GET ".ECCE-HDR" GET ".SFO-HDR/3/S" STATIC { sin_last = ? // last secondary line - set by connect_sin sin_rec = ? // current secondary record number. noted_in_line = ? noted_in_pos = ? noted_out_line = ? noted_out_pos = ? pr_last = ? // primary file save area - 'last_line' pr_ml = ? // as above - 'ml' pr_cursor = ? // as above - 'cursor' pr_line = ? // as above - 'cur_line' sin_ml = ? // secondary input save area - 'ml' sin_cursor = ? // as above - 'cursor' sin_line = ? // as above - 'cur_line' } LET start_e6(fspec, v) BE /* Connect secondary input to 'fspec' if possible, no error report regardless. */ {1 so_stream := errorvalue noted_out_line, noted_out_pos := 1, 0 sin_stream := errorvalue UNLESS fspec%0=0 & fspec%5=0 RETURN // must be disc open filespec. sin_stream := open(fspec, 1, 1, v, 0) IF sin_stream < 0 RETURN // failed. sin_last, sin_ml := 0, 0 sin_cursor, sin_line := 0, 1 noted_in_line, noted_in_pos := 1, 0 { IF seek_next(sin_stream) = errorvalue THEN { sin_rec := 2 seek_page(sin_stream, 0) RETURN } sin_last +:= 1 } REPEAT }1 AND connect_sin(file, v) = VALOF {1 LET analysed = VEC 19 IF sin THEN switch_sin() UNLESS file = nil DO, analysed) IF file = nil | (analysed%0 = 0 & analysed%5 = 4) THEN { // Disconnect the secondary input stream. UNLESS sin_stream < 0 DO close(sin_stream) // if open then close. sin_stream := errorvalue // set undefined. RESULTIS TRUE } UNLESS analysed%0 = 0 & analysed%5 = 0 { writef("Not an open filespec*N") RESULTIS FALSE // not a filespec } IF sin_stream >= 0 THEN close(sin_stream) // if already connected. sin_stream := open(analysed, 1, 1, v, 0) IF sin_stream<0 THEN { print_fs_err(E4failcode) RESULTIS FALSE } sin_last, sin_ml := 0, 0 sin_cursor, sin_line := 0, 1 noted_in_line, noted_in_pos := 1, 0 reset_byte_count() { LET len = seek_next(sin_stream) IF len = errorvalue THEN { print_byte_count() sin_rec := 2 // record number of next 'get' record. seek_page(sin_stream, 0) RESULTIS TRUE } add_byte_count(len-1) // assume record length contains *L and *C sin_last +:= 1 } REPEAT }1 AND switch_sin() = VALOF {1 TEST sin THEN { // switch secondary input off. sin_ml, sin_cursor, sin_line := ml, cursor, cur_line sin := FALSE cue := ">" file_in_stream := 0 last_line, cur_line := pr_last, pr_line set_line(cur_line) ml := pr_ml cursor := pr_cursor } ELSE { // switch secondary input on. IF sin_stream <= 0 RESULTIS FALSE // cannot switch on if no file IF altered THEN { altered := FALSE // if current line changed then save it. store_line(cur_line, cur_len, line) } pr_last, pr_ml, pr_cursor, pr_line := last_line, ml, cursor, cur_line sin := TRUE cue := ">>" file_in_stream := sin_stream cur_line, last_line := sin_line, sin_last set_line(cur_line) ml, cursor := sin_ml, sin_cursor } RESULTIS TRUE }1 AND fetch_sin_line(num, line) = VALOF /* Fetch secondary line number 'num' into buffer 'line' and return length as result. */ {1 TEST num > sin_rec THEN FOR i=1 TO num-sin_rec DO seek_next(sin_stream) ELSE FOR i=1 TO sin_rec-num DO seek_last(sin_stream) sin_rec := num+1 // record number of next 'get' record. RESULTIS ReadUnpackedLine(line, line_bsz) + 1 // plus one for 'newline'. }1 AND insert_ln(n, offset) BE /* Insert secondary line number 'n' before current line in the primary file. If offset is non-zero then subtract it from the actual length. */ {1 LET v = VEC line_bsz LET l = fetch_sin_line(n, v) -1 IF l = errorvalue RETURN IF w_space = 0 THEN make_space(TRUE) add_byte_count(store_line(cur_line, l-offset, v+offset)) cur_line +:= 1 }1 AND insert_lines(first, last) BE /* Insert secondary lines from 'first' to 'last' before 'cur_line' in the primary file. */ {1 FOR i=first TO last DO { insert_ln(i, 0) check_for_interrupt() IF w_space > 0 THEN make_space(FALSE) }1 AND insert_string(num, len, offset) = VALOF /* Insert text from secondary line 'num' from word offset 'offset' before cursor in primary file. If at EOF then insert the text as