! EDWIN driver for Definicon board
! A change from the standard one is that the y coord comversion is
! done here rather than in the support routine, because that would
! mean converting scrdrive stuff twice (tres complicated for the likes
! of me)
! Another one is the poly takes a integer array name, rather than just the
! first element for C calls

from EDWIN include Device, Icodes
from Imp   include Ascii
external byte spec Imp Int Flag alias "IMP___INT_FLAG"
external routine spec User Refresh
external string(31) spec Fname

record format Point fm (integer x, y)

! note the extra parameter (non standard)
external routine spec DD INIT alias "EDWIN_DD_INIT"(integer name x,y,
                                                        integer device num)
external routine spec DD TERM alias "EDWIN_DD_TERM"
external routine spec DD UPDATE alias "EDWIN_DD_UPDATE"
external routine spec DD CLEAR alias "EDWIN_DD_CLEAR"
external routine spec DD COL  alias "EDWIN_DD_COL"  (integer Col)
external routine spec DD CS   alias "EDWIN_DD_CHAR" (integer c)
external routine spec DD MODE alias "EDWIN_DD_MODE" (integer Mode)
external routine spec DD FILL alias "EDWIN_DD_FILL" (integer Mode)
external routine spec DD DOT  alias "EDWIN_DD_DOT"  (integer X, Y)
external routine spec DD LINE alias "EDWIN_DD_LINE" (integer OX, OY, NX, NY)
external routine spec DD TEXT alias "EDWIN_DD_TEXT" (integer X, Y, byte name T)
external routine spec DD RECT alias "EDWIN_DD_RECT" (integer LX, LY, HX, HY)
external routine spec DD SAM  alias "EDWIN___B_SAM" (integer name C, X, Y)
! note the different %array parameter than usual
external routine spec DD POLY alias "EDWIN_DD_POLY" (integer NP,
                                 integer array name xpts,ypts)
external routine spec DD CIRCLE alias "EDWIN_DD_CIRCLE"(integer x,y,rad)

own integer SX = 0
own integer SY = 0
own integer XL = 0
own integer YB = 0
own integer XR = 32767
own integer YT = 20479
own integer First Time = 0

own byte Smode=0, CCol = 1,CMode = 0

external routine Definicon alias "EDWIN___B" (integer Com, X, Y)
   own string (127) text = ""
   own short Counter = 0
   own integer WX, WY, Nlines = 0, Char, ordinate
   record format Data Fm (record (point fm) p, record (Data Fm) name Next)
   own record (Data fm) name Point List == 0
   own record (Data fm) name Next point == 0
   switch SW(0:15)
   switch AS(0:att maximum)

   routine SWAP (integer name  A, B)
      integer C
      C = A;   A = B;   B = C

   routine draw lines
      record (Data fm) name PP
      integer array xpts,ypts(1:nlines+1)
      integer i
      return if Point List == Nil
      if nlines <= 1 start
          DD Dot (point list_p_x, point list_p_y)
      else if nlines = 2
          DD Line (point list_p_x, point list_p_y,
                   point list_next_p_x, point list_next_p_y)
          pp == point list
          for I = 1, 1, Nlines cycle
             xpts(i) = pp_p_x
             ypts(i) = pp_p_y
             pp == pp_next
          nlines = nlines + 1
          xpts(nlines) = xpts(1)
          ypts(nlines) = ypts(1)
          DD POLY (nlines, Xpts,Ypts)
      nlines = 0

   routine print text
      text = text.tostring (0)
      dd text (sx, sy, byte(addr (text)+1))
      text = ""

   print text if text # "" and com # 6
   draw lines if nlines # 0 and (com = 10 or COM < 5)

!   select output(0)
!   print string("Device driven with ".itos(com,0).itos(x,3).itos(y,3))
!   newline

   -> SW (Com)

SW(0): ! Initialise
       ! X is 'D' for definicon screen or 'G' for GEM meta-file
       Point List == New (point list)
       Point List_next == Nil
       Dev Data_TYPE = X
       if X = 'D' start
          Dev Data_Name = "an ES2 Solo PC system"
          Dev Data_Name = "a GEM meta-file"
       DD INIT(Dev Data_DVX,Dev Data_DVY,X)
       Dev Data_MVX = Dev Data_DVX
       Dev Data_MVY = Dev Data_DVY
       XR = Dev Data_DVX
       YT = Dev Data_DVY
       counter = 0
       if Fname = "DRAFT" start
          if First Time = 0 start
             First Time = 1
             User Refresh

