!#                                                                          #
!#  This is a module from the EDWIN Graphics Package, which was developed   #
!#  in the Department of Computer Science, at Edinburgh University, from    #
!#  1978 to the present day, release 5 of EDWIN in October 1984.            #
!#                                                                          #
!#  The principal author of the EDWIN Graphics Package was J Gordon Hughes, #
!#  while working for the Edinburgh University Computer Sceince Department. #
!#  Parts of EDWIN have been produced by many different people, too many    #
!#  too mention, working for different departments of Edinburgh and Leeds   #
!#  Universities.                                                           #
!#                                                                          #
!#  This module is regarded as being in the public domain, and the authors  #
!#  and accept no responsibility regarding the uses to which the software   #
!#  will be put.                                                            #
!#                                                                          #

external string (63) fn EDWIN ERROR alias "EDWIN_ERROR" (integer I)
   const integer MAX ERROR = 15
   const string (47) array ERRORS(0:MAX ERROR) =
      "Initialisation failed - unknown device",
      "Initialisation failed - system error",
      "Initialise called when a device is active",
      "Terminate called when no device is active",
      "Device specific error in device driver",
      "Corrupt PDF",
      "Font not defined",
      "Internal error in SHAPES",
      "Device does not support interaction",
      "Transformation stack not initialised?",
      "Transformation stack overflow",
      "Transformation stack underflow",
      "Invalid parameters to WINDOW",
      "Invalid parameters to VIEWPORT",
      "Device has no hardware character set",
      "Setting an unknown attribute number"

   result = "EDWIN error out of range" unless 0<=I<=MAX ERROR
   result =  ERRORS(I)

end of file