUP,A,B,C,D) . . . . %ENDOFPROGRAM Should FORTRAN I/O be required, then the external routine INITFOR should be requested and called at the start of execution. This will cause the FORTRAN library to be searched and will initialise the input/output system. If I/O is being done from both IMP and FORTRAN then the FORTRAN channels should be set up first and then the IMP ones. This is because IMP sees if a channel is in use before it tries to assign it. It is also necessary that the heap space where IMP sets up its buffers is declared in the user's own area (see the memory management section), otherwise both FORTRAN and IMP will compete for store management at the top of the low segment. COMMON blocks ______ ______ If COMMON blocks need to be accessed from IMP, this is accomplished by declaring an external block of store having the same name as the common block and having the same form. This can be done either by mapping onto an integer array or else by defining a record having the appropriate form. Below is an example program which accesses the FORTRAN COMMON block:- COMMON/FORIMP/ IA,IB,IC,X,Y,Z IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 19 Section 5: Calling other languages _______ _____ _________ giving in IMP:- %BEGIN %RECORDFORMAT COMMON1(%INTEGER IA,IB, %REAL X,Y) %EXTERNALRECORD(COMMMON1)%SPEC FORIMP ....... %IF FORIMP_IA = FORIMP_IB %THEN FORIMP_X = FORIMP_Y ..... %ENDOFPROGRAM Calling IMP from FORTRAN _______ ___ ____ _______ An IMP procedure may be called from FORTRAN just like an externally defined FORTRAN procedure. If any parameters need to be passed, this may be done either through COMMON (see above) or by the appropriate decoding of the parameters on the IMP side. Since FORTRAN passes the address of a list of pointers to the parameters, the IMP procedure sees the equivalent of a %RECORD %NAME parameter, whose format is a list of %NAME type parameters. The following code would be required to handle the call of an IMP routine having two integer name parameters, invoked by the FORTRAN statement CALL IMPRTN(IVAL1,IVAL2) in IMP:- %RECORDFORMAT IMPRTN PARAMETERS(%INTEGERNAME IVAL1,IVAL2) %RECORD (IMPRTN PARAMETERS) R %EXTERNALROUTINE IMPRTN(%RECORD(IMPRTN PARAMETERS)%NAME R) R_IVAL1=R_IVAL1+1 R_IVAL2=R_IVAL2-1 %END %ENDOFFILE If the IMP input/output system is required then a call from FORTRAN of the IMP routines INITIO and INITHEAP are needed before any IMP input/output is done. However the same limitation exists, as for calling FORTRAN from IMP, that any FORTRAN I/O channels should be set up first, before IMP I/O is attempted, and that the heap should be declared in the IMP module (see the memory management section). IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 20 IMP/MACRO cross calling Calling MACRO from IMP _______ _____ ____ ___ No difficulties should be encountered, so long as the IMP calling conventions are adhered to and the base registers are always preserved. The file IMP:IMPPRM.MAC contains the definition of registers, IMP strings and SCB records. (see also Appendix D). Calling IMP from MACRO _______ ___ ____ _____ So long as the stack (register 17) is large enough for the IMP procedures being called, no difficulties should be encountered. IMP will destroy the left half of the stack pointer and will not necessarily preserve any of the registers. If the registers need to be preserved then the macro program must look after it, although there are two routines in the IMP system library to help. These routines are called SAVEACS and RESTORE and will save and restore registers 2-17. Registers 0 and 1 are left so that results from maps and functions can be returned. If IMP I/O is required, then the routines INITIO and INITHEAP must be called first, either by MACRO or IMP and the heap must be declared in the IMP module (see the memory management section). IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 21 Section 6: Program debugging _______ _________ DDT ___ The standard DEC-10 debugging system DDT can be used in the normal way. The code can be followed with the help of ALIST or RECODE listings (see below). There is also a system routine DDT which takes a %NAME type parameter and, when encountered, will enter DDT with all the registers unchanged and the argument address saved in DDARG. The main program can be resumed by typing:- DDCONT$G IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 22 Section 6: Program debugging _______ _________ /CROSS ______ A cross reference listing file, using the compiler's own cross reference lister, is obtained by including the /CROSS switch in the compiler command string. The output allows one to trace the use of local and global variables in procedures and at different contextual levels. