! IMP specs for the Fortran routines in the Calcomp Basic Library %external %routine %spec AXIS (%long %real %name XPAGE, YPAGE, IBCD, NCHAR, AXLEN, ANGLE, FIRSTV, DELTAV) %external %routine %spec CIRCLE (%long %real %name P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, %integer %name IMODE) %external %routine %spec DASHS (%long %real %name ARRAY, %integer %name ICNT) %external %routine %spec FACTOR (%long %real %name FACT) %external %routine %spec FONT (%integer %name FACT) %external %routine %spec LINE (%long %real %name XARRAY, YARRAY, %integer %name NPTS, INC, LYNTYP, INTEQ) %external %routine %spec MIRROR (%integer %name ITYPE) %external %routine %spec NEW PEN (%integer %name INP) %external %routine %spec NEW PLT %external %routine %spec NUMBER (%long %real %name XPAGE, YPAGE, HEIGHT, FPN, ANGLE, NDEC) %external %routine %spec OPMES (%integer %name NCT, XMSG) %external %routine %spec PERFORM (%integer %name IPNM, IACC, MXVL) %external %routine %spec PLOTS (%integer %name ISF, INDEX, LDEV) %external %routine %spec PLOT (%long %real %name X, Y, %integer %name IPEN) %external %routine %spec ROTATE (%integer %name IROTE) %external %routine %spec SCALE (%long %real %name ARRAY, AXLEN, NPTS, INC) %external %routine %spec SETCHR (%integer %name CHRHGT, ASPRTO, SLANG, CHRANG, SETMDE) %external %routine %spec SYMBOL (%long %real %name XPAGE, YPAGE, HEIGHT, %integer %name IBCD, INTEQ, %long %real %name ANGLE, %integer %name NCHAR) %external %routine %spec TLRNCE (%integer %name LVARCS, LVCHAR) %external %routine %spec USRSYM (%integer %name ISYM, IOFSET, N) %external %routine %spec WHERE (%long %real %name RXPAGE, RYPAGE, RFACT) %external %routine %spec WINDOW (%integer %name INEX, %long %real %name XMIN, YMIN, XMAX, YMAX) %end %of %file