SECTION "E1" GET ".ECCE-HDR" GET ".SFO-HDR/3/S" LET next_ch() = VALOF /* RETURN next character from cmd_line and place it in 'SYM'. Return 'SYM' if successfull, '*N' if end of line. */ {1 sym:= cmd_pos>cmd_line!0 -> '*N', cmd_line!cmd_pos RESULTIS sym }1 LET skip_ch() BE UNLESS cmd_pos>cmd_line!0 DO cmd_pos+:=1 LET read_ch() = VALOF /* As for 'NEXT_CH' but advances cmd_pos by one character position. */ {1 IF next_ch()='*N' RESULTIS '*N' skip_ch() RESULTIS sym }1 LET badsyntax(err, command, punctuation) BE {1 LET s = VALOF SWITCHON err INTO { CASE 1: RESULTIS "Command " CASE 2: RESULTIS "Text for " CASE 3: RESULTIS "Too long" CASE 4: RESULTIS "Overflow" CASE 5: RESULTIS "Brackets" CASE 6: RESULTIS "Macro recursion" CASE 7: RESULTIS "Undefined: " CASE 8: RESULTIS "Failure: " } writes(s) UNLESS command=0 DO wrch(command<0 -> -command, command) UNLESS punctuation=0 DO wrch(punctuation) newline() UNTIL sym='*N' DO read_ch() // skip to end of line resetmacros() condcode:=condcode|2 longjump(pars.level, pars.return) // RETURN to parse LOOP }1 AND on.eof.DO() BE {1 selectinput(withstream) endread() withstream:=findinput("WITH") REPEATUNTIL withstream>=0 IF null_stream(withstream) THEN { close_down() stop(0) } selectinput(withstream) }1 AND next_sym() = VALOF {1 WHILE macroptr \= 0 & macroptr!0='*N' DO { mspos:=mspos-1 macroptr:=macrostack!mspos } sym:= macroptr=0 -> next_ch(), macroptr!0 RESULTIS sym }1 AND skip_sym() BE TEST macroptr=0 THEN skip_ch() ELSE macroptr:=macroptr+1 AND read_sym() = VALOF {1 next_sym() skip_sym() RESULTIS sym }1 AND typemap(symbol) = (symbol-'!')!table // ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > // ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M // N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ // ] ^ _ ` 0, 0, 0, 0,15, 0, 1, 8, 9,12,16, 8,14, 0, 0, 12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12, 0,10, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 2, 2, 3, 6, 3, 7, 2, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 6, 4,11,11,11,11, 0,13, 0, 0, 0, 0 AND next_item() = VALOF {1 WHILE next_sym() <= ' ' DO skip_sym() IF sym='*N' THEN { type:=10 RESULTIS type } sym:=upperCASE(sym) // convert to upper CASE type:=typemap(sym) RESULTIS type }1 AND next_token(macro_e) = VALOF {1 { UNLESS next_item()=11 & macro_e RESULTIS type skip_sym() macrocall(sym) } REPEAT }1 AND read_token(macro_e) = VALOF {1 next_token(macro_e) TEST 12<=type<=13 THEN readnum() ELSE skip_sym() RESULTIS type }1 AND checkeol() BE {1 IF next_sym() <= '*S' DO read_token(TRUE) UNLESS sym='*N' | SYM=';' DO badsyntax(1,0,'?') }1 AND macrostart(sym) = (sym-'W')*mdefmax+macrodef AND macrocall(name) BE {1 LET defn=macrostart(name) IF defn!0='*N' THEN badsyntax(7,name,0) IF mspos>=macromax THEN badsyntax(6,0,'!') macrostack!mspos:=macroptr mspos:=mspos+1 macroptr:=defn }1 AND resetmacros() BE {1 macrostack!0:=0 // to terminate 'UNWIND' macroptr, mspos:= 0,1 }1 AND readstring(fspec) BE {1 FOR i=1 to fspecmax DO { IF read_sym()='*N' THEN { fspec%0:=i-1 RETURN } fspec%i:=sym } }1 AND specialcom() BE {1 LET ptr=0 LET c= ? skip_sym() read_token(FALSE) SWITCHON sym INTO { CASE '%': checkeol() work_stats() RETURN CASE 'A': condcode:=8 wind_up(abort_run) RETURN CASE 'C': wind_up(close_run) RETURN CASE 'E': wind_up(exit_run) RETURN CASE 'F': CASE 'M': CASE 'Q': // monitoring control { LET c=sym checkeol() monflag:=c RETURN } CASE 'H': TEST read_token(FALSE) = 10 THEN { checkeol() horiz.start:=0 } ELSE { UNLESS (sym='=') & next_token(FALSE)=12 DO badsyntax(1,0,'?') read_token(FALSE) IF num>line_bsz THEN badsyntax(1,0,'?') checkeol() horiz.start:=num } RETURN CASE 'L': checkeol() uc_terminal := FALSE RETURN CASE 'O': // connect so_stream. TEST next_token(FALSE) = 10 THEN { connect_so(0, 0) // disconnect. skip_sym() } ELSE { LET fspec = VEC fspecmax/bytesperword UNLESS sym = '=' DO badsyntax(1, 0, '?') skip_sym() readstring(fspec) IF fspec%0 = 0 THEN badsyntax(1, 0, '?') connect_so(fspec, page_buffs+page_csz) } RETURN CASE 'P': // prompt control checkeol() prompting := ~prompting RETURN CASE 'R': // remark (comment) until read_sym() = '*N' DO wrch(sym) newline() RETURN CASE 'S': // secondary input TEST next_token(FALSE)=10 THEN { UNLESS switch_sin() DO badsyntax(8,'%','S') monitorline(TRUE) skip_sym() } ELSE { UNLESS sym = '=' DO badsyntax(1,0,'?') { LET fspec = VEC (fspecmax/bytesperword)+1 skip_sym() readstring(fspec) IF fspec%0 = 0 THEN badsyntax(1, 0, '?') connect_sin(fspec, page_buffs) } } RETURN CASE 'U': checkeol() uc_terminal := TRUE RETURN CASE 'V': read_token(FALSE) SWITCHON sym INTO { CASE 'W': CASE 'X': CASE 'Y': CASE 'Z': { LET c=sym checkeol() ptr:=macrostart(c) writef("Macro %C ",c) TEST ptr!0 = '*N' THEN writes("is undefined") ELSE { writes("= ") UNTIL ptr!0 = '*N' DO { wrch(ptr!0); ptr:=ptr+1 } } newline() RETURN } CASE '=': checkeol() writef("Line: %N, character: %n", cur_line, cursor) UNLESS cur_tag = null DO writef(" tag: %c (%n)", cur_tag, tag_pos) newline() RETURN CASE 'S': writes("Secondary input file is ") TEST sin_stream < 0 THEN writes("undefined*N") ELSE print_filespec(sin_stream) RETURN CASE 'O': writes("Secondary output file is ") TEST so_stream < 0 THEN writes("undefined*N") ELSE print_filespec(so_stream) RETURN CASE 'N': value_n() // display value of noted position. RETURN DEFAULT: badsyntax(1,0,'?') } CASE 'W': CASE 'X': CASE 'Y': CASE 'Z': // macro definition { LET c=sym read_token(FALSE) UNLESS sym = '=' DO badsyntax(1,0,'?') ptr:=macrostart(c) FOR i=0 to mdefmax-1 DO { ptr!i:=read_sym() IF sym='*N' THEN RETURN } ptr!0:='*N' badsyntax(3,0,'!') DEFAULT: badsyntax(1,0,'?') } }1 AND unchain() = VALOF {1 LET old = 0 { IF chain=0 THEN badsyntax(5,0,'?') old:=chain chain:=chain!c.text old!c.text:=cptr // ptr to ')' IF old!c.code = 'X' THEN RESULTIS old } REPEAT }1 AND builddesc (code, lim, text, rep, flags) BE {1 IF cptr+c.size > tptr THEN badsyntax(3,0,'!') cptr!c.code, cptr!c.lim:=code, lim cptr!c.text, cptr!c.repno:=text,rep cptr!c.flags:=flags cptr:=cptr+c.size RETURN }1 AND readnum() = VALOF {1 SWITCHON read_sym() INTO { CASE '**': CASE '0': num:=star; ENDCASE CASE '?': num:=1; ENDCASE CASE '\': num:=1; flags|:=sbit_invert; ENDCASE DEFAULT: num:=sym-'0' WHILE '0'<=next_sym()<='9' DO { num:=num*10+sym-'0' skip_sym() UNLESS 0<=num<=max_no THEN badsyntax(4,0,'!') } RESULTIS num } flags |:= sbit_ignore // set for ignore AND invert conditions. RESULTIS num }1 AND accepttext() BE {1 LET term, ptr, count=sym, tptr, 0 skip_sym() IF term = '"' THEN { text := -1 RETURN } IF term = '@' THEN { text := read_sym() IF sym = '*N' THEN badsyntax(2, code, '?') flags |:= sbit_tag RETURN } { TEST next_sym()='*N' THEN { IF cmd_type>5 THEN badsyntax(2,code,'?') BREAK } ELSE IF sym=term THEN { skip_sym() BREAK } tptr:=tptr-1 tptr!0:=sym skip_sym() count:=count+1 } REPEAT IF count=0 & cmd_type \= 4 THEN badsyntax(2,code,'?') tptr:=tptr-1 // next free location ptr!0:=count text:=ptr }1 AND acceptplus() BE IF next_token(TRUE) = 16 THEN { code := -code skip_sym() } AND acceptminus() BE IF next_token(TRUE) = 14 THEN { code:=-code skip_sym() } AND acceptnum(n) BE IF 12<=next_token(TRUE)<=13 THEN { read_token(TRUE) !n:=num } AND decodecommand () BE {1 cmd_type:=read_token(TRUE) code:=sym SWITCHON cmd_type INTO { CASE 9: text:=unchain() code:='Z' acceptnum(@(text!c.repno)) RETURN CASE 8: code:= code='(' -> 'X', 'Y' text:=chain chain:=cptr RETURN CASE 7: acceptminus() searchlim:=0 CASE 6: acceptnum(@searchlim) IF type=13 THEN badsyntax(1,0,'?') flags:=0 // in case '*' specified for searchspace. CASE 5: CASE 4: IF code = 'V' THEN acceptplus() UNLESS next_token(TRUE)=0 DO badsyntax(2,code,'?') accepttext() CASE 2: acceptnum(@repno) IF cmd_type=4 & type=12 THEN badsyntax(1,0,'?') RETURN CASE 3: acceptminus() acceptnum(@repno) RETURN CASE 1: RETURN DEFAULT: badsyntax(1,code='*N' -> 0, code,'?') } }1 AND system_call() BE {1 LET v = VEC fspecmax/bytesperword skip_sym() readstring(v) TEST v%0 = 0 THEN sys_return() ELSE { TEST v%0 = 1 & typemap(v%1) = 11 THEN { macrocall(v%1) readstring(v) // macro expansion. } ELSE IF v%0 = 1 & v%1 = '!' THEN { sys_command(sys_line) RETURN } copy_string(v, sys_line) sys_command(sys_line) } }1 AND unwind() BE {1 LET n = ? skip_sym() next_token(FALSE) TEST type = 10 THEN { checkeol() n := 1 } ELSE TEST type = 12 THEN { read_token(FALSE) checkeol() n := num } ELSE badsyntax(1, 0, '?') UNLESS undo(n) DO writef("Undo incomplete*N") }1 AND initcline(cline) BE {1 cptr, tptr:= cline, cline+clinemax validlast:=FALSE chain:=cline builddesc('X',1,0,1,0) }1 AND parseline(cmds, cline) = VALOF {1 pars.level:=level() pars.return:=parsereturn // 'badsyntax' uses longjump to here cmd_line:=!cmds IF cmd_line!0=0 & macroptr=0 RESULTIS FALSE cmd_pos:=1 { next_token(TRUE) IF sym=',' | sym=';' THEN { skip_sym() LOOP } IF sym = '!' THEN { system_call() LOOP } IF sym = '%' THEN { specialcom() LOOP } IF sym = '-' THEN { unwind() LOOP } IF 12<=type<=13 THEN { UNLESS validlast DO badsyntax(1,0,'?') read_token(TRUE) checkeol() cline!c.repno:=num BREAK } IF sym='*N' RESULTIS FALSE initcline(cline) { text, searchlim, repno, flags := 0, 1, 1, 0 decodecommand() builddesc(code,searchlim,text,repno,flags) } REPEATUNTIL next_token(TRUE)=10 unchain() // result is 'CLINE' UNLESS chain=0 DO badsyntax(5,0,'?') builddesc('Z',1,cline,1,0) builddesc(0) // tie off commands validlast:=TRUE BREAK } REPEAT cmd_line!(cmd_pos-1):=cmd_line!0-cmd_pos+1 !cmds:=cmd_line+cmd_pos-1 RESULTIS TRUE parseRETURN: RESULTIS FALSE }1 /* debug++ AND displaycommandline(line) BE {1 LET cptr=line AND code=cptr!c.code until code=0 DO { LET tptr=cptr!c.text wrch(code) writen(cptr!c.lim) wrch(' ') TEST tptr=0 | code='X' | CODE='Y' | CODE='Z' THEN writen(tptr) ELSE { LET count=tptr!0 tptr:=tptr-1 wrch('*'') until count<=0 DO { wrch(tptr!0) tptr:=tptr-1 count:=count-1 } wrch('*'') } wrch(' ') writen(cptr!c.repno) wrch(' ') cptr:=cptr+c.size code:=cptr!c.code } newline() }1 =========== end of debug code ============ */ AND failmessage(fptr) BE {1 LET code, lim= fptr!c.code, fptr!c.lim LET text, rep= fptr!c.text, fptr!c.repno LET flags = fptr!c.flags writes("Failure: ") TEST code='Z' THEN writes("(..)