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 23 Section 6: Program debugging _______ _________ ALIST _____ ALIST is a program on the system area which takes an IMP source file and the corresponding object file and produces a listing file which contains, along with the line-numbered source, the relative addresses of the code generated for each source line. An example of ALIST output is shown at the end of this section. RECODE ______ Recode is a program residing on the system area which takes an IMP source file and the corresponding object file and produces a listing file which contains along with the line-numbered source, the code which the compiler has generated for every line. An example of RECODE output is shown overleaf. The command format for both ALIST and RECODE ___ _______ ______ ___ ____ _____ ___ ______ Both programs prompt with * to which the response is * = , or * = or * where the missing arguments are replaced by the following list-filespec - DSK: filename .LST [user] rel-filespec - DSK: filename .REL [user] source-filespec - DSK: filename .IMP [user] In addition to this RECODE requires a range of lines for which recoding is required. The prompts for this are:- From: n To: m this may be repeated a number of times. A response of zero closes the output and returns to monitor level. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 24 Section 6: Program debugging _______ _________ An example of ALIST output __ _______ __ _____ ______ 1 400016 %BEGIN; !A PROGRAM TO OUTPUT A FILE ONTO THE TERMINAL 2 3 %CONSTINTEGER IN=1; !STREAM NUMBER 4 %INTEGER SYM; !AN INTEGER TO READ CHARACTERS INTO 5 6 400022 %ON %EVENT 9 %START; !TRAP WHEN END-OF-FILE ENCOUNTERED ON INPUT 7 400023 CLOSE INPUT; !CLOSE THE INPUT FILE 8 400024 %STOP; !AND FINISH PROGRAM EXECUTION 9 %FINISH 10 11 400027 DEFINE INPUT(IN,"FILE.TXT"); !OPEN INPUT FILE 12 400032 SELECT INPUT(IN); !SET TO READ FROM FILE 13 14 %CYCLE; !MAIN PROGRAM LOOP 15 400034 READ SYMBOL(SYM); !READ A CHARACTER FROM THE FILE 16 400036 PRINT SYMBOL(SYM); !OUTPUT CHARACTER TO TERMINAL 17 400040 %REPEAT; !CONTINUE UNTIL END-OF-FILE EVENT 18 400004 %ENDOFPROGRAM IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 25 Section 6: Program debugging _______ _________ An example of RECODE output __ _______ __ ______ ______ 1 %BEGIN; !A PROGRAM TO OUTPUT A FILE ONTO THE TERMINAL 400016 202717 000001 MOVEM 13, 1(17) 400017 200700 000017 MOVE 13, 17 400020 271740 000003 ADDI 17, 3 400021 417017 000006 SETMM 0, 6(17) 2 3 %CONSTINTEGER IN=1; !STREAM NUMBER 4 %INTEGER SYM; !AN INTEGER TO READ CHARACTERS INTO 5 6 %ON %EVENT 9 %START; !TRAP WHEN END-OF-FILE ENCOUNTERED ON INPUT 400022 254000 400027 JRST 0, 400027 400014 400041 400027 SETZ 1, 400027(1) 400015 001000 400023 USER 0, 400023 7 CLOSE INPUT; !CLOSE THE INPUT FILE 400023 260740 000000 PUSHJ 17, 0 8 %STOP; !AND FINISH PROGRAM EXECUTION 400024 403200 000005 SETZB 14, 15 400025 400300 000000 SETZ 16, 0 400026 265140 000000 JSP 3, 0 9 %FINISH 10 11 DEFINE INPUT(IN,"FILE.TXT"); !OPEN INPUT FILE 400027 201040 000001 MOVEI 1, 1 400030 551300 000001 HRRZI 16, 1 400031 260740 400107 PUSHJ 17, 400107 12 SELECT INPUT(IN); !SET TO READ FROM FILE 400032 551300 000001 HRRZI 16, 1 400033 260740 400136 PUSHJ 17, 400136 13 14 %CYCLE; !MAIN PROGRAM LOOP 15 READ SYMBOL(SYM); !READ A CHARACTER FROM THE FILE 400034 201316 000002 MOVEI 16, 2(16) 400035 260740 000000 PUSHJ 17, 0 16 PRINT SYMBOL(SYM); !OUTPUT CHARACTER TO TERMINAL 400036 200316 000002 MOVE 16, 2(16) 400037 260740 000000 PUSHJ 17, 0 17 %REPEAT; !CONTINUE UNTIL END-OF-FILE EVENT 400040 254000 400034 JRST 0, 400034 18 %ENDOFPROGRAM 400004 000000 400013 400013 000000 400163 400005 000000 000000 400163 000000 400165 400041 000000 000000 400165 000000 400167 400164 000000 000000 400167 000000 400171 400166 000000 000000 400171 000000 400173 400170 000000 000000 400173 000000 000000 400172 000000 000000 IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 26 Appendix A ________ _ Useful constants and variables. ______ _________ ___ __________ Characters:- NL - newline character SP - space character TAB - tab character FF - form-feed character ESC - escape character monitor locations:- AC(0:8_17) - registers VERSION - DEC-10 format Version number JOBDAT(8_40:8_140) - Job Data area IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 27 APPENDIX B ________ _ Definition of the file specification record __________ __ ___ ____ _____________ ______ %RECORDFORMAT FILESPEC( %C %STRING(6) DEV, - Device name %STRING(6) FILE, - File name %STRING(3) EXT, - File extension %INTEGER PPN, - Project-programmer pair %STRING(6)%ARRAY SFDS(1:MAX SFDS), - List of sub-file directories %INTEGER PROT, - 3 octal digit protection code %STRING(20) SWITCHES)- String of switches Switches recognised by the DEC-10 system library are:- /ALLOCATE: n Allocate 'n' contiguous blocks when creating a file /BLOCKSIZE: n Set blocksize for a device /BUFFERS: n Use 'n' buffers in the buffer ring /BYTE: n Set the byte size for reading/writing /DENSITY: n Set density for magnetic tape ( 200, 556, 800 or 1600 bpi ) /ESTIMATE: n Set aside 'n' blocks when creating a file /EXTEND: n Use an extended Lookup/Enter block where 'n' is ommitted 35 octal is assumed /FUNCTION: n The appropriate FILOP function is used /MODE: n Set the mode to be this (the status word) /PARITY: n Set parity for magnetic tapes: 0 = even, 1 = odd /TRMOP Use TRMOP UUO for terminal I/O /VERSION: n Version number interpreted in DEC .JBVER format (see DECsystem 10 Monitor Calls Manual) Switches can be abreviated to the shortest unique string. Numbers can be specified as octal if preceded by a hash sign. e.g. /BL:#203 - set the blocksize to octal 203 IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 28 APPENDIX C ________ _ Definition of the internal input/output records __________ __ ___ ________ ____________ _______ Definition of stream control blocks __________ __ ______ _______ ______ The stream control blocks for all the streams are pointed to by the following arrays:- %EXTERNALRECORD(SCBNAME)%ARRAY INVEC(0:15) %EXTERNALRECORD(SCBNAME)%ARRAY OUTVEC(0:15) where the record SCBNAME is defined:- %RECORDFORMAT SCBNAME(%RECORD(SCB)%NAME NAME) and the current SCBs are pointed to by %EXTERNALRECORD(SCB)%NAME INSCB %EXTERNALRECORD(SCB)%NAME OUTSCB And for DA/SQ channels they are pointed to by the array:- %EXTERNALRECORD(SCBNAME)%ARRAY DASQVEC(1:15) where the format of the SCB is as follows:- %RECORD %FORMAT SCB( %C %INTEGER DEVTYP - Device type, where (-3=string, -2=tmpcor, -1=nul: and >=0 is defined in 'DEVTYP' UUO) is defined in 'DEVTYP' UUO) %INTEGER CHNTYP - Stream or channel type. Where (0=stream, 1=DA file, 2=SQ file) %INTEGER NXTCHR - The next character for input %INTEGERNAME OPER - Address of read or write routine %INTEGER FLAGS - Flags (bit0=zero as next symbol) %INTEGER RESERVED - Reserved %STRING(3) TMPNAME - Name of a tmpcor file. %INTEGER UDX - Universal Device Index %INTEGER FILOPFN - First word of a filop type record physical channel number in lh and filop function code in rh %INTEGER STATUS - First word of an open block is status word, including I/O mode %INTEGER DEVNAM - Sixbit device name %INTEGER BUFHEDS - Addresses of buffer ring headers output(LH) and input(RH) %INTEGER BUFNUM - Number of buffers in ring output(LH) and input(RH) %RECORD(LOOKUPBLOCK)%NAME LKENT - Address of lookup-enter block %INTEGER PATHARG - Path block pointer length(LH) and address(RH) %RECORD(RINGHEADER) RINGHEAD - Buffer ring header %INTEGER IBUFOP - IN CHAN,0 IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 29 APPENDIX C ________ _ %INTEGER OBUFOP - OUT CHAN,0 %INTEGER USETI - USETI CHAN,0 %INTEGER USETO - USETO CHAN,0 %INTEGER STATZ - STATZ CHAN,740000 %INTEGER BLOCKSIZE - Size of the device blocks %RECORD(PATHBLOCK) PATHBLK ) - Path block And for teletypes %RECORD %FORMAT TTSCB( %C %INTEGER DEVTYP - ! %INTEGER CHNTYP - ! %INTEGER NXTCHR - ! same as in SCB %INTEGERNAME OPER - ! %INTEGER FLAGS - Flag word %INTEGER ARGPTR - Pointer to TRMOP arg block %INTEGER FUNCT - First word of arg block - (function code) %INTEGER UDX - Universal Device Index %INTEGER OUTARG) - Next char for output And for strings %RECORD %FORMAT STRSCB( %C %INTEGER DEVTYP - ! %INTEGER CHNTYP - ! %INTEGER NXTCHR - ! same as in SCB %INTEGERNAME OPER - ! %INTEGER LENGTH - String length %INTEGER LENPTR - Pointer to length byte %INTEGER POINTER) - Pointer to current byte Where the other records are defined as follows. %RECORDFORMAT OPENBLOCK( %C %INTEGER STATUS, - Status including I/O mode %INTEGER DEVNAM, - Sixbit device name %INTEGER BUFHEDS) - Addresses of buffers output(LH) and input(RH) This record can be mapped onto the SCB at SCB_STATUS %RECORDFORMAT LOOKUPBLOCK( %C %INTEGER CNT, - Length of following block (default=4) %INTEGER PPN) - Project-programmer number %INTEGER NAM, - Sixbit file name %INTEGER EXT, - Sixbit extension(LH) %INTEGER PRV, - Date-time and protection The following record items are only used when the /EXTEND:n switch is given. They are named according to the DEC-10 IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 30 APPENDIX C ________ _ extended lookup-block conventions (see DEC-10 MONITOR CALLS MANUAL). %INTEGER SIZ, VER, SPL, EST, ALC, POS, TF1, NCA, MTA, DEV, STS, ELB, EUN, QTF, QTO, USD, AUT, PCA, UFD, FLR, XRA, TIM) %RECORDFORMAT RINGHEADER( %C %INTEGER BUFADR, - Address of current buffer %INTEGER BYTPTR, - Pointer to current byte %INTEGER BYTCNT, - Byte count %INTEGER MPXUDX) - Universal device index for MPX %RECORDFORMAT PATHBLOCK( %C %INTEGER FUNCT, - Required function %INTEGER SWITCHES, - Scan switches %INTEGER PPN, - Project-programmer number %INTEGERARRAY SFDS(1:MAXSFDS)) - Sixbit SFD names %RECORDFORMAT FILOPBLOCK( %C %INTEGER FUNCT, - Physical channel number(LH) and function code(RH) %INTEGER STATUS, - Status word, including I/O mode %INTEGER DEVNAM, - Sixbit device name %INTEGER BUFHEDS, - Addresses of buffer ring headers output(LH) and input(RH) %INTEGER BUFNUM, - Number of buffers