! IMP specs for the Fortran routines in the Versaplot Colour Random Library %external %routine %spec AUTHOR (%integer %name ITEXT, NC) %external %routine %spec AXIS (%real %name XPAGE, YPAGE, LABEL, NCHAR, AXLEN, ANGLE, FVAL, DV) %external %routine %spec CARC (%real %name X, Y, RADIUS, START, END) %external %routine %spec CIRCLE (%real %name X, Y, RADIUS, %integer %name IWIDTH) %external %routine %spec CONVEX (%real %name X, Y, %integer %name NPT) %external %routine %spec COPIES (%integer %name NCOPY) %external %routine %spec CUT (%integer %name ICUT) %external %routine %spec CURVE (%real %name X, Y, %integer %name NE, %real %name DELTA) %external %routine %spec DASHLN (%real %name X, Y, %integer %name NPTS, %real %name ONLTH, OFFLTH) %external %routine %spec DEFCLR (%integer %name ICLRX, ICPAT, NPWRD) %external %routine %spec DEFPAT (%integer %name IP, JPAT, NTP) %external %routine %spec DEFPEN (%integer %name IPEN, JWIDTH, NBON1, NBOFF1, NBON2, NBOFF2) %external %routine %spec ELLIPS (%real %name X, Y, ANGLE, SMAJOR, SMINOR) %external %routine %spec FACTOR (%real %name FACT) %external %routine %spec GRID (%real %name X, Y, %integer %name NX, %real %name XD, %integer %name NY, %real %name YD, %integer %name LMASK) %external %routine %spec LINE (%real %name XARRAY, YARRAY, %integer %name NPTS, INC, LYNTYP, INTEQ) %external %routine %spec NEWPEN (%integer %name INP) %external %routine %spec NUMBER (%real %name XPAGE, YPAGE, HEIGHT, FPN, ANGLE, %integer %name NDEC) %external %routine %spec OFFSET (%real %name XOF, XFA, YOF, YFA) %external %routine %spec PAPER (%real %name PXMIN, PYMIN, PXMAX, PYMAX) %external %routine %spec PENCLR (%integer %name ICPEN, NUMCLR) %external %routine %spec PLOT (%real %name X, Y, %integer %name IPEN) %external %routine %spec PLOTS (%integer %name ISF, INDEX, LDEV) %external %routine %spec RECT (%real %name X1, X2, Y1, Y2, %integer %name IFLG) %external %routine %spec ROTATE (%integer %name IARG) %external %routine %spec SCALE (%real %name ARRAY, AXLEN, %integer %name NPTS, INC) %external %routine %spec SETFNT (%integer %name IFPAT) %external %routine %spec SETPAT (%integer %name IARG) %external %routine %spec SYMBOL (%real %name X, Y, HGT, %integer %name ITEXT, %real %name ANGLE, %integer %name NCHAR) %external %routine %spec TONCLR (%integer %name NCOLOR) %external %routine %spec TONE (%real %name X, Y, %integer %name NE, NA) %external %routine %spec TONFLG (%integer %name IPTFLG) %external %routine %spec VPOPT (%integer %name ICODE, IARG, %real %name RARG, %integer %name IER) %external %routine %spec VPORT (%real %name VXMIN, VYMIN, VXMAX, VYMAX) %external %routine %spec VTEC (%integer %name IDEN, IBYTES) %external %routine %spec WHERE (%real %name RXPAGE, RYPAGE, RFACT) %external %routine %spec WINDOW (%real %name WXMIN, WYMIN, WXMAX, WYMAX) %routine forini ; %end { For SUN only } %own %real Zero = 0.0 %own %integer Izero = 0 %own %integer IOne = 1 %own %integer ITwo = 2 %own %integer IWidth = 1 %own %integer End Plot and Job = 999 %own %integer End Plot = 23 %own %integer With Offset = 10 %own %integer Move to = 3 %own %integer Draw to = 2 %own %integer Reset Origin = -1 { Multiplication factor } %end %of %file