SW(1): ! Terminate
       DD TERM
       counter = 0

SW(2): ! Update
       DD UPDATE
       counter = 0

SW(3): ! New frame
       DD CLEAR
       counter = 0

SW(4): ! Move
       SX = X;   SY = Dev Data_DVY - Y

SW(5): ! Line
       counter = counter + 1
       if counter & 16 # 0 start
          counter = 0
          DD SAM (Char, Ordinate, Ordinate)
          Imp Int Flag = 1 if char = Etx or char = Del or char = esc
       y = Dev Data_DVY - y
       if Smode = 2 start
           DD Dot (x, y)
       else if Smode = 0
           DD Line (sx, sy, x,y)
           if Nlines = 0 start
               point list_p_x = sx;   point list_p_y = sy
               Next point == point list
               Nlines = 1
           return if x=sx and y=sy
           Nlines = Nlines + 1
           if Next point_next == Nil start
               Next point_next == New (Next point)
               Next point      == Next point_next
               Next point_next == Nil
               Next point == next point_next
           next point_p_x = x;   next point_p_y = y
       sx = x;   SY = y

SW(6): ! Char
       length(text) = length(text) + 1
       charno(text,length(text)) = x
       print text if length(text) = 126

SW(7): ! Attribute
       if 0<=x<=Att maximum start
           -> as(x)
AS(0): ! Colour
       Y = 1 unless 0 <= y <= 15
       CCol = y
       DD Col (CCol)
AS(1): ! Line style
       Y = 0 unless 0<=y<=7
AS(2): ! Character Size
       y=5 if y<5
       DD CS(y)
AS(9): ! Overwrite mode
       Y = 0 unless 0<=y<=4
       CMode = y
       DD Mode (y)
AS(10): ! Shade mode
        Smode = Y
        DD Fill(Smode)
AS(*): { Ignore the rest }

SW(8): ! Lower window bounds
       XL = X;   YB = Y

SW(9): ! Upper window bounds
       XR = X;   YT = Y

SW(10): ! ??

SW(11): ! Was overwrite mode
        Y = X
        X = Att Colour mode
        -> SW (7)

SW(12): ! Lower box bounds
        WX = X;   WY = Y

SW(13): ! Upper box bounds
        counter = counter + 1
        if counter & 16 # 0 start
           counter = 0
           DD SAM (Char, Ordinate, Ordinate)
           Imp Int Flag = 1 if char = Etx or char = Del or char = esc
        swap (wx, x) if wx > x
        swap (wy, y) if wy > y
        return if WX > XR or X < XL or WY > YT or Y < YB
        WX = XL if WX < XL
        WY = YB if WY < YB
        X = XR if X > XR
        Y = YT if Y > YT
        Y = Dev Data_DVY - Y
        WY = Dev Data_DVY - WY
        ! Box now clipped into the screen.
        if Smode = 0 start
            Definicon  (4, wx, wy)
            Definicon  (5, x, wy)
            Definicon (5, x, y)
            Definicon (5, wx, y)
            Definicon (5, wx, wy)
            DD Rect (wx, wy, x, y)

SW(14): ! Circle
        dd circle(sx,sy,x)


from Edwin include Specs

external routine Set Device Viewport (integer x, y)
   Dev Data_MVX  = x
   Dev Data_MVY  = y
   Viewport (0, x, 0, y)

external integer function B Screen Height alias "EDWIN_SCREEN_HEIGHT"
   result = 24

! Rev 1 16/12/86 Ulric Jessop   Edwin command SET CHAR SIZE enabled.
! Rev 2  3/ 6/87 Ulric Jessop   EDWIN DRAW DOTS command fixed.
! Rev 3  9/ 6/88 JGH            EDWIN SCREEN HEIGHT added
! Rev 4 19/01/89 JGH            Clean up & draw dots removed, SCN 330
end of file