in each output(LH) and input(RH) %RECORD(LOOKUPBLOCK)%NAME LKENT, - Lookup-enter block address %INTEGER PATHARG) - Path block pointer length(LH) and address(RH) This record can be mapped onto the SCB at SCB_FILOPFN IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 31 APPENDIX D ________ _ Data storage ____ _______ %BYTE %INTEGER variables occupy 9-bit bytes and are packed left to right 4 to a word %STRING variables comprise 7-bit bytes and are packed left to right 5 to a word, with the first two bytes being aligned on a word boundary and containing the string length. (maximum 255) %SHORT %INTEGER variables occupy 18 bits or half a DECsystem-10/20 word %INTEGER and %REAL variables occupy 36 bits or one DECsystem-10/20 word, giving a range of values of -34,359,738,367 to +34,359,738,367 for integers and 1.4@-39 to 1.7@38 to an significance of approximately eight and one-half decimal digits for reals. %LONG %REAL variables occupy 72 bits or two DECsystem-10/20 words and extend the precision of real representation to about seventeen decimal digits. %RECORD variables occupy as much space as their component items, allowing for neccessary word allignment of %BYTE and %SHORT %INTEGER variables. There is no record header word. %NAME variables occupy a single DECsystem-10/20 word. They are pointers to different types of objects. The right half of the word contains the address of the object. The left half contains the type of object and its length as a number of DECsystem-10/20 words (relevant for records and strings) bits 0-8 contain the length of the object (maximum=255) bits 9-12 contain the object type, where:- 1 = %INTEGER 2 = %SHORT %INTEGER 3 = %BYTE %INTEGER 4 = %STRING 5 = %RECORD 6 = %REAL 7 = %LONG %REAL IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 32 APPENDIX D ________ _ Code conventions ____ ___________ Register allocation ________ __________ 17 - procedure and data stack pointer 16 - first parameter 15 - second parameter 14 - third parameter 13 -! 12 -! 11 -! - base registers 10 -! 7 -! 6 - general purpose 5 - general purpose 4 - general purpose 3 - general purpose 2 - general purpose 1 - %RESULT register from %MAPs 0 - %RESULT register from %FUNCTIONs Registers 0-6 and 14-16 can be regarded as free for use in machine code instructions and procedures. Procedure entry and exit _________ _____ ___ ____ The normal entry and exit sequence is shown below, for a routine with no parameters. The routine would be called by the instruction PUSHJ P,routine entry sequence:- MOVEM BASE1,1(P) ;STORE PREVIOUS BASE REGISTER VALUE MOVE BASE1,P ;AND LOAD THE NEW BASE ADDRESS ADDI P,'N' ;MOVE POINTER OVER LOCAL STORAGE SETMM 0,6(P) ;DO A TEST WRITE TO TOP OF STACK ;THIS WILL TRAP TO CORE MANAGEMENT ;SYSTEM IF BEYOND TOP OF CURRENT CORE then the routine body, followed by the exit sequence:- MOVE P,BASE1 ;GET CURRENT STACK BASE MOVE BASE1,1(P) ;RESTORE PREVIOUS STACK BASE POPJ P, ;RETURN Whenever possible this sequence will be optimised, for instance when there are no local variables and simple or no parameters. Overleaf is the IMPLICIT routine NEWLINE, together with code produced for it. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 33 APPENDIX D ________ _ %EXTERNALROUTINE NEWLINE PRINTSYMBOL(NL) %END gives the following code:- HRRZI ARG1,12 ;LOAD ARGUMENT WITH NEWLINE SYMBOL JRST PRINTSYMBOL ;AND JUMP TO ROUTINE, WHICH WILL DO ; THE 'POPJ' RETURN Parameters to procedures __________ __ __________ On entry to a procedure, any parameters have been stored on the stack at the locations 2(P) upwards. As we have seen the previous stack base address is stored at 1(P) and the return address at 0(P). However the first three parameters, if they have one word values (e.g. integers, reals and all name type parameters), are passed in the three registers shown above, and are stored, if necessary, by the procedure itself. Similarly if the final parameter is a string value, the address of the string is passed in register 1. The base registers and stack pointer must be preserved on return from the procedure. The actual base register used by the procedure depends on it's contextual level, there being five possible levels. Overleaf is an example of the code produced for a complicated procedure call. IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 34 APPENDIX D ________ _ %BEGIN %RECORDFORMAT INTS(%INTEGER I1,I2) %RECORD(INTS) R1 %INTEGER VAR %ROUTINE TEST(%INTEGER N,M %RECORD(INTS) R %STRING(255) S) %INTEGER A1,A2,A3 A1=N %END TEST(1,VAR,R1,"TESTING") %ENDOFPROGRAM produces the code:- %BEGIN MOVEM BASE1,1(P) ;SAVE OLD STACK BASE MOVE BASE1,P ;GET NEW BASE ADDI P,5 ;MOVE STACK POINTER PAST LOCALS SETMM 0,6(P) ;CHECK FOR TOP OF CORE %RECORDFORMAT INTS(%INTEGER I1,I2) %RECORD(INTS) R1 %INTEGER VAR %ROUTINE TEST(%INTEGER N,M %RECORD(INTS) R %STRING(255) S) MOVEM BASE2,1(P) ;SAVE OLD STACK BASE MOVE BASE2,P ;GET NEW BASE ADDRESS ADDI P,111 ;MOVE PAST LOCAL STORAGE SETMM 0,6(P) ;CHECK FOR TOP OF CORE MOVEM ARG1,2(BASE2) ;SAVE FIRST ARGUMENT - "N" MOVEM ARG2,3(BASE2) ;SAVE SECOND ARGUMENT - "M" MOVEI P1,6(BASE2) ;GET ADDRESS FOR WHICH STRING JSP J,.