a new line. If 'len' is negative then subtract it from the actual length of the line. */ {1 LET v = VEC line_bsz LET l = fetch_sin_line(num, v) - 1 IF len <= 0 THEN len := l+len TEST cur_line > last_line THEN { // Insert a new line make_space(TRUE) add_byte_count(store_line(cur_line, len, v+offset)) cur_line +:= 1 make_space(FALSE) } ELSE { IF cur_len + len > line_bsz RESULTIS FALSE shuffle(len) copy_cells(len, v + offset, line+cursor) cursor +:= len add_byte_count(len) } RESULTIS TRUE }1 AND abstract_in(start_line, start_pos, end_line, end_pos) = VALOF {1 LET lines = end_line - start_line IF lines < 0 RESULTIS FALSE IF lines = 0 THEN { // Insert text before cursor. LET l = end_pos - start_pos IF l <= 0 | l + cur_len > line_bsz RESULTIS FALSE insert_string(start_line, l , start_pos) RESULTIS TRUE } TEST cursor = 0 THEN { insert_ln(start_line, start_pos) make_space(FALSE) } ELSE { // Insert first line before cursor. IF cursor + start_pos > line_bsz RESULTIS FALSE insert_string(start_line, -start_pos, start_pos) break_line(1) } // Insert remaining complete lines before current line. IF lines > 1 THEN insert_lines(start_line+1, end_line-1) IF end_pos = 0 RESULTIS TRUE IF end_pos + cur_len > line_bsz RESULTIS FALSE insert_string(end_line, end_pos, 0) RESULTIS TRUE }1 AND connect_so(file, v) = VALOF {1 LET analysed = VEC 19 IF file = nil THEN { // Disconnect secondary output stream. UNLESS so_stream < 0 DO close(so_stream) so_stream := errorvalue // set undefined. RESULTIS TRUE }, analysed) UNLESS analysed%0 = 0 { writef("Not a filespec*N") RESULTIS FALSE } IF so_stream >= 0 THEN close(so_stream) // if already connected. set_defaults(analysed) so_stream := open(analysed, 7, 1, v, 0) IF so_stream < 0 THEN { print_fs_err(E4failcode) RESULTIS FALSE } noted_out_line, noted_out_pos := 1, 0 RESULTIS TRUE }1 AND write_text(num, len, offset) = VALOF {1 LET v = VEC line_bsz LET r = ? LET l = fetch_line(num, v) - 1 IF len <= 0 THEN len := l+len r := WriteUnpackedLine(len, v + offset) UNLESS r = errorvalue DO add_byte_count(len + 1) RESULTIS r = errorvalue -> E4failcode, 0 }1 AND write_lines(start, fin) = VALOF {1 LET v = VEC line_bsz FOR i=start TO fin DO { LET l = fetch_line(i, v) IF WriteUnpackedLine(l-1, v) = errorvalue RESULTIS errorvalue add_byte_count(l) check_for_interrupt() } RESULTIS 0 }1 AND abstract_out(start_line, start_pos, end_line, end_pos) = VALOF {1 IF start_line = end_line THEN { IF start_pos >= end_pos RESULTIS errorvalue RESULTIS write_text(start_line, end_pos-start_pos, start_pos) } UNLESS write_text(start_line, -start_pos, start_pos) = 0 & write_lines(start_line+1, end_line-1) = 0 DO RESULTIS E4failcode IF end_pos = 0 RESULTIS 0 RESULTIS write_text(end_line, end_pos, 0) }1 AND do_a(rep) = VALOF {1 LET ok, r = ?, rep reset_byte_count() { TEST sin THEN { switch_sin() // select primary file. file_in_stream := sin_stream // since 'switch_sin' deselects it. ok := abstract_in(noted_in_line, noted_in_pos, sin_line, sin_cursor) switch_sin() // re-select secondary file. } ELSE { IF so_stream < 0 | noted_out_line > cur_line RESULTIS 0 file_out_stream := so_stream ok := abstract_out(noted_out_line, noted_out_pos, cur_line, cursor) file_out_stream := 0 TEST ok = 0 THEN ok := TRUE ELSE { UNLESS E4failcode = 0 DO filing_error(so_stream, E4failcode) ok := FALSE } } r -:= 1 } REPEATWHILE ok & r > 0 print_byte_count() RESULTIS ok -> rep, 0 // number of repetitions completed. }1 AND do_n() = VALOF {1 IF cur_line > last_line RESULTIS 0 // cannot Note at EOF. TEST sin THEN noted_in_line, noted_in_pos := cur_line, cursor ELSE { IF so_stream < 0 RESULTIS 0 // failure noted_out_line, noted_out_pos := cur_line, cursor } RESULTIS 1 }1 AND value_n() BE /* Display value of noted position on current output stream. */ {1 LET format = "Line: %n, character: %n*N" TEST sin THEN writef(format, noted_in_line, noted_in_pos) ELSE writef(format, noted_out_line, noted_out_pos) }1