! Edwin module to support cross calling of Imp and C
! Mostly for device drivers to set global status within EDWIN's imp section

from Edwin include Specs

external routine Set Device Viewport (integer x, y)
   Device Data_MVX  = x
   Device Data_MVY  = y
   Viewport (0, x, 0, y)

external routine Set Max Colours (integer Max)
   Device Data_MAX COLOUR = Max

! C Language specific bits

external string(31) spec Version,Release,Revision,Fname 

external byte map Application Title
   own string(255) Title String

   Title String = Fname." version ".Version.".".Release
   Title String = Title String.".".Revision if Revision # "0"
   CharNo(Title String, Length(Title String) + 1) = 0
   result == CharNo(Title String, 1)

external byte map Application Name
   CharNo(Fname, Length(Fname) + 1) = 0
   result == CharNo(Fname, 1)

end of file