$MOVE ;AND MOVE IT FROM REGISTER 1 %INTEGER A1,A2,A3 A1=N MOVEM ARG1,106(BASE2) ;MOVE "N" TO FIRST FREE LOCATION ;ON STACK, "A1" (AFTER THE STRING) %END MOVE P,BASE2 ;GET OLD STACK BASE MOVE BASE2,1(P) ;RESTORE PREVIOUS VALUE POPJ P,0 ;RETURN TEST(1,VAR,R1,"TESTING") HRRZI T2,5(P) ;DESTINATION ADDRESS FOR "R1" HRLZI T1,3(BASE1) ;AND WHERE IT IS AT PRESENT HRR T1,T2 ;SET UP "BLT" POINTER BLT T1,1(T2) ;AND DO THE BLOCK TRANSFER MOVEI 1,T1 ;GET THE ADDRESS OF "S" MOVE ARG2,2(BASE1) ;GET THE VALUE OF "VAR" HRRZI ARG1,1 ;GET THE VALUE "1" PUSHJ P,TEST ;AND CALL THE ROUTINE %ENDOFPROGRAM MOVE P,BASE1 ;GET THE BASE ADDRESS MOVE BASE1,1(P) ;RESTORE THE PREVIOUS VALUE POPJ P,0 ;RETURN TO RUNTIME SYSTEM IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 35 APPENDIX D ________ _ the stack at the time of the return from the routine TEST looks as follows:- BASE2-> | return address | 0 (relative addresses) | old stack base | 1 | N | 2 | M | 3 | R_I1 | 4 | R_I2 | 5 | string | 6 | S | . | . | . | . | . | A1 | 106 | A2 | 107 | A3 | 110 P-> | | 111 Procedure parameters _________ __________ This parameter type is passed as the address of an argument block on the stack which contains the address of the procedure and the future context for that procedure (i.e. the stack base registers). When the procedure is called, the current context is exchanged for the context in the argument block before the procedure is entered. Upon return, the contexts are exchanged back before control is returned. The argument block which is set up looks like this:- | procedure entry address | 0 (relative addresses) | return address to caller | 1 | base1 | 2 | base2 | 3 | base3 | 4 | base4 | 5 | base5 | 6 IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 36 APPENDIX D ________ _ Use of machine code ___ __ _______ ____ Blocks of machine code can be planted in-line in a program by preceding the octal instructions with an asterisk. Spaces are not significant and can be used to separate fields. e.g. the following code performs the imp function answer = rem(number,10)*12 ac(1)=number *8_231040 000012; !idivi 1,^D10 remainder in ac(2) *8_221100 000014; !imuli 2,^D12 answer=ac(2) IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 37 APPENDIX E ________ _ ASCII character set _____ _________ ___ OCT DEC CHAR OCT DEC CHAR OCT DEC CHAR OCT DEC CHAR 0 0 NUL 40 32 SPACE 100 64 @ 140 96 grave 1 1 SOH 41 33 ! 101 65 A 141 97 a 2 2 STX 42 34 " 102 66 B 142 98 b 3 3 ETX 43 35 # 103 67 C 143 99 c 4 4 EOT 44 36 $ 104 68 D 144 100 d 5 5 ENQ 45 37 % 105 69 E 145 101 e 6 6 ACK 46 38 & 106 70 F 146 102 f 7 7 BEL 47 39 ' 107 71 G 147 103 g 10 8 BS 50 40 ( 110 72 H 150 104 h 11 9 HT 51 41 ) 111 73 I 151 105 i 12 10 LF 52 42 * 112 74 J 152 106 j 13 11 VT 53 43 + 113 75 K 153 107 k 14 12 FF 54 44 , 114 76 L 154 108 l 15 13 CR 55 45 - 115 77 M 155 109 m 16 14 SO 56 46 . 116 78 N 156 110 n 17 15 SI 57 47 / 117 79 O 157 111 o 20 16 DLE 60 48 0 120 80 P 160 112 p 21 17 DC1 61 49 1 121 81 Q 161 113 q 22 18 DC2 62 50 2 122 82 R 162 114 r 23 19 DC3 63 51 3 123 83 S 163 115 s 24 20 DC4 64 52 4 124 84 T 164 116 t 25 21 NAK 65 53 5 125 85 U 165 117 u 26 22 SYN 66 54 6 126 86 V 166 118 v 27 23 ETB 67 55 7 127 87 W 167 119 w 30 24 CAN 70 56 8 130 88 X 170 120 x 31 25 EM 71 57 9 131 89 Y 171 121 y 32 26 SUB 72 58 : 132 90 Z 172 122 z 33 27 ESC 73 59 ; 133 91 [ 173 123 { 34 28 FS 74 60 < 134 92 \ 174 124 | 35 29 GS 75 61 = 135 93 ] 175 125 } 36 30 RS 76 62 > 136 94 ^ 176 126 ~ 37 31 US 77 63 ? 137 95 _ 177 127 DEL IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 38 APPENDIX F ________ _ RELATED LIBRARY PROCEDURES _______ _______ __________ INPUT/OUTPUT PROCEDURES INPUT OUTPUT INPUT PENDING NEWLINE NEXT ITEM NEWLINES NEXT SYMBOL NEWPAGE READ PRINT READ HEX PRINT FL READ ITEM PRINT STRING READ OCTAL PRINT SYMBOL READ STRING PROMPT READ SYMBOL REPORT READ TEXT SPACE SKIP SYMBOL SPACES WRITE WRITE HEX WRITE OCTAL STREAM DEFINITION ROUTINES CHECKPOINT CLOSE INPUT CLOSE OUTPUT DEFINE INPUT DEFINE OUTPUT INDEV OUTDEV INSTATUS OUTSTATUS INSTREAM OUTSTREAM RESET INPUT RESET OUTPUT SDEF INPUT SDEF OUTPUT SELECT INPUT SELECT OUTPUT USET INPUT USET OUTPUT XDEFINE INPUT XDEFINE OUTPUT FILE SYSTEM UTITLITIES COPY XCOPY CUSP FILES DEFAULT DELETE XDELETE ECHO NOECHO FSTOSTR STRTOFS ISFILE XISFILE JOBFILE READ FS WRITE FS READ PPN WRITE PPN RENAME XRENAME SET STREAMS DIRECT ACCESS/SEQUENTIAL FILE ROUTINES CLOSE DA CLOSE SQ OPEN DA OPEN SQ READ DA READ SQ WRITE DA WRITE SQ IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 39 APPENDIX F ________ _ XOPEN DA XOPEN SQ TYPE CONVERSION PROCEDURES INTTOSTR STRTOINT HEXTOSTR STRTOHEX OCTTOSTR STRTOOCT BINTOSTR SIXTOSTR STRTOSIX FSTOSTR STRTOFS MAPS BYTEINTEGER INTEGER REAL RECORD SHORTINTEGER STRING STRING PROCEDURES CHARNO SUBSTRING LENGTH MATCH NEXT ITEM READ ITEM TO STRING ARITHMETIC FLOAT FRAC PT IMOD INT INT PT MOD PI REM SHIFTC JOB RELATED INFORMATION CPUTIME DAY DATE DATETIME JOBNUM PPN TIME IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 40 APPENDIX G ________ _ system library procedures ______ _______ __________ name class type parameters ACCPER ext %integerfn %integer udt ADDR %integerfn %name x ASCTOSTR ext %string(255)%fn %name adr BINTOSTR ext %string(36)%fn %integer num BLT sys %routine %name from,to %integer len BYTEINTEGER %byteintegermap %integer adr CALL(0-9) ext %routine %name rtn, ... CALLI1 ext %routine %integer n %integername ac CALLI2 ext %predicate %integer n %integername ac CALLI3 ext %predicate %integer n %integername ac CHARNO %byteintegerfn %stringname s %integer n CHECKPOINT ext %routine CLOSE sys %routine %integer chan CLOSE DA ext %routine %integer chan CLOSE INPUT %routine CLOSE OUTPUT %routine CLOSE SQ ext %routine %integer chan COPY ext %routine %string(255) orig,new CPUTIME ext %integerfn CUSP FILES ext %routine %record(filespec)%name r,s, t,u %integer chan, %integername found DATE ext %string(9)%fn DATETIME ext %string(18)%fn DATETOSTR ext %string(9)%fn %integer date DAY ext %string(9)%fn DAYTOSTR ext %string(9)%fn %integer udt DDT sys %routine %name x DECODE ext %routine %integer inst,adr DEFAULT ext %routine %record(filespec)%name f,f1 DEFINE INPUT %routine %integer n %string(255) s DEFINE OUTPUT %routine %integer n %string(255) s DELETE ext %routine %string(255) spec ECHO ext %routine ENDOFPERIOD ext %integerfn %integer period ESC %constinteger EVENT %intergerfn EVENT INFO %integerfn FF %constinteger FILOP sys %predicate %record(scb)%name r, %integername err FINIT sys %routine FLOAT %realfn %integer n FRAC PT %longrealfn %longreal a FREEVEC sys %routine %integer adr,len FROMDATE ext %routine %integer date, %integername d,m,y FROMTIME ext %routine %integer time, %integername h,m,s FROMUDT ext %routine %integer udt, IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 41 APPENDIX G ________ _ %integername date,time FSTOSTR ext %string(255)%fn %record(filespec)%name fs GET CHANNEL sys %integerfn GETDATE ext %integerfn GETNOW ext %integerfn GETPAGES sys %routine %integer first,last GETSEG ext %routine %string(6) dev,file, %string(3) ext %integer ppn GETSTS sys %integerfn %integer chan GETTAB sys %predicate %integer table,index, %integername result GETTIME ext %integerfn GETVEC sys %integerfn %integer size HEXTOSTR ext %string(9)%fn %integer n ICALL(0-9) ext %integerfn %name fn, ... IMOD %integerfn %integer n INDEV ext %integerfn INITFOR sys %routine INITHEAP sys %routine INITIO sys %routine INITSTACK sys %routine INPUT sys %routine INPUT PENDING %predicate INSTATUS ext %integerfn INSTREAM %integerfn INT %integerfn %longreal a INTEGER %integermap %integer adr INT PT %integerfn %longreal a INTTOSTR ext %string(12)%fn %integer n IOUUO sys %predicate %integer fn,chan, %name adr IOWD sys %integerfn %integer len, %integername adr ISFILE ext %predicate %string(255) spec JOBFILE ext %string(6)%fn %string(3) s JOBNUM ext %integerfn JSYS(0-4) ext %routine %integer n %integername ... LENGTH %byteintegerfn %stringname s MATCH ext %integerfn %stringname src, %string(255) target MOD %longrealfn %longreal a NEWLINE %routine NEWLINES %routine %integer n NEWPAGE %routine NEXT ITEM %string(1)%fn NEXT SYMBOL %integerfn NL %integerfn NOECHO ext %routine OCTTOSTR ext %string(12)%fn %integer n OPEN DA ext %routine %integer chan, %string(255) spec OPEN SQ ext %routine %integer chan, %string(255) spec OUTDEV ext %integerfn IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 42 APPENDIX G ________ _ OUTPUT sys %routine OUTSTATUS ext %integerfn OUTSTREAM %integerfn PI %constlongreal PPN ext %integerfn PRINT %routine %longreal a %integer n,m PRINT FL %routine %longreal a %integer n PRINT STRING %routine %string(255) s PRINT SYMBOL %routine %integer n PROMPT ext %routine %string(255) s RAD50 ext %integerfn %string(6) s RCALL(0-9) ext %realfn %name fn, ... READ %routine %name a READ DA ext %routine %integer chan, %integername block, %name start,end READ FS ext %routine %record(filespec)%name fs READ HEX ext %routine %integername n READ ITEM %routine %stringname s READ OCTAL ext %routine %integername n READ PPN ext %routine %integername ppn READ SQ ext %routine %integer chan, %name start,end READ STRING %routine %stringname s READ SYMBOL %routine %name n READ TEXT %routine %stringname s, %integer delim REAL %realmap %integer adr RECORD %recordmap %integer adr RELEASE sys %routine %integer chan REM %integerfn %integer n,m RENAME ext %routine %string(255) orig,new REPORT ext %routine %string(255) s RESET INPUT ext %routine RESET OUTPUT ext %routine RESTORE ext %routine RUN ext %routine %string(6) dev,file, %string(3) ext, %integer ppn,offset SAVE ACS ext %routine SDEF INPUT ext %routine %integer n %stringname s SDEF OUTPUT ext %routine %integer n %stringname s SELECT INPUT %routine %integer n SELECT OUTPUT %routine %integer n SET STREAMS ext %routine SETSTS sys %routine %integer chan,bits SHIFTC ext %integerfn %integer num,times SHORTINTEGER %shortintegermap %integer adr SKIP SYMBOL %routine SLEEP ext %routine %integer n SP %constinteger SPACE %routine SPACES %routine %integer n STARTOFPERIODext %integerfn %integer period IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 43 APPENDIX G ________ _ STRING %stringmap %integer adr STRTOASC ext %routine %stringname s, %name adr STRTOFS ext %record(filespec)%fn %string(255) spec STRTOHEX ext %integerfn %stringname s STRTOINT ext %integerfn %stringname s STRTOOCT ext %integerfn %stringname s STRTOSIX ext %integerfn %string(6) s SUBEVENT %integerfn SUB STRING %string(255)%fn %stringname s %integer n,m SWITCH ARG ext %predicate %string(255)%name s, %string(11) target, %name arg TAB %constinteger TAPOP sys %predicate %integer funct,chan,nargs, %integerarrayname args, %integername result TIME ext %string(8)%fn TIMETOSTR ext %string(8)%fn %integer time TMPCOR sys %routine %integer n,iowd,file TODATE ext %integerfn %integer d,m,y TOSTRING %string(1)%fn %integer n TOTIME ext %integerfn %integer h,m,s TOUDT ext %integerfn %integer date,time UDTTOSTR ext %string(18)%fn %integer udt USET INPUT ext %routine %integer block USET OUTPUT ext %routine %integer block WRITE %routine %integer n,m WRITE DA ext %routine %integer chan, %integername block, %name start,end WRITE FS ext %routine %record(filespec)%name fs WRITE HEX ext %routine %integer n,m WRITE OCTAL ext %routine %integer n,m WRITE PPN ext %routine %integer ppn WRITE SQ ext %routine %integer chan, %name start,end XCOPY ext %routine %record(filespec)%name f,f1 XDEFINE INPUT %routine %integer n, %record(filespec)%name fs XDEFINE OUTPUT %routine %integer n, %record(filespec)%name fs XDELETE ext %routine %record(filespec)%name fs XISFILE ext %predicate %record(filespec)%name fs XOPEN DA ext %routine %integer chan, %record(filespec)%name fs XOPEN SQ ext %routine %integer chan, record(filespec)%name fs XRENAME ext %routine %record(filespec)%name f,f1 ZERO sys %routine %name from,to IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 44 APPENDIX H ________ _ Runtime error codes _______ _____ _____ IMP allows the user to trap on any given condition by the %SIGNAL %EVENT mechanism, desribed in the IMP77 Language Reference Manual. The runtime system uses this feature to signal that errors have taken place in the runtime system or system library which it cannot sensibly recover from. Below is the full list of these %EVENTS, whose format is as follows:- The main events together with the type of event they signal, are given at the head of each section. Following them in numeric order are the sub-events which have associated with them a message held in the global string ERRMSG and also an integer containing extra information, the meaning of which is given in the right-hand column. e.g. an end-of-file condition on input stream 4, if not trapped by the user, would result in the following message being output on the users console:- EOF on stream %SIGNAL 9,0,4 Event 0, . . Termination -1 Abort 0 normal stop >0 Event 1, . . Arithmetic overflow 1 Integer too large Integer too large for short or byte integer n Event 2, .. Excess resource 1 Cannot get store fault Stack space full fault 2 Procedure stack full 3 4 Cannot get store for heap size Heap space full reqd. 5 All I/O channels in use No free channels for COPYing 'filespec' 6 Array space exhausted Event 3, .. Data error 1 Number not found symbol Integer not found symbol Octal integer not found symbol Hex integer not found symbol IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 45 APPENDIX H ________ _ 2 No opening string quote symbol Event 4, .. Corrupt data 1 Input error status #nnnnnn str/ch Output error status #nnnnnn str/ch (See DECsystem-10 Monitor Calls Manual for meaning of the status bits) Event 5, .. Invalid arguments 1 2 3 4 5 6 Illegal %name type parameter type 7 Illegal string index index 8 String parameters inside out 9 Incorrect argument for switch /.... arg 10 Unknown switch /'switch' Event 6, .. Out of range 1 Concatenated string too long String capacity exceeded Event 7, .. Resolution fails 0 Resolution fails Event 8, .. Unassigned variable Event 9, .. Input ended 0 EOF on stream stream EOF on DA or SQ channel chan 1 No input on stream stream (used for non-blocking input) Event 10, .. Library procedure error 1 Defining illegal stream/channel number str/ch 2 Stream/channel already defined str/ch 3 Unknown device 'dev' 4 Lookup error for 'filespec' err* 5 Enter error for 'filespec' err* 6 Cannot open device 'dev' Cannot open device for 'filespec' 7 8 9 Bad file specification 'filespec' 10 Selecting illegal input stream stream IMP on the DECsystem-10/20: User Guide Page 46 APPENDIX H ________ _ 11 Selecting illegal output stream stream 12 Cannot RESET input stream stream 13 Cannot RESET output stream stream 14 Checkpoint failure err* 15 Tapop failure t err ('t err' is a TAPOP error code - see Monitor Calls Manual under magnetic tapes) 16 Cannot RENAME/DELETE 'filespec' err* 17 18 19 20 Not a DA or SQ type device - 'dev' 21 Cannot OPEN DA/SQ channel 'filespec' Error:err* chan 22 OPENing already open DA/SQ channel for 'filespec' chan 23 Read/write to illegal DA/sq channel chan Read/write to DA/sq channel before OPENing it chan 24 Accessing DA channel by SQ routine or vice versa chan 25 Storage area for DA/SQ routine inside out chan 26 Illegal block number for DA read/write routine block 27 Inputting from an SQ channel set for output chan Outputting to an SQ channel set for input chan 28 Closing illegal DA/SQ channel chan Closing DA/sq channel before OPENing it chan Closing DA/SQ channel with the wrong routine chan * the extra information labeled 'err' refers to an error code given in Appendix E of the Monitor Calls Manual. However the most common values are:- 0 - file not found 1 - incorrect project-programmer number 2 - protection failure Page Index-1 INDEX %BYTE storage . . . . . . . . 31 %EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . 44 %INCLUDE files . . . . . . . . 6 %INTEGER storage . . . . . . . 31 %LONG %REAL storage . . . . . 31 %REAL storage . . . . . . . . 31 %RECORD storage . . . . . . . 31 %SHORT %INTEGER storage . . . 31 %SIGNAL %EVENT . . . . . . . . 44 %STRING storage . . . . . . . 31 /CROSS . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 22 /LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 /NOCODE . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ALIST . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 ALIST example . . . . . . . . 24 Arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . 39 ASCII character set . . . . . 37 Calling FORTRAN from IMP . . . 18 Calling IMP from FORTRAN . . . 19 Calling IMP from MACRO . . . . 20 Calling MACRO from IMP . . . . 20 Character constants . . . . . 26 Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Code conventions . . . . . . . 32 COMPIL . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Compilation . . . . . . . . . 4 COMPILE . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Compiler . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Constants . . . . . . . . . . 26 DA files . . . . . . . . . . . 11 to 12, 38 DA/SQ channels . . . . . . . . 15 Data storage . . . . . . . . . 31 DDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 DEBUG . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Debugging . . . . . . . . . . 21 to 25 Diags . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Direct Access files . . . . . 11 to 12, 38 Error codes . . . . . . . . . 44 EXECUTE . . . . . . . . . . . 4 External procedures . . . . . 5 to 6 File specifications . . . . . 7, 12 to 13, 27 File switches . . . . . . . . 27 File system . . . . . . . . . 38 Page Index-2 FILESPEC records . . . . . . . 13 to 14, 27 FORTRAN . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 18 FORTRAN COMMON blocks . . . . 18 Gla . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 16 to 17 Heap . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 to 20 I/o procedures . . . . . . . . 38 I/o streams . . . . . . . . . 15 IMP: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Implicit procedures . . . . . 5 Input/output . . . . . . . . . 7, 18 to 20 Input/output internal records 28, 30 Input/output storage area . . 16 Internal i/o records . . . . . 15 Job related information . . . 39 Library . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Library procedures . . . . . . 38 LOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Machine code blocks . . . . . 36 MACRO . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Memory management . . . . . . 16 to 17 Monitor locations . . . . . . 26 Number i/o . . . . . . . . . . 8 Parameters to procedures . . . 33 Procedure entry and exit . . . 32 Procedure parameters . . . . . 35 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . 5 RECODE . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 25 Register allocation . . . . . 32 SCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 20 SCB record definition . . . . 28 Sequential Files . . . . . . . 11, 38 SQ files . . . . . . . . . . . 11 to 12 Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 to 17 Stream conventions . . . . . . 9 Streams . . . . . . . . . . . 7 to 10, 15, 38 String i/o . . . . . . . . . . 8 Strings . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Strings as streams . . . . . . 10 Switches . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 7, 27 Symbol i/o . . . . . . . . . . 8 System library . . . . . . . . 5, 38 System library procedures . . 40 System procedures . . . . . . 5 to 6 Type conversion . . . . . . . 39