\") ELSE { TEST code<0 THEN { code:=-code wrch(code) wrch(code = 'V' -> '+', '-') } ELSE wrch(code) UNLESS lim=1 & code\='F' DO TEST lim=star THEN WRCH('**') ELSE UNLESS code='F' & lim=0 DO writen(lim) TEST text < 0 THEN wrch('"') ELSE UNLESS text=0 | code >='X' DO { TEST (flags & sbit_tag) \= 0 THEN { wrch('@') wrch(text) } ELSE { wrch('*'') FOR i=1 to text!0 DO wrch(text!-i) wrch('*'') } } TEST (flags & sbit_invert) \= 0 THEN wrch('\') ELSE UNLESS rep=1 DO writen(rep) } newline() condcode|:=4 }1 AND wind_up(opt) BE {1 checkeol() IF close_down(opt) = 0 THEN stop_prog(condcode) }1 AND stop_prog(code) BE {1 condcode := (code>8 | batch -> code, 0) longjump(stop_level, stop_lab) }1 AND recover() BE /* This is called by module "E3" on detecting either an error on the workfile or cell overflow. It attempts to tidy up to a defined state and then jumps to a recovery label in order to return to command level. */ {1 // No need to worry if we were doing an abstract_in when overflow occured // since secondary input will be disabled anyway and 'switch_sin' will // restore the correct line. UNLESS w_space = 0 DO make_space(FALSE) UNLESS sin DO cue := ">" // in case failed during 'get'. IF file_in_stream = fromstream THEN { close(fromstream) file_in_stream := 0 fromstream := errorvalue selectinput(withstream) selectoutput(outstream) print_byte_count() } disable_interrupt() // else user will loose next char. longjump(stop_level, recover_lab) }1 AND start() BE {1 MANIFEST { num.streams=3*sfo.entrysize+maxstreamno page.buff.size = 11 // 10 pages for FROM & TO plus 1 page for LOG. } LET v = VEC mdefmax*macromax macrodef:=v { LET v = VEC fspecmax/bytesperword sys_line := v { LET v = VEC line_bsz quote_text := v { LET v = VEC 1000 undo_stack := v { LET v = VEC macromax+1 macrostack:=v { LET v = VEC (block_csz*3)+256+9 // three pages - page aligned work_space:=((v+256) >> 8) << 8 { LET v = VEC 200 proforma:=v { LET v = VEC line_bsz line:=v { LET cline = VEC clinemax LET fspec = VEC 19 LET streamvec = VEC LET v = VEC page.buff.size*page_csz+256 LET cmds = VEC cmd_max LET p = "ECCE FROM 0 TO 0 [] WITH 0 [****] WORK 0 [/(S200)] * *OUT 0 [**M] LOG 0 [/(S20).ECCE-LOG] OPT 252 []" { LET R = INIT_PROFORMA(p, proforma, 200) IF R<0 THEN stop_prog(8) } page_buffs := ((v+256)>>8)<<8 stop_level := level() stop_lab := stoplabel recover_lab := recoverlabel monflag:='M' condcode:=0 // no errors yet!!! resetmacros() FOR i=0 to mdefmax*3 BY mdefmax DO macrodef!i:='*N' validlast:=FALSE cue := ">" horiz.start:=0 sys_line%0 := 0 // initially empty. uc_terminal := FALSE // assume a lower case terminal. init.sfo(num.streams,streamvec) find_args(fspec) prompting := vdu_stream(withstream) // TRUE if interactive device. selectoutput(outstream) selectinput(withstream) { LET today = VEC 5 LET now = VEC 5 date(today) timeofday(now) writef("ECCE Mk:%N Issue:%N%C on %S at %S*N", mark, issue, subissue, today, now) } // // The following order or calls for initialisation is important since // 'start_e2' may not return if a workfile error is detected and // if 'start_e6' were after then it would'nt be called. // start_e6(fromptr, page_buffs) // connect secondary input to main. start_e2() // Come here after call on 'recover' due to major system error. recoverlabel: { LET failptr, r = ?, ? LET cmd_ptr=cmds r:=get_line(cmds, cmd_max) IF r = errorvalue THEN {; LOOP } WHILE parseline(@cmd_ptr, cline) DO { //debug++ displaycommandline(cline) failptr:=execute(cline) UNLESS failptr=0 DO failmessage(failptr) monitorline(FALSE) } } REPEAT // Only come here on exit via procdure 'stop_prog'. stoplabel: stop(